Dark God: I Was Treated As A Supreme God

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

061 Victory! The counterattack is overwhelming! (5) Subscribe

“Keep the ranks, push forward!»

The army of the Gorse Kingdom was neatly arranged.

In their phalanx, five rough people form a group, and a group of phalanxes consists of 100 people horizontally and 50 people vertically.

In this way, sufficient depth can be maintained.

If the soldiers in the front can’t stand it anymore, the soldiers in the back can still stand up.

Such a phalanx is suitable for these Gorse Kingdom troops who have just turned into professional soldiers.

In such a phalanx, the strength of the individual is weakened.

As long as you can keep up with the pace, and then follow the big army to advance, you can bring terrifying damage to the enemy!

In each phalanx, there are a large number of commanders.

There are also a large number of ten commanders and centurions. These commanders can read the semaphore, and can accurately convey the order to the soldiers below as they receive orders from higher-level commanders.

Such a phalanx, in the dark world after the disappearance of the stars, is almost invisible.

Even the 300,000 aristocratic coalition forces on the opposite side, when fighting, also adopted the method of rushing forward.

If there is no Thunder Giant, facing such a square formation, this noble coalition can still fight with Xu.

However, after being frightened by the power of the Thunder Giant, the morale of many soldiers in this noble coalition suddenly became unstable.

Coupled with the advance of the army of the Gorse Kingdom, the momentum was like a rainbow, and suddenly, the allied army of nobles could not stand it.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

The “647” troops of the Gorse Kingdom are full of fighting spirit.

The gods are above, and the gods even descended the terrifying thunder giants to fight with them, what else could they fear!

Everyone has the confidence to win!

On the other hand, the allied armies of the nobles are uncertain, some soldiers want to fight, but their teammates are a little weak, and some soldiers are watching the thunder giant, for fear that the terrifying giant will kill them nearby!

Therefore, soon, the allied army of the nobles was forced to retreat continuously, and the number of soldiers killed or injured by the spear formation of the Plantage Kingdom continued to increase.

Moreover, the phalanx of the Gorse Kingdom is constantly approaching, and the soldiers in front of the noble coalition are constantly being pushed back, which directly causes the space behind the noble coalition to become smaller and smaller, and more and more soldiers are crowded together!

At this time, if these soldiers had high fighting spirit, they would not be so unbearable if they rushed up in one go!

But the problem is that these soldiers are not tall at all!

“It can’t go on like this, if it goes on like this, our soldiers can’t stand it anymore, blowing horns and attacking, I don’t believe that this monster can keep attacking, 300,000 people, let’s see how many he can kill!

In the rear, Earl Toby said decisively, although his face was ugly.

Even if their opponents are really gods, they have all fought here late, and it is impossible to retreat.

The enemy is strong, do they have to admit defeat?


The horn of attack sounded again.

“Those who break the King Plantagenet City will be rewarded with 10,000 gold coins!”

At this time, Earl Toby said loudly.

“Those who break through the King Plantagenet will be rewarded with 10,000 gold coins! 9

“Those who break the King Plantagenet City will be rewarded with 10,000 gold coins!

Immediately, Earl Toby’s personal guards shouted in unison.

“What are you afraid of, kill me!”

In the noble coalition, a commander urged his men to attack.

Lured by gold coins, this noble coalition began to revive its soldiers and launched an attack on the army of the Plantage Kingdom.

“Quack quack.”

The archers on both sides have also started to attack.

“Top shield!

In the spear formation, the soldiers in the middle and the rear raised the round shields that were missing a small mouth, and held them on their heads.

Such a round shield is specially designed for the spear array, which can be stuck on the spear, so that it is convenient to hold the spear to advance.

When you need to resist the bow and arrow, you can quickly lift it up.

In addition, if there is an enemy approaching and the long spear cannot be dealt with, it can be used to resist the enemy’s attack, and at the same time use the matching short sword to counterattack.

Seeing that the soldiers of the noble coalition were getting up again, the thunder giant with a lightning whip jumped into the sky, and the thunder on his body erupted violently.

Immediately afterwards, terrifying lightning fell from the sky, hitting all directions.

“My God.”

The soldiers of the noble coalition army were terrified one by one, and they could no longer care about fighting, and they all avoided the thunder.

Such lightning has an unusually wide range of attacks, but in fact not many people can be killed directly.

Although not much, the psychological pressure brought by such lightning is extremely huge.

“Run! Lightning is coming.”

Some soldiers were horrified.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

The soldiers of the Gorse Kingdom are still advancing.

The aristocratic coalition could no longer stand it, and the soldiers in front had no intention of fighting at all, and began to flee back frantically.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers in the middle also fled.

This escape was like causing dominoes. All the soldiers in these noble coalition forces had no will to fight.

In the rear, the commanding nobles kept giving orders, and the horns of the attack were all blown, and there was no way to stabilize these frightened soldiers!

“Damn it, how could this be!”

An aristocrat is extremely unwilling!

They attacked with such a huge army, as long as they defeated the army of the Plantation Kingdom, they would be able to completely take over the Plantation Kingdom and occupy this land bathed in light.

However, at the last moment, such a terrifying thunder giant suddenly appeared.

After the battle just now, their army can’t stand the poverty!

“Let’s go, let’s go quickly, withdraw, and still be able to keep our army!

Seeing that the situation is over, that old nobleman, the Grand Duke of Ritt.


Another noble also had the intention of retreating.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Although their army did not actually lose many people.

However, now the combat effectiveness of this army has almost dropped to zero.

All the soldiers wanted only to run for their lives, no army wanted to fight at all.

Who made these soldiers’ opponents exist far beyond their comprehension?

These soldiers are indeed experienced in hundreds of battles, and they are often fighting against dark beasts.

Even hunted powerful dark beasts.

But no matter how powerful the dark beasts are, at least they still have the possibility of defeating them with the advantage of their numbers and sophisticated weapons.

But that thunder giant…they don’t see any chance of victory.

Not only is there no possibility of victory, but killing them is like stepping on ants.

In addition, in the process of marching, they also heard the words of the commoners in the Gorse Kingdom.

Plus the mystery of the stars themselves.

These soldiers are afraid of the legendary gods themselves!

It can be said that with this army of 300,000 people, even the combat effectiveness of the San Rough people can no longer be exerted!

All the soldiers are on the run!


Earl Toby’s face became ugly, and he glanced at the royal city of the Gorse Kingdom reluctantly, saying.

These nobles are ready to withdraw.

But, this time, suddenly.

The terrifying thunder fell from the sky, and all of a sudden, it turned the surrounding of these nobles into a sea of thunder.

These guys, even now, their subordinates are still holding their own flags, for fear that the police will not know that they are nobles.

Their position is quite back, and they are not easy to see among the hundreds of thousands of troops. Even if they see it, the army of the Gorse Kingdom will have no way to deal with them.

There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the middle, even if these soldiers are fleeing, the army of the Gorse Kingdom wants to kill them, and they don’t know how long it will take.


Lin Feng, who controls the Thunder Giant, found them.

So, it was their turn to be unlucky.

Therefore, when these nobles entered the Gorse Kingdom, they were still in high spirits, and they wanted to divide the Gorse Kingdom and capture the Queen of Gorse.

After killing these nobles, the Thunder Giant no longer shot, but hovered high in the sky, deterring all the coalition soldiers.

“The nobles were all killed!

At this time, a large number of soldiers discovered the nobles who had been swept away.

This time, the rout of the coalition army was even faster.

“Run away~”

This coalition army came fast, retreated faster, and fled frantically to the west of the Gorse Kingdom, preparing to escape from the gap in the previous high wall.

The army of the Gorse Kingdom followed closely behind.

Led by some of the remaining commanders in the coalition, it took less than a week to escape to the gap in the high wall.

It’s almost “there! As long as we work here, we can escape back!”

This coalition army was about to escape from the gap, and they were all overjoyed.

But when they approached, their hearts suddenly became cold, because, there, a cavalry had already been there.

And at this time, the army of the Gorse Kingdom in the rear has also chased up overwhelmingly.

“Rush over! They only have this number of people, we can rush over!”

a commander said.

However, right away, in the sky, thunder appeared frequently, and the huge thunder giant lay down again, hovering above the gap.

Now, all the soldiers in this coalition army are desperate one by one.

“Surrender and don’t kill!”

“Surrender and don’t kill!”


From the front and the back, the warriors of the Gorse Kingdom shouted in unison.

“I surrender!”

“Kill me, and I surrender too.”

Immediately, the soldiers of the coalition army surrendered one after another.

So far, this invasion of the Gorse Kingdom by the allied armies of nobles from several surrounding kingdoms ended with the great victory of the Gorse Kingdom.

The great nobles who led this coalition army have all been killed, and the 300,000 soldiers of the coalition army, after killing and wounding several rude people, the rest of the soldiers surrendered one after another!

After the soldiers surrendered, they were disarmed and sent to a mine for mining.

Rose sent ten thousand people to stare at them.

Although there are more than 300,000 soldiers, there is no need to worry about them rioting.

These soldiers didn’t dare to riot at all. After all, the Thunder Giant came, and they were already scared to death.

At the same time, these soldiers were also required to pray to the gods in the sky morning, noon and night.

Several days have passed since the soldiers were placed.

Qiangwei is already preparing to counterattack.

In this battle, most of the elite troops of the surrounding kingdoms were captured, and there must be some troops in those kingdoms, but Qiangwei also has enough confidence to deal with it.

All preparations are in place, just waiting for the divine oracle.

“Just now.”

On this day, Lin Feng raised the stars a lot further, reaching a height of 500,000 meters.

Immediately, the range illuminated by the stars expanded several times!

It not only completely illuminates the area of the Gorse Kingdom hundreds of years ago, but also illuminates the borders of several surrounding kingdoms!

So, Lin Feng gave instructions.

Upon receiving Lin Feng’s instructions, the army of the Gorse Kingdom rushed out from the border. After more than ten days of marching, they arrived at the border of a kingdom in the west called the Principality of Hunhe, and then launched a counter-offensive.

At this time, the news of the defeat of the aristocratic coalition forces of several countries has not yet returned to these countries.

The army of the Gorse Kingdom came quite suddenly. These countries thought that the Gorse Kingdom had already been captured, and they were completely unprepared.

The border fortress of the Principality of Hunhe was immediately taken down.

Then, the army of the Gorse Kingdom attacked all the way!

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