Daughters of Demeter

109. Defence

content warning: violence, injuries, death

While the boss was warming up the fighter me and Jenny headed back down to the hold, where we quickly filled Sarah in on the situation. Then after a very brief discussion the cute blonde decided she'd rather use a shotgun if she had to get involved in the fighting.

I'd already decided I didn't like the kick on it, so I gave it to her along with the box of shells I had in my jacket pocket. Rather than carry it around while she was working with the hoist Sarah left the shotgun and ammunition on the shelf where we usually kept it. Meanwhile I helped myself to one of the carbines we'd recovered from the Hammersmith instead, along with three spare magazines.

My new weapon was slung over my shoulder and the extra mags went in my jacket pocket, then finally I made sure my medkit was nearby incase I needed it. I left it on the floor on the starboard side of the hold, next to the airlock controls where it was out of the way but in easy reach.

It ended up taking Rebecca about ten minutes to finish the warm-up and pre-flight checks, but at long last she was ready to go. Jenny was acting as relay for now, with her primary self monitoring sensors and comms and her android staying near me and Sarah. The engineer and I both had commlinks with us too, just incase.

At long last the fighter separated from the Demeter, then its engines roared slightly as it turned and streaked away to the south-west. Needless to say that got everyone's attention, and a moment later Mrs. Wheeler was stalking towards us with Jace following alongside.

"What in hell's going on?" Ella demanded as she approached. "That weren't no shuttle, looked like a two-man fighter!"

The boss didn't want anyone to know Jenny hacked the planetary systems so I did my best to come up with a plausible explanation, "Rebecca decided to do a little recon of her own. She wanted to go have a look and see if the raiders are up to anything."

"She'll report in if she sees anything," Jenny added. "She's staying in contact, via secure comm channel."

Ella scowled, then turned around and limped back to where she'd been standing before so she could continue to watch Cam work.

Jace gave us an apologetic look as he quietly asked, "Should we expect trouble?"

I sighed, "Maybe. We'll have some warning though, Rebecca will report if she finds anything. And the ship's sensors are still active, we'll see if anyone's coming."

He glanced at Jenny and Sarah then back at me and asked, "How? You're all down here, who's monitoring the sensors?"

"Automated alerts," Jenny replied smoothly. "The Demeter's sensors are tied to the computer, and all three of us are carrying commlinks."

"Ah," he nodded. "All right. Thanks again for all your help. I hope when this is over and done there's something we can do to repay all four of you. I know the twenty-two thousand ecks sure didn't cover how much trouble you've been through."

I didn't know what to say and I definitely didn't want to say the wrong thing. And I wasn't going to tell him it was fine or not to worry about it, incase Rebecca was planning on discussing our involvement in the town's defence with Ella later.

So I just nodded quietly, then watched Jace as he turned and headed back to rejoin his mom. And Jenny and I moved to stand next to Sarah again, while our engineer and the town's mechanic remained focused on their work.

They were almost finished, but progress was slow. The final four containers were in the secondary hold, which meant the hoist had to travel all the way to the back to pick up a container, then carefully move it all the way to the front of the ship and set it down where Cam could get it. And from there he had to take it to the far end of the row and place it where Mrs. Wheeler wanted it.

As we watched the work I did my best not to fret about the captain, and I tried not to pace since I'd only get in the way if I was wandering around the hold. Even if I kept out of the way I'd be a distraction. So I forced myself to stand still and did my best to stay calm.

I ended up wrapping my tail around so I could hold it, then started idly stroking it and fidgeting with it while I watched Sarah set the next container down just inside the main airlock. As soon as it was on the deck she detached the hoist and started guiding it aft to grab the next container. Meanwhile Cam picked up the one Sarah just put down, then backed away from the ship before turning to haul it off to the end of the row.

When the hoist was finally in position in the secondary hold Sarah picked up the next container and started moving it forward. This was third last. Once this one was off the ship we just had two more and we were done.

Jenny spoke up at that moment, and calmly announced "Our captain is about to engage the enemy."

I took a deep breath and hugged my tail a little tighter as I nodded, "Thanks Jenny."

About ten seconds later Jenny commented quietly, "We may have a problem. The captain thinks some raiders may get past her."

"ETA?" I asked as I let go of my tail.

Jenny replied, "Approximately four minutes."

"Sarah once this container's done we're sealing up the ship," I stated as I started moving for the ramp. "The last two will have to wait."

"Aye-aye boss," she replied as she stayed focused on the job. She had an intense frown on her face as if she was willing the hoist to hurry up.

Cam was approaching with the loader so I quickly moved off the ramp and out of the way. I jogged a few paces away from the noisy vehicle then waved to get Jace and the mayor's attention. I shouted, "We might have trouble! Four minutes!"

Thanks to the noise of the loader picking up another shipping container, I couldn't hear whatever Jace and his mom had to say in response. I could see them just fine though, as Ella turned and started heading for home while Jace set off running to go warn Finn.

Then as soon as Cam backed out of the way with the container I dashed up the ramp and told Sarah, "Get your weapon and let's go. Jenny you stay safe on board. Keep us updated via the commlinks ok?"

The AI hesitated a second or two, then gave me a worried look. "The troop carriers have been destroyed but Rebecca is tied up with an enemy fighter. Three light grav-sleds are coming our way. Two are gun platforms and carry a crew of four each, the third holds eight people. They've accelerated to full speed, revised ETA is less than two minutes."

I muttered a curse under my breath as I slipped the carbine off my shoulder and into my hands. I headed back down the ramp as I shouted over my shoulder, "Now Sarah! Grab your gun and let's go! Jenny seal the ship as soon as Sarah's clear!"

Once I was outside I took a quick look around. There was no sign of Jace or Finn or any of the other local men, but they all thought they had more time. Then my eyes fell on the loader and my stomach lurched as I realized I'd screwed up.

Cam had no idea we were about to be attacked. He hadn't heard me over the noise of the loader when I warned Jace and Ella, and now his back was to me as he was calmly driving to the east end of the line of containers to place the next one in position. Even worse, his garage was at the west end of town so he and his loader would be an easy target as he tried to get back home.

I took off at a run, shouting and waving in a desperate bid to get his attention. Like I figured he didn't notice me till I was practically next to him. He stopped the loader and asked over the noise, "What's wrong?"

"Raiders!" I shouted as I gestured to the south-west. "Drop the container and get out of here!"

He frowned and glanced over his shoulder then shook his head, "Mayor Wheeler will give me hell if I don't put this box where she wants it. I'll head for home once I'm done."

"You don't have time!" I yelled, but he'd already started moving again, continuing east towards the end of the row.

I cursed but turned to run back to the ship. Sarah was standing next to the Demeter waiting for me, shotgun in hand and my medkit slung over her shoulder. The ramp was already going up, and sealed as I got back to my girlfriend. If not for the genetic modifications I'd probably have been out of breath already, instead I barely felt it.

My girlfriend held out the medkit as I approached, "I figured you might need this, rather than leaving it locked up inside the ship?"

"Take cover by the port-side midship landing gear," I told her as I took my medkit from her. I stuffed the bulky bag under the bow of the ship and added, "That's what me and Rebecca did yesterday and it worked pretty well. I'll use the forward gear. Try and stay out of sight, but if you get a clear shot at any raiders then take it. But remember to keep yourself safe."

"You too cutie," she said as she leaned in to steal a kiss. Then she turned and hurried into position.

Once she was crouched next to the landing gear I turned back to check on Cam again. He was finally placing the container at the far end of the row, when the commlink in my pocket came to life.

"They're here," Jenny announced. "Stay clear of the port-side aft gear, I'm activating the PDLS."

Hearing that I spun around again in time to see the three grav-sleds. The first sled was carrying seven or eight people, it was already banking north towards the town. One of the two gun-sleds was moving to the south, probably to circle around to the other side. And the third sled was heading right for us, as a puff of white smoke appeared at the muzzle of the big gun.

I scrambled for cover as I shouted, "Incoming!"

Sarah ducked fully behind the landing gear, but when we heard the explosion it was nowhere near us. I also heard some shouting from the town and figured Jace and Finn and the militia had gotten involved, but I kept my attention on the grav-sled in front of me. I knew they'd be reloading their gun, and I didn't want them to get another shot.

My hands were shaking again as I cycled the action on my carbine, then I flicked the little selector from safe to single-shot. I raised the weapon to my shoulder, looked through the combat sight, and when the dot was on the sled's windscreen I braced myself and started pulling the trigger.

I had no idea if I hit anyone but the sled began swaying from side to side which I hoped meant they'd have as much trouble aiming as I was.

Suddenly a series of loud staccato cracks left my ears ringing, but this time I knew what it was. The point-defence laser turret by the aft landing gear had come to life, and the grav-sled in front of me dropped out of the sky like a rock. It hit the ground at an angle and flipped over, but didn't explode. I had no idea if any of the raiders on board survived, but I was positive nobody was going to be walking away from that.

I didn't even have a chance to fully process the small victory when I heard another explosion from somewhere to the east, on the other side of the ship.

"We better go check that out," I told Sarah.

She grimaced but nodded, "Right behind you."

I emerged from behind the landing gear but kept close to the Demeter's hull as I cautiously moved around the front of the ship. The sound of sporadic gunfire from the town set my nerves on edge and I wasn't sure where to look, worried that someone was going to jump out of cover and start shooting at any moment.

On the other hand I knew sitting still wasn't a good idea either, so I decided to stick to my current plan. I led my girlfriend around the front of the ship so we could get a look at what was happening on the east side.

My stomach lurched as the first thing I saw was smoke rising from Cam's loader. It was still at the far end of the row of containers, but there was no sign of the local mechanic. I hoped he got clear and was hiding somewhere, and I wanted to go check on him.

Then movement caught my eye as the other gun-sled came into view. It was hovering about fifty meters off the starboard side of the ship, but I barely had a chance to register it was there when I heard the other PDLS turret activate.

A short series of sharp staccato cracks originated from the starboard topside of the ship, aft of the cockpit. It lasted less than a second, then ended with the second gun-sled exploding in mid-air. The wreckage rained down onto the hard ground as my commlink activated again.

Jenny announced, "Rebecca is on her way back to help."

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