Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 What A Shame For The Transmigrators! (55)

“Be honest! Don’t talk!”

The Qin official in front gave an order, and then muttered,

“Does this kid have a backer surnamed Yin? Does my Daqin have a powerful person surnamed Yin?”

After searching in his mind, he felt relieved.

In Daqin, there are no nobles with the surname Yin, let alone ministers with the surname Yin, because this surname is extremely rare in Qin! It seems to be the surname on Qilu’s side.

“Stop struggling, it’s useless to ask for help, you have offended someone who can’t afford to offend!”

The Qin official sneered and said,

“If you dare to say another word, I will cut your tongue!”


All the way through the detention, Qin Feng came to a familiar place – the Xianyang government office.

But this time, instead of the soldiers, he went to the prison!

The prison of the Qin Dynasty was divided into three layers, namely the dungeon, the row prison, and the building prison.

The bottom one is the dungeon, which is also in the worst condition. The underground is dark and damp, and there are many snakes and insects.

The prisoners detained here are all repeat offenders, and in four out of ten cases, they will die due to the harsh environment and poor diet.

The middle-level prison is located on the ground, with slightly better conditions and better meals. The prisoners are all ordinary prisoners, and the prison time will not be too long.

On the other hand, the prison is a small high-rise. It even has a skylight in a good location. You can look out at the scenery outside. The people who are locked here are all officials and powerful people who have been imprisoned. They will be reopened at any time, or they may be directly beheaded!

As for why build a prison with better conditions?

Because the official who built the prison would also think, maybe one day he will enter…

“Room 5 in the dungeon, be quick, Jailer Yan is waiting!”

A jailer urged, and the yamen who detained Qin Feng nodded repeatedly and said yes, and quickly took Qin Feng to the cold and damp dungeon and locked him in Room No. 5.


The prison door is closed, and the heavy chain locks the latch to keep the prisoner from escaping!

Qin Feng stood there for a while, then sighed and began to look at his “bedroom”.

There is no daylight here, only the exit, there is a light coming in, allowing him to barely see the situation clearly.

The damp straw piles smelled musty, and unknown critters were crawling on the ground.

It’s so shabby that it doesn’t even have a table!

Either stand like this all the time, or sit on the ground, leaning against the moldy straw.

The ghost knows what little bosses there are, and he believes that there are snakes building nests inside!

“Damn, Laozi has been reduced to this, what a shame for the transmigrators!”

Qin Feng couldn’t help but cursed secretly,

“System, give me some strength! Can you give me some useful plug-ins!”

“Give Laozi a brown sugar shop, send Laozi to prison, slap!”

After a while of complaining, the system did not respond at all, as if there had never been a system.


Qin Feng scolded for a moment, his mood calmed down a little, and secretly said,

“Now I can only hope that Yu Molin can find Uncle Yin and let him save me.”

“Is that guy really that big yesterday? Just a word of disagreement can get you jailed?”

After a little analysis, he suddenly became a little worried-could Uncle Yin be that person’s opponent?

This ability to put people in jail at will, should not be underestimated!

However, what Qin Feng didn’t know was that it wasn’t how powerful Yan Le was, but his status.

He is a “new Qin countryman”. Before that, he was brought to Qin country by Yunlin, and Yunlin was a native of Chu country.

Although his identity as a citizen was recognized by the Qin state after the formalities were completed, he was still fundamentally different from the real “old Qin people”!

On the occasion of the war between the two countries, Yan Le was able to arrest people without any scruples, and all departments would not embarrass him.

If Qin Feng is an old Qin farmer, then Yan Le has great power, and without conclusive evidence, he will never have the power to arrest people!

Therefore, “Businessman” is a layer of debuff (negative gain), and “Old Chu People” is another layer of debuff.

With the addition of two layers of debuffs, it can be said to be humble enough to dust, and anyone who comes here can handle him!

Da da.

I don’t know how long it took, there was a sound of footsteps, and after the tinkling of the chains, the prison door opened.

A figure walked in holding a candle.

“Boss Qin Feng, we meet again.”

Yan Le looked at Qin Feng with disheveled hair in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he looked down condescendingly and said,

“How is it? Does it feel good to be in prison?”

Qin Feng turned his head.

It was the same person yesterday!

However, at this moment, he changed his clothes, with a complete crown, wearing black clothes, with a copper seal on his waist.

This means that the other party is a master!

“It turned out to be a prison guard, no wonder he can abuse his power and take people at will.”

Although he became a prisoner, Qin Feng still did not give in and sneered,

“Could it be that your Excellency doesn’t know that Qin Fa is strict? What right do you have to arrest my good family at will!”

“Don’t think that you can cover the sky with one hand if you are a prisoner, I will sue the Tingwei Office!”

Daqin was governed by a legal family, and naturally had its own strict legal system.

After the prisoner is arrested, if he disagrees with the judge’s judgment, he can appeal! The township can appeal to the county, the county can appeal to the county, and the highest can appeal to the Tingwei Office! That is the Supreme Court!

Of course, in order to avoid wasting administrative resources, if the original judgment is still maintained after the lawsuit is filed, the crime will be doubled!

If you go all the way from the township to the Tingwei Department, if the case is not overturned, then the punishment will be stacked, basically you don’t need to think about life, and even your family will be killed!

But if the case is overturned successfully, all the judges who made mistakes along the way will become prisoners!

It is for this reason that judicial officials strive to be fair and dare not show favoritism.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Feng dares to have the confidence to fight against Yan Le!

He has the right to appeal!

“Haha! Good family?”

Yan Le laughed and said,

“If it’s really a good family member, I wouldn’t dare to take you, but unfortunately, you are not!”

He took out a piece of paper and shook it in front of Qin Feng, his smile faded instantly, and said coldly:

“Four years ago, a Chu person took you to Xianyang to do business and opened a caramel shop.”

“That person from Chu did an examination for you and made you a person from Qin, but you are still a person from Chu in your heart!”

“Now that Qin and Chu are at war, a lot of Chu’s fine works have been uncovered. They all have the identity of Qin, but they are doing the activities of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country!”

“So, I arrest you, a businessman from the state of Chu. I suspect that you are a meticulous craftsman. It is completely reasonable and legal! The Tingwei Department only handles lawsuits from the state of Qin, and will never listen to your complaints from a Chu person!!”

“Now… do you still dare to be tough? Qin Feng from Chu?”*

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