Daughters of Demeter

53. Speculation

It was dark out when the three of us emerged from the restaurant. The captain treated Sarah and I to another really nice meal, and I was sure they were both feeling as full and satisfied as I was.

As we all got into the grav-sled Sarah commented, "I like that you seem to know all the best places to eat, boss."

Rebecca smiled, "Before I had Amanda spoiling me with good food on the ship, the only decent meals I had were the ones I got in port. All I ate on the Demeter was what came out of the auto-chef."

I blushed slightly, but I couldn't help smiling too. It was nice to be appreciated, after all.

We were already heading back towards the shipyard, though flying the grav-sled at night was a bit of a harrowing experience as far as I was concerned. It was different back home when there wasn't any traffic around, and I knew our farm like the back of my hand. Cruising through a foreign city at night with other craft moving around was a bit more exciting than I liked.

At the same time I knew it probably wasn't dangerous. The captain would know what she was doing, and there were probably rules and things she was following that I hadn't learned yet.

Fifteen minutes later we were over the shipyard, and Rebecca brought us down just off the Demeter's port side. We left the grav-sled parked there, according to the boss there was no need to bring it into the ship since we'd probably be using it again the following day.

She secured it with a lock code, that'd keep other people from flying off with it. I had a feeling though if we were on Ecclestone's World we'd probably be sealing the thing inside the ship at night rather than just leave it out. Lock code or not, I was pretty sure if someone wanted it they'd find a way to take it.

The main and secondary holds were both almost empty again, most of the salvage had been removed by Mel's people. We still had those four big containers full of disaster relief and emergency medical supplies that we recovered the first time around at the Hammersmith, and the new cases that were brought back from the ship's armoury the second time around. And the regular cargo as well of course.

Rebecca sealed up the ship for the night, as Jenny activated her HPD and joined us in the hold.

"Welcome back," she greeted us. "I trust your outing was successful?"

I grinned, "Hi Jenny. I think it went well? I sent a vid to my little sister, then we had a really nice meal."

"Was everything ok here?" Rebecca asked, as the four of us headed aft to ride up on the lift in engineering.

Our AI crew-mate nodded, "Mr. Lancaster's employees were as efficient as before. They had no trouble offloading all the salvage you and your friend agreed on. Then Mr. Lancaster came back in and asked to speak with me again."

The four of us ended up sitting around the table in the mess like usual, after grabbing some drinks.

Rebecca frowned, "How'd that go?"

"It was fine," Jenny replied. "He correctly guessed that I had something to do with the 'healing pod', since that's the only thing on the Demeter advanced enough to support an AI. He had some questions about it, and about me. I answered some of them, but I didn't tell him everything. I didn't divulge anything I believe you'd want kept confidential."

Sarah asked her, "How'd the meeting go earlier? How'd he take it when he met you?"

The captain answered that, "Initially he was wary and maybe a bit worried? And he suggested that we keep Jenny a secret for now. They don't have anti-AI laws here like they do in the Imperium, none of the worlds here have banned AI as far as I know? But that doesn't mean people are going to immediately accept Jenny when they meet her, or that they'll be comfortable with her."

Rebecca's attention shifted back to Jenny and she asked "What exactly was Mel asking, what did he want to know?"

The AI replied, "Initially he asked for confirmation on a few things that I believe you've already told him. Or at least that's how he phrased it? I hope I didn't make a mistake in believing him."

She elaborated, "He asked me to confirm that using my 'healing pod' is what prevented you from aging normally. He said that you told him every time you used the pod your age reset to eighteen. He also asked what sorts of things I could cure, and cited a few stories you'd told him regarding some of the more significant injuries you've sustained over the years."

"Do you think he's planning on asking if he can use your Re/Gen pod?" I asked.

Jenny hesitated briefly, before nodding "His questions were somewhat leading. He didn't outright ask if he could make use of my services, but he might be planning to ask you captain."

Rebecca grimaced, "That's not a conversation I'm looking forward to. Not that I'd refuse him, but he'd have to know before climbing in what the limitations were."

I just nodded quietly. I had no doubt the shipyard owner would be pretty shocked when he learned the Re/Gen wasn't quite the fountain of youth he might expect, and that youth and health would come with an unexpected price.

Sarah asked the captain, "You don't think he's interested in it from a vanity point of view do you? He doesn't even look that old."

"No," Rebecca shook her head. "I think he's sick. You two have only met him twice, but I can tell something's wrong with him. And considering the medical tech they have on this world, if whatever it is keeps getting worse then it's probably something serious."

"I was wondering," I commented quietly. "I could tell he'd lost weight since our last visit. I didn't want to say anything though."

The captain looked thoughtful for a few seconds, before deciding "I'll try and talk with him tomorrow, in private, to see how he's doing. He's like family, I'm sure he'll tell me if I ask."

She looked back at Jenny again and asked her, "I don't want to offer your services without asking first. If Mel wanted your help and was willing to accept the limitations, would you be ok with that?"

Our AI crew-mate hesitated. "Before I answer that, I need to remind you that I have very limited resources. Thirty-seven body files, all of which belonged to my former crew. We have no way to increase that number. And every time I use one of those files to help someone else I'm violating my protocols."

She continued, "For obvious reasons I don't want to use those body files more than once. Meaning the ones I've used for the three of you are now unavailable for anyone else. There are another three that I will never offer anyone, for personal reasons. That leaves thirty-one for the next person to choose from. And if we keep doing this, the number will keep going down."

"In other words," she summarized, "Relying on me to help more people is unsustainable. As much as I'd like to help everyone who needs it, the reality is I can't. And every time I do help someone it's going to make it that much harder to help the next person."

"Thanks Jenny," Rebecca responded. "I understand the issues and challenges, that's one of the reasons I asked. Having said that, I'd still like an answer regarding Mel. Can I make him the offer?"

The AI hesitated again as she seemed to think it over, before finally nodding. "Very well captain. My personal preference going forward is to restrict my services to members of the Demeter's crew, but in light of your long-term relationship with Mr. Lancaster I am willing to work with him. Assuming he's interested."

"I understand," the captain responded. "And thanks again Jenny, I appreciate it."

After listening to everything our AI crew-mate had to say I was left with another question, but I was a little reluctant to ask. It was a delicate subject and I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to know the answer, since there wasn't much we could do about it.

I waffled for another few seconds before I decided to go ahead and ask anyways. "Jenny, I hadn't really thought about this before, and I'm sorry for taking so long to consider it. I'm wondering... Does it bother you or upset you at all, that the three of us look like members of your former crew? Do we remind you of lost friends?"

"Yes and no," she replied with a sad smile. "It doesn't bother me or upset me to see the three of you, so please don't worry about that. On the other hand, the nature of who and what I am means I can't help but be reminded of my former crew. I know exactly which files I used for the three of you, I know a great deal about the people who's bodies you are now occupying."

She paused briefly, then suggested "Not unlike how we're helping Rebecca to make new positive memories with her name, I'm associating your faces with who you are here and now, rather than seeing them as reminders of old friends who are long past. So please don't worry about that, Amanda."

"That's why you won't use those three you mentioned," Sarah said, and from her tone it was more of a gentle statement than a question. "Because they were special."

Jenny sighed, "That's correct. The captain, the medic, and one of the younger crew. Of all my former ship-mates, I was closest to those three and I don't think I could bear to see anyone else using their faces, or speaking with their voices."

All four of us were quiet for a minute or two after that, it seemed like nobody really knew what to say next.

Eventually it was Rebecca who broke the silence, "Thanks again Jenny, for agreeing to help Mel if he wants it. And I'm sorry again for ignoring you for so long, and taking you and your services for granted."

The AI nodded her head slightly, "Apology accepted captain. I know you and I had a rough start and I don't blame you for how you reacted, considering the circumstances."

Sarah asked, "So we've got our plans for tomorrow all sorted out? The boss is going to try and speak with Mel, me and Amanda will take the grav-sled and go visit the city or tour around... What about you Jenny? Any plans for tomorrow?"

"Yes in fact," she smiled. "After answering Mr. Lancaster's questions, I asked him for a favour. The planetary communications network on this world is a little more secure than the one on Ecclestone's World, and I didn't want to risk any trouble by accessing it without proper credentials. Mr. Lancaster arranged access for me through his shipyard's network, and I plan to spend my time tomorrow doing some research and improving my education."

She explained, "I've already conformed there are a number of institutions of higher learning on this world, some of which offer downloadable courses specifically for persons serving aboard ships. The idea being people can work on expanding their education on their off time, and eventually earn diplomas or degrees. I'm going to try and expand my horizons, as they say."

I smiled, "That's actually a really good idea Jenny! Now you've got me wondering about doing that too. Maybe when I get a chance I'll look into what courses they offer, see if I can't pick up a few more skills during those long hauls between worlds at Jump-0."

"Are the courses free?" Sarah asked. "Or how do they administer this?"

Jenny replied, "There is a nominal fee to download the course material, but the fees to have your work graded afterwards are more substantial. I haven't decided yet if I will submit anything for grading, as I don't really need the credentials. But considering I have my share of the first salvage job and very little opportunity to spend it, this feels like an appropriate investment. Mr. Lancaster also helped me set up an account to manage the financial transactions, so that won't be a problem either."

Rebecca smiled, "Sounds good Jenny. I'm glad you've got something planned to keep yourself occupied. If there's anything else you need to help set that up just let us know ok? I'm glad Mel was able to set you up with what you needed."

"Thank you captain," Jenny replied. "I'm all set for the moment I think? Perhaps if I get carried away downloading courses, or if I decide to submit my results for grading I might need to transfer more money to my account? My holographic avatar isn't able to manipulate hard currency, which makes spending it difficult."

Our engineer grinned, "Yet another good reason to figure out how to get you a physical body, right?"

The AI gave her a patient smile, "I appreciate your enthusiasm Sarah, but I still don't believe there's a practical way to do that."

"I haven't stopped thinking about it," Sarah responded. "I know you say it's not practical but I'm sure there's a way."

Jenny conceded, "Perhaps you're right. I think seeking a flesh-and-blood solution might be the wrong approach though? Although I look human and was designed to work closely with humans, I'm not and have never been human myself. And I know it's tempting to see my Re/Gen capsule as a solution to the challenge you've set for yourself, but I wonder if maybe the answer lies elsewhere."

My girlfriend's eyes narrowed slightly, "If not a living body, then...you're thinking about a robot? Or an android? I don't know how advanced they make robots here, but there's nothing in the Imperium that even comes close to mimicking a human body."

"We'll see," our AI crew-mate replied with a slight smile. "At any rate, it's not something we'll solve in a day."

Rebecca agreed. As she got to her feet she said, "I'll leave that sort of thing with you two. Just don't do anything that'll put yourselves or the ship at risk, ok? At least not without asking first. I'm going to turn in for the night, and try and prepare myself for a difficult conversation with Mel tomorrow. See you all in the morning."

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