Daughter Said: It’s A Shame To Have A Father Like Me

Chapter 195

195. The Picture Of Urging Xiao Shuying To Ask For A Pension Is Here, So What?

That year, Xiao Shuying was about to be fourteen years old. Facing the sanctions of entertainment companies and controlling resources in many aspects, many capital parties were waiting for her to compromise, and they were all sarcastically watching her investment.

Under the leadership of capital, many netizens ridiculed and sneered at her,

And in the hearts of ordinary fans,

The little girl’s little shadow is so bright, sparkling, shining, fearless of everything,

Many fans have praised her for fighting against the entertainment industry system alone, what should she look like in the future!

That year in the mental hospital, Yu Ye was sick for eleven years,

I am as thin as a firewood, I am in a daze every day, or take notes, or memorize things, every day is like this,



There are not many people like him in the mental hospital,

Most of them are crazy, some talk to themselves, some are stunned

There are very few who are as quiet as he is, and who are not violent,

But now the attending physician, Zheng Eunxiong, said to the medical staff: “It’s good to pay attention to him. He is habitually tired and thinking is the most dangerous, and it is easy to think dangerously.”

“Is this kind of personality prone to problems?” the medical staff asked, looking at Zheng Enxiong worriedly.

“It’s easy to go wrong and he loses everything, everything.

“Also lose all being, thinking. 35

“Being indifferent to everything at first, the side effects of brain cancer itself will promote the development of the disease.

“His disease will accelerate and get worse.”

“In other words, he will lose all thought of living.”

After the doctor finished speaking, the little nurse nodded,

And after that,

The little nurse started to stare at Yu Ye from time to time, afraid that he would not be able to think about it,

Until late at night, Yu Ye quietly walked out of the ward and came to the hall, and the little nurse hurriedly followed.

“What are you going to do, you can’t think about it!

Yu Ye just smiled and held the phone, and said softly, “I’m afraid of disturbing their rest, so I’ll call my children.

“Okay, you won’t lose your mind, right?” the little nurse asked.


“Then why are you in a daze every day and your eyes don’t look forward to everything. 55

“There is only one expectation in my heart, my child.” Yu Ye smiled.

“That’s fine.” The little nurse nodded.

Yu Ye made a call.

“have you eaten?”

“Study hard, and don’t forget to give me pension money every month since the age of fourteen.”

He opened his mouth, and at this moment his soft voice became a lot more greedy,

The little nurse frowned, a little disgusted, how could there be such a father,

The other end of the phone was silent for a while and came out, “Understood, is there anything else?”


hang up the phone,

Yu Ye’s eyes were still gentle, and he slowly returned with a cane, his eyes emitting a warm light.

Only the little nurse muttered: “How can there be such a father.

But she suddenly thought that this was the first time she had seen this man’s warm eyes,

Only when he communicates with his daughter, his eyes are no longer dead, but a little bit of vitality.

Because the days were too hard for him,

She’s a nurse, she understands this man’s disease,

Cancer has reached this point, it can be said to be desperate,

Extremely bitter.

“This kind of terminal cancer, why does he care about money and pension money, does he want a better last life?

“But he’s not that extravagant, he doesn’t eat very well, and he doesn’t have any good health care.

The little nurse muttered strangely,

And now,

on the show,

Yu Shuying looked at this scene with eyes,

finally started,

From this moment on, the man let the fourteen-year-old her begin to fulfill her responsibilities and start giving her pension money.

“Hey, I don’t blame you.”

“It doesn’t matter if you are greedy for money, no matter what you are.”

“I was very good to me before, and I will give you the pension money, which can make up a little bit.

“I don’t blame you.

“I blamed you before, I always thought you wanted money so much. 55

Now Yu Shuying is standing in front of Yu Ye, she is so calm and calm, looking into the man’s eyes and saying.

It’s her reconciliation.

Liu Shi also sighed beside him.

“Shuying is a really good kid. 35

“This child, shining brightly, is very filial!””

“She’s had a really good life!

Liu Shi said calmly, praising the child,

And now the barrage is full of,

“It’s the beginning, it’s the first time that Shu Ying has taken this step. She has taken this step and started to reconcile with that man!”

“Yu Shuying’s spirit is very good, after all, he has been asked for pension money since he was fourteen years old.

“How can I put it, now Yu Shuying’s spirit is open, it’s good!”

And the playback screen continues.

It was Xiao Shuying’s thirteenth year and December, it was snowing, and Yu Ye had been looking outside this month,

In January when Xiao Shuying was fourteen years old, Yu Ye started to apply for a cake and wrote Xiao Shuying happy fourteenth birthday,

This day was the end of January. The nurse said that there were family members who came to see Yu Ye. He was very excited and walked out.

While visiting the room, Xiao Shuying was just about to take out the money in a fuss, but when she saw the man take out the cake,

“I’ll get the money first.

“First birthday, you can’t forget your birthday every year.”

“You have to remember it yourself. My memory has deteriorated recently. I’m afraid I will forget it.”

Yu Ye smiled,

The attending doctor Zheng Enxiong next to him looked at him with complicated eyes.

He remembered that in December, Yu Ye ate sluggishly for a whole month,

Because of the pain and suffering, because of other complications,

He never smiled,

He felt that this man was really sad to live,

But now it’s different!

Now this man’s eyes glow with light, sparkling and dazzling.

He smiled and looked at the child, serious and firm.

That smile, that kind of vitality

The joy of bringing out the cake cannot be concealed,

Then he sang alone,

“Happy Birthday.””

“Happy Birthday.”

“Happy Birthday!”

His voice was hoarse, but he sang happily.

Xiao Shuying smiled and nodded.


“Thank you, I’m your father.”

“Eat cake 990.

Yu Ye cut the cake for her,

Xiao Shuying ate, and then asked.

“How are you doing here?” She said complicatedly, because here, she saw a lot of mentally ill people with dementia.

“Very good, very comfortable.” Yu Ye smiled.

The doctor Zheng Enxiong and the nurse lowered their heads, thinking of this man’s silence day after day, the endless bitterness and suffering,

But he didn’t say,

Just say to the child, it’s fine, it’s fine, don’t worry,

He picked it up.

Xiao Shuying nodded, and after eating the cake, she took out 10,000 yuan and put it in Yu Ye’s hand.

“You can treat your illness here, and I will come to give you pension money at the end of every month.” She said calmly.

“Okay!” Yu Ye nodded.

Then he watched the child walk out of the mental hospital, the shadow disappeared in the distance,

And Yu Ye is still watching,

Then he resumed his silence, old-fashioned, in a daze,

Or a person picks up a mobile phone and looks at the investment market, thinking of other road paving options for the child,

The female nurse found that, from beginning to end, the man had never looked at the ten thousand yuan, but only said that he had paid the hospital fee in advance, which he had already paid for three years in advance.

His eyes are clear and clean, without any greed.

When his daughter was away, he suffered in this world, just waiting for her daughter to grow up quickly.

He can leave well,

to rest,

this room,

too tired…

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