Dark Blood Age

Chapter 767 - Bids Farewell to the Past, and Begins the New Life

Chapter 767: Chapter 767 Bids Farewell to the Past, and Begins the New Life


Facing the rain, Chu Yunsheng shouted in a sorrowful voice.

He had been contacting the Guardian every day, but he failed to get a response from it every time. He just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible now.

In the heavy rain, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky. It instantly split opened the clouds and formed a net of lightning above the yacht. The blazing high temperature vaporized the raindrops, causing a dark gray mist to surround the yacht, making the yacht look like it was sailing into a quiet ghost domain.

Then there was a tired and deep voice coming from the mist.

“Come with me, I will show you something.”

From the mist, a figure gradually emerged, dressed in a straight but futuristic style uniform. But the figure was not real, it was similar to something like a projection.

No one could see the person’s face clearly. It was very blurry, so no one knew who it was.

“You are the guardian?” Chu Yunsheng asked with slight suspicion.

Its sudden appearance surprised him very much. But he still stretched out his hand to signal the people who had also seen the sudden appearance of the figure inside the yacht to calm down.

The figure nodded, stepped to the bow of the ship, and hovered on the deck. Only after it got closer did people notice that there was a colorful halo behind it, which was probably caused by the projection, but it looked like a certain god in western mythology.

Vampires were not religious people. They were the people that had been abandoned by their creators, so there would not be any devotion and admiration in their hearts. But they would still be scared and panic, and this was also exactly caused by the fact that they had been abandoned by their creators.

“What do you want to show me?”

Chu Yunsheng had always been very wary of the guardian, even at this moment.

“The people you want to see.”

The guardian said lightly, his voice was still low and tired.


Chu Yunsheng was silent for a moment. After he realized something, he asked.

“You will know after you see them. Chu, I don’t have much time. If you are always this wary of me, you will waste both of our time. If I have to give you a reason, then you should treat it as my compensation for you.”

The guardian glanced at the ship. The look in his eyes instantly changed. To other people on the ship, the figure was constantly giving out a majestic aura. Everyone, including those vampires and Wen Luo, was unable to help themself but kneel down one by one. All of them lowered their heads while shivering repeatedly, not daring to look at them any longer. It was as if the figure standing not far away from them was the real god.

It was just a simple glance, Chu Yunsheng hardly felt any energy fluctuations, nor did he notice the sign of him using the harmonic waves. It was just a simple glance, but its effect was almost the same as Duo Neng Race’s and Song Ying’s mind-controlling ability,

Seeing the vigilance in Chu Yunsheng’s eyes, the guardian said in a low voice, “There are things they shouldn’t see.”

It paused for a second and then continued, “This is the most inconspicuous little ability of deity. If it weren’t for the heir to the Seven Nails to be too far away from the earth, with her Top Deity strength, you wouldn’t even have the opportunity to lift your weapon.”

“You may not like it, but I still want to warn you. As the heir to godhood, you are too weak, and you are no match for her. So if you encounter her in the future, it is best to stay as far away from her as possible. In fact, I still don’t understand why the owner of that book, who had the strength of Beyond Deity, left you the godhood... Maybe he knows some secrets about my creators, but I am not sure.”

“We need to hurry up, the space tunnel is very unstable. Come with me.”

After saying it, the guardian turned and disappeared in the ripples behind him.

Chu Yunsheng frowned. He hesitated for a moment but eventually followed in without looking back.

The Guardian needed him to guard the Seventh Era. Logically speaking, it wouldn’t do anything that would harm him at this time. Moreover, if it really wanted to harm him, it didn’t need to wait until now.


Chu Yunsheng didn’t feel anything when crossing the ripples.

When he came out of the ripples, the guardian was already waiting outside. Seeing Chu Yunsheng come out of the ripples, it turned around and cast its gaze at a group of refugees far away from them. “Don’t worry, we are still on earth. This is an energy borrowing tunnel that I temporarily set up, so that the beings like you and me can pass through. After you see them, we still have to go back.”

Chu Yunsheng raised his head and found that the rain here was much lighter. When he looked into the distance, there was still sunlight in the sky. Earlier on, it was still nighttime, but now it was daytime. If he was still on the earth, then it would only mean that this was the Eastern Hemisphere.

“Where is this?”

He walked a few steps forward and looked around. What surrounded them was the wilderness and hills. He was unable to see the specific location, so he stopped and turned his head to ask the guardian.

“Come with me, so you can take a closer look.”

The guardian pulled up Chu Yunsheng and flew into the sky. In a blink of an eye, they came to a barren field on the edge of a highway.

“We can’t get any closer, otherwise their interference will cause the borrowed energy to collapse on its own. You can see them from here.”

The highway was crowded with people and cars. All the cars were jammed on the highway, unable to move an inch forward for a very long time, and the crowd of people was only able to move forward slowly.

It was very noisy, even if Chu Yunsheng was in the barren field on the edge of the highway, he could still hear the noises coming from the highway.

“Chinese?” Listening to their voices, Chu Yunsheng frowned and said seriously, “What do you want me to see?”

The guardian did not answer him because it was no longer needed. After Chu Yunsheng finished speaking the last sentence, his body became stiff and he stood motionlessly like he had been struck by a bolt of lightning.

He saw a familiar person getting off a minibus. After the person opened the umbrella, another familiar person also got off the bus.

“How, how, how is this possible!”

The blood in Chu Yunsheng’s body almost froze at that moment. His head was blank, his mouth opened wide, and he could hardly speak.

No one was more familiar with the man and the woman holding an umbrella than him. Even until he died, he still couldn’t forget their appearance. That was his parents!

“No, how... They are, they are...”

He staggered a few steps forward with a blank mind. When he finally came back to his senses, he suddenly jumped up and rushed forward. But he was stopped by the guardian.

“No! I brought you here not to disrupt their lives. It is to untie the knot in your heart and help you to solve your mental struggle. Keep watching, you will see what I mean.” The guardian said seriously.

“Why? They are clearly them, but why can’t I find them? Why do they exist! ?” The guardian’s strength was so great that Chu Yunsheng couldn’t break free, but the shock already filled his mind.

He was sure that he was not mistaken. They were definitely his parents.

Seeing that the people who would only appear in his dream appeared in front of him, how was he able to control himself!

The guardian did not speak, but looked at them coldly, as if waiting for something.

“Dad, mom...”

Looking at his parents supporting each other, trying to squeeze through the crowd in the rain on the muddy road, Chu Yunsheng shouted tremblingly. He suspected that this was still a dream.

But if the guardian used such conditions to persuade him, even if it did not give him the Fake Deity, he would still be willing to guard the seventh era for it.

Tears mixed with rain gradually blurred his vision. He covered his mouth tightly and stood there blankly.

If this was a dream, he would rather never wake up!

At this moment, the third familiar shadow appeared. She got off a bus from behind and walked to meet his father and mother. Chu Yunsheng instantly recognized who she was.

It was Li!

It was the woman he had been thinking about day and night.

He believed that he must be dreaming.

Otherwise, how would this kind of thing be possible?

Chu Yunsheng no longer covered his mouth, but bit his hand very hard. He needed the pain to make him sober. He looked at the guardian again. At this time, he needed an affirmative answer from the guardian.

Probably knowing what Chu Yunsheng was thinking, the guardian shook its head and said, “you are not dreaming, this is real-”

Under great surprise, Chu Yunsheng shook off the guardian’s restraining hand. In order to prevent it from stopping him, he even used the black gas to force the guardian to stay back.

He wanted to see them, he wanted to tell them that he was still alive!

However, he stopped very soon.

Behind him, the guardian heaved a deep sigh.

At this point, there was no need for it to say the second half of the sentence because Chu Yunsheng himself had seen the fourth “familiar” shadow stepping off the bus.

The last person who appeared looked like him but was not him.

“He” was also holding a three or four-year-old girl in his arms. He took out a bottle of water from his backpack and handed it to his parents. Then the “family” seemed to be discussing something with each other about something...

Sometimes, they frowned with worries; sometimes, they smiled at each other, as if they could get through any difficulty as long as they stayed together.

Like everyone else, they got out of the bus to have some fresh air while there was only light rain. They held each other and took a rest on the side of the highway.

Chu Yunsheng stood in the rain, smiling sadly. He understood why the guardian wanted to stop him now.

That was not his Li, not his parents, and not his family. He was not part of it.

He could only smile miserably. The huge happiness and surprise turned into a bubble in an instant, and his mind went completely blank.

“Chu, they are not them, do you understand? Because of minor changes, they probably have different names. Originally, the space-time pit would not make this kind of mistake, but this time, there was an accident...” The Guardian stepped forward and said worriedly.

“Can I take them away?” Chu Yunsheng stared at the family that was supposed to be his but now was someone else’s and said quietly.

“Where can you take them? The new world, or the kingdom of God you want to go to?” The guardian sighed, “You know better than me in your heart that they are not them. They have their own personalities, their own joys, sorrows, and their lives. You have too many enemies, and they are too strong. Apart from bringing them even greater disasters, you can’t give them anything.”

“You want me to watch them suffer here?” Chu Yunsheng said after a moment of silence.

“Suffering? Yes, they are suffering, but they are having the same fate as everyone else here.” The Guardian said.

“But I can at least let them live in the new world safely and securely.” Chu Yunsheng said hurriedly.

“Then what are you going to tell them? You are their savior or their son? How do you want the woman you love to face you and her husband at the same time? And that little girl? Do you want her to call you father or uncle?” The Guardian sarcastically said.

Chu Yunsheng still wanted to say something, but the guardian sighed, “Chu, you have already ruined your life, do you want to ruin their life too!?”

Looking at the highway, Chu Yunsheng was silent.

The guardian stepped forward and continued, “They are no longer your family. They have no blood or relationship with you, and will never know you again. You are strangers to each other.

“Even with the technology of Tzolk’in civilization, they can also create clones that look exactly like them, but are they really them?

“I know you are still thinking about them, that’s why I take you here. I just want you to understand that the people you care about are dead and they can’t come back again. Even if you see people that look exactly like them, they are no longer them. Moreover, because you have experienced the world inside the node, so your mind isn’t exactly stable. If I don’t show you this, you might end up like the Pre-cambrian beings and unable to differentiate between what is real and what is not real.

“Whether you want it or not, you can’t look back now, you can’t go back to your previous life.

“If you still think that you owe them a good life, and if you don’t want to ruin their lives, just kneel down and kowtow to them for the last time, and then leave them alone. This is your tradition, right? So it’s time to really bid farewell to the past.”

Chu Yunsheng smiled miserably, then looked back at the guardian.

Chu Yunsheng knew that the guardian was right. If it hadn’t brought him here, he would’ve really lost his mind after he met them in the new world. He also knew that if he really went to see them now, he would only ruin their lives.

So he didn’t say anything anymore. He turned his head and slowly knelt towards the highway. Looking at the faces of the people he cared about and thinking of the voices and smiles of his parents in the past, he finally lowered his head. His face was already covered with tears.

His first kowtow was to thank his parents for giving birth to him.

His second kowtow was to thank his parents for raising him up.

His third kowtow was to say goodbye to his parents and apologize for being unable to take care of them.

His forth...

Chu Yunsheng kept kowtowing one after another. Originally, he just needed to do it three times, but he felt like three times would not be able to express the regret in his heart, so he kept doing it until the guardian stopped him.


“It’s time to go...”

The guardian pulled up Chu Yunsheng and sighed.

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