Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 272

Chapter 272 Qin Feng’S Yin And Yang Weird Qi Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng Obediently Obeys (55)

It’s night, in Zhangtai Palace.

Qin Feng was on duty tonight, and by the way, he told Ying Zheng what happened today, which made Ying Zheng laugh.

“Good boy! You are so cruel to your partners! 39

Ying Zheng smiled and said,

“Ba Shi and Wu Shi are both good businessmen who obey the law and obey the law, especially Ba Widow Qing, who is very knowledgeable! Also has merit!”

“It is indeed too difficult for them to trace back their business taxes for the first two years.”

“Let’s do it! Give them a grace period of five years! According to the mortgage law you said, as for the interest… a nominal charge is enough.”

“The two of them have great use for the future as a father!

Qin Feng rolled his eyes in his heart.

The widow of Ba is clear-eyed?

That’s right, she later donated all her family wealth to your old mausoleum!

This so-called great use is to suck up their blood “one six seven” in a suitable way!

However, Qin Feng doesn’t want to worry about the future, so he shook his head and said:


“It must not be extended to five years, let alone a token interest!”

“Not only can’t you, you have to collect heavy interest!”

Ying Zheng frowned.

“Why?” he asked.

“Because the two of them are the richest people in the world, their every move will become a benchmark for businessmen.

Qin Feng responded,

“If the father and the king are extrajudicial to them, then you have personally weakened the majesty of the new business tax law!”

“They have merit, are the old aristocrats without merit? Are ministers without merit?”

“According to this system, everyone will come to intercede, will the money be collected? Is the new law still being implemented?”

Ying Zheng frowned.

His head was hot just now, but he didn’t think about it.

“As for charging interest, the same is true.

Qin Feng said again,

“The reason for giving them grace is because they really can’t pay for a while, so they gave them a mortgage.”

“The only purpose of the imperial court is to collect business taxes quickly and well! If interest is charged symbolically, then everyone will be delayed for three years or five years, which is also far away! 55

“So, it is best to pay the tax for the past three years in one lump sum! If you can’t do that, divide it into one year, two years, three years, five years, etc. to pay off the tax. The longer the time, the higher the interest!

“Only in this way, businessmen will pay their taxes as efficiently as possible, and will not dare to procrastinate!

Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, then nodded heavily.

“My son is right! It’s because of the lack of consideration for the father.”

He recognized,

“No matter what kind of preferential treatment the widow gives Ba Shi and Wu Shi, other merchants will want to follow suit!

“Therefore, only one person can be treated equally! Only then can the new law be implemented!

Qin Feng smiled slightly.

“Mencius said: Do not suffer from few but suffer from unevenness.”

he quipped,

“Everyone is miserable together, at least I dare not disapprove.

“If someone gets preferential treatment, the others who don’t get it will definitely be unbalanced, and they will complain and refuse to pay.

Ying Zheng laughed.

“That’s right! Some of Meng Ke’s theories still have merit!

he asked,

“Then you say, what is the best way to set the interest rate?”

Qin Feng didn’t even think about it, he opened his mouth and said:

“Pay in one year, 3 cents per year!

“Pay it off in two years, with an annual interest of 3 cents and 5 percent!””

“Pay in three years, 5 cents per year!”

“Pay off in five years, 7 cents per year!”

The reason why he didn’t need to think about it is because Qin Feng directly used the mortgage of later generations as a reference standard!

Generally, the mortgage is 20 or 30 years, and the annual interest is 5%, which is about 5 cents, which is consistent with the three-year interest rate he set.

Anyway, it’s ancient times! The heavier the harvest, the heavier it is! The feudal dross must be used!

‘so tall?”

Ying Zheng was surprised and said,

“Such a high interest rate, is it a bit too ugly to eat?”

After all, he also understands finances. When the treasury was empty, he also asked Dahao to borrow money, but the interest was at most one or two cents.

Qin Feng is based on three years and 5 points!

This is tantamount to adding another weight to the business tax in disguise!


Qin Feng wondered,

“When slaughtering sheep, does the butcher also consider whether the sheep is in pain?

“If that’s the case, just don’t eat it and let it go, okay?”

Ying Zheng: 6699

This kid is clearly mad at him!

“Okay, okay, it’s up to you! Businessmen can’t make waves anyway! Besides, your mortgage method is also a favor to them.

He said angrily,

“My father will inform the Shaofu and the Tingwei Office and ask them to introduce the Commercial Tax Supplementary Law.”

Qin Feng nodded happily.

This is a good politician..

“Let’s not talk about business tax, let’s talk about more important things.”

Ying Zheng said solemnly,

“I have been thinking about it for the past two days for my father, whether or not to reduce the agricultural tax, this is really a question. 35

“You have to think about it, it’s easy to go down, and you can gain countless praises and people’s hearts, but if you want to rise again in the future, it will be very difficult!

“You will analyze and analyze the father again… Is this agricultural tax going to be reduced?”

Businessmen are nothing, but farmers are the basics!

For farmers who farm, any slight change may cause a shocking movement!

That’s why, Ying Zheng has not announced the reduction of the agricultural tax – the matter is very important and needs to be considered!

“As a ruler, it is normal for my father to have concerns. 35

Qin Feng pondered for a moment, then said in a serious tone,

“But the minister thought that the agricultural tax will be reduced! And it is imperative!””

“You should know that after the extermination of Chu, there were hundreds of thousands of people with noble titles in Da Qin! My title of noble Qin is not a false title, it is a real title and a slave to them!”9

“Slave is fine, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t… But the field must be scored!

“But my land in Daqin has already been divided, so where can there be tens of millions of hectares of land to be divided for them?

Ying Zheng’s face was slightly ugly.

“It can be divided into Chu country and other countries…”

He weakly said,

Ying Zheng also knew that the heroic words that he uttered in his head at that time made Qin’s land bear a huge burden of 2.6!

How could Qin State have so much land allocated to these 600,000 knights?!

“Chu country? Qin people are willing to go to Chu country to farm land? Old Qin people pay attention to their homeland and hard to leave! It was so difficult in history that they didn’t leave, and now they have to migrate for a few pieces of land? 35

“I said, no way!

Qin Feng sneered,

“Take ten thousand steps back and say, even though some Qin people are willing to go to the state of Chu! But although the state of Chu has been destroyed, the people of Chu have not all died! Those lands still have owners! The people of Chu are still planting their own land and living their lives. my own days.”

“But now that you have given an order to let the Qin people directly grab their land, can they not be in a hurry, can they not be desperate?!”

“If you force it, I’m afraid that the old people of the five countries who have been wiped out will all rebel! For farmers, their fields are their lives!!””

“Therefore, the Qin state has no way of dividing land! Am I right? Father?!”

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