Dark King

Chapter 1244

Chapter 1244: Chapter 1233: Experimental Subjects

Translator: 549690339

Not long after this plan was formulated, the Aragami race, who had also been scared away by the nuclear bomb, appeared on Earth. They used the unique technology of the Aragami race to divide the land. At that time, they were thousands of kilometers away from the ice demon worm experimental base, they had built a cemetery to bury the warriors of the Aragami race who had died in battle. Similarly, those who had survived in that area were also kept by the Aragami race.

After the flame demon insect sages learned of the plans of the ice demon insect sages, they were unwilling to fall behind. They quickly encircled a large area and divided the land. Then, they captured the survivors in that area and allowed them to continue reproducing, they brought more fresh experimental subjects to them. This action caused the population to rapidly expand. The flame demon insect had endless experimental materials. In order to make it easier to manage, they allowed them to form a kingdom according to the culture of the humans of the old era, they themselves became the masterminds behind the scenes.

There was once a lack of culture. With the permission of the flame demon Bugs’sages, a portion of the culture was opened up, allowing the fire dragon kingdom to become the earliest land country!

The ice demon bugs and Aragami saw the benefits and convenience within and similarly adopted this model. As a result, the three major factions that came later faced off against each other. From the general process, it was not complicated, from simple to complex, however, the bloody experience and changes in the process were hard to bear and imagine with the human world view.

During that dark period, humans were once reduced to livestock.

What was livestock? Everyone was naked and slept with the corpses. They ate raw meat and drank dirty water. They didn’t care about beauty or ugliness.

Dudian had always been curious about why the Aragami and the Magic Bugs didn’t live on Earth. He had the answer in the memories of the sage of the magic bugs. After the nuclear explosion, the Earth’s nuclear dust covered the sky and volcanoes frequently occurred, the Earth was barren and the environment was extremely harsh.

Although the magic insects had strong vitality and could adapt to all kinds of environments. But forced adaptation wasn’t good for their bodies. Everyone could go hungry for a few days without eating. But it wasn’t good for their bodies.

The ice magic insects loved the cold and extreme ice environment while the flame magic insects loved the hot and warm environment. The temperature of the Earth’s environment was very different from day to night. One moment there was a blizzard and the next moment there was a volcanic eruption.

For the magic bugs, they could adapt to the marsh that was filled with methane, and they could also adapt to underwater creatures. They could even adapt to the lack of oxygen, and they could still survive for a long time in an oxygen-deprived environment. However, the change in temperature.., for them, it was the most uncomfortable. The temperature adjustment ability in their bodies was almost zero. At that time, the environment on Earth was just like humans in the Arctic. They were lucky that they did not freeze to death.

From the experimental base to the formation of the federation, humans had restored civilization and order under their control. It had been thirty years. In these thirty years, more than a dozen source insects had died due to strange diseases due to environmental factors. There was also a great sage.., they had also suffered from strange diseases. Their bodies were covered in extremely itchy hot spots. They wailed in pain every day. They could not think at all, let alone continue their experiments.

On the other side, the blazing demon bugs were not doing much better. They quickly learned of this situation. After all, they were of the same race, and they had hated each other for countless years, so they understood each other very well.

In order to survive, they had no choice but to discuss and eventually decide to leave Earth.

However, the prerequisite for making this decision was to pull the desolate god race in as well. If not, leaving the desolate god race on Earth would be too dangerous for their forces.

Although the Aragami clan was not afraid of the demonic insects, the secret of becoming a god was in the hands of the demonic insects. The research progress of the Aragami clan was the slowest. In the end, they agreed to this agreement with a large amount of precious information as a trade.

Before the three parties left Earth, they each left a portion of their clansmen on Earth to continue supervising the experiments here. They changed their train of thought and secretly led the development of human technology, allowing humans to study humans themselves!

The situation on Earth gradually stabilized. The nuclear dust clouds and volcanoes brought about by the nuclear bombs also gradually calmed down. Humans prospered among the three major forces. In just a short hundred years, they had developed to an extremely large scale, meanwhile, the nature of humans was also exposed in a comfortable and comfortable environment. They pursued more and more things. In addition to the technology in their hands, they were able to pick up the legacy of the lost civilization of the old era.

Although humans were gradually returning to the appearance of the old era, the decision to rule at the highest level was still in the hands of the demon bugs and Aragami. They were still under their surveillance. Therefore, in the imperial capital that the Demon Emperor was in charge of.., it was forbidden to develop technology within the giant wall. Only the imperial capital under the Demon Emperor’s eyes had the shadow of technology. Even if something terrible and destructive was developed, it could be stopped in time.

“The Empire forbade technology. The three forces had an agreement that they wouldn’t invade each other so there was less friction at the border in the early days. Later on there were more and more conflicts. I guess it was because of the long time. They wanted to test the effectiveness of the agreement. It’s ridiculous that the sacrifice of each other was human.”Dudian looked at the memory of the sage of the Moon Worm, he felt that the human race had been extremely sad for the past three hundred years.

The most ridiculous irony was that in the perfect order, human beings were living in comfort. They were pursuing food, quality of life, entertainment and so on. They didn’t know that they were under surveillance.

With his understanding, even if most people knew, they wouldn’t think much of it. After all, the perfect order had divided them into three, six, nine levels. Everyone had to struggle for their lives, how could they care about such distant things?

In addition, Dudian saw Lin Changsheng from the memories of the Great Sage of the Moon magic insect. But what surprised him was that Lin Changsheng had escaped from the experiment. In addition to Lin Changsheng’s own will, it was also their acquiescence!

And the federation’s largest experimental subject was Lin Changsheng himself!

Lin Changsheng thought that he had escaped from the hands of the magic insect with his own intelligence. But he didn’t know that all of this was under the supervision of the great sages. Lin Changsheng was the experiment subject that they had high hopes for. He was most likely to become a god!

And most importantly, this experimental subject would perfect his own experiments. When the experiments were about to be perfected, they only needed to come over and pluck them!

Lin Changsheng had calculated everything. Every time the blood moon descended and the magic bugs arrived, they would erase all traces of themselves. Now, it looked like a person playing hide-and-seek in front of the monitor. It was somewhat laughable and pathetic.

“The reason why the Devil Emperor attacked the Federation and the Fire Dragon Kingdom was because of the collusion between the Aragami and the flame magic worm. The ice magic worm family knew about it so they came to Earth in advance. The original agreement is now in name only. The moment the Devil Emperor raised his army to attack the federation, it has been torn apart.”Dudian suddenly felt that.., the matter of the Devil Emperor attacking the federation was not that simple.

The Demon Emperor knew of Lin Changsheng’s existence and wanted to conquer the federation and become a god himself. However, there were no other Aragami helping him during this process, which made people have to guess that he most likely wanted to hide it from the Aragami beyond the heavens and snatch the fruits to become a god himself!

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