Daughter-in-law Who Fell From the Sky

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

The sadomasochism of master and apprentice that Wen Jinyu said was about a **** in the heavenly world who met a little tree demon when he was traveling in the world. After getting along with her for a short time, she fell in love with her innocence, and after knowing that the wish of the little tree demon was to ascend smoothly, he accepted her as an apprentice.

When getting along with each other in daily life, Shangshen’s affection for the little tree demon grew more and more, and the little tree demon became more and more dependent on his master, and the feelings between the two began to show.

It’s a pity that when the little tree demon was about to attain enlightenment, an important matter happened in the heavenly realm. As the master of the Supreme God, he naturally had to go back to the heavenly realm. When Shangshen went back, he left a letter to explain the situation to his tree demon apprentice, and told her not to listen to other people obediently waiting for him here. But because of various accidents, the dryad did not receive the letter.

The dryad was very anxious when she found out that her master suddenly disappeared. Before she could find her master, she heard the leader of the demon world declaring war on the monks of the human world. The advanced tree demon was naturally invited by the demon king to help up.

All the gods in the heavens are struggling with this matter, because people who ascend to the heavens are not allowed to interfere with the affairs of the lower realms according to the rules, so the emperor of heaven has to choose a few people as coordinators to stop the war from happening. It happened to be one of the people who was appointed.

It’s a pity that things backfired, the demon king used some secret method to increase the strength of his subordinates by a large margin, and the monks of the human race were no match at all.

In this way, the Shangshen who was assigned to Xiali had a new task. And the simple and ignorant little tree demon also did a lot of things under the deliberate guidance of the demon king.

After the two masters and apprentices met again, their positions had changed. The tree demon obeyed the command of the demon king and led the demon soldiers to capture many human repair camps, with sins all over their hands. And the new instruction received by Shangshen is to use force to suppress the riots of the Yaozu.

When the tree demon saw that the master he was thinking of was going to destroy him without saying a word, he was naturally full of resentment, so he would be even more ruthless in attacking the human monks.

As for Shangshen, compared to the young and ignorant dryad, he already understood his feelings in his heart, so he was merciful to the dryad every time, and couldn’t bear to hurt her life.

The tree demon also found out about this, just when she wanted to ask clearly, another **** who followed the **** made a move, and abolished the little tree demon’s cultivation base without saying a word.

Under the disbelieving eyes of the God, the little tree demon returned to its original form. At this time, the monks of the human race immediately attacked the tree demon that showed its original shape, and in the end, Shangshen had no choice but to protect a small root of the tree demon.

Shangshen’s mentality was very unstable because of the loss of his love, which led to an inadvertent being successfully attacked by the demon king, and was poisoned by a poison that could not be cured. And the demon king was finally wiped out by a large number of gods who came later.

Knowing that his life was about to come to an end, Shangshen was very calm, and used his own spiritual power to warm and nourish that small tree root during the last period of his life. From then on, Shangshen babbled to Xiaoshu every day, talking about what he had seen and heard before, his mood changes and the love hidden in his heart.

As the roots of the small tree germinated, twirled, and grew into a big tree, Shangshen was also getting old, but his eyes were full of joy.

In the last scene of the movie, the Goddess is sitting in the courtyard of his own temple with his hair covered in gray hair, stroking the tree as thick as three people with tenderness, and finally becoming transparent little by little until it becomes a spot of light and disappears between the sky and the earth. .

And that big tree, while the **** was slowly disappearing, also gradually changed, and finally turned into a bewildered girl in green, staring blankly at the empty temple, trying to grab it with her hand. At the same time, there were tears in my eyes…

At the end of the movie, there was a lot of sobbing in the movie theater. Many people were abused by the final ending, and they dragged their boyfriends, girlfriends, and best friends to clamor to send blades to the director.

In all fairness, the acting skills of the actors in this movie are still very good. In addition to the **** plot, other special effects and music are also remarkable. Overall, it is a superior movie.

“Jing Ke, are you okay…” Looking at Su Jingke whose eyes were red, Wen Jinyu handed over a tissue, feeling like the little fairy was going to cry in a second.

“Jin, Jinyu, the master in this movie is so pitiful, he died without even seeing his apprentice for the last time, and he left with a distraught spirit, which fundamentally cut off his relationship with the little tree demon. Opportunities at the forefront.” Su Jingke was filled with emotion, God was too harsh on this God, every time there would be an accident at a critical moment, and in the end he even told the little tree demon about his love with his own mouth. No chance.

Su Jingke sniffed, not to let the tears fall from his eyes, this **** is really aggrieved.

“That God’s last days can be regarded as a complete one, at least he spent it with the person he likes.” Wen Jinyu said. Looking at it from another perspective, Shangshen should have felt that his apprentice had recovered at that time, and he left with a smile in the end.

“However, if God leaves after a while, he will be able to see his apprentice return with his own eyes after persisting for a while.”

“In that case, wouldn’t it be more cruel for the little tree demon to see the **** leave with his own eyes?” Wen Jinyu had his own understanding of the show, “Look at the expression of the little tree demon at the end, it should be Forgot the past. There may be two reasons why the little tree demon can’t remember the past, one is because he died once, and this time he is considered a new life, and the other is because God erased the little tree demon’s memory.”

“According to my opinion, it is more likely to be the second one, and Qishangshen deliberately left before the little tree demon transformed into form.” In Wen Jinyu’s view, instead of letting the living be immersed in pain , might as well let her remember nothing.

“Isn’t that even the last memory?” Su Jingke looked at the crowd that was gradually dispersing, and argued in a low voice, “Even if the God is for the benefit of the little tree demon, he can’t strip the other party’s memory.”

“This memory is painful for her, wouldn’t it be better to forget it?” Wen Jinyu raised her eyebrows and said.

“No, the memories of the past are not all suffering. According to time, the good part is more than the pain. As time goes by, those bad memories will always be forgotten. When the time comes, the tree demon will be able to remember It’s just warmth.”

Although Su Jingke’s temperament is relatively simple, he has formed his own set of views during the long practice, and this view will not be easily influenced by others.

The two maintained their respective views on the final ending, and they didn’t convince each other until the moviegoers were almost finished.

When the cleaners came to clear the seats, Wen Jinyu and Su Jingke came to their senses and left their seats with their things.

“Hey.” At the exit of the movie theater, a woman wearing a mask and sunglasses accidentally bumped into Wen Jinyu.

“Sorry.” The masked woman whispered, pressing her hat with her hands.

“You, you are that little tree demon!” Su Jingke noticed that the woman in the mask looked a little strange, and found out that she was the one playing the little tree demon.

“Hush, can you please keep it a secret?” Xu Lei, the girl in the mask who played the role of the little tree demon, hurriedly lowered her voice when she saw that she was discovered. I secretly watched the movie without telling my agent, it would be bad if a large number of fans found out.

After seeing that no one noticed this place, Xu Lei breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a low voice, “Do you need an autograph or a group photo?”

Xu Lei naturally regarded Wen Jinyu and Su Jingke as her fans, and asked with a pen.

“We don’t need autographs and group photos, but little tree demon, can you ask me a question?” Su Jingke, who doesn’t follow stars, naturally doesn’t know that Xu Lei is a popular flower now, and Wen Jinyu, who is used to seeing celebrities, even knows Xu Lei. Lei will not have any big reaction.

“Huh? What’s the question?” This was the first time Xu Lei saw someone who asked her questions without signing a group photo, so she couldn’t help but think a little more.

Could it be a paparazzi who wants to dig for material? But these two girls are both good-looking, they are better than her, so they shouldn’t be paparazzi…

“That is, was the little tree demon’s memory erased by her master at the end of the movie? If you were the person involved, do you want to keep the memory yourself?” Compared to her arguing with Wen Jinyu, Su Jingke felt that it would be more appropriate to ask the original owner directly. .

“Here, you guys watched it very carefully.” Xu Lei relaxed a lot after hearing that the question was about the movie, as long as it wasn’t a paparazzi.

“The memory of the little tree demon was indeed erased by God, but according to my personal opinion, I still hope that I can keep this memory.” Xu Lei spoke her thoughts truthfully.

“Is it because you don’t want to forget Shangshen?” Wen Jinyu asked puzzled, “But even if you have memory, it will only bring you pain. Wouldn’t it be better to have such memory?”

“It’s true to say that, but without the God of God, the little tree demon has nothing to rely on. If you don’t even have the memory of the past, you will inevitably be used by people with malicious intentions again.” It is obvious Xu Lei’s point of view Not just on Shangshen and the little tree demon.

“If you don’t remember anything, there shouldn’t be anyone embarrassing her.” In Su Jingke’s view, the heavens are all people who have attained the Tao, and they shouldn’t embarrass a little tree demon, and the God will definitely entrust her friend To look after the little dryad.

“Well, actually, I can’t tell. It’s normal for different people to have different views on the same film. Even if I play the little tree demon, it doesn’t mean my views are correct.” Understanding what the two of them were struggling with, seeing that there was no one around, they greeted each other and left.

At the end of the day, Wen Jinyu and Su Jingke haven’t been able to reach a consensus. However, this will not affect the two of them, and they still hold hands together to find a restaurant for dinner.

The author has something to say: Almost overturned =. =

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