Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 128

Chapter 128 Give Qin Generals A Military Theory Lesson! (15)


Meng Wu glared at Qin Feng and shouted a little sullenly.

This kid, it’s obvious he’s finding fault!

“General Meng, why bother with the young general? Listen carefully! 35

Wang Jian waved his hand and stopped,

“Let’s hear Qin Feng finish, it’s not too late for us to make a judgment. 35

“Humph!” Meng Wu snorted coldly and turned his head away, looking like he didn’t want to see him.

Wang Jian turned to look at Qin Feng and said with a smile:

“You keep talking.

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

“The kid said this, not intentionally to contradict General Meng, but based on evidence.

He points to the military map, Road,

“Look, all generals – Ying Chen, Yangcheng, and Shangcai will be the three stronghold cities where our army and the Chu army confront each other, with a combined army of 600,000 people!”

“And what about Xiang Yan? Here he is – Danyang! So how many troops does he have?”

“The old general said just now that there are about 100,000 Chu soldiers and 200,000 people, and it’s barely 400,000 people!”

“And these 400,000 people are still patched together, borrowed from major families, and the real professional soldiers are less than 40,000!”

“Therefore, I assert that the combat power of these 400,000 people is definitely less than half of my Daqin’s 19! Not even half!

When the generals heard the words, they all nodded in approval.

Even Meng Wu turned his head, glanced at Qin Feng, and said in a loud voice:

“You also know that the battle strength of the Chu army is less than half of my Da Qin’s, so what’s wrong with the general’s theory of quick victory?!”9

“Can’t an adult fight with a young man and act cautiously? It’s better to knock it down with one blow!

As he said that, he also threw a punch, and the tiger was full of wind!

Wang Jian frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

He did not like the metaphor of Meng Wu.

“That’s a bad word! Fighting is not a children’s fight, and General Meng doesn’t want to play with children! 99

Qin Feng said solemnly,

“Haven’t you heard that Sun Tzu’s Art of War has something to say: ten to surround him, five to attack, to divide the enemy if he is doubled, to fight if the enemy is too small, to escape if he is too small, or to avoid it if he is not?

Meng Wu was even more dissatisfied now.

“You discuss the art of war with General Ben? Haha! 35

he sneered.

“Boy, have you seen Sun Tzu’s art of war clearly? Five attack them, and the double is divided! This just coincides with the general’s theory of quick victory!

“You smashed yourself in the foot with a military book!

Qin Feng shook his head.

“The boy naturally sees the art of warfare. If General Meng said so, then the boy would dare to ask—”

He stared at Meng Wu and asked,

“General Meng, do you really understand the art of war?

Meng Wu’s smile froze slightly.

“If this passage of Sun Tzu’s Art of War is entangled in its superficial meaning, it will flow into the lower class! Art of War is not read in this way.”

Qin Feng said solemnly,

“When we read the art of war, what we want to grasp is its core essence!

“Let’s listen to this sentence again – the upper armies will attack the plot, the second will attack the Jiao, the second will attack the soldiers, and the lower will attack the city!

“Then, combined with the previous sentence, combined with the whole of Sun Tzu’s Art of War, what is he trying to express?”

“I said, the core meaning is just one word – victory! Use the best and most efficient means to gain victory and achieve victory! This is the best means!

“If strategy can lead to victory, then strategy can lead to victory; if diplomacy can lead to victory, then diplomacy can lead to victory…”

“Winning situation is something that military strategists like me must pursue! All factors that may be detrimental to winning situation must be eliminated!”

Inside the large tent of the Chinese army, silence fell.

All the generals were digesting Qin Feng’s words.

No one thinks that this kid is rhetoric. Every general who has actually led troops to fight knows how many dry goods there are!

A brand new angle of entry, giving people a deeper sense of comprehension of the art of war!

Wang Jian nodded lightly and looked at Qin Feng with deep appreciation.

He had known for a long time that this kid had extremely high attainments in the art of war, and now he really is a blockbuster!

This argument, plus supplements, supplemented by actual combat cases, can already write a book and make a biography!

As for Meng Wu, although he was still displeased with Qin Feng’s sermon “the art of war is not read like this”, he was seriously thinking about Qin Feng’s words.

Qin Feng didn’t want to be a teacher for them, he opened his mind, and he continued:

“Then where do I look for Qin’s victory?”

“One word – steady!

“As long as you stay steady, even if the 600,000 of us bathe every day by the Han River for a hundred days, the Chu army won’t have to fight, and he will collapse!”


Many people couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

What the hell is this saying? It’s ridiculous!

“Why do you say that? Simple.

Qin Feng said with a smile,

“Because our Qin country is strong enough to hold on, but the Chu country is weak and has internal and external troubles, they can’t hold it!”

“We are right here against him Xiang Yan, neither sending troops nor inquiring, just stationed like this! For Xiang Yan, it is a high-hanging sword, just above his head! 35

He pointed to his head and said:

“Imagine that you are Xiang Yan, and you face each other like this every day. The consumption of food and grass is astronomical. How much pressure do you have?

“Imagine again that you are the king of Chu. As time goes by, the treasury has been emptied by Xiang Yan’s army, and the state of Chu will be dragged down, and you are still standing there! Do you complain? Do you doubt Xiang Yan? Yan has a different heart?”

“In another direction, you are a 060 Chu soldier, you don’t fight every day, you just guard the city, live a life of anxiety, your daily rations are getting less and less, you have not eaten the last meal, you are tired of war. Not tired of fighting? Negative or not? 99

Throwing out three roles in a row, all the generals fell into role-playing.

Even Meng Wu couldn’t help sighing and said:

“If I were any of these three characters, over time, I’m afraid I’d be driven crazy! 35

The crowd will feel the same.

Who can resist this!

“That’s right! That’s it, anyone else will be driven crazy!

Qin Feng clapped his hands,

“That’s why I said, our Qin army is stationed outside the city, and if we don’t move like this, our victory will increase day by day!””

“And the more Chu Jun dragged us, the more desperate he became!”

“Until a critical point is reached, the Chu army is about to collapse, and the food and grass are about to run out. At this moment – let’s find the right time, go down in one go, and drive straight to the capital of Chu State!”5

“So, isn’t it the most efficient, the least casualty, the best strategy?”

The generals nodded in succession.

They have been brought into Qin Feng’s rhythm, and they think what this kid is saying is so reasonable!!

Hey, your kid is really a genius!!.

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