Daughters of Demeter

78. Morning

When I drifted awake in the morning I noticed two things seemed out of place.

First off, there was nobody cuddled against my back, where Sarah usually slept. And second, I was curled up against something warm and soft, but not as soft or as floofy as my tail. I opened an eye and found myself looking into Rebecca's deep green eyes.

"Good morning Amanda," the tall redhead greeted me.

Sarah came into view as she raised her head to look past Rebecca. My girlfriend grinned, "Good morning cutie."

My cheeks coloured slightly as I replied, "Good morning Rebecca, Sarah."

The events of last night quickly came back to me as my brain shifted from half-asleep to wide awake. We all had a few drinks last night, but not too many. Enough to loosen up but not enough to lose control. Me and Sarah both knew what we were doing when we invited Rebecca back to our room, and the boss knew what she was doing when she agreed.

And now the three of us were cuddled up naked in bed, with Rebecca sandwiched in between Sarah and myself.

My girlfriend disappeared from view as she lay back down behind the boss, but her arms were visible as they wrapped around Rebecca's body, hugging her from behind. And I was still curled up against the redhead's front, between the two of us we had her captured with cuddles.

"Last night was a lot of fun," Sarah commented. "Actually the whole day yesterday was fun. Thanks for taking us out to that gorge Rebecca. And thanks for taking us to the nightclub too. I wouldn't mind going back there again at some point."

Before the boss could reply my girlfriend added, "I hope you had a good time too?"

I watched Rebecca's cheeks colour, and her eyes flicked up and down over my naked form as I lay cuddled against her. I saw some hesitation or indecision in her expression, like she wasn't sure how to respond yet. Maybe she wasn't sure how she felt.

It made me worry that maybe we'd moved too fast or gone too far last night. Even though Rebecca and I already had sex on the ship a couple times that was just one on one, and it was spur of the moment. All day yesterday was a very deliberate date, with all three of us involved. And the three of us were all very much involved last night when we got into bed together.

Rebecca's uncertainly lasted for four or five seconds, before her expression shifted to a smile. She twisted so she could look back at Sarah as she finally responded, "I had a really good time too Sarah. Thanks for asking."

She turned back towards me again and added, "Thanks to both of you. I'll admit I've still got some concerns about how this might affect the way we work together? But right now we're on shore leave, and those concerns can wait."

"That sounds like an invitation," Sarah teased, as her hands started to roam.

The boss didn't disagree, so I got involved as well. And one thing led to another, then a third thing, and basically another two hours went by before any of us was ready to get out of bed.

When we did finally start to move Sarah got up first and had a quick shower. I went next, and Rebecca went last. When the captain finally emerged from the washroom me and Sarah were both on the sofa in the sitting-room.

I was wearing a clean night-shirt and Sarah was in a soft terry-cloth bathrobe. And she was brushing my big floofy tail, while I kneeled on the sofa and purred happily.

Rebecca stopped and stared for a few seconds, then made her way over to one of the large comfortable chairs. All she had on was a towel wrapped around herself, and she sat down to watch as Sarah continued brushing out my floof.

"Do you two do that a lot?" she asked after a half minute.

I grinned, "Often enough, but still not as often as I'd like. Having your girlfriend brush your tail is one of the best things in the world."

Sarah teased, "Floofy-tailed girlfriends can be high-maintenance, but this one's worth it."

She continued brushing my tail for another half minute before suddenly stopping. She held out the brush towards Rebecca and offered, "Want to give it a try? It's kind of relaxing, once you get into a rhythm."

I didn't say anything, but I was surprised enough to stop purring. I sort of felt like having Sarah brush my tail was a special intimate thing, and I wasn't sure how I felt about her offering to let someone else give it a try. Then I realized she wasn't offering it to just anyone, and I'd already let Rebecca stroke and pet my tail a few times so brushing it wasn't that big a leap.

Meanwhile the boss looked surprised and uncertain, but after a couple seconds she got to her feet and moved closer. Sarah stood up and stepped aside while the captain took her place on the sofa behind me. And a few moments later the brushing resumed, but this time it was Rebecca's strong hands holding my tail and drawing the brush through my floof.

It didn't take long before I was purring again, and I had a wide grin on my face. I glanced over my shoulder at Rebecca, who was focused on my floof as she continued running the brush through it in firm smooth strokes.

"That settles it then," I teased. "I thought having my girlfriend brush my tail was one of the best things? Now I know having two girlfriends who'll brush my tail really is the best thing."

Rebecca's cheeks suddenly went red, while a wide grin settled on Sarah's face.

The cute blonde laughed, "Typical! After all this time I've been hoping the three of us could get together, Amanda's the one who makes it official."

That made me blush too, but I was still grinning and purring. And despite her blush, Rebecca slowly started to smile as well.

She continued brushing my tail as she stated, "Like I said earlier, I've got some concerns. At some point the three of us are going to have to sit down and have a talk about all this."

"Of course Rebecca," Sarah responded. Her smile had faded and she was a lot more serious now. "Me and Amanda make a point of being open and communicative with each other. And we'd want that with you as well, it's important to talk. That way any problems get solved before they become too big, before anyone gets hurt."

I looked back over my shoulder at our new girlfriend and nodded, "Sarah's right. And no offence but when we first met you were pretty quiet and stoic about stuff Rebecca. I don't think that'll work anymore if the three of us are going to be in a relationship. Like Sarah said, communication is really important."

The tall redhead stopped brushing again as her blush returned. She grimaced, but finally nodded. "I get it. You're both right, and I know that. It's something me and El worked at, but I know I've built up a lot of bad habits in the time I've been alone."

After another brief hesitation she promised, "I'll try to do better. And I'll try not to get upset when you two have to prod me to get me to open up, because I know that's going to happen."

Sarah's smile returned, "As long as you're making the effort, that's the main thing."

Rebecca then looked to me and asked, "How do we know when your tail's been brushed enough?"

"Oh," it was my turn to blush. I was grinning though as I admitted, "It was pretty much done when Sarah gave you the brush? But it feels really nice, like advanced petting, so I didn't want to say anything while you were doing it."

She rolled her eyes but smirked, "This is some of that communication stuff we were just talking about."

Sarah and I both giggled, while Rebecca put the brush aside. She kept a firm grip on my tail though, and hugged my floof against her chest. Her hold on my tail was tight enough that I was stuck kneeling on the sofa next to her until she decided to let me go.

"How do you two feel about brunch?" the cute blonde finally asked. "And how do you feel about trying the room service here?"

It turned out Rebecca and I had strong feelings about both those topics, and our feelings were all quite positive. So less than a half hour later the three of us were sitting around the small table enjoying a tasty meal. And none of us had bothered to get dressed yet. My nightshirt and Sarah's bathrobe were almost clothes, but Rebecca was still just wrapped in a towel. And that kept threatening to slip open or fall off as she sat with us.

The tall redhead had a sip of her coffee then asked, "Assuming we do eventually leave the hotel room today, is there anything either of you would like to do?"

"I wouldn't mind heading over to the Vesfar Urox place," I replied. "Not right away, but later today or tomorrow? I need some time to compose a new message for my sister first."

Sarah looked thoughtful, and after a few seconds she asked "Could I borrow your datapad at some point? I think I'd like to record a vid message, then I'll send that to Sabia when we're at the FTL place."

She added to the captain, "Don't worry, I won't say anything about you or the Demeter. I won't mention Jenny either, or how I ended up like this."

Rebecca nodded, "Ok. Whenever you two are ready we can head over that way."

"They charge a thousand ecks for a two-minute vid message," I warned Sarah. Then I asked the boss, "How about you? Is there anything you want to do, anywhere you want to go?"

She shook her head, "Not really. There's something I wanted to ask you about, but it can wait. I don't want to bring the mood down."

That made me frown, "Something serious? Remember what we were saying earlier about communication?"

"It's nothing like that," Rebecca rolled her eyes. "I suppose it's something serious, but nothing to do with you or Sarah. Or the three of us."

"So what is it? You can't tease us like that then keep it to yourself boss," Sarah stated.

She sighed, "Fine. I've been thinking about that shipment we intercepted, the stuff they're making at Fuminja Epsilon. We're on a tech world, is there anything we can buy or use here to get a closer look at the contents of those ampules? Maybe we can learn more about it, considering we have two dozen samples to study."

I was quiet for a bit as I thought it over. I finished my brunch then sipped my coffee and finally replied, "I'm sure there is, but it's outside my expertise. I could make some guesses as to how we'd go about studying the 'drug', but I think this is a topic we need to get Jenny involved in. She's our resident expert when it comes to nano-tech, and how it can interface with the brain."

"If the repairs and maintenance go according to schedule we'll be back on the ship again soon with another six days to kill," Sarah pointed out. "How about we leave this till the four of us can sit down and discuss it together? Then if Jenny can suggest some tech we need, we'll still have lots of time to get our hands on it."

"Those are both good points," Rebecca agreed. "Ok, thanks you two. We'll leave it till we're back on the ship, then the four of us can go over it together."

By that point we'd all finished eating. Rebecca pulled her towel back into place then got up and found her hotel key-card among her discarded clothes. She looked over at me and Sarah and announced, "I think I'll head back to my room so I can get dressed. You might want to put some clothes on as well Sarah, before you record that message for your granddaughter?"

"I might," the cute blonde smirked. Then she grinned and suggested, "Why don't you just bring all your clothes back here? You could check out of the other room and save some ecks."

The boss smirked and repeated Sarah's tease, "I might."

Before either of us could react she turned and stepped out into the hall, still wearing nothing but a towel.

Less than ten minutes later there was someone at our door, and I wasn't even all that surprised to find Rebecca back already. She still hadn't dressed, all she wore was that towel, but she was holding her hastily-packed bag in one hand.

She gave me and Sarah a hopeful smile and asked, "Is that offer still open?"

I grinned and stepped out of the way as I gestured, "C'mon in."

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