Darkening System Start From Naruto

Chapter 172: Catch the opportunity, resurrect the salted fish

Konoha Village.

Hokage Residence.

Inside Conference Hall.

After returning to Konoha, Tsunade immediately summoned a large number of Jonins to come to discuss. When they originally received the letter from Daimyo, everyone already had a bad hunch.

At that time, everyone just took a fluke attitude and looked at the matter.

They hope things are not so bad as everyone imagines.

But this beautiful fantasy was completely broken after Tsunade told them the results of the meeting in person.

Didn't expect, things are far more rigorous than they thought!

Even if Suna Village exits, Naruto is familiar with the new Kazekage, and this is no secret. Everyone has some psychological preparation for this.

But didn't expect, the other 3 Great Ninja Villages even plan to sit idly by?!

They say they will do anything to help.

If this is said, will anyone believe it?

Everyone presents in the Conference Hall has a dark face.

If we say that Naruto's strength, in the minds of outsiders, including Daimyo, including the rest of the film, etc., are just hearsay, have not witnessed it with their own eyes, and they do not truly understand how terrifying Naruto's strength is.

But all of these people present could not be more clear about Naruto's terrifying strength!

And they have witnessed it more than once!

He was only 7 years old when Naruto has his first berserk, and the strength of Complete Body Kyuubi hadn't been fully exerted yet, but they still had a headache.

Not to mention now?

Now Naruto is not only mature in mind. Proficient in how to control Kyuubi. Rich in fight experience. Even Mangekyo Sharingan, which shouldn't be there, has...

When they learned that the result of the discussion was that Konoha had to be a pawn, how could they not worry? How not to worry? If they want to take down Naruto without any casualty, you don't have to think about it.

Now we can see whether there are more casualties or fewer casualties.

In the end, who should be the 'cannon fodder'.

Each Great Clan Leader has their own thoughts.

The rest also have their own worries.

I don't know how long it took to calculate such a situation. Finally, one of them started to talk, breaking this dignified atmosphere: "Hokage, can't we just ignore Daimyo or the other Ninja Villages's views? Let's try to persuade Naruto to return to Konoha. If Naruto returns, even if the other 3 Great Ninja Villages unite together, we would not be incapable of confrontation, are we not? Moreover, with the relationship between Kazekage and Naruto, it might even convince Suna Village to help us. When the time comes, this so-called big battle that can't be fought, it won't be so sure by then, right?"

The talking Jonin knew that the idea was a bit naive.

Know that the probability of passing is not great.

But he still chose to say it.

Just as expected.

Many people gave him an angry look.

Then they were too lazy to care about him.

Because the answer is needless to say, everyone here knows that this method is not feasible. After all, their village needs to communicate with the outside world to survive.

For missions. Or buy food. Or run a business, etc.

If Konoha insist on treating everyone as the wind, even if there is no war, the final result will only provoke a group of forces to unite and refuse to communicate or contact them anymore.

When the time comes, Konoha will also be difficult to survive.

There was a quiet atmosphere in the Conference Hall again.

But just when everyone still couldn't make a decision, the noise outside the door suddenly broke the silence.

"Lord Danzo, Elder Yan, Elder Koharu! Lord-Hokage is having a secret meeting with the rest, this... you can't go in yet!" The sound of the guard outside the door sounded tense and hurried.

Everyone only heard a "get away!", followed by a loud noise of "pa!"

The door was kicked directly by Shimura Danzo.

Tsunade said in disgust, "What are you doing here?"

Shimura Danzo glanced at everyone, cold said with a snort: "Hmph! Jonin meeting, as a consultant and Elder, how can I not participate! Tsunade, you as a Hokage are becoming more and more impudent! Do you really think you can act wilfully when you are a Hokage? If us elders don't show up, Konoha will collapse because of you!"

Tsunade doubtfully glanced at everyone present.

She did not disclose the news to the three elders.

She wondered if there were people part of three elders in Conference Hall.

What Tsunade doesn't know is that it is the most loyal subordinate of Shimura Danzo, Sai! Needless to say, Sai was of course ordered by Li Yaoxiang to serve as the ear of Shimura Danzo in this period of time.

Li Yaoxiang has long expected this.

He knew that Shimura Danzo, the elders, would definitely be intolerant of loneliness and would definitely come out to make trouble, so Shimura Danzo was left with a dog's life.

And today is also the time for the chess piece of Shimura Danzo to give play to his residual heat.

After speaking, Tsunade was not given a chance to speak.

Shimura Danzo continued to yell at her: "Hmph! I told you a long time ago, that the demon fox is a hidden danger of Konoha, but you did not take it seriously! Now that it has come true, do you want to continue to protect the demon fox? Do you have to wait until Konoha is really ruined before you are happy?"

Shimura Danzo stared again at the Jonin who just made the suggestion, and scolded: "This time, even if the demon fox was really persuaded to come back, what do you do? You think you're lucky? Do you really think that the demon fox hates only me? You forgot how you and the others treated the demon fox? You really think that your way of forgetting favors and violate justice, will the demon fox forget it? Sooner or later he will deal with Konoha in turn! We don't take advantage of it now, but we'll just wait?!"

Although he was angry at this Jonin, he actually scolded everyone present.

Let them not have a fluke mentality.

After everyone hearing this, they were speechless.

Can't find a reason to refute.

It was almost time to see the fire, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu glanced at each other, and then stepped forward to say: "Tsunade, now we as Elders and consultant, deprive you of Hokage.

Because of your choices, indulging the demon fox's one mistake after another, resulting in the current situation becoming unstoppable. As Hokage, you are no longer suitable for the future."

A series of drama codes.

It seems as if it has already been arranged.

But it is true.

As early as Sai told them what Naruto did in the outside world, they knew that their opportunity came. 3 elders have waited so long for this is the moment!

This time they not only will be able to solve Naruto's troubles.

Even more complete remake!

But just as they thought their plan would go smoothly to the end.

Jiraiya, who had been silent, was finally unable to bear angry shouted: "Enough!"

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