Dark God: I Was Treated As A Supreme God

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

122 Quick recovery! Two billion believers! The evil god is killed! (Subscribe)

As the life star reaches level 8, the scope of the shining is further increased.

Even the kingdom of gorse further north was illuminated by the starlight of the life star.

Lin Feng moved the life star to the south for a long time, and found that further south, there are still a large number of lost souls.

This huge sky continent in the sky world is really incomparably large in area!

In the entire area, it is not just the land. From time to time, you can see some huge lakes. These lakes regulate the climate of the entire Tiangong Continent.

These lakes, some of which are larger, can already be seen as oceans.

“There are five continents in the Tiangong world. The one below is the largest and the most populated. There are four other continents around this continent, and there are endless oceans between each continent.

Among the stars of life, Lin Feng, the goddess of the moon, talked about the composition of the dark world below.

In the past 20 days, the Moon Goddess has repaired an area of the Xiaotian Vault. Lin Feng felt that the evil spirit was about to come, so he called the Moon Goddess back.

“At its peak, the sky world had tens of billions of people, but unfortunately, it’s only one-tenth of what it used to be now.”

The Moon Goddess sighed and said.

The sky world has fallen into darkness for more than two hundred years.

In the past two hundred years, although the temperature has not dropped to freezing point due to the existence of magic, many plants can continue to grow, but the reduction of living resources is certain.

In addition, the dark matter blocked the magic power, so the magician had no way to extract the magic power, and the decline of magic directly caused the population of the dark world to decline sharply after more than two hundred years.

Like some former empires, after the Silver Moon Empire was sealed, there are still hundreds of millions of people.

After some other empires fell apart, the population of these empires dropped very sharply.

After an empire with a population of 500 million was separated into a large number of kingdoms and tribes, after more than 200 years of evolution, the population was only tens of thousands.

The human lifespan itself is short, and the survival materials are reduced. If you have too many births, you will not be able to feed at all. It is even more warned that there is the threat of dark beasts.

After the Moon Goddess finished speaking, Lin Feng learned a little more about the Heavenly Palace world.

The entire sky world is still incomparably huge, divided into five continents, each of which is magnificent.

The northernmost continent, which is covered with ice and snow all the year round, is equivalent to the north pole of the Earth.

However, the continent-shaped world is not the same as the earth star after all.

On the southern continent, there is no ice and snow, on the contrary, it is surprisingly hot. The crust there is relatively weak, and magma from the bottom of the sky world often rushes out, forming dense volcanoes.

There are no human beings on the north and south continents.

Humans are mainly distributed in the middle part, as well as the eastern continent where the Purple Flame Star is located, and the western continent that has not yet been illuminated by the stars.

The continent in the middle is extraordinarily vast, and the population in the past was extremely huge, with a large number of powerful empires, and the population also exceeded 10 billion.

However, the current population decline is too great.

On the Silver Moon Empire’s side, the surrounding area is currently included, and the population is currently more than 800 million, which is less than 900 million, an increase of nearly 400 million.

However, the area collected by the Silver Moon Empire exceeded seven or eight times its own area.

Those areas, the former population, were more than that.

With the continuous expansion of the Gorse Kingdom, the population has recently exceeded 100 million, but the population density around the Gorse Kingdom is even lower, and the decline is also very sharp.

Now, in this area of the Heretic God, there are quite a lot of people left.

One is the huge area.

Second, after the Heretic God turned these people into lost souls, they were sealed up like the Yinyue Empire.

“Master, those lost souls are trying to flee further south. 99

The eight-star life star, the range of illumination has expanded many times at once, illuminating a larger area around it, and directly illuminating a large area further south.

There, the Protoss found that a large number of lost souls were trying to escape south.

Needless to say, these lost souls must have been instructed by the evil god.

After the evil god found that his followers were powerless to resist the life star, he chose to let those lost souls flee southward within the range that the life star of level 7 did not reach before.

However, in ten or twenty days, how far can these lost souls escape?

The body of the lost soul is not endless, nor is it a perpetual motion machine, and can escape one or two hundred kilometers a day.

An ordinary person can walk 50 kilometers in a day.

What’s more, there are terrain factors.

In ten or twenty days, even if one can escape the rough kilometers, once the life star rises to level 8, the range of starlight irradiation has expanded more than ten times, and within the range of hundreds of millions of square kilometers, there can be very Bright starlight.

Further to the surroundings, although the starlight will attenuate, there is still starlight.

The range of illumination is very large.

Those who lost their souls were directly irradiated by the starlight.

It’s just that the skill range of the movement of life has not yet been incorporated into them.

After Lin Feng discovered these lost souls, Lin Feng was not polite and directly expanded the scope of the movement of life.

The Protoss also attacked frequently, hooking on the lost souls who were trying to hide in the forest.

Some of the Heretic God believers who led these lost souls were also found by the celestial spirits and focused on dealing with them.

Some of the Heretic God believers, with red light in their eyes, seemed to be possessed by the power of the Heretic God, trying to resist.

Lin Feng will immediately manipulate the life star, and if one energy goes down, it will be able to expel all the power of the evil god!

After fighting back and forth like this for a long time, the evil god found that he had no good way to take the life star.

Whenever you try to bring power to the believers to cause trouble, you will be discovered by the celestial spirit, and then the starlight will descend, and it will be OVER directly.

“Damn it, Damn it!”

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer followers of his own, he is constantly being restored to normal by Lin Feng through the life star, and he is full of anger in the eyes of the evil god who is rushing away from the sky world!

This evil god started early, and before the stars disappeared, he came to the world of heaven and left some miracles, so he was able to develop his own believers in the world of heaven.

Evil believers are different from ordinary believers.

It’s too easy to develop.

After decades of painstaking efforts, he has gained so many followers, and he will soon be able to sweep the entire sky world. As a result, Lin Feng Yun is here!

The point is, Lin Feng’s methods are still so powerful!

Just press him to death!

This made this evil god furious!

He didn’t think he couldn’t deal with Lin Feng, but felt that because he was too far away, although he could possess a believer, how could this kind of possession be compared to the coming of God’s real body?

Seeing that there is no good way to take Lin Feng’s life star, this evil god no longer spends his energy to make troubles in the sky world.

“When I kill you, turn you into my power, and turn all creatures in the entire sky world into my evil believers, I will be able to become a god comparable to the sixth form of dark creatures! 99

This evil god thought bitterly.

After the evil gods were no longer attached to the believers to do things, the life star continued to launch the movement of life.

“What happened to me? Why am I here?”

“Mom, where is my mother?”

“God, what’s wrong with me?


Below the Star of Life, in the area under the care of the Movement of Life, after the movement of Life was launched for more than 20 days, one after another, everyone was constantly awakening.

After these people woke up from fright, and after constantly regaining their memories, the entire scene was also in a panic.

Lin Feng sent all the Protoss to stabilize the order.

A large number of cavalry and a large number of magicians sent by the Gorse Kingdom have also entered these areas.

This large-scale awakening was even larger than that of the Silver Moon Empire.

Also messier.

Because that time in the Silver Moon Empire, everyone basically stayed where they were, staying where they were.

But this time, these lost souls had previously become followers of the Heretic God, and most of the lost souls had left their original places.

After these people wake up, they will inevitably be confused and dazed for a long time.

There may even be confusion.

Fortunately, the level of Life Star is high, and now when activating the skills, Lin Feng has been able to leave some hints in the subconscious of these people, so that these people know that God saved them.

The advantage of this is that, on the one hand, these people know that God exists and that God is protecting them, so they won’t be too flustered.

On the other hand, it is also possible to directly convert these people into believers.

Such steps are effective.

Although many people became incomparably dazed after waking up, but after receiving Lin Feng’s guidance, they were not too panicked, and there was no large-scale chaos.

The continuous progress of the movement of life also makes these people not need to think about food for a short time.

To the north, the people sent by the Gorse Kingdom had already brought a large amount of food.

In addition, these people came from different countries, Lin Feng found some former power holders, and let these people be responsible for gathering their own hands.

After all, the scale of the lost soul awakening was too great this time.

Every day, tens of thousands of lost souls wake up.

Getting this all right will take a lot of time.

In this way, over time, each day, more and more people recover.

Not long after these people recovered, they all became followers of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng started the life star with all his strength and began to regard the life star as a supercomputer.

This is what Lin Feng recently discovered, the new usage of each star, the computing and processing power of these stars is actually very powerful.

Some automatic conditions can be set, and once the conditions are triggered, the stars will automatically do something.

For example, what Lin Feng now asks Life Star to do is… search for people!

The lost souls below ran everywhere, and many were separated from their wives, sons, parents and relatives.

In this world, transportation and communication are inconvenient.

The area of this area is incomparably huge, and it is difficult to return to the original place.

If they are not diligent in accidents, 90% of these lost souls will never be able to find their relatives in their lifetime.

Think about it, everyone is separated from their relatives, and when they wake up, they are in an unfamiliar environment, which is emotionally difficult to accept, and does not take advantage of stability.

Over time, these more than one billion people who have been awakened by fright will start to be in chaos.

Therefore, Lin Feng passed down the oracle directly through the life star, and asked those who want to find their relatives to say their names, nicknames, relatives’ names, nicknames, where they originally lived, and know each other. Some secrets and more.

Then, the life star automatically matched, and it was easy to find the relatives of those people.

This is not without meaning, one is conducive to stability, and the other is that everyone’s belief in Lin Feng has deepened rapidly.

In this way, twenty days before the movement of Life Movement, basically, most of the lost souls before have completely returned to normal!

Lin Feng has added more than 800 million new followers at once!

The rest are still recovering.

In addition to the previous believers, as well as the believers brought by the Eastern Continent Ziyanxing, the number of Lin Feng’s believers in the dark world suddenly exceeded 2 billion!

Two billion believers!

(Wang Nuohao) Moreover, because Lin Feng used the life star to help all recovered people find people, the faith of the newly added believers became extra pious.

After all, one day in the world of darkness, Lin Feng’s income from faith has almost reached 500 million!

“Heavenly Palace World, it’s so bright! Ah, fortunately, I started early, and after a while, I’m afraid I will be stared at by the dark creatures of the fifth form!

And after Lin Feng’s followers exceeded 2 billion, in the darkness, a figure with dark energy surging all over his body appeared.

This figure is the evil god who came from his own world!

In the eyes of this evil god, it also looked like a red light, looking like a very evil god.

He was originally a god, but now, his power has been completely polluted and completely degenerate!

In his eyes, a huge world was printed.

Although the world is surrounded by a layer of sky, the tattered sky can’t block the light of the stars in that world!

From a distance, the world is already quite bright.

“Strange, why is there no divine aura?”

This evil god felt strange again.

He originally thought that Lin Feng was a god, and this starlight should also be divine light, but unfortunately, he did not feel the slightest aura of divine power.

But not God, how did he make such a bright light?

How could he still steal his followers so powerfully?

He originally thought that the other party was a bright and complex god!


His eyes flickered, although there were some doubts in his heart, in the end, this evil god hid all the power in his body, and then, sneaked over!

The other party took away all his followers, and he could not avenge this revenge.

In addition, once the opponent is hunted, his strength can also get a rapid increase!

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