Daughters of Demeter

124. Renamed

"What do you think? This beats sitting around inside the hold, right?" I asked as I relaxed onto my folding chair.

The cat-kin's ears folded back and their tail twitched at the distant roar of another orbital lift ship launching on the far side of the spaceport. Then as the noise faded they replied tentatively, "It's all right."

"It's nice having sky again," they added after a slight pause. "And feeling the sunshine. I kind of missed that, on account of how much time we were stuck inside the ship."

I gave them a sad smile, "Yeah that definitely takes some getting used to. I told you I grew up on an agri-world, right? The first twenty years of my life was all wide open fields and big sky above. That's probably why I enjoy these moments so much? Not that I have anything against the Demeter, but whenever we get some down-time on a planet I like to get out and enjoy it."

It was mid-morning and the two of us were waiting for a big shipment of supplies to arrive. Then we'd be busy getting it all stowed in the Demeter's galley and storage compartments. Meanwhile Rebecca and Sarah had taken off with the grav-sled to go find those parts they needed to get the Persephone moving again. Jenny went with them, or rather her android did. Her main self was still on board the ship as always.

Cam was quiet for about a minute or so as they thought about what I'd said. Then they finally asked, "How long did it take you to get used to being on a ship? Or being in space?"

"Probably about a year?" I admitted. "But that doesn't mean it'll take you that long. Everybody's different, and I can promise you our situation on the Demeter is a thousand times better than what it was like for me when I first left home."

They cringed slightly, "I sure hope it doesn't take that long. I suppose it might be better if I've got something to do though? Just sitting around in my cabin all day probably makes things worse."

"I'm quite certain that both Sarah and Rebecca will have no trouble keeping you busy," Jenny commented as she came down the ramp to join us outside the ship. "I expect they both have plans to train you on various ship-board duties and operations."

The white fringe in her hair told us this was her HPD, not that we needed the confirmation since both Cam and I knew her android body was off-ship with our other crewmates.

I agreed, "That's a good point. There's a lot of standard stuff you should know, above and beyond the engineering stuff Sarah will want you to learn."

From their expression I got the feeling Cam didn't know whether to be excited or anxious about that prospect.

"Actually while we're waiting for the supplies to arrive why don't we add you to the ship's roster?" Jenny suggested. "That way you'll be on the record as an official member of the Demeter's crew."

I smiled, "That's a good idea. We should have done that yesterday, as soon as we got back from Gilly's."

The cat-kin asked "What all's required to do that official roster thing? Do I need to sign something, or fill out some paperwork?"

"Not at all," Jenny replied. "I can take care of everything right now. I'll just need some information from you, so I know what to put in the official records and the ship's log. First question, what is your full name?"

"Oh it's -" they started to answer but immediately cut themself off as their cheeks coloured. "Um, what if I don't want to use that name anymore?"

They added, "Cam is just a nickname, short for something else. I don't mind y'all calling me Cam, but I never really liked the other name."

I gave them a sympathetic smile, "Then you don't have to use it, and you don't have to tell us what it was. You can just be Cam if you like? Or if there's another name you'd like, that works too."

"Whatever name you give me will become your new official name," Jenny added. "It's what will go into the log and roster. I believe the captain could even get identity documents for you with the new name if you wished it."

The cat-kin smiled, "In that case can you put my full name down as Cammie Blake? But I'll still go by Cam for short."

"Of course," the AI nodded. "And I have your homeworld listed as Deveron-8, correct?"

Cam nodded, "Yes ma'am that's right."

Jenny smiled, "Then welcome aboard Cammie Blake, you are officially listed as a member of the Demeter's crew. Your position is recorded as 'assistant engineer / apprentice', which I believe covers all the options that were discussed yesterday before and after dinner."

"That's it?" the cat-kin asked in surprise. "It's all done?"

The AI nodded, "It's all done, and your new name is official."

That put a big grin on the cat-kin's face, while their ears perked up and their tail stood up straight behind them.

I smiled as well, "Congratulations on the new name! It feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yes ma'am it does," they replied happily.

"Have you had the name Cammie in mind for a while?" I asked. "Or is that something you came up with more recently?"

"You don't have to answer if it's too personal," I added quickly.

Cam's ears and tail all drooped slightly as they replied, "My ma used to call me Cammie when I was little? Ma and Pa were already calling me Cam since it was shorter than...the other name. But ma called me Cammie sometimes, and I liked it."

Their cheeks flushed and their voice got quieter as they continued, "It made some other folks around Ganvis Station unhappy though. They said Cammie was more of a girl's name, so it wasn't appropriate for my ma to call me that. I didn't mind though. Actually I think finding out it was a girl's name made me like it even more?"

"Huh," the cat-kin said as they suddenly frowned. "Now I wonder if maybe my ma knew I wasn't really a boy even back then?"

Before either Jenny or I could respond all three of us were distracted by the approach of a big flat-bed grav-sled. It swooped in low and blew up a big cloud of dust as it settled onto the ground in front of the ship. Then a couple burly guys emerged from the cab while Cam and I were coughing and shaking the dust out of our hair and fur.

It didn't take long for the two men to unload all the supplies into a big pile in front of the Demeter's ramp, then they got back into their vehicle and took off in another big cloud of dust.

"I swear they do that on purpose," I muttered as I brushed more of the grit from my clothes and shook it out of my floof.

Cam made a face and their tail twitched around in irritation while they carefully ran their fingers through their hair to dislodge any dirt that got stuck up there. Then they asked, "Now we have to carry all this stuff into the ship?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Not just up the ramp but up to the main deck and get it stowed away. It's easiest if we get it into the hold first, so we can seal up the ship? Then haul it aft onto the lift in engineering and get it up to the main deck. Then we can start stowing it."

Jenny gave us both a sympathetic look, "I'd offer to help but I can't actually lift anything. The best I can do is keep you both company and offer moral support."

I grimaced as I moved to the pile of boxes and crates, "Thanks Jenny."

It wasn't actually hard work, thanks to our enhanced strength and stamina. It was mostly just time consuming and a bit laborious. Cam followed my lead though, and the two of us quickly shifted the pile up the ramp and into the main hold. Then after we put away the folding chairs Jenny sealed up the airlock and raised the ramp, while me and the cat-kin started making trips aft to get everything onto the lift.

Once we had all the supplies up on the main deck things got a little slower as we had to sort it before stowing it. And when they realized just how much fresh food and meat the captain bought Cam's eyes grew wide as saucers.

"This is another huge feast!" they exclaimed as their tail swished around. "There's enough here to feed all of Ganvis Station for a week! And we still have two days' worth of food left over from that restaurant yesterday!"

I smiled, "We're not going to eat it all at once. Most of this is going in the freezers. It does mean we'll be eating good for a while though. Looks like we've got at least three weeks worth here."

In addition to all the quality food there were more cartridges for the autochef, and more beverages too. There were the usual cases of cheap booze and soft drinks, and something in between that looked like alcohol that was meant to taste good. As opposed to the stuff Rebecca usually drank, which could also be used to clean the engine fittings.

As promised Jenny watched Cam and I do all the work. And just as the two of us got the last of the supplies stowed in the storage compartment the AI announced, "Rebecca and Sarah and I are en route back to the ship. The quest for parts has been successful, so I expect Sarah and Cam will be returning to the Persephone in the near future to effect repairs."

"Will we be doing that today?" the cat-kin asked.

After a slight pause Jenny shook her head, "Sarah has something else planned for the two of you this afternoon. She says the Persephone will wait until tomorrow."

"The Persephone has its own engineer," I pointed out. "You could always just drop off the parts and let Blix handle it. Or sell them the parts I mean, I don't think that stuff's going to come out of our pockets."

Cam shook their head as they quietly explained, "I think Tanya wants Sarah to do the work? I don't think she trusts Mr. Blix to do it right. Or maybe she just recognizes that Sarah's the better engineer."

I couldn't argue with that, even without knowing much about Blix I had no doubt Sarah was a better engineer. I wasn't sure what to think about the Persephone's captain not trusting her own engineer though, that seemed like a bad situation.

Then Jenny announced, "Our grav-sled is arriving now, and Sarah asked me to ask her assistant to report to the main hold."

"Yes ma'am," Cam responded as they headed for the starboard ladderway.

I followed too, while Jenny stowed her HPD now that her android body was back on board.

When we joined the others in the main hold Jenny's android body already had a purple fringe to her hair, indicating that she'd switched out of autonomous mode. She and Rebecca were standing next to the sled, which was parked in the middle of the deck. As we approached I noticed a couple unexpected items in the back of the sled.

"What are the chairs for?" I asked. "Did the damage on the Persephone affect other parts of their cockpit too?"

Sarah grinned, "They're for us. Cam can you carry one of these? I'll take the other. And we'll stop by the workshop and grab my toolkit, on our way up to the cockpit."

I frowned, "Why though?"

Our cute engineer gestured, "These ones have gaps in the back, like the chair I installed in the copilot position for you a while back? We're upgrading the other two seats to match, so you folks with tails can use the pilot or engineering positions without being uncomfortable."

"Oh," I blushed. "That's good thinking."

Rebecca smiled, "Sarah suggested it for the engineering seat, no doubt with Cam in mind. And I figured we may as well do the same for the pilot's position too. For those times when you need to take the captain's chair."

Sarah pointed out something else in the back of the sled, "I also picked up that little set of lockers? After we get these seats installed in the cockpit, we'll install those next to Jenny's capsule. So folks have a place to leave their clothes and things, while they're getting re/genned."

"Oh right," I smiled. "I remember we talked about that back at Ganvis."

"I take it the supplies came in ok?" Rebecca asked.

Cam nodded as I replied, "Yes boss. We've got everything stowed away, the ship's stores are fully loaded again. All we need now's a cargo."

"I'll see about that tomorrow," the tall redhead responded. "I should check in with Gwen and Tanya tomorrow as well, to see if they've come to any sort of a decision yet."

I asked, "So what else is on the agenda for today?"

Our captain smiled, "Relax? Take it easy? Or if you have any business in port you're welcome to take the grav-sled. Or I can come with if you like?"

"Actually I'd like to head over to Vesfar Urox if there's nothing else going on?" I replied. "I finished that letter to my sister this morning, I'd like to send it off."

Sarah smiled as she picked up one of the new chairs, "If you can wait an hour or so I'll come with you? It shouldn't take Cam and I that long to swap out the seats in the cockpit and install those lockers in the secondary hold."

"Sure," I agreed. "How about you Cam, want to come with us? We could do some shopping if you like?"

The cat-kin shook their head as they grabbed the other chair, "No thank you Amanda. I think I'd rather stay with the ship today."

We all headed aft out of the hold together, and since our two mechanics had their hands full I ducked into the workshop and grabbed my girlfriend's toolkit for her. Then while Sarah and Cam got to work in the cockpit the rest of us headed into the lounge instead.

Jenny sat on one of the comfortable chairs, while Rebecca and I ended up cuddling together on the sofa. And like usual my big floofy tail wound up on my girlfriend's lap, so she could pet and stroke it.

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