Daughters of Demeter

107. Abrasive

"The hoist isn't just for the grav-sled you know?" Sarah commented after finishing the last of her breakfast. "It can't get the containers off the ship, but as the loader starts hauling them away I could move the next one up to just inside the main airlock. That way the loader doesn't really need to come on board. They just pull up to the top of the ramp, pick up the next container, then back out and haul it away."

I'd made us a nice breakfast while we reviewed our plans, and it sounded like we were just about ready to start putting those plans into action.

"So potentially we could be unloaded by this afternoon," I said as I looked to the boss. "Are we going to be taking off as soon as we're empty? And what are we going to do for fuel, if we can't get it at the spaceport."

Rebecca frowned as she had a gulp of coffee. "With the holds empty we won't be so desperate. We'll be limited to jump-0 but I'm pretty sure we can make the Fuminja Cluster from here. That's our best bet, especially since docking with the port there means we don't have to deal with planetary gravity or an atmosphere."

"As for how soon we leave..." she hesitated, then shrugged. "I need to talk with El before I'm ready to make that kind of decision."

The boss probably expected someone to comment on that. When none of us did she grimaced, "I know I was in a big hurry to get off this rock yesterday. Now you're all probably thinking my judgement's clouded because I've found Ellery here alive after all these years."

"I don't think your judgement's clouded," I responded. "And I'm sure all of us understand you're reluctant to leave so soon after finding her."

Jenny agreed, "The parameters and circumstances have changed, it's natural to need some time to reassess the situation before making decisions."

We were all finished breakfast by that point, so Sarah and I started cleaning up while Rebecca headed into her cabin to get dressed. And as soon as we were done tidying up the two of us did the same.

Fortunately my clothes all still fit, but they were a bit loose on me and my pants were a little long. Rebecca had the opposite problem since her last visit to the Re/Gen pod, her clothes were a bit short and a bit tight in places. About the only thing I couldn't wear were my boots. They were too loose so I wore some comfy sneakers instead.

"I can't believe you got Jenny to make you smaller," Sarah commented with a giggle as we were dressing. "The longer fluffier tail though, that I can believe."

I felt my cheeks colouring slightly as I protested, "I'm not that much smaller! And I didn't hear either you or Rebecca complaining in bed last night."

"No complaints here cutie," she replied with a grin.

Once we were both ready we headed out of the cabin to rejoin the others and get on with our day. Sarah was still confined to the ship and Jenny opted to remain with her today, while Rebecca and I set out for the mayor's home.

The boss had her carbine slung over a shoulder again, while I was loaded down with my medkit over one shoulder and the shotgun over the other. Plus I still had a box of spare shells in my jacket pocket. I couldn't help thinking it was a good thing I had the genetically enhanced strength and endurance, otherwise I'd have probably been struggling to carry all that.

When we got to the mayor's office we found Ella there along with Preston and Jace. The mayor was behind her desk, while her husband and son were sitting at the small table to the side. All three of them had mugs of coffee in front of them, and there was a half-full pot to one side with a couple more empty mugs.

"Help yourself," Ella said as she gestured to the coffee.

Meanwhile Jace was staring at me. "I'm surprised to see you up and about already Amanda. I thought you were hurt bad enough you'd be in bed for a week or two at least."

"I guess I got lucky," I grimaced. "It wasn't as bad as it looked."

Mrs. Wheeler gave me a hard look, and I realized she probably just figured out I used the Re/Gen pod to recover from the wound. Fortunately she didn't say anything about it, and nobody else questioned or commented so I left it at that.

Rebecca poured herself a coffee as she changed the subject, "Any word on your loader? Will we be able to get that cargo off my ship today?"

"Cam promised he'd have it ready this morning," Jace replied. "We were just discussing what to do with the containers after we get them unloaded."

I moved to take a seat next to Jace and his dad. I set my medkit down on the floor by my feet and asked, "I'd like to follow up with some of the folks who got wounded yesterday, if that's all right? I understand you have a local doctor and I don't want to step on their toes, but considering your men were hurt defending our ship I feel like I should help out."

Preston responded, "We'll take you over to Doc Rogers in a bit. Peterson's the only man that needs serious medical help, and your captain there claims you've got the skills despite your young age. The way she was talking you up yesterday made it sound like you're some kind of teen pro-toe-gee or some such."

That made me blush, but it only got worse when Jace spoke up.

"You should have seen her yesterday dad," the younger man grinned. "There she was with a hole in her belly, but she faced down two of those raiders with that big old shotgun of hers. Took the pair of them down without batting an eye, then just like that she went from fighting to healing. Pulled a first-aid kit out of her pocket and started tending our injured. Hell she even checked on the raiders too."

Once again the boss spoke up to change the subject, "Speaking of the raiders, did you get any information out of the one we captured? Any idea if we can expect another attack? My ship's still running sensor sweeps, so we'll have some warning if anyone else is coming."

Ella had a sip of her coffee then replied in a cold voice, "I was able to convince him to talk. Don't know how accurate the information is, but it's all we got. Anyhow, he claims they've got a big camp about a hundred and fifty clicks south-west of us. Says there's at least seventy of them there, bragged about how many vehicles and weapons they got. According to him they've been hitting outposts and communities all around these parts, but Ganvis was too small to catch their attention till y'all showed up here yesterday."

Rebecca sighed, "So assuming he was telling the truth we can probably expect a follow-up attack before long. And assuming yesterday really was a recon mission, then the next group will probably be bigger and better-armed."

"That's what I reckon," the mayor responded with a grim look on her face.

Jace commented, "We took care of them pretty easily yesterday right? So we should be able to handle them ok today too."

Ella glared as she responded angrily, "We lost two men yesterday boy! Blake and Wess are dead! Not to mention Peterson's laid-up at Doc Rogers and won't be standing up to fight any time soon. That was what, eleven raiders with two vehicles? What happens if they show up today with twice as many men? Or four times as many?"

"We still have a few tricks up our sleeve," Rebecca pointed out. "Some element of surprise. If they come again they'll know we're not push-overs since their first group was lost without a trace, but they won't know what happened."

The older woman grumbled, "Doesn't change the fact that we ain't got much in the way of fighters or defences. There's Finn and whatever men he can convince to stand up and fight. He had eight with him yesterday, we'll be lucky to get five or six today. Plus Jace, and you two. Hell I'll even take up arms again myself if it comes down to it, but I'm out of practice. Been outta that work a long time now."

She frowned at Rebecca and added, "I ain't forgot what we talked about yesterday but I still got my doubts missy. Even if you used to be him you sure ain't him no more. If you was then I'da said you were worth ten of Finn's boys, but you just don't look that tough to me. Sorry Becky but that's just the way I see it."

Hearing that made me cringe hard. Not only did Ella basically out my girlfriend in front of Jace and Preston, she also used one of the nicknames Rebecca hated most. Her comment about my tall strong amazonian captain not looking tough was pretty nonsensical too, as far as I was concerned.

Neither Jace or Preston commented, but I could see both were looking at my girlfriend in surprise, while Rebecca stood there with her jaw clenched.

After a couple seconds of tense silence the boss let it drop as she changed the subject, "Can I ask one of you to take Amanda here to have a look at the injured man? I'm available if you want to discuss tactics or strategy Ella. Otherwise I'd like to get on with unloading my ship, and I'll want to be there to supervise that."

"Fine," the mayor stated. "Jace, why don't you take Amanda over to Doc Rogers place? Me and Becky here will go see what in hell's taking Cam so long. Preston, you hold the fort while I'm gone."

I didn't cringe as hard this time, but I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable and disappointed. It seemed like Mrs. Wheeler had decided to continue using that nickname after seeing that Rebecca obviously didn't like it. I didn't want to say anything considering the boss's history with the woman, but I seethed quietly at the thought of someone going out of their way to antagonize one of my girlfriends.

"Amanda?" Jace said as he got to his feet. "C'mon, I'll take you to see our local physician."

I nodded as I stood up as well, and hauled my medkit up onto my shoulder again. As I followed him out of the office I told Rebecca, "I'll see you back at the ship afterwards."

"Stay safe," she responded. "If there's trouble, get your ass back to the Demeter ASAP."

"Yes ma'am," I replied, then Jace and I headed out while the boss turned her attention back to Ella and Preston.

I followed Jace outside, then he started leading me to the east. As the two of us walked he apologized, "Sorry about my mom. She's not exactly the most open-minded person around here."

A moment later he sighed, "What am I saying, none of these people have much tolerance for folks like your captain. Except maybe Cam. He's always been a little different, and he's accepting about pretty much anything."

"What about you?" I asked. "And how intolerant are we talking about? Are we going to be in danger once this gets out?"

I tried not to sound too uptight, but if these folks were likely to turn on us for being trans or gay then I wanted to make sure my girlfriends knew about it.

"I've shipped with all kinds, I learned pretty fast to mind my own business," he replied. "And I already know you and your crew are good people, that's all that matters."

"As for other folks here," he continued, "They won't do anything against your crew. Hell I don't think they could, not after seeing you and Rebecca fight yesterday. And mom won't go talking about that in front of folks. She'll stay stuff in front of me and dad that she won't say in front of others."

While I was thinking that over he continued, "Not that it's any of my business but I'm curious about the history between your captain and my mom? How do they even know each other?"

"Sorry Jace," I grimaced. "Your best bet is to talk to your mother about that? I doubt Rebecca would say anything, and I know she'd want me to keep quiet about it."

He smiled, "I figured as much. Anyways that's Doc Rogers' place right there. I'll warn you up front he's an abrasive old bastard with a lot of old-fashioned views and ideas, and he probably won't be happy about you checking on his patient. I'll try and hold him in check but there's a good chance he'll have some unkind things to say."

"Understood," I replied as I stifled a sigh. After Ella's behaviour today and what Finn said yesterday, I was starting to think 'abrasive' was a good word for the whole town.

When we reached the doctor's place Jace knocked, then handled the introductions and explanations. The doctor was about the same vintage as Ella, and just as unpleasant.

He didn't stop me from having a look at the patient, but he complained constantly to Jace about my presence. He also questioned my education, my competence, wondered aloud why I wasn't at home raising children for some deserving man, and warned me not to shed any fur in his practice.

Fortunately I was able to tune him out for the most part and focus on the patient. On the other hand I was very glad none of these people would ever find out I was trans. I just hoped none of them would figure out me and Sarah and Rebecca were all girlfriends.

The worst part was my patient was awake and he looked even more uncomfortable with the local doc's bullshit than I was. Peterson was cooperative, pleasant to deal with, and grateful for my help and for saving his life the day before.

I checked him over with my med scanner, confirmed there was no sign of infection or internal bleeding, changed the dressings on his wounds, administered a vitamin shot and a preventative antibiotic, and finally gave him a low dose of painkiller to keep him comfortable.

Then at long last we left, and Jace accompanied me back to the ship.

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