Daughter Said: It’s A Shame To Have A Father Like Me

Chapter 149

149. He Lived In Three Words In His Life, That Is…

Where the Yu family lived, the only kind old man died, died,

His name is Liu Guozhi. He was seventy-one years old. He got married when he was twenty-seven. He had a child at thirty-two. His only daughter died.

He fell all the way to Baijia District and made a living by running a grocery store. He didn’t tell anyone about his past for many years, but he met some families with daughters in his life to help him.

This is his paranoia,

So why did he help Yu Ye,.

Today’s dinner Yu Ye and Xiao Shuying didn’t eat much, they both looked out the window,

In the past, at the gate of the campus, there was always an old man playing chess, very kind,

Now gone, the only warmth here is gone,

“It’s so bad here, the only kind old grandpa is gone,”

“I really hate it here.

“You know, Sister Deng Ziqi asked me where my house was, and I was embarrassed to say what would happen if something happened to her big star when she came here.

“But it sucks here.”

This time, Xiao Shuying didn’t hide it, she was very disgusted and knew that she had expressed her disgust here more than once,

She dreams of escaping from here and never coming back,

But this time she expressed it so calmly for the first time,

And Yu Ye just worked hard to eat and made himself gain weight, he didn’t say until he was about to eat,

“Do you hate it here, and you hate me “Zero Five Three”…”

Yu Ye’s voice was very casual, as if he asked casually while he was eating,

Xiao Shuying was stunned, she wanted to say yes, but she suddenly thought of the man on the hospital bed,

But she thought of his greed for money again,

She also thought of sending herself to school,

And he looks so carefree in front of reporters

All the pictures are merged,

Xiao Shuying only said one sentence, a very calm one.

“Ask me in the future.

“I’m going to write a song.” She calmly went to the bedroom, leaving a back.

Yu Ye has no silence, no sadness,

wash the dishes in peace,

put leftovers in the second-hand refrigerator,

Washing the dirty clothes, wringing them out and drying them on the balcony,

sweeping, mopping,

A man went to the toilet to wash his face, but when he raised his head, he suddenly cried,

I couldn’t hold back at that moment,

He doesn’t know why,

Just crying suddenly, there is no reason to keep crying,

He closed the toilet door, tears kept falling,

shoulders shaking,

Until his crying eyes were bloodshot, he shook and washed his face, soaked his face in water,

Then he coughed, he spit blood in this wash basin,

Then turn on the water and rinse it off,

He looked up at the mirror,

There are many sorrows in him, one of the best old people is gone, and he is not able to,

My daughter is always talking about leaving here, and she still owes more than 70,000 yuan.

No one wants to use his own strength to unload the car.

I can only go to some distant factories to do other jobs, but sometimes I quarrel with my supervisor because of picking up Xiao Shuying.

various things

pile up,

suddenly cry,

But nothing, just wipe the tears, then calmly with a smile,

go to the bedroom peacefully,

take medicine,

Lying on the bed, his eyes dizzy and the sadness dissipated, he looked at the ceiling.

A man curled up, in this May, very hot season, he curled up,


Now the show,

Yu Shuying endured the collapse in her heart, she thought of something,

One is the man who asked Xiao Shuying whether he hates me

Xiao Shuying said, ask me in the future,

Yu Shuying seemed to hear that voice again,

“You want to get out of here so much, it’s right to leave here, it’s too barren and bitter, but do you also hate me because of it.”

The man seemed very calm and asked carelessly,

Yu Shuying bowed her head, she didn’t want others to see her guilty expression at the moment, she felt guilty for the little Shuying at that time,

“I don’t hate you.

“I answered for my childhood.

“But can you say sorry to me, what you did after that really confused me!”

“I don’t hate you, but if you can say sorry to me, I will apologize to you too!”


it was crying,

A very complex emotion merged, crying,

She was like the last stubbornness, but it was also like the last collapse, she just whispered, she didn’t dare to look at the camera, because the man came, she didn’t know what she would do,

She found herself longing to meet and terrified of seeing him.

And now playback is new,

Another day, taking Xiao Shuying home,

When they passed by the gate of the community, they were silent, and no one played chess.

go upstairs to eat,

After dinner, Xiao Shuying subconsciously opened her cool hook music, opened the song “Under the Sea”, opened “Chong’erfei”, opened “Chi Ling”, “Mohe Ballroom”, she likes to read comments very much, and every time she sees encouragement, she feels proud. feeling of pride.

She reads the reviews every day and begins to prepare to write new works.

now too,

But she found that the comments had changed,

There are a lot of new comments coming from different people,

She looked at this comment and was suddenly stunned,

[It is 12:5 p.m. in Jinling. My silly girlfriend is still sleeping. I can hear her breathing very calmly. I am very fortunate that I can make her feel safe. I am trying my best not to let her It’s sad, but I always make her angry with my cheapness. I don’t know how long I can live. It’s terminal leukemia. I really like her very much. I love her very much.

So I cherish the last time with her. If I can’t hear her voice, I really want to cry] – Mohe Ballroom

[I hope she finds a boy like me so she can always remember me, but I’m afraid she finds a boy like me because why why like me, but not me] – Undersea

[At a wedding, a little girl asked her mother why the bride’s sister was always crying, her mother said, maybe she felt very happy, or maybe she didn’t marry the person she wanted to marry]—— insects fly

[Xiaolu took a cigarette and said calmly, don’t hit it anymore, it can’t hit her heart anymore] – Bug’erfei.

This is the new comment.

There are a lot more,

But unlike the previous praise, the commentary now takes the audience’s story,

As a songwriter, Xiao Shuying watched calmly,

But she also thought in her heart,

Another scene came to her mind,

That is [a clown, who did not try to please anyone, just looked at the gray sky alone, blowing bubbles, and the bubbles turned into bubbles]

She thought of this scene again,

Life is like a bubble.

The old man died and his life was like a bubble.

Now these loves, the loves that the audience sighed, are also like bubbles. They were so loving in the past, but now they have become bubbles and dissipated.

Everything is a bubble.

After all, it is fleeting, it is all false, and it is all false.


With love as the theme, life as the background, and life as the song sublimation,

this moment,

Xiaoshuying’s mind is a comment on the right and wrong of pursuing love, and the mind is a clown blowing colorful bubbles.

She took down the pen and began to write,

The foam in the sun is colored,

Like being deceived, I am happy,

What is right or wrong, your lies,

because you still love me…

this moment!

Xiao Shuying wrote the first paragraph..0

On the program stage, the program team invited Deng Ziqi, who came here on his own initiative. Now she is in Yu Shuying Company,

She is coming,

Wearing leather jackets and trousers, still so cute, with peach-shaped lips,

It’s not beautiful, but it’s cute,

He is not tall, but he is very aura when he walks,

She first smiled sweetly at Yu Shuying, then watched this scene,

Deng Ziqi was stunned,

She watched a lot of replays before,

When she saw the first fragment of the lyrics written by Xiao Shuying ten years ago, she saw other pictures in front of her,

A man makes himself up and plays a clown, a lonely clown blowing bubbles,

A father took his child to a funeral. Their father and daughter were sad and had their own emotions.

“My boss is okay, Yu Ye just played the clown, it can only be regarded as a wake-up call for Xiao Shuying.””

Deng Ziqi said calmly, after all, Yu Shuying was inspired by various emotions.

Yu Ye can only be regarded as a wake-up call.

This is the screen backwards,

After Xiao Shuying attended the funeral, Yu Ye went to work every day, this time to dye fabrics, he borrowed a co-worker’s mobile phone, downloaded and opened Kugou Music, and then commented on a paragraph in Mohe Dance Hall,

[A girl came to get a tattoo and wanted to get a boy’s name tattooed. The tattoo artist advised her not to get her name tattooed. After breaking up, she would have to wash it, but the girl calmly said, my boyfriend is a drug police officer, he can’t erect a monument and can’t leave his name. I want to have his name tattooed on my body, and I will be his tombstone from now on]

this moment,

When he wrote this paragraph,

Deng Ziqi only felt a burst of grief, this kind of love blooming like a bubble,

Again, Yu Ye works part-time night shift at a fried chicken restaurant. He uses the mobile phone of his co-worker to open Kugou and comment on Bugerfei.

[When I was young, every time I was disobedient, my mother said that the police officer would take me away. When I grew up, my boyfriend was a police officer, but my mother would not let me be with him. I had to be with him, but After all, they were separated. Once when the siren sounded while eating out, I suddenly subconsciously said, “Mom, is he here to arrest me? He will arrest me…”

– worms fly

At this moment, Deng Ziqi 3.6 feels extremely sad, this kind of love is more like a colored bubble,

But the playback still has,

That was Yu Ye’s middle class. In the slaughterhouse, he borrowed the monitor’s cell phone. The monitor didn’t know much and watched him comment.

[I have been dating her online for five years. She is in Sichuan and Sichuan. We agreed to get married and have a few children. But one day the radio was hoarse and the news broadcasted the flash flood in her area all day long. Many people When I started donating money, I sent her a message like crazy, begging her to scold me, beg you, she would reply to the message, now ten years later, I am still sending messages, and she still hasn’t replied…] – Seabed.

Deng Ziqi was stunned for a long time, she saw the most colorful, but still bursting love bubble,

This man used the cellphones of his coworkers and wrote comments one by one,

are all kinds of bubble love,

No matter how bright it is, it all dissipates, but some are bright and some are dark.

And now the new playback,

Xiao Shuying is looking at the new song comments, watching these stories, she is more and more shocked,

At this moment, she knew how to continue writing lyrics.

pen down,

Beautiful bubbles, although a flash of fireworks

All your promises, though too fragile,

But love is like a bubble, if you can see through it,

I should have known that bubbles burst at a touch,

Deng Ziqi thought of a sentence: He has lived in three words in his life, Yu Shuying!.

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