Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Help The Widow Find A Businessman Named Qin Feng! (35)

“This kid has so many crazy ideas.”

Ying Zheng was stunned, and then murmured.

Although he didn’t say anything good, in his heart, he secretly praised Qin Feng’s intelligence, and he was about to catch up with Lu Buwei, who is “quirky”!

Ghost boy! Why are you not the long-lost heir of a widow!

“Don’t mention it, Zhang Han.”

Ying Zheng restrained his thoughts, and then said,

“The owner of this brown sugar shop is named Qin Feng! The widow wants you to find out the details of this Qin Feng. It is best to find out all the eighteen generations of his ancestors!”

“Especially the parents and clans, none of them can be spared!”

“When necessary, you can also contact him in person.”

“Remember, you must give the most detailed information about him to the widow. If there is anything unusual, report it to the widow immediately! Of course, don’t disturb him. The widow has no ill intentions towards him.”

Zhang Han was slightly startled: “Uh… Wei!”

Why is the king suddenly interested in a businessman? Still need to check the eighteenth generation of ancestors?

Zhang Han couldn’t understand it, but King Qin’s mind was always unpredictable, he just needed to do his best.

After receiving the new task, Zhang Han turned around and left.

Ying Zheng, however, was still sitting on the soft couch, silent.

Yes, he still doesn’t give up.

His intuition told him that Qin Feng was definitely related to him! Definitely not two unrelated people!

From the first time I saw him, I had this feeling!

Since that road doesn’t work for the time being, let’s change the way of thinking and check it out from Qin Feng!

Perhaps, there can be unexpected gains!

After an unknown time, a voice suddenly came from the darkness:

“Your Majesty, the imperial physician order has been placed in the side hall.”

“Understood.” Ying Zheng’s tone was indifferent, but he did not get up immediately, and still sat quietly for a nap.

Side hall.

Xia Wuqi’s old face was pale, and cold sweat broke out.

An hour ago, he was still sleeping soundly in the bed, but suddenly, a group of swordsmen in black clothes broke into his house!

Before he could call for help, he was kidnapped by them and carried into a carriage!

At this time, Xia Wuqi was almost scared to pee! Thought someone was going to assassinate him! But even if he broke his head, he couldn’t figure out who was going to kill him.

In recent years, he has been very low-key, and he has never had a grudge against anyone!

With despair and anxiety, he desperately called for help a few times, and finally he got a reply:

“Shut up! Your Majesty wants to see you and talk to you!”

Xia Wuqi stopped for a moment, as quiet as a chicken.

Then, the carriage really drove into the royal city, and the swordsman in black robe threw him in the side hall and left quickly.

Then… Xia Wuqi looked at the maid who respectfully served tea, and the whole person was not well!

Why did the king invite him in such a way!

What is the purpose? !

I @#¥%…*@! ! !

Xia Wuqi just guessed at random, feeling more and more fearful in his heart.

He checked it out and didn’t know where he had offended the King of Qin!

And the unknown is the most terrifying! Because you have no way to start, no countermeasures!

That’s it… the passage of time every minute and second, it is almost five watch!

King Qin… still didn’t come!

Xia Wuqi’s mental strength was haggard, and he couldn’t stand it anymore. In the empty hall, he took a nap…

dong dong dong!

At this moment, a powerful footstep sounded!

“Emperor’s Order, are you sleepy?”

The voice rang in Xia Wuqi’s ears.


Xia Wuqi’s heart shrank suddenly, opened his eyes in a trance, and saw a face.

King Qin’s face!


The person he frightened almost fell to the ground, with no sleepiness at all, he quickly straightened his crown, tidied his clothes, and said timidly,

“Bye…by my king!”

Ying Zheng flicked his sleeves and took the throne.

“Don’t be alarmed by the imperial doctor. Come, see the seat and give tea.”

He gave an order.

The temple people brought chairs, and the maid served warm black tea.

With support, Xia Wuqi sat firmly on the seat and took a sip of black tea.

“Good tea!”

His eyes lit up, and he glanced at Ying Zheng cautiously. Seeing his normal expression, he boldly praised him just now,

“Brown sugar ginger mother, this is a good thing!”

“The old minister has been trying so hard to buy recently, but he couldn’t get it…”

Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

It seems that the popularity of brown sugar in Xianyang is indeed a fact. Anyone who comes here can recognize this thing and praise it.

As a shareholder, he was quite happy to see that his products were so popular.

“If the imperial physician order likes it, the widow will order someone to send it to your house and give you ten catties to try it out.”

Ying Zheng waved his hand,

“Come on, reward!”

The temple people on the side hurriedly recorded the words of King Qin, and turned around to find someone to implement them.

“How dare you dare…”

Xia Wuju waved his hands again and again and said carefully,

“No merit, no reward…”

“Your Majesty, I still don’t know why you summoned the old minister to come here. Could it be that Your Majesty is ill?”

The more normal the king is at this moment, the more abnormal he feels!

If it’s just an ordinary conversation, why dispatch the Iron Eagle Swordsman from the Black Ice Terrace!

Those guys, but they kill people without blood, eat people without salt, and see the existence of the King of Hell…

“The imperial physician ordered to help the widow see it first?”

Ying Zheng stretched out his wrist and smiled,


Xia Wuqi got permission and approached Ying Zheng a step away, then took a deep breath and calmed down.

His fingers lightly rested on Ying Zheng’s wrist.


“Hi… Your Majesty! Your body…”

After a while, Xia Wuqi opened his eyes and said in surprise.

“How is your body?” Ying Zheng smiled unabated.

“Your body seems to have recovered a lot! All aspects are very good!”

Xia Wuqi said in surprise,

“The previous dark disease lesions seem to have all disappeared, and the pulse is strong and powerful!”

“Did you listen to the old minister’s words recently and take time to walk and exercise? Or… the king has been blessed by God?!”

He was flattering, without showing any trace.

“Haha, that’s right! Widows often go out for a walk recently!”

When Ying Zheng heard this, he laughed loudly,

“When I was out for a walk, I came across a genius doctor who performed acupuncture for me. After only two incense sticks, I felt refreshed!”

Xia Wuqi’s eyes widened: “Acupuncture?!”

“The king actually met a master of acupuncture and moxibustion?”

he said,

“This method of acupuncture and moxibustion is extremely difficult to learn. You must not only be proficient in pathology, but also be extremely familiar with the structure of the human body. There are 365 acupuncture points, all of which are incomprehensible, before you dare to acupuncture!”

“If this person can take two sticks of incense, the king will be refreshed and his blood will be smooth… Could it be that he has encountered Bian Que, or has encountered Bian Que’s successor?!”

“Your Majesty, is that an old man with a childish appearance?”

No wonder he had such a guess.

The method of acupuncture and moxibustion has not yet been established in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but it will be perfected in the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, in this era, those who can practice acupuncture are definitely rare masters!

“Ha ha……”

Ying Zheng had a panoramic view of Xia Wuqi’s shock and was noncommittal.

It’s just the evaluation of Qin Feng’s medical skills in my heart, which is three steps higher!

That kid… is really a strange flower among geniuses, a peerless genius among strange flowers! ! *

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