Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 099: A Droplet of the Abyss

“She is coming.” <Vibrant>

“I suppose now is a good time to set aside our grudges…” <Archangel of Life>

“The quickest blade is the one from behind but there is no better uniting factor than a greater enemy awaiting on the horizon.” <Vibrant>

Both of them finally stopped clashing as Vibrant even summoned all the swords back to her back, fully forming her bountiful pair of blade-wings, as she saw no need to target the blessed. Even without command - those undying monsters turned their attention away from trying to capture the cautious members of {Orchid}. Watching from within their bubble as those blessed began to focus on getting away from the void beasts who had seemingly frozen up.

Those void beasts seemingly all trembling in… Fear? Their formless bodies willingly becoming smaller as if trying to appear less appetising; like their own version of the foetal position. Slate especially was firmly holding the handle for her sword as the others within Ashue’s shield began to let out their own breaths of relief over the de-escalation of this terrifying situation.

“Is this… A good thing?” <Ashue>

That question caused many of those who were previously joyous at the turn of events (firmly patting one another while letting out jolly laughs) to give pause. Was this a good turn of events? Very quickly their laughters continued on as they quickly put off the question as that of the foolish tortoise doing her thing.

“Of course it’s a good thing senior; we’re no longer being attacked!” <Qin>

“N-nyes…” <Kitty>

“Ancestor has dealt with the situation as expected.” <Xiuzi>

They all agreed with the dog - even the cultivator who had one hand rested on her bulging stomach while the other cradled her butt as viscous white leaked from between her finger tips. Nobody made mention of that rather indecent scene however. Rather, who would dare, they had just witnessed the person responsible for it save the entire city from that angel.

Instead they couldn’t help screaming out whether as a cry for those who passed away or a celebration that the disaster was finally over… All but one.

“No… Issue is right… This is the worst possible outcome.” <Slate>

“E-eh?” <Qin>

“This means that even those two-” <Slate>

Drawing her weapon (seeing there being no world in which she didn’t need to draw it in the near future) to point towards the two angelic entities floating in the sky. Both seemingly  looking down on the world despite neither having visible eyes. Despite their previous aggression against one another, they now floated side by side, not quite back to back but certainly far closer than anyone could imagine.

“-both entities far beyond us, easily surpassing even the realm of gods, require every single hand they can in order to stand a chance against whatever is to come. A being that must be frightening enough for them that they even decided to join up despite clearly having a deep rooted hatred. Shit.” <Slate>

Clicking her tongue as she carefully looked around only to take notice of the shadows that began to violently pulsate in a clearly mystical fashion.

“Ashue take the shield down and bring everyone up to higher ground!” <Slate>

Ripping her skirt - revealing a saddened expression for but a moment - to prevent it from getting in the way or potentially being something to grip on to. She was expecting a battle which would truly push even her past her limits which meant that she could not allow for any possible troubles. Especially if they wanted to keep as many of their numbers, as possible, for the return of their ojou-sama.

Hearing the words of their advisor(s) made the members of {Orchid} quickly nod grimly as they did the exact same as Slate with the exact same mindset. None of them believed they would get out of this untouched but at the same time not one of them seemed afraid of the coming conflict. Afterall, before their ojou-sama left, she had given them the duty to watch over this city (and  especially the 666th princess) all in order to ensure her plan comes to fruition.

“Right!” <Ashue>

Even that always klutzy tortoise took the situation seriously as she threw her hands outwards which caused her formation to quickly expand before shattering. Moments later the shadow guard members quickly moved to grab anyone they could, Slate & Qin focusing on Xiuzi & Kitty, as they used the holes in the walls to ascend to the roof tops. Just in time as well.

“I hope you did not intend to keep those monsters around.” <Vibrant>

“Although I never intend to live by anyone we live by a strong belief that sometimes sacrifices are unavoidable and I believe this is one of these times; my heart goes out to tho-” <Archangel of Life>

“I should not have asked.” <Vibrant>

Those shadows suddenly began to seemingly sparkle, as if they had gems floating  inside their inky black darkness, only for those shadows to expand. Quickly forming some kind of fluid that proliferated to quickly begin forming abyssal streams throughout the streams. Despite being rather shallow; the blessed & void beasts that once threatened the group were completely helpless. Their once enemies struggle to grab anything they could find in a pitiful attempt to keep themself above the cosmic surface.

Pitiful because they quickly found themselves sicking down into that stygian surge.

The distorted groans in space - that almost mimicked the cries of beasts - began to almost grow pained as sounds of crunching echoed throughout the city. Meanwhile the blessed were in no better of a state but one certainly worse for one's sanity. Due to their nature (some being able to even speak words) their wailes and begging for mercy were far more comprehensible for those still alive in the homes & out the way of the conflict.

There was one strange scene, in the middle of all the chaos, as a child was looking around as they lay atop the quickly deepening river of shadow. Their clothing rags even before the conflict but running from the undying left them with tears in their eyes from the fear they felt. The child's dull eyes couldn’t help brightening up in curiosity at the scene of those “nasty adults” suffering under their little watch.

Regardless they couldn’t stop the fear they were innately feeling… Until everyone witnessed her finally making her appearance known to those who were watching the scene from above. A small woman of a mere 5 foot, seemingly more like a doll than a person, rose from the black brook in front of the child.

Their hair the exact same as the fluid they rose from, as were their eyes, with even their dress being like something one would put on a victorian-style doll. Upon their eerily flawless face was a frown that went far beyond what was humanly possible. That flawless voluptuous hair did not so much as lose a single rogue stand as the wind blew past her as she approached the child.

Instinctively Slate went to rush forward to stop that girl but Vibrant abruptly appeared in front of her only to shake her head in denial.

“This world is not very scary, is it not?” <Her>

That bell-like voice was certainly beautiful but… Something seemed wrong about it; like the difference between hearing a voice and hearing a recording after the fact. A slight disconnect that those watching could not put their finger on yet still sent a shiver down their spine nonetheless.

Still the child did not seem as off put; looking up at the girl in the shadows with tears in his eyes as he simply just nodded along as if to seem brave.

“Of course someone brave like you would not be scared of anything like this… But do you not think it would be better to play where you can have tons of fun?” <Her>

Slowly moving their metal-nailed fingers to cup the young boys gaunt cheeks with only a slight decrease in their always visible frown. Crouching down to get on eye level with the child as they ironically rose up due to the currents of the abyss below them. Sending them far above the back alleys that they were once forced to consider their home due to merely being born to be poor.

As such it was hardly surprising that their eyes widened as they got to look at the city from above; now managing to make all the streets they roamed through seem too small. A sinister silence overcoming the city now that the screams had been washed away by the all consuming darkness - leaving everyone alive silently watching the child in fear. Said child finding themself unconsciously nodding to the five foot girls admittedly enticing words.

An act that made the frown on their face grow back to its unnatural maximum.

“They are all messy, crazy and-” <Her>

“Enough of your prattle…” <Archangel of Life>

“I do not recommend you get in her way, good doctor.” <Vibrant>

She paused to look toward the archangel of life who was seemingly bored of just watching her do whatever she wanted within their gods realm. Ignoring the warning of Vibrant as something akin to formations but far more simplistic began to form around the angel's wings. Moments later they threw both their arms & wings as wide as they could which resulted in thousands of holy magic circles to form within the sky before blanketing the abyss with a rain of holy beams.

“[Divine Justice]” <Archangel of Life>

“Just a second… I have a chicken to pluck” <Her>

Saying so as the river began to grow turbulent, sizzlingly under the holy light, with one beam heading straight towards her with deadly accuracy. Completely engulf her in its deadly warmth… If not for the rift that appeared in space-time that redirected the beam to hit the angel in the back.

Their own powerful blow sent them jerking forward as the magic was cancelled; not even able to recover as the girl outstretched a hand casually.

“[Solar Flare]” <Her>

The wrathful scorn of a sun exploded into a violent flame of plasma that caused that angel to panicky attempt to dodge to the side. Only barely managing to get out of the path of the attack at the cost of losing everything just right of their neck - letting an insane screech out as a crooked maw formed from shards on his face. Sending golden spittle flying as they cursed.


Yet they stopped as the girl took a single step that mystically took her all the way in front of the angel who was thousands of metres away. The girl kept a disinterested & lifeless expression on her face as she somehow towered over the angel despite her disadvantageous height. Raising her palm towards the trembling divine entity.

“The only ‘justice’ I know is sleeping in the palace, traveling the world or trapped within a downward spiral due to the inherited sins of the primordial… [Nebulous Dissonance].” <Her>

Her words being cold as well as uncaring as they always had been.

Despite that the golden glow within the archangels body was replaced with one more reminiscent of the nebula within the sky. And, just like those clouds of cosmic dust, the healing that their entire world revolved around began to spread further than intended. Any balance in their body completely dissipated as the colour shifted around their body making it so they were unable to effectively recover from their wounds.

“H-HOW?!” <Archangel of Life>

“No matter how old or wise… A lion is still a beast; there is the reason your god fears her.” <Vibrant>

Their screech not even attempting to sound coherent nor human as their remaining had clutched their face as they found themselves not even able to keep themselves flying stably. Being thrown around by the power shifting around inside their body as well as the wind. The sight being beautiful while the context made it quite horrifying. All the more so by the girl’s casual following words.

“So that project can be deemed a success…” <Her>

Not even caring to put the archangel out of their misery as they returned back in front of the child through a rift they formed with a mere thought. Those watching could only shiver since even their strongest defender needed to use a technique to cut through the spatial layers.

That child obviously knew nothing about any of that as the fight happened so quickly that he wasn’t even able to witness her leave let alone come back.

Not that those with cultivation were able to do much better.

“As I was saying - before I was kindly interrupted - they are naughty but I know a ton of brave people like you who would not mind playing with you… Do you want to go?” <Her>

Once more that child nodded as if hypnotised by the beings words - said entity placing their hand upon the child's forehead as they let out a gentle whisper.

“It will only hurt for a second; like a pinprick.” <Her>

With that her hand became just like her hair & eyes as it reached into the boy's forehead making him yelp in apparent pain or discomfort. This made Ashue disobey the sword saints prior command - sending a simple bolt of qi towards the girl in a hope to stop whatever she was doing. A pointless effort as she effortlessly deflected the attack to the side, without even looking, using her remaining hand’s metal nails.

A moment later she pulled out a transparent cyan figure of the boy; one which looked exactly like he did down to the smallest detail. If a bit blurred. After doing that his body collapsed while she carefully moulded the astral projection into a little ball of murky light.

“T-that monster killed a defenceless child?!” <Qin>

“No… She helped them ascend.” <Vibrant>

“Hmpf a child is responsible for their sins…” <Her>

Pinching the top of that glowing orb to pull all the murkiness out only to casually throw it aside with no care for where it ended up.

Now all that was left was a beautifully glowing sprite that she threw up into the air.

“Now go play in your new home you little nuisance while I pave the way for your older brothers & sisters…” <Her>

That ball flying through the air only for a few childish glowing figures to jump out from the abyssal river to dance around the orb. Moments later that orb formed into the very form of the child she ‘killed’ as he looked around confused for a moment. Those spirits did not mind and began to speak to him in a language that those watching couldn’t understand… All except one who was shaking with sparkling eyes.

“What are you doing…?” <Slate>

“They… They’re talking…” <Ashue>

“Wh-” <Slate>

“They are talking in the language used for formations?!” <Ashue>

Soon even the oldest among those they rescued couldn’t help looking up in shock at those children - not that the children cared about their probing gazes. Instead one who popped up from the edge of the building stuck their tongue out before “running” towards the others. One of the nobles were about to shout out but found himself unable to speak as a little hand had passed right through his neck with his vocal cords held between her fingers.

“Adults really are the best.” <Her>

“So this is Munzumira…” <Vibrant>

Everyone jumped away from the appearance of their enemy yet nobody dared to attack as even Vibrant merely turned towards them. Knowing fine well that she needed to preserve as much stamina as possible in order to stay alive long enough for reinforcements to arrive… At least without wielding a sword.

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