Darkening System Start From Naruto

Chapter 186: The Hero returns, the battle

Fukasaku Sage: "Jiraiya! What big brother? How did you let Naruto lose his big brother? What the hell is going on? Are you hiding something from us?"

Jiraiya sighed.

He told the story briefly.

Jiraiya: "Hah, that's how it is. Naruto has caused a lot of harm to other great countries and Ninja Villages, so this time everyone will unite together to deal with Naruto. And we, Konoha, were forced to do so by them..."

After hearing Fukasaku Sage, angry and even his toad's face were flushed on the spot: "You! You! You! Did you make Naruto like this?!"

Jiraiya was also speechless to refute.

Shima Sage saw this, shaking her head sighed: "Hey ~, Jiraiya, even if you really want to deal with Naruto, you should not use this method..."

Everyone knows the truth.

In this way, Konoha can solve Naruto without any loss.

If Naruto was not resurrected, their ideas were indeed very successful.

No one will blame them.

But since Naruto is not dead...

Those who waited for them could only endure Naruto's endless anger.

While one person and two toads were communicating.

The size of Naruto Tailed Beast Transformation becomes bigger and bigger. As the body grows, its body also illuminate the Konoha's sunlight, blocking a large part!

The place where one person and two toads are located, and a large area of Konoha, are shrouded in a dark place by his shadow.

When one person and two toads turned their eyes back to Naruto again, Naruto had become a huge Kyuubi demon fox like a hill.

Even if they raised their heads, they couldn't see the whole picture of Kyuubi.

An instant that Kyuubi Complete Body appears.

Konoha goes up and down, regardless of commoner or ninja.

Everyone turned their eyes here!

This is not the first time they have seen this silhouette.

The first time they saw it up close was the night of 'Demon Fox Attack'. Many people died that night. That is, from that night, the Kyuubi demon fox has almost become the shadow of most people.

When they saw it for the second time, it was the time when Naruto broke out in public. That time Kyuubi demon fox was also standing on the opposite side of Konoha. It's just that that time was better, at least there were no casualties.

The third time they saw it was the time Uchiha Itachi attacked the village. Kyuubi demon fox was no longer the enemy of village! He became the hero of the village! He protected everyone!

And this time is the 4th time. It also appeared at the moment when the enemy attacked the village.

Many people showed exhilarating expressions.

It's him!

It's him!

Our village hero, Uzumaki Naruto is back!

Come back to rescue us!

"Wa wu wu wu ~" The cry of the child sounded, and the parents comforted. "Dear, don't cry, look, look at that, look at the big fox. He is Uzumaki Naruto, the hero in the village to protect us. Rest assured, with him, there will be nothing wrong."

"Great! Great! Naruto is back! Naruto is back!"

"Yes! Naruto will avenge us! Naruto will help us kill our enemies!"


There were cheers from the safety sector where the villagers were staying.

Everyone as it should be by rights believes that no matter how they treated Naruto before, how much they did not save when Naruto was captured and imprisoned, Naruto should come to rescue them, and certainly came back to save them.

Even some patients who were injured by severe heavy injury and lying on the ground for treatment, were unable to bear to sit upright despite the injury, just to take a look at their savior, Uzumaki Naruto, is he really back?

Such a joyful scene.

Seen by some insider ninja, it was uncomfortable like sitting on a needle.

They were also reminded.


Once upon a time, Uzumaki Naruto was also a hero of Konoha...

Once upon a time, Uzumaki Naruto was fighting for Konoha...

But village still chose to treat him like this...

I he really helping Konoha when he came back this time?

This group of insiders is uncomfortable, guilty, and worried, which is a sharp contrast to the group of villagers who are constantly cheering and the uninformed people who look full of energy.

They do not know either...

When the truth of the matter is made public, how will this group of people still cheer for Naruto...

Do you still think that Naruto is helping Konoha?

Is it possible?


However, the answer is no longer important.

Because of the severe combat situation, those who stayed in the Safety Sector and were able to fight had to all go to the front line for support.


Shadows one after another leap in the Safety Sector and head towards the battlefield.

However, before they arrived at the battlefield, they were already blocked by two figures that appeared in front of them. The silhouettes are Puppet of Nagato Animal Path and Puppet of Asura Path!


At the same time.

Hidan, who is at war with Sarutobi Asuma, stands on a 6-pointed star design drawn by blood, full of excitement looks at Kyuubi in the distance: "Hehehe! Great senior looks very powerful— —!" Hidan turned his head again, looked towards Sarutobi Asuma, licked the blood of Sarutobi Asuma on the thumb, and said with a smirk: "It seems that I can't be too shameful as the leader. ——~, let's end this boring battle as soon as possible——."

Sarutobi Asuma looked at Kyuubi not far away, frowning.

Heart is full of worries.

He was awakened by Hidan's words. When he looked towards Hidan again, his expression became more dignified, and even the cigarette carried in the corner of his mouth spit out directly: "This is the intention!"


On the other hand.

Kakuzu, who was fighting not far away, glanced at Kyuubi in the distance. His original heart was finally released. After all, there is no need to worry about the safety of his 'Boss'.

He just looks at his opponent with a look of fury!

Damn it!

Kakuzu was killed two times!

It seems that following these two idiots into the enemy camp is definitely not a wise choice. It's also time to go all out, otherwise, it's hard to say whether the war will end.

Kakuzu's body begun to show strange changes.

A large amount of black threads came out of his body!

It was Secret Jutsu that he stole from Taki(Hidden Waterfall) Village!

Earth Grudge Fear mode. Turn on!

TL note: The Earth Grudge Fear is a secret kinjutsu of Takigakure which transforms the user's body into something similar to that of a rag-doll, held together by hundreds of thick black threads.

Kurenai Yuhi, and other Jonins, were panting and vigilant. The enemy in front of them is really weird. In order to kill him, several companions have been sacrificed.

The result gave him two consecutive fatal injuries, both did not kill him.

Now with the appearance of the Kyuubi Complete Body...

They thought to solve the opponent in front of them as soon as possible, to help the others.

But even if they did everything they could, they could not solve the opponent.

There was a sense of despair that could not help but rise from the heart.

And not far from Kakuzu, Deidara is fighting.

At the moment, Deidara was besieged by Konoha Ninjas who came after one after another. Even if his clay explosion, clone Self-destruction and other various Ninjutsu have already injured or killed many people...

But where is this?

This is Konoha.

The Ninjas, who can fight, is said to be several thousand people.

Nagato also sent two Puppets to stop Konoha Ninja's rescue any more than this for this reason.

It's a pity that Deidara's attack method and attack range are really annoying. So almost most of Konoha Ninja chose to rescue here, to solve the big trouble of Deidara first.

It made him unable to cope with it, and it seemed very difficult situation.

He also had no time to pay attention to the appearance of Kyuubi.

Konoha Ninjas, who besieged him, saw the appearance of Kyuubi, and were even more anxious.

Most people who can come to fight here are insiders.

They are not naive enough to think that Naruto is here to help them.

In a hurry.

One of them shouted in front of Deidara: "Quick! Quickly try your best to solve him! We have to rush to rescue other places!"

Deidara hearing this who was besieged into a different situation looks angry!

He angrily shouted at this shouting ninja: "What do you mean?! You still think about other people? You look down on me, look down on my art?! Hahahahaha! That's good! Well! Since you look down on me, I will show you the real art!"

Deidara yanked the clothes off.

Exposing the mouth on the right chest...

Then feed the self-exposed clay into this mouth!

That's right!

What Deidara wants to use is a certain Ninjutsu, which has a huge formidable power to perish together!

CO! Exposed!

TL note: The highest form of Deidara's explosive clay (his "Ultimate Art" (Kyūkyoku Geijutsu)), C0 is a suicide-bomb technique used as a last resort. Deidara reveals a mouth on his chest, which is stitched up. After undoing the stitches, Deidara feeds it a large ball of clay. The mouth on his chest has a direct connection to his heart so a large amount of chakra is built up. It then kneads chakra directly from the meridians of the heart and keeps doing it without interruption until the moment of the explosion. His explosive chakra then manifests itself in his veins, flowing through his body. These "veins" then condense into a sphere that slowly cracks open and detonates, producing a unique explosion that covers a ten kilometre blast radius.

Although he seemed crazy, he knew very well in his heart that, judging from the current situation, he couldn't wait for the rescue of his teammates, so he chose to use the last trick.

Even if he is dead, he must use his remaining life to show his last glory to the world!

Show off his art!

Deidara's body began to blacken and swell.

The sense of crisis immediately shrouded in a radius of ten miles, on everyone's heads!


Another battlefield.

No matter how you look at strength, Kakashi should not be the opponent of Sasori, but he just relies on various Ninjutsu restraints. He just focused on Sasori, who controls Third-Kazakage, regardless of the outcome.

Also, because he used a lot of Ninjutsu here.

So Preta Path, which specializes in absorbing Ninjutsu, came here to help.

Under the two-on-one situation, Kakashi immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Chakra was about to run out, and this time Tsunade came to the rescue.

As soon as Tsunade arrived, he threw the Third-Kazakage Puppet with a punch.

Then return to a balanced state, two to two.

Kakashi, whose strength was greatly damaged, was assisted by Tsunade's main attack.


Might Guy feels that the battle is getting worse.

He didn't plan to use Eight-Inner Gates, this time, had to use it. Every time you use Eight-Inner Gates, there will be a lot of side effects, and the time he can fight will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, he will not choose to use it until it is not spelled by circumstances.

And now.

It is precisely the situation spelled by circumstances!

After giving another blow to 'Konoha Vajra Force Cyclone' and kicking Hoshigaki Kisame back some distance, Might Guy said with a solemn expression: "You are very good! But I don't have time to spend with you! Next, I need to go all out!"

He didn't wait for Hoshigaki Kisame to respond.

Gate of Opening .open!

Gate of Healing .open!

Gate of Life .open!

Gate of Pain .open!

Followed by.

Just when Hoshigaki Kisame wanted to respond to 'That would be better', Might Guy in his eyes suddenly disappeared. Then came the powerful attack of all directions, constantly flapping all over his body.

He had no power to fight back.

His body was weirdly stuck in the air and could not fall for a long time.

Bleeding constantly in the corners of the mouth.

Even the sensation of 'pain' and the nerves of the brain haven't had time to communicate, he has already felt the aura of death.

It was at the moment when he was about to endure.

A shadowless force suddenly blasted Might Guy and saved his life.

The person coming is Yahiko's Puppets, Deva Path and the Human Path!

Sensing that Might Guy has an unusual aura here, Nagato controls Yahiko, the Puppet, and the Human Path, and comes here. Expressionless Yahiko coldly said: "You okay? Stand up and leave. Leave it to me here."

Unwilling, lying on the ground, Hoshigaki Kisame barely propped up, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, saying, "I can still fight without your help."

Hoshigaki Kisame was very annoyed.

After this battle, it is estimated that this strong Might Guy will not remember his name again...

Yahiko: "If you want to die, I won't stop you. But if you interfere with my fight, I can't guarantee my attack will kill you before killing the enemy."

Hoshigaki Kisame felt tight.

In the end, he chose to leave here, hoping to kill other Konoha Ninja to vent the anger.

Might Guy looked at Hoshigaki Kisame's back full of resentment, and then feel Yahiko's bottomless strength.

Might Guy no longer hesitated.

There is no time for him to hesitate.

Gate of Limit .open!

Gate of View .open!

Gate of Shock .open!

When the Gate of View was opened, light green rays of light were already ignited on Might Guy. This is a phenomenon caused by the rapid evaporation of moisture within his body after the Gate of View is turned on.

When the Gate of Shock is turned on, the green light on him becomes blue. This is a phenomenon caused by evaporation of his within-the-body Chakra.

This loss of water and Chakra is irreversible. Therefore, after the Eight-Inner Gates are opened to the Gate of Shock, he will be weak for a period of time, and it will take a long time to recover. It will cost a lot.

And the result of this heavy price is undoubted power!

Speed, attack power, all-round improvement!

After Hoshigaki Kisame left, it was Yahiko's turn to be beaten.

Even if the two puppets had the same vision, and even if Yahiko uses Shinra Tensei, it still can't stop Might Guy's attack. The two puppets appeared in the same situation as Hoshigaki Kisame just now.

His body was weirdly stuck in midair, and he was beaten for a long time and couldn't come down.

This is another place where everyone on the battlefield has to be distracted after the appearance of Kyuubi and after Deidara's C0.


Konoha Village is on a cliff.

Obito, Zetsu, and Konan are standing on the cliff, observing the entire battle.

The eyes of three people seem to fall on battlefield, but in fact they are thoughtful.

Konan: "Aren't you going to help?"

Obito: "With their strength, it's enough to cope with it. I... it's okay. If it's necessary, it's not too late for me to go support..."

Silence for a moment.

Obito: "What about you?"

Konan: "My mission is to watch you."

That's right.

This is the mission Nagato gave to Konan.

Just in case Obito will destroy Naruto's good things at crucial moment.

Obito: "Oh... then whatever you want..."

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