Daughter Said: It’s A Shame To Have A Father Like Me

Chapter 134

134. The Most Shocking News, Yu Shuying, You Are Not A Genius!!!

playback screen,

Xiao Shuying was angry because his novel was about to be adapted, and the man scolded him away again.

Just like five years ago, his worms were flying hot, and a talent scout came to sign a contract, he scolded him away,

Now this scene is happening again, and she is just about to get angry,

door open,

Former teammate Chen Shuaiwen and his father, they were wearing suits and shoes and bowing.

“No respect.

Chen Guoshan was still very young at that time, and he put down a backpack with 150,000 in it.

After a while of greeting and apology, the two left, and Yu Ye sent them downstairs.

Later, in the living room, Xiao Shuying looked at the brand-new notebook, and there was still 150,000 excitement. Her excitement was,

The previous opponent always looked proud, and when he was tied for the first place, he looked at himself proudly, with a very proud look,

And now their respectful apology makes Xiao Shuying feel really happy, because of their own strength, they apologize!

This sense of achievement in self-recognition.

“Nice.” She muttered to herself, and then saw that the man took all the money,

“My money!” Xiao Shuying said angrily,

“It’s good to give you a notebook. Your old computer is going to be sold tomorrow.”

Yu Ye looked extremely greedy.

Xiao Shuying was too lazy to say more and went back to the bedroom.

The scene of “Zero Four Three” shows Yu Ye holding money in the bedroom, his smile is really greedy, he is obviously so weak, but now he is so refreshed and proud with money.

On the show, Yu Shuying saw the man’s greed again,

She fell back into those old memories,

The man asked himself for money,

He was schizophrenic and was admitted to a mental hospital, and he was so crazy about money.

He also complained to the media that he did not support the elderly,

Thinking of this and so on, her heart just felt split!

Her eyes were red, and she felt distressed and uncomfortable, because she saw how Xiao Shuying fought against capital,

It was the man who gritted his teeth and let Xiao Shuying use three works step by step to defeat the blockade of capital and let people cheer her as a genius,

But now I see him holding the money again,

complex, all kinds of emotional entanglement together,

Which one is him!

Playback continues,

Now Xiao Shuying is nine years old at the end of February, and it is the Spring Festival again,

Or the two of them celebrate the New Year,

The fireworks are very good, Xiao Shuying is sitting on the sofa watching the show, with traditional Chinese medicine boiling next to it, and a person coughing,

Yu Ye coughed so badly that she was a little worried.

“Are you OK.”

“It’s okay, which show are you inviting you next? 35 Yu Ye seemed to ask deliberately in order to change the subject.

“Happy Camp, boys and girls rushing forward, Lu Yuan has an appointment, and Children’s Channel 7 are all inviting me.

Xiao Shuying proudly said that she was watching these programs with bright eyes.

“It’s really bad, it’s all superficial entertainment,” Yu Ye said lightly.

“What do you know, this kind of show has a good exposure!” “Xiao Shuying gritted her teeth angrily.

Yu Ye’s eyes were still a little sighed, and he said softly: “This kind of show is not only invited to the most popular, whether it is an Internet celebrity or not, whether it is a celebrity or not, as long as it is popular and famous, it will be invited, right?” 5

“But what’s the use, people will remember you, remember you singing on this show stage?

His voice was quiet,

Xiao Shuying is very smart, but she didn’t hear this sentence and didn’t know what it meant,

And now on the show,

10 Guest Chen Guoshan sighed, he heard clearly,

The man’s expression is very simple: that is, Xiao Shuying is now a genius, fighting against capital, then he should do something that people will remember, amazing, not this vulgar stage,

She can go to this stage anytime in the future,

Now she needs a real stage!

What can really make Xiao Shuying worth going, this is the confidence!

Cultivate a child’s confidence and arrogance!

Let her choose the program, instead of being forced to be coerced by the program and become a product of corrupt traffic.

It’s very hard, it’s too hard for a kid who is just famous at the bottom and is about to become popular,

It’s easy to get lost in this kind of traffic show, lost in the praise of stars,

“Your father. I don’t know his past, and I don’t see his future, but his sharpness is really terrifying. This is the most far-reaching person I have ever seen. Chen Guoshan said complexly,

Even after Xiao Shuying became a genius, that man did not have any excitement,

He is dying, may at any time,

And a woman is staring at his child,

And many neighbors are staring viciously,

But he was nothing, just calmly told his daughter that you must have real confidence and arrogance, and don’t be contaminated by a little temptation, because in the future you will become a very dazzling star, a star with real talent and real learning.

At that time, people will worship you, worship you, you will be truly famous, and you will have a real market effect!

No matter when you go to act or make a movie, people will go to see you for your fame.

This is what Yu Ye wants to teach Xiao Shuying!

“You…you do have this kind of fame now.”

10Guest Chen Guoshan watching Yu Shuying,

Ten years ago, Yu Ye’s silent sentence,

Ten years later, Yu Shuying really has this kind of arrogance and ability,

It’s really vicissitudes of life, and the oath remains unchanged.

But the playback screen is not,

It was Xiao Shuying who wanted to choose a program after hearing what the man said, she said angrily,

“I choose myself!””

“nothing dealing with you!”

She glared at him and went back to the bedroom, but she felt that she was talking too hard, she turned her head and said: “I don’t mean anything else, but you don’t understand this, don’t stop me.

She apologized a bit and went back to the bedroom,

Yu Ye was silent, looking at the ghetto, he coughed again, and then suddenly coughed up blood, blood clots,

He looked, stunned,

Looking at myself in the mirror, sickly, with the grayness of my pupils,

“It’s alright, it’s alright.””

“Ye Wang still can’t take me away. 35

“Xiao Shuying, don’t be excited and happy just because someone gives you a candy, you have to be calm, calm, don’t owe others, don’t ask for the most superficial things from others,”

“You can go to these shows that only invite Internet celebrities in the future, but not now, you have to accumulate your name of genius now. When you are sixteen years old, you will be on the stage again, and they will introduce you in a shocking way. ,”

“It is said that this is the entertainment genius child star of all time. Her name is Yu Shuying. She wrote Woerfei at the age of four, Undersea at the age of five, played the young Ying Zheng at the age of six, and published a cosmic romance song at the age of seven. The first place in the host competition at the age of eight, the first place in the singer’s surprise attack, and the release of the tomb robbery note at the age of nine, they will introduce you like this, and everyone will look at you with admiration.

“This is you, shining, proud, not indebted, fearless, selective, looking at everything equally, facing anything neither humble nor arrogant, once you appear on the stage and amaze the audience, you will always defeat your opponent across a latitude.

“Do you understand, child, you are destined to be a person who is bright with the sun and the moon, not a flower for those mediocre programs..0”

This is Yu Ye looking in the mirror, talking to himself, and talking to himself about what he has to do.

Playback continues.

In March, Xiao Shuying was excited to go home from school and waited for someone to come to the door for the first time.

[Yan Huang in the Classics] The agent of the program team came to the door, a very dignified and temperamental woman, she shook hands with Xiao Shuying and Yu Ye, but Xiao Shuying asked Yu Ye to cook directly, she took the agent people in the living room.

“Xiao Shuying, your performance is very good, very outstanding, we plan to invite you to participate in Yanhuang in the classics, this is a historical guardian program, broadcast on Ctv, the reception strength and program response are very good, what do you think?

“it is good!”

Sending off the agent, Xiao Shuying looked at the program invitation certificate several times,

This program is very good, even the principal has always praised it, because the minimum education of the stars is a doctorate, and very few are stars, most of them are movie stars, and actresses, they all have a very high literary knowledge before they can be invited. this national program.

Yanhuang in the classics sings praises to history.

She looked and looked at Yu Ye who was cooking, the man was still coughing and wiping his mouth with a handkerchief, so sloppy,

This made Xiao Shuying even more fortunate. Fortunately, the man didn’t talk nonsense, otherwise he would get angry with the reporter again.

No way, she is really worried about having such a father.

And the playback is silently retracing backwards.

That was the first time Yu Ye coughed up blood, and Xiao Shuying was in the bedroom thinking about what program to choose.

And Yu Ye was silently writing a letter and mailing it to the [Yanhuang in Classics] program group. This program group has a general requirement that contestants can write part of the copy to participate in the competition, but it is extremely difficult and desperate.

Envelope:【Yu Shuying Historical Copy/Eligibility Letter】

After a week, the envelope was typed back and it said: Sorry..

In the middle of the night again, he had a handkerchief and coughed and vomited blood, but he didn’t care,

Continue to write [Yu Shuying Historical Copywriting/Participation] Mailing the Yanhuang program group in the classics,

Still got called back.

Still sorry for failing.

The man froze for a moment,

It’s like doubting yourself, or lamenting your incompetence,

But he didn’t say anything, just continued to write,

third letter,

【Yu Shuying Historical Copywriting/Participation】

[Do you know what the 3.6 looks like with the passage of time, change and change? I looked at King Qin and asked]

[That year, at the northern foot of Mount Li, on the shore of the Wei River, a huge project was about to kick off]

[Yingzheng, the king of Qin who is still a teenager, told me that he chose a feng shui treasure land of “pillow gold and silver”]

[He stood eastward, vowing to ride the horses on the six kingdoms and hide all the mountains, rivers and rivers in the mausoleum]

[And the outside of the mausoleum and the inside of the mausoleum are separated by life and death, and also separated by the time of change and change]

[King Qin saw the disappearing history of Daqin, he was a little stunned and whispered, will future generations remember it]

[I said of course I remember, we went to the Great Wall, you see, that was Europe, now divided into small countries]

[At that moment, some people said that when you pass through the gap between the loess and time, you will hear the roar of the Qin army that has been suppressed for two thousand years]

[They are battle-hardened and invincible, they are shouting, offspring Xiaosheng, do you still remember the king who unified Liuhe!!!!!]

The third envelope has been sent,

A week later, there will be a reply [Congratulations, you have obtained the qualifications for the Yanhuang program in the classics, and a staff member will contact you next]

The envelope was sent to the school, and the principal gave it to Xiao Shuying,

And now she is watching the blockbuster show invitation over and over again,

And Yu Ye felt uncomfortable every time he coughed and fainted,

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