Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 224

Chapter 224 Ying Zheng Begins To Teach Qin Feng The Way Of The Emperor! (25)

Qin Feng nodded.

“I see.”

he said,

“A country is like a giant ship, and the ruler is the captain who steers.35

“In the stormy seas, only experienced and skilled captains can ride the wind and waves! And those unqualified captains will lead the giant ship astray, and eventually the ship will be destroyed!”

After Ying Zheng heard this, his expression was slightly surprised.

“That’s right…your analogy is quite apt. 35

He appreciated,

“So, as a ruler of the country, you must be at the helm! It is only the most basic requirement that it not sink!

“And aspiring captains must drive the boat to make great progress!”

“This is why Ada is always reviewing memorials!”

“Do you know how many political affairs in Qin country need Ada’s approval and decision every day?

Qin Feng shook his head obediently.

“At least fifty pieces! Sometimes there are more than one hundred pieces left! For example, when you were in Chu Chu some time ago, I almost died of exhaustion without giving you Ada!”

Ying Zheng said solemnly,

“In addition to daily government affairs, there are also military affairs and financial affairs, move one and mobilize the whole body!

“These things all add up, and the resolution alone is a resolution for two days and one night!”9

“You say, is it hard?

Qin Feng nodded again and again.

“Bitter! It’s too bitter!” He squeezed Ying Zheng’s shoulder while persuading him, “Everything in a country is done by one person, can it not be hard and not tired? You…you should find someone to share the burden That’s right, don’t take everything on your shoulders.”

After pinching his shoulders, Qin Feng naturally caught Ying Zheng’s pulse and began to check his physical condition.


Ying Zheng sneered and said,

“Power is a thing that eats the marrow and knows the flavor, it’s easy to get rid of it, but it’s hard to get it back!

“Ada and I also thought about sharing some government affairs with the prime ministers to ease the burden.

“But in the end, I still didn’t divide government affairs to them, because pro-government is power, and division of power is division of power”!”

“Power is fluid, when others gain a decision, it means you lose a power!

“Fourth Young Master, you all know?”

Qin Feng was thoughtful, then nodded.

“Of course I do! Lord Xinling, Lord Chunshen, Lord Pingyuan, and Lord Mengchang. He enumerated, “They are all romantic figures, their power and prestige are unparalleled, and the limelight even overshadows the monarch!

clap clap!

Ying Zheng’s fingers tapped on the table.

“That’s right! Although they are not monarchs, they control the power of government affairs in the country, and even have access to military power!”

he said coldly,

“For example, the king of Xinling, Wei Wuji, dared to deceive the superior and conceal the inferior, stealing the military talisman and secretly sending troops to save Zhao! In the eyes of the widow, this is a capital crime! 35

“He is not the monarch, but has usurped the power of the monarch! But who gave him such opportunities and conditions?”

“In the eyes of the widow, it is King Wei! It is King Wei’s connivance and incompetence that makes him lose his absolute control over the country! 39

“Therefore, the widow will never go his old way! The widow would rather suffer and be tired than give up power! 35

Qin Feng was shocked!

Sure enough, the thoughts of the ancient powerhouses have something in common.

The idea of the adoptive father is similar to that of the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang who started a bowl in later generations.

They are all model workers, and they are all unwilling to give power to others!

Even in order to abolish the prime minister, he deliberately set up a “Hu Weiyong case”, implicated tens of thousands of people! Just to stabilize the imperial power!

And this kind of thinking, in Qin Feng’s view, is not good for him.

He wants to be a ruler!

His Majesty the First Emperor was unwilling to divide his powers, so how could he find a way to erode his power step by step and lay the foundation for becoming a minister of power?

It’s hard, it’s hard…

“Qin Feng, what Ada said, you must keep it in your heart!””

Ying Zheng stared at Qin Feng and said very seriously,

“The power you have must not be divided!”

“Even if you don’t have enough energy in the future, you must hold the core military regime tightly in your hands, and—”

“If you must hand over some power, you must also add many restrictions to that person, and it is best to arrange for someone to restrain him! This is the way to check and balance power! 95

“If you use this method of checks and balances well, you can control the world even if you don’t go to court!”

Qin Feng was thinking about how to be a powerful minister.

Ying Zheng was thinking about how to teach him the way of the emperor and make him a qualified quasi-emperor!

The thinking of the two people can be said to be completely different!

But the kernel is the same, just two words – in power!

“My son understands! But… it’s useless for you to tell me this.”

Qin Feng nodded, and then said with a smile,

“.||You said it, you won’t decentralize it.

“If you don’t divide power, where did I get the military regime? 99

When Ying Zheng heard the words, he smiled slightly.

“That’s for others, you are not others, you are Ada’s good eldest son.”

he laughed,

“Ada’s power will also be partly yours in the future.

He didn’t say a word – it’s all yours sooner or later!

“When you return to Xianyang, Ada will give you a military power and a political power! It is a private gift to you.

Ying Zheng said again,

“Are you looking forward to it? Hiss…”

He was talking, but his wrist hurt!

I saw that Qin Feng had already taken out a silver needle and meticulously acupuncture his acupuncture points.

“You’re having trouble with your stomach again, right?”

Qin Feng said angrily,

“Staying up late is the most damaging to the spleen and stomach! Coupled with your irregular diet, it will lead to a decline in gastrointestinal function!

“This disease, unless you consciously adjust your work and rest, otherwise (with Zhao) I can’t cure it!”

“Go to bed early, get up early, don’t stay up late, eat and drink warm water, do you hear?! 35

The tone of his present, with the overbearing orders of the doctor!

Ying Zheng listened, but did not feel unhappy at all, and said cheerfully:


“The affairs of the state of Chu have come to an end, and the widows can rest for a few days, so they must follow the doctor’s orders.

“When you wrote to Ada at that time, Ada went to bed before midnight! Isn’t that obedient?”

He seemed a little proud.

“Just that one day?” Qin Feng sneered, not giving face at all.

Ying Zheng smiled: “One day is also progress…”

Knowing that he was wrong, he quickly changed the subject and said:

“Come on, look!!””

“This is a begging book sent by King Jian of Qi, begging for fifteen cities to form a good relationship with the Qin State, and no swordsmen, look…

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