Daughter-in-law Who Fell From the Sky

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Considering Su Jingke’s situation, Wen Jinyu took Su Jingke to find a nearby Chinese restaurant for dinner, and put the menu in front of her during the meal.

“Jing Ke, what do you like to eat?”

“Well, are the patterns here the specific dishes?” Su Jingke didn’t order immediately, but asked a question first.

“Yes.” Wen Jinyu nodded.

“Mom, I don’t like the food here, I want to eat steak!” Before Su Jingke could continue to ask questions, a child’s noisy voice came from a seat not far away.

The child’s mother was a little helpless, “Bao’er, let’s eat here for lunch first, the western restaurant is a bit far from here, can mom take you there sometime?”

“No, no, I want to eat steak.” The child insisted. In the end, the child’s mother had to say sorry to the waiter, and then left with the child.

“Jinyu, what do you like?” Su Jingke glanced at the place where the child and the child’s mother left. Such a child is really not well-behaved and does not consider his parents at all.

“Me, let me think about it.” Speaking of favorite dishes, Wen Jinyu couldn’t think of them for a while, as if she had never been asked such a question.

“Jinyu, think about it slowly.” Su Jingke waited patiently, after thinking about it, he added, “I’m not picky about food.”

“Well, Jing Ke is a good boy… a very good person.” Wen Jinyu looked at Su Jingke who was deliberately straightening up with a smile in his eyes, so cute~

After eating lunch in a harmonious atmosphere, Wen Jinyu took Su Jingke for a stroll down the street, introducing her while walking, so that she could better familiarize herself with the environment here.

The next day, Wen Jinyu took his assistant to Mingshuo Real Estate for inspection, while Su Jingke honestly explored the functions of the mobile phone in the room.

“Mr. Wen, it’s hard for us to afford such a large piece of land.” Mingshuo’s general manager looked at Wen Jinyu with some embarrassment. It wasn’t that he lacked ability, but that Mingshuo Real Estate’s accumulated assets were not enough to support Wen Jinyu at all. Yu proposed the plan.

“Then how do you think you can eat it?” Wen Jinyu sat in the upper seat, took a sip of the tea in hand, “Or, how long can you reach that point.”

“Well, if Mingcheng Group can provide me with enough funds, I can complete the expansion of the company within two years.” The general manager said after some consideration.

“It’s been too long.” Wen Jinyu showed some displeasure on his face, looked at Ming Shuo’s deputy general manager, and said, “Tell me, if this matter is left to you, how long will it take you?”

The deputy general manager’s eyes flashed with joy when he heard Wen Jinyu’s words. He knew that his opportunity had come, “Mr. Wen, if I have enough funds, I can meet your requirements in one year.”

“Impossible. According to the fastest development scale, it will take two years. One year will not meet President Wen’s requirements. Don’t talk nonsense here!” The general manager’s heart jumped when he heard the deputy general manager say this. Although one is the principal and the other is the deputy, the rights held in their hands are similar, and the principal is still obtained by seniority.

“It may not work according to the conventional method, but as long as we acquire a suitable company and reorganize it into Mingshuo Real Estate, we can meet Mr. Wen’s requirements.” The deputy general manager is younger than the general manager, and his ideas are more aggressive and bold.

“Within a year, how sure are you?” Wen Jinyu asked.

“As long as the funds are sufficient, 80%.” The deputy general manager originally wanted to say 100%, but when he turned his head and thought that the person in front of him was not someone who could be fooled, he restrained his words a little.

“How much money?”

“This, about two billion?” The deputy general manager said after hesitating for a while.

“The lowest.” Wen Jinyu said flatly.

“1.5 billion.” The deputy general manager gritted his teeth and said it like the general manager. This opportunity is so rare that he has to fight.

“Give me the detailed plan within a month, each of you will have a share.” Wen Jinyu had a panoramic view of the expressions and small movements of the two people below. One of these two is calm but too rigid, and the other is aggressive but too aggressive. It would be a good combination if they were paired together. But I just don’t know why, these two people just can’t get along, and they will argue endlessly over some things every day or two, but fortunately, it is still a healthy competition for the time being.

Wen Jinyu asked some more about the company’s situation, and after reading the financial statements, she found that the profit was still rising steadily.

It’s true that she is in charge of Mingcheng Group now, but she still has a board of directors above her. Except for a few members of the board of directors, they are all members of the older generation. There is friendship between the older generation and the older generation, if they come out to do it alone under the condition that they can cooperate with Shuhuan Group, they will not be allowed.

Wen Jinyu is not the kind of impulsive person, she will not act rashly because of some guesses, her style of dealing with things is to make up her mind and then act.

After distributing the tasks, Wen Jinyu took the little assistant back.

“President, do you want to go it alone?” The little assistant asked out the doubts in his heart.

“Are you doing it alone? It’s not sure yet. Maybe it’s going on alone, but it’s also possible that it’s simply expanding the scale.” Wen Jinyu has nothing to hide from the assistant. The assistant has been with her for several years, and she trusts her character very much. of.

“President, are you trying to not cooperate with Shuhuan Group?” The little assistant knew that his own president suddenly decided to come to Mingshuo Real Estate only after Chen Wei came, and his guess was very likely to be correct.

“It’s not that, I just don’t want to be forced to do something.” Wen Jinyu slowed down after speaking, and asked when the assistant was almost at the same level as her, “Do you think I should be with Shu Huiran?” Break off the engagement?”

“Of course!” The little assistant answered very crisply, “President, you are so good, such a scumbag is not good enough for you!”

“But what if my parents look forward to this marriage very much?”

“Well, I think you can explain it to the chairman. If the chairman knows that his daughter’s fiancé has such a bad character, he will definitely not wrong you, the chairman.” The little assistant said after thinking for a while.

“Really, you think so, it would be great if this is the case…” Wen Jinyu murmured in a voice that only he could hear, and then the corner of his mouth curled up in a sarcastic arc, and said, “Such a thing, Who knows the result?”

The little assistant didn’t understand what his president was thinking, but seeing such a president inexplicably felt a little cautious, and he felt astringent in his heart…

After returning to the hotel room, Wen Jinyu lay on the bed in a daze. What should she do now? How should I deal with Shu Huiran? She is unwilling to fulfill the marriage contract, but the cooperation between the two is inevitable…

Before Wen Jinyu could clear her mind, there was a knock on the door.

Wen Jinyu sat up from the bed after hearing the knock on the door, adjusted her appearance before opening the door.

“Jinyu, I have something important to discuss with you.” After opening the door, I saw Su Jingke standing at the door with a serious face.

“You come in first.”

“Jinyu, I made a fortune for you today. You have encountered some disasters recently, and I need to personally protect your safety.” Su Jingke said sullenly after sitting down.

“Catastrophe? Do you mean I have a **** disaster?” Wen Jinyu asked doubtfully.

“You can say that, but I can’t figure out whether it is a **** disaster or not.” Su Jingke is very puzzled. Although she is the youngest apprentice of the master recently, she is very powerful. I can’t even figure it out.

“Aren’t you unable to use mana at will?”

“Uh… this, um, actually…” Su Jingke didn’t expect Wen Jinyu to ask this question, and immediately his face collapsed, “Jinyu, I forgot…”

“Pfft~” Wen Jinyu saw that Su Jingke’s serious expression instantly changed into frustration and annoyance, and couldn’t help laughing, “Jingke, don’t worry, I will keep the secret for you.”

“Trouble Jinyu…” Su Jingke pursed her lips. Why did she feel that she became a fool when she came to the mortal world? Why is she always forgetting things…

If Tianzun knew what her apprentice was thinking, she would definitely rub her little apprentice’s hair gently, “My dear apprentice, it’s not that you have become stupid, but that the people you meet are too smart, Jing Ke You’re still very smart.”

It’s a pity that Tianzun doesn’t know the situation of his little apprentice, and it is impossible to appear here to comfort her, so Su Jingke’s mental state is a little sluggish.

“Jinyu, you just left your hometown, it’s normal that you don’t get used to it, and you won’t be confused after a long time.” Wen Jinyu looked at Su Jingke’s aggrieved appearance, racking his brains to comfort him.

Su Jingke’s emotions came and went quickly, and he put it down quickly after being comforted by Wen Jinyu, “Jinyu, you haven’t answered my question yet, can I protect you personally?”

“Well, I will arrange to strengthen the security personnel…” Wen Jinyu has always been alone, and she still feels a little helpless when she gets close to someone she has known for a few days.

“Jinyu, can’t you? But I’m worried about your safety. Master told me to protect you.” Su Jingke couldn’t sit idly by knowing that this good girl was in danger. Jinyu treated her so well, she absolutely Jin Yu cannot be harmed.

“Well, why don’t I arrange you to stay in a place near me, and I’m calling you if there is a danger that can’t be resolved?” Wen Jinyu was disturbed by Su Jingke’s soft voice, and suggested a step back .

The author has something to say: Well, it’s almost ten o’clock~

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