Daughters of Demeter

112. Escape

The sun was just coming up as Cam set the last container down at the far end of the row. Sarah and I watched as the cat-kin backed the loader away then shut it off so the three of us could talk.

"I never realized just how loud this thing really is," they scowled while their tail twitched around in irritation. They'd had their ears folded back the whole time they were operating the heavy machine, which combined with the look of concentration they'd been wearing made them look angry or upset. "I wonder if I could retro-fit some sort of noise suppression system to it?"

I grimaced, "It's pretty loud. And I think we should have waited till daytime before finishing the unloading. I'm sure we're going to get some complaints from folks living in those buildings."

Cam glanced at the structures just north of us, then shrugged "They'll be fine. I'm gonna head home now and get some sleep. Thanks again for everything! Let Jenny know I appreciate the new body!"

Sarah and I exchanged a glance, then I looked back at the mechanic and asked "What about the stuff we were talking about earlier? Have you put any thought into that?"

The three of us spent the night together, ever since Cam emerged from the Re/Gen pod. I was sort of on guard duty while the two mechanics worked on the loader repairs. Though to be accurate at least half that time we were digging through the disorganized chaos that was the garage Cam called home, in search of spare parts.

During that time we'd told them what Mrs. Wheeler said about people here not being too kind to them, and that both Ella and Jace said folks here weren't very understanding. We also talked to them about whether or not they'd be comfortable or safe remaining here. And finally we let them know about Rebecca's offer, to give them a lift to another world if they wanted.

The cat-kin frowned and scratched their head, "I think I oughta sleep on it before making any decisions? Ganvis Station is the only home I've ever known, you know? My ma and pa are both buried here, they left me the garage. I dunno about abandoning all that? Maybe I'll go visit them and talk it over after I've slept."

They paused for a big yawn, while their ears folded back and their tail stretched out. Then they rubbed their eyes and added, "Definitely sleep first, decisions later."

Without another word they started up the noisy loader. Then they set off to the west behind the other buildings, slowly making their way back to their garage.

Sarah and I watched for a few seconds, then my girlfriend suggested "Sleep sounds like a good idea to me cutie. Maybe breakfast first? Rebecca might be up already, she'll probably want to know what we've been up to and how things went with Cam."

"Yeah," I nodded. "Food, sleep, both good ideas."

When we got back to the ship Sarah sealed things up before we rode the lift together up to the main deck. Rebecca wasn't up yet after all, but the two of us were hungry so I fixed a quick but tasty breakfast. I made enough so there was some ready for our remaining girlfriend, she could just warm it up when she got out of bed.

We ate quietly, then as we were tidying up Jenny emerged from her cabin to greet us.

I let her know about the breakfast I'd prepared for Rebecca, then asked "I'm sure the boss won't take off without waking us first, but could you let her know Cam hasn't made a decision yet? They wanted to get some sleep first, so they could think it over with a clear head. I'm sure you're aware, we spent the night repairing the loader then finished offloading the last of the cargo earlier."

"Of course Amanda," the android replied. "I'll make sure the captain knows. Are you two going to get some more rest?"

"Yeah," Sarah nodded. "A couple hours nap sounds good right now."

With that the two of us headed for our cabin. Our clothes ended up scattered around the floor and we pretty much flopped into bed together. We got as far as cuddling before we both drifted off. And it seemed like no sooner had we fallen asleep than Sarah and I were waking again. The nap probably helped a little, but coffee was definitely necessary.

After dragging ourselves out of bed the cute engineer just pulled on a nightshirt then headed out of our cabin, but I got myself properly dressed again just in case. I caught up with her in the mess where she was already sitting with Jenny, and happily there was a fresh mug of coffee waiting for me.

The white fringe in the AI's hair meant this was her HPD rather than the android body, a fact which she confirmed while I was enjoying the first sip of my morning drink.

"The captain and I are currently meeting with Mrs. Wheeler and Cam," Jenny explained. "We're at the garage this time, rather than the mayor's home."

I grimaced, "How's that going?"

The AI hesitated a moment before responding, "Mrs. Wheeler is being her typical horrible self. Rebecca has remained polite so far, but there are signs her patience is wearing thin."

"What about Cam?" Sarah asked. "How are they handling the mayor's visit?"

"And what are they talking about? Has Cam decided to come with us?" I added.

There was another brief hesitation before Jenny shook her head, "Cam seems stressed and appears to be getting agitated..."

I put my mug down and headed for the starboard ladderway as I announced, "I'm going over there myself. If the boss and her ex want to spar they should be doing it somewhere else. Cam doesn't need that nonsense right now."

Sarah called after me, "I think I'm still confined to the ship, or I'd come with you. Good luck cutie, tell Cam I'm on their side!"

Gravity helped me down the ladderway in a hurry, and Jenny had the main airlock and ramp opening up before I even got there. I squeezed through and jumped out before it was even fully open, then took off at a jog towards Cam's garage at the west end of town. The big roll-up doors were open when I arrived, and I could hear what sounded like the end of an argument as I walked in past the big loader and numerous piles of equipment and junk in various states of repair.

The mayor was in the process of storming out as I entered. She limp-stomped past me with a scowl on her face and almost snarled at me, "Outta my way ya mangey mutt."

I held my tongue but my ears folded back and my tail stood out while the tip twitched in irritation.

Mrs. Wheeler continued grumbling to herself as she stalked towards her home, and my sensitive ears had no trouble picking up every word.

"Should'a known Becky would have some kinda fetish for tails and fur," she muttered. "First she shows up with her flea-bitten fox, now she's turned my mechanic into some kinda girlie cat thing..."

The muscles across my shoulders and the back of my neck tensed, but I forced myself to let it go. And I made a point of ignoring the angry old woman and turned my attention on the people who were still in the garage. They were all towards the back of the building, in the corner that Cam had set up as their home.

It wasn't much, just a bed in the corner, a footlocker, and a combination terminal and entertainment unit balanced ontop of a large steel barrel.

Cam was sitting on their bed with their knees drawn up against their chest, tail wrapped around their legs, and their ears almost seemed a little droopy. From the melancholy expression on their face it was obvious they were sad and upset, probably thanks to whatever the mayor said before she left.

Meanwhile Jenny looked apologetic and uneasy, and Rebecca looked torn. I could guess our captain was impatient to get off this planet, angry with her ex again, and probably sorry for whatever happened to get Cam uptight.

"I take it things didn't go well with the mayor again?" I asked warily as I moved to join Rebecca and the AI.

Cam sighed, "Mrs. Wheeler made it clear I wouldn't be welcome round here anymore, long as I kept looking like this. Then she forbid me from leaving, since I'm the only mechanic in Ganvis. Only mechanic between here and Port Bayview, in fact."

I frowned, "So you're not welcome but she also doesn't want you to leave?"

"She ordered me to undo Cam's Re/Gen process," Jenny stated awkwardly. "And when Rebecca explained that was impossible Mrs. Wheeler had a few choice words for the both of us."

The captain finally spoke up, "I'm sorry Jenny. And Cam I really hate to say this, I don't want to put you under any more pressure, but right now I'd like nothing more than to get my ship and my crew off this rock. I think it's in your best interest to come with us, but neither me or any of my crew will try and force you."

The cat-kin sighed again but nodded, "I know. And honestly folks here have never made me feel very welcome. They weren't so up-front about telling it to my face before now, but I know they don't like me. Never did. Folks just let me stick around on account of my having a talent for machines. Except um..."

They grimaced and looked awkward and uneasy, "The thing is this is really the only home I've ever known? Even if it's been uncomfortable and folks don't much like me, as long as I kept quiet and fixed their machines they mostly ignored me."

"And if I'm not here then where would I be?" they added. "I don't know anyplace else. I don't know where I'd go or what I'd do? I don't have any formal education, and I don't know anything about ships. Even if I did, you already got a fine mechanic. So you don't really need me, right?"

Rebecca shrugged, "Whether or not we need you, you're welcome to join us. Like I said before, I'm not offering you a job. I'm offering you a lift though. We'll take you in, we've got a cabin and a bunk you can use. And we'll try and find you someplace new you can call home."

"I already have a place in mind where you might fit in?" she continued. "I have a friend who owns a shipyard on Rolandan-2, she might be able to find work for you there. Or if not there, she might have other ideas. Anyways, those are decisions that can wait till later. The one that can't really wait is whether or not you'd like to come with us."

Cam nodded slowly, "Right. Um, what about food? I have enough rations to keep myself fed for another five weeks. I can stretch it to eight if I have to. I don't want to put a strain on your supplies..."

I tried not to smile as I replied, "You won't have to worry about that Cam. I take care of the cooking on board the Demeter, and I think you'll find the ship's pantry is pretty well stocked."

"So what do you think?" the boss asked them. "Do you want to come with us? If so, now's the time to start packing."

The cat-kin grimaced, they seemed to waver back and forth for a few moments, then finally sighed. "Ok. I'm sorry for taking so long to make up my mind captain. Um, before I go though I'd like to go and say goodbye to my ma and pa, if that's ok."

Rebecca looked momentarily surprised, but nodded "Of course you can go see them! I didn't realize your family lived here in Ganvis."

"Oh no ma'am," Cam shook their head. "They don't live here, not no more. They're in the local burial ground north-east of town."

The boss's shoulders slumped as her surprise shifted to sympathy, "I'm sorry Cam, I didn't realize."

I offered the cat-kin, "How about I come with you, if that's ok? Then we can come back here and I'll help you pack. I'll also help you carry your things to the ship."

They nodded, "Ok Amanda, thank you."

"See you two back at the Demeter then," Rebecca said. "Amanda, make sure you're both safe. You have a commlink with you?"

"Yes ma'am," I replied after checking my jacket pocket. I also had my pistol at my hip, but I hadn't brought the carbine or shotgun with me.

All four of us headed out of the garage together, then Rebecca and Jenny turned south towards the ship while Cam and I walked east through the middle of the small town. My ears were twitching around the whole time, as I was alert for any sign of trouble. Fortunately people left us alone, and a few minutes later we were at the local cemetery. There were a couple fresh burials, for the locals who were lost to the recent attacks.

I held back and watched while Cam moved to a couple small weathered markers off to one side. They spent five or ten minutes there, sometimes quietly talking and other times just staring. And when they were finished, they turned and slowly walked back to where I was waiting.

"Ok," they said softly. "I'm ready to go now."

"Then let's go get you packed," I replied just as quietly.

That didn't take as long as I feared. Apparently almost everything really important to them was already stowed in the foot locker next to their bed. It took another ten or fifteen minutes for them to hunt around the disorganized mess gathering up various tools and other small gadgets, all that went into another box about the same size as the foot locker.

When they were done they hesitated, "This might be too heavy to carry."

"We've both got enhanced strength," I reminded them. "We should be ok? Just lift with your knees, not your back."

The cat-kin smirked, "You know that's kind of hard to believe? Amazing though. I'm smaller and look weaker than before, but really I'm stronger and faster now?"

I smiled back, "I know. It's true though."

It turned out that weight wasn't the problem, but bulkiness. We quickly figured out the easiest way to carry everything was to put the box of tools ontop of the foot locker, which had handles at either end. Then we each took an end and headed out together.

Cam paused to close the roll-up doors on the garage, but didn't bother locking it. "This way if someone else wants to mess with stuff or try and repair things on their own, they've got access to all the spare parts and the tools I left behind."

With that done we continued towards the ship, but had to stop once more when we found a couple locals blocking our path. Fortunately they weren't there to cause us trouble. Preston was looking a little uneasy as he stood next to Jace. The younger man was being held upright thanks to his dad's help on one side and a crutch on the other.

"You're supposed to be in bed," I admonished the injured man. "You need to heal before you start moving that leg around."

He grimaced, "I know, sorry Amanda. I had to come say goodbye though, and thank you for all you've done. Please tell Rebecca and the others thanks for me?"

"I will," I promised. "We really need to get going though."

Jace nodded, then looked to the cat-kin and commented "Cam, you're looking good. Different, but good. And as much as I'm sorry to see you go I'm happy you found a way to escape this place. You deserve so much better, and I'm sure the girls on the Demeter will take care of you. They're good people."

"Uh, thanks?" Cam replied awkwardly. "And um, I hope your leg's better soon Jace."

Preston finally spoke up, "Ella won't say it but on behalf of her and the rest of Ganvis, thank y'all for bringing that food. And thanks for taking care of them raiders."

I just nodded, "I'll pass that on to Rebecca."

With that Cam and I finally got moving again. The Demeter's ramp was down and the airlock open, and from the sound of it the engines were starting to power up as we approached. I figured Rebecca was in the cockpit and Sarah in the engine room, they were both probably waiting for us to get back so they could get the ship moving.

As soon as we were on board the ramp and airlock began to close, then I spotted Jenny in the secondary hold. She confirmed what I already suspected, suggesting "Amanda why don't you head up to the cockpit? I'll help Cam with their things then get them settled in."

"Ok Jenny," I smiled. "I know the boss is eager to get away, before something else happens and we get stuck here for a few more days."

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