Daughter Said: It’s A Shame To Have A Father Like Me

Chapter 154

154. How Much Did This Man Teach? He Taught…

Now the playback screen is,

Before leaving, Deng Ziqi persuaded Xiao Shuying to choose reconciliation, or to turn a blind eye to Huachenyu, and let this matter pass.

In order to thank Xiao Shuying, she specially reserved an official singing quota, as well as a share of money and a share agreement.

Qian Yu Ye put it in the bedroom, only this agreement is left, and a police academy will sing a spot,

“Acknowledging Hua Chenyu’s mistake, or making up, or turning a blind eye when the matter is over?”

“But, can stepping back really solve the problem…”

Xiao Shuying was silent, she suddenly thought of what the man said,

How many times do you want to go back?

Do you want to apologize to Hua Chenyu, and then Zhang San and Li Si come to bully you, and you all apologize?

Dignity is earned by fighting, never by apology and admit defeat,

Silent light, silent waiting, a blockbuster!

Don’t be incited, but don’t join the mob, you have to fight alone and show your strength, this is the way to be a genius.

this moment!

The words Yu Ye said in the past are reconnected in Yu Shuying’s mind,

This made Xiao Shuying more determined.

Deng Ziqi, his only good friend persuaded him not to fight with such a famous singer,

But the more she wanted to fight to the end, because she felt that the man was looking at her,

“Can I, I can definitely be “zero five seven”.

“This time I go to the police academy, I will definitely prepare a song!”

At that moment, Xiao Shuying was firm and confident!

It was at this moment that she showed her determination,

How difficult is a determination to fight,

You are just a little star, but you have to fight against a well-known singer, her fans scold him, that star criticizes you from a high moral point of view,

It’s a test,

But now, Hai Tao, the male host of the show, is amazed,

“Yu Ye has done so much now, just to make Xiao Shuying make up his mind.”

“He taught Xiao Shuying how to fight, teach Xiao Shuying to be transparent, and teach Xiao Shuying social rules. Now Xiao Shuying has really made up her mind.”

“Before dying, I just want my daughter to be fearless. 35

“It’s character education.

After the male host Hai Tao finished speaking, he looked at the audience, his voice was silent and clear.

Now on the show, those contestants are all stunned and lost in thought. They are all parents and feel that they are good at educating their children, but now they are complicated,

“How can there be such a character education, so that children can truly become strong and fearless through several stimulations! 01 contestant Su Bai sighed.

“Character education is very important, because it is shaping a child’s self-confidence.” 02 contestant Jiang Yue sighed,

everyone else is watching,

This playback.

At the same time, on the stage, the guest Deng Ziqi thought of the next picture,

That was the most glorious moment of Xiao Shuying. At that time, Xiao Shuying, Hua Chenyu, Deng Ziqi, Han Honghong, Li Jian, and other singers were invited to participate in an official program and sang a song for the police force.

What Deng Ziqi thought at the time was that she would create an opportunity for both parties to reconcile. After all, Hua Chenyu was very popular, and Xiao Shuying was a genius, so she didn’t want to offend them all.

But at that moment, Xiao Shuying did not reconcile and refused to reconcile. Then she took the stage and the song “The Lonely Brave” shocked the audience.

At that time, many anti-drug police officers and some police officers were moved,

At that moment, Xiao Shuying’s song was extremely popular,

in a specific place, in a specific situation,

she was hot,

After that, she killed Huachenyu all the way, and then Huachenyu fell into a state of rock madness. She started to grow long hair and sang like a madman.

Many people think that his personality changed because of the talent gap.

“You really rose all the way after…”

Deng Ziqi fell into memory,

while playback continues,

That was Yu Ye going out with money, Xiao Shuying glanced at him,

“Go for what?

“Save money?”

“Why save money, that’s my money!”

“You are young.


Xiao Shuying watched glumly, her money was taken away, she was so angry.

She thought her father was a gambler before, because the neighbors often played mahjong and cards, and she heard a lot of gamblers howling,

And this man has no hobbies, so Xiao Shuying speculates that he plays cards.


Thinking of this, Xiao Shuying became very irritable. She felt that the source of her lack of confidence was her family.

This father sometimes drinks alcohol, speaks carelessly, may play cards, and has an arrogant personality.

In the face of reporters’ interviews, I still agree, and sometimes I want to show off,

Now she only thinks of this shortcoming.

Sometimes when the teacher asks to write the family file, she doesn’t know what to write in her father’s profession.



she does not know,

She also doesn’t know what to write on the family vehicle, does she write about a second-hand broken electric car of the bird brand?


Xiao Shuying sighed, the man went out, now she is very upset for the first time family background,

The screen continues,

It was the end of July for Xiao Shuying, she had already had her winter vacation, and then she could go to high school,

She’s in the bedroom now, thinking about a new song,

Participate in the official police academy program, dedicate a song to those police officers, this time there are twelve stars participating, the lineup is strong,

She thought about what to write.

what to write,

So worried.

She flipped through the computer, checked the news, wanted to find inspiration,

Then she looked at her phone without inspiration,

Look at your own song comments for no inspiration,

Reading books, the piles of books are also uninspired,

Looking at the meager private messages, they are all morally critical of themselves, and have no inspiration.

From 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, two hours,

Xiao Shuying sat slumped on the bed, eating an apple angrily, crunching.

Her cell phone flipped randomly,

Until a literary exchange QQ group message prompts, this is a link,

The title above reads [These little people who will never be recorded]

Host: Morning Light

a presenter,

Looking at this title, Xiao Shuying felt a little throbbing for some reason.

she opened,

no background music,

Only the anchor’s abruptly awakened voice was hoarse and heavy.

“That was in 755 AD, the Anshi Rebellion, Chang’an was in jeopardy, the Tubos took control of the Western Regions, and the Protectorate of the Western Regions of Qiuci became a lonely army. They sent messengers again and again, but there was no news again and again.”

“At that time, the former defender of the city was Guo Xin, the nephew of Guo Ziyi, a famous Tang general. They were alone in the siege of the Tubo for many years, and they did not give up.

“In AD 790, the sixth year of Zhenyuan in the Tang Dynasty, the Tubos launched a massive attack on the North Court, the North Court fell, and the Anxi Army was completely alone, and they had nothing. 35

“No reinforcements, no flanks, no guards, no food, no weapons, those white-haired veterans are getting old, but their life has been poured into this land, and they have changed from iron-boned teenagers to white-haired veterans, They don’t care about those coins, they only care about mission and belief!”5

“No one of them remembers that they were the guardian of Anxi, the king of Jagged County, Guo Xin, who led three thousand white-haired soldiers to fight the Tubo army to the end, and the whole army was destroyed!

This is the first time that Xiao Shuying heard this story, the Anxi white-haired army at the end of the Tang Dynasty,

no one records,

lonely guard,

This made Xiao Shuying think of those police officers. When they were catching bad guys, they were lonely, right?



She wrote this word in her diary,

Then Xiao Shuying listened to the anchor, she now feels that she has come to inspiration,

The voice was nice, hoarse and heavy, with strong emotions..0

“It was 1645, the second year of Shunzhi. In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, as the people of the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, many well-educated scholars shaved their hair and changed their clothes for a longer period of time. Shuntianfu Township Test. 99

“In this age of weakness, when three thousand disciples of saints knelt down and begged for the qualifications of the Great Qing Dynasty, three thousand Taoist priests in Fuqiu Mountain went down the mountain silently. .

“In that year, the three thousand Taoist priests died in the battle of Yiyang. 35

“Later generations only heard this sentence. Before going down the mountain, the little Taoist priest once asked the host, the Taoist priest, when will you return after this trip, if you return, it will be a peaceful and prosperous world, if you don’t return, you will never return!

this moment, hearing this,

gone forever,

Xiao Shuying only felt a sense of tragic and solemnity, these people have not been recorded in history,

In later generations, Buddhism was so brilliant, and Taoism was so lonely. They were forgotten in history, but they were so tragic and fearless in the past.

At this moment, Xiao Shuying raised the pen, she thought for a long time,

Wrote: Brave!

3,000 people knew that the Qing Dynasty had already entered the pass, and the Nanming Dynasty was about to be destroyed, but they still went, and went without fear. This is not brave or what,

And the announcer’s voice was still resounding,

“It was during the Anti-Japanese War. Zhang Xihu, who came from a wealthy family, participated in the Air Force and died heroically in the Battle of Pingshan. He was only twenty-five years old.”

“Similarly, my father was a judge of the Republic of China, with a prominent background. Shen Chonghai joined the Air Force. When he returned, he found a large number of enemy ships. He did not parachute. Five years old.

“Yan Haiwen, from Northeast China, was 21 years old. After completing the bombing of the enemy, the fighter jet was hit by anti-aircraft artillery. He parachuted and landed on the enemy’s position because of the wind. When the enemy surrounded him, he shot five enemies with his pistol. Suicide and martyrdom.

The anchor’s voice is full of sadness and a power of teaching, telling some children how fearless our history is,

Xiao Shuying sounds complicated, moved, proud,

She looked at the two words she wrote at this moment,


She added the last word,


【Lonely Brave】

At this moment, she thought of the theme and direction of the new song!

Among these unrecorded little people,

In these proud histories of song and cry,

She knew what to write.

Right now the barrage is all about saying,

“It turns out that in this kind of history, Xiao Shuying’s spirituality was awakened.

“She’s amazing, boy.”

“Is it a stunning show of Xiao Shuying this time?”

And now the screen playback is another line of sight, on the 12 rooftops,

Yu Ye stands quietly alone, his voice is so nice,

When he got serious, every word had a texture, like these voices and the life he experienced.

He was talking to the mobile phone, and his anchor showed Chen Yang.

The voice was cold,

Firm, like the snow after the wind and frost, so full of life and cold.

He says.

“You have to remember….not standing in the light is a hero…”

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