Daughter-in-law Who Fell From the Sky

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Wen Jinyu was a little mad inside, she really couldn’t imagine what it was that she saw just now, was it a human, a ghost, or a demon?

Taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly, Wen Jinyu tried to calm down and looked down at the time on the phone, it was seven o’clock.

After barely calming down, Wen Jinyu, who had changed his clothes, straightened out his thoughts and wanted to think about it calmly, but who can calm down when encountering such a weird thing! ! Wen Jinyu walked around the room several times, and looked towards the door from time to time. That inexplicable person? Are you still outside the door?

I haven’t seen any storms before, isn’t I just a “person” who can disappear in a blink of an eye. If what he said at the beginning was true, it shouldn’t be bad for him, otherwise he would have been tricked a long time ago. After reluctantly comforting herself, Wen Jinyu slowly walked to the door, settled down, and opened the door.

“Hello Miss Wen, you’ve finished changing your clothes. You look so good in this outfit.” Su Jingke greeted Wen Jinyu obediently. It’s very wrong to disturb others when they come out of the shower and want to get dressed. According to her past experience, she has to buy a good guy and praise him, so that nothing bad will happen.

“…” Wen Jinyu looked down at her ordinary clothes and said nothing. What is this “person” up to?

Seeing that Wen Jinyu didn’t respond, Su Jingke thought it was because he didn’t praise enough, so he began to babble, praising the person in front of him from his undried hair to the slippers he was wearing on his feet.

For example, Miss Wen, your undried hair is more attractive than the most beautiful flowers in the Hundred Flowers Palace, because the collarbone exposed by the baggy clothes is so beautiful, and it is more attractive than the most perfect chalcedony she has ever seen. How crystal clear the toes are, compared to…

“You…you come in…” Wen Jinyu couldn’t bear these exaggerated words, so he couldn’t help but shrink his toes. Who, Su Jingke, doesn’t think that she can fish in troubled waters by complimenting her…

Originally, Wen Jinyu was still a little scared, but after listening to Su Jingke’s words, she felt that her worry just now was for nothing. Even if this “person” is really a powerful monster who can call the wind and rain, it must be classified as a very stupid and stupid kind.

For the creatures in the species classification, our President Wen is not afraid at all.

Stupid = easy to fool = easy to deceive = no lethality

After such an equation was established in Wen Jinyu’s mind, she could face Su Jingke calmly.

“Where is your home?” President Wen Da had a warm smile on his face, looking at Su Jingke very “lovingly”. It seems that Su Jingke is a child who was accidentally lost, and she is the police sister who came to help the child.

“Well, I live in the master’s palace.” Su Jingke replied.

“In the store? Then what does your master do?” Wen Jinyu immediately remembered that the master in this population might be someone who opened some kind of store.

“Management, there must be a lot.” Su Jingke frowned, and said that she really couldn’t tell what her master was managing. From her point of view, her master knew everything, so naturally he could manage anything.

“Then who are you, are you a demon?” Wen Jinyu was a little nervous after asking the question, and her move was actually a bit bold. But she felt that since this person didn’t have the ability to hide herself, maybe she wouldn’t care if she knew her identity.

Su Jingke didn’t answer right away. Although she was very homely, she still knew a little about the mortal world. She suddenly remembered the rules set by the heavens. People after ascension are not allowed to descend easily.

“Well, can you pretend that nothing happened just now?”

“Huh?” Wen Jinyu was a little puzzled.

“Just pretend you didn’t see me teleporting out just now.” Su Jingke said with some embarrassment, “God… We have a rule over there, you don’t need to cast spells casually.”

“…” Wen Jinyu couldn’t help moving the corners of his mouth, coughed lightly and replied, “Okay…”

“Thank you so much, I will repay Miss Wen well!” Seeing that Wen Jinyu agreed, Su Jingke’s frowning brows loosened, and he smiled happily, “Miss Wen, who is considerate , I can’t tell you who I am because of the regulations of my hometown, but I’m definitely not a monster!”

“En.” Wen Jinyu nodded to express her understanding, but she was extremely helpless in her heart. In fact, she really wanted to tell this happy person that she could almost guess your origin. What the hell, if you know magic and can’t reveal your identity, you are probably a fairy.

Wen Jinyu said that if she hadn’t seen this person disappear out of thin air with her own eyes just now, she would probably have regarded this person as someone with mental problems…

But that’s fine, since he is a **** who abides by the rules, then he doesn’t have to worry about safety issues. Immortals will never do anything to themselves casually, and look at this immortal, um… relatively “simple”, so there is no need to worry.

“Miss Wen, don’t worry. I’m here to help you. If you have any difficulties, you can ask me for help.” Su Jingke is very happy. The girl who needs her help is a good person at first glance. entrustment!

Wen Jinyu, who didn’t know that she was issued a good person card, began to worry in her heart. She is a businessman. Now that she is sure that this person will not pose a threat to her for the time being, she has to think about how to make this person give her brought the greatest help.

“Miss Wen, what should I do now?” Su Jingke asked.

“You, don’t call me a girl, just call me by my name.” Looking at Su Jingke’s harmless face, Wen Jinyu actually felt a little guilty for what he thought just now? ? How is it possible, how could she be affected by an unknown person?

It must be that she is so good-looking that a person like her can’t bear it, Wen Jinyu thought silently in her heart.

“Okay, Wen Gu…Jin Yu?”


“Then Jinyu can also call me Jingke.” Su Jingke tugged at his clothes, “Jinyu, can you prepare some clothes for me? I see that the clothes of the people here are different from those in my hometown. Same.”

“Okay.” This person is not stupid, Wen Jinyu thought.

Comparing the heights of the two, he frowned when he found that Su Jingke was about the same height as himself. Since he is 1.7 meters tall, he must be quite young, Wen Jinyu couldn’t help but glanced at Su Jingke’s chest. It’s a pity that she was wearing a long robe that was already loose, and Wen Jinyu couldn’t see anything.

“You, Jingke, how old are you?” Wen Jinyu yelled out sullenly, calling someone she didn’t know very well by his first name, and she was still a little uncomfortable.

“Let me think about it…” Su Jingke scratched the back of his head after hearing this question, and then said in a low voice, “Um, I don’t remember very clearly…”

“…” I can’t even remember my own age. Is this person too stupid or is it too old? “…Jing Ke, you still look very young. From now on, outsiders will always say that you are twenty-one years old.”

Wen Jinyu said, it seems that this **** who claims to help her needs to help her first. =

The old lady was not something Wen Jinyu would do, so she called a subordinate in Linshi directly and asked her to buy clothes and mobile phones and send them over.

Seeing the person sitting upright in the chair, Wen Jinyu had no choice but to inform the owner of the hotel and ask him to open a room.

“You’ll sleep here tonight, and someone will give you clothes and daily necessities later, is that okay?”

“Well, thank you Jinyu~” Su Jingke happily agreed, and then rolled around on the bed, “I haven’t slept in a long time.”

Wen Jinyu stared blankly at Su Jingke for a while, watching the man curiously size up the things in the room, then silently closed the door and left.

What on earth have I done! Wen Jinyu, who was lying on the bed, was very restless. She felt that her behavior just now was very strange. It must be that Su Jingke cast some spell on her! !

It didn’t take long for her to feel annoyed when she heard a lot of movement in the next room. After thinking about who lived in the next room, Wen Jinyu got up and opened the door wearing slippers.

I saw Su Jingke holding up a sword that was shining coldly, facing her subordinates who were carrying big bags and small bags, Wen Jinyu was silent.

“Mr. Wen.” The subordinate seemed to see a savior after seeing Wen Jinyu, and even though he was always afraid of Wen Jinyu, he immediately hid behind Wen Jinyu.

Wen Jinyu looked at the sharp-looking sword in Su Jingke’s hand, and his little heart, which had just calmed down, began to speed up again.

“Ah, I’m sorry, so it’s someone you know Jinyu, I thought she was that…hehe…” Su Jingke saw that the person who wanted to break into her room knew Wen Jinyu, and knew that he had made a fuss. Long, very ashamed, put away the sword, trying to smack the past with a smirk.

“She’s here to give you clothes.” Wen Jinyu couldn’t say anything, it was because she wasn’t considerate enough about this matter, and there’s nothing wrong with being vigilant in an unfamiliar environment.

After watching her subordinate tremblingly put a bunch of bags into the room, Wen Jinyu let her leave. Looking at the puzzled and worried faces of her subordinates, she could only vaguely assume that this person was a fan of role-playing.

Fortunately, Wen Jinyu was always very convincing in front of her subordinates. As soon as she said it, the subordinates’ eyes showed relief, and they secretly glanced at Su Jingke before leaving obediently.

The author has something to say: Thank you for Xiaoxi’s Di. Lei Jiu Jiu Jiu Jiu (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

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