Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 103: Archdemons

The sheer scale of the demonic entity made it so even Slate couldn’t help shiver - how are you supposed to fight something that can crush you by accident?

“That… It is on our side, right?” <Slate>

“Spooder~.” <Vivi>

“I think that was a yes?” <Qin>

“She’s happy; that’s all that matters~.” <Ashue>

“... I guess that’s true.” <Slate>

“It is not man that decides the way the wind blows, however it is the man that decides what he can make using the blowing of the wind.” <Vibrant>

Meanwhile the angel mumbled silently.

“... Traitors…” <Archangel of Life>

Although the demon goddess also wasn’t having an easy time as a black scythe came through the demonic breach to tug on the edges of the gap. Trying to cut a bigger hole. Yet even just getting that extra limb through the door proved to be difficult as even its slender (at least for the size displayed) limbs barely had enough room for two to fit.

SCREE TOO SMALL!” <Chokin-Bako>

If it was so easy to cross between realms they wouldn’t have set up this city; as such the spider could only fit two two limbs while thrashing them around in a failed attempt to fit through. It was almost hilarious how silly the arachnid’s attempt was… If not for the fact that those limbs were tearing through the city below.

Some of the Munzumira decided to try their luck, throwing some attacks towards the spider, yet that seemed to accomplish nothing more than annoy her. For some reason the magic just passed through its shadowy form - Chokin-Bako letting out a fearsome scratch nonetheless. Thousands of threads shot forth from the portal to the demon realm. Each thread cutting up anything in it’s path which actually included a lot of her insect “children” with her only capturing a few shadow girls.

Even then the spirits didn’t seem too bothered with detaching whatever got caught - some even removing their heads without concern.

Shortly afterwards those threads recalled back into the demon realm (bringing the captured prey with them) as the sounds of crunching began echoing throughout the city. This horrifying act did nothing to scare the bugs that were swarming through the city. If anything more insect demons surged out to devour what remains were left from their mighty progenitors meal.

There was one type that remained at a distance, clearly hovering around the demonic breach if out of the way of all the destruction, to stay with their monstrous master. Those being the spiders. As expected there were many different types. Obviously there were some that were truly horrific with bone-like protrusions yet there were also those who were more humanoid while others had a humanoid torso atop their head. Only thing that connected them was the fact they were all technically demonic spiders.

For now they just patiently watched their ‘lessers’ with their many eyes; seeing the wave demonic bugs clash against the god-like spirits. Surprisingly they were having more luck than those who gathered around Vivi had managed - only if you focused on damage down. At the end of the day the bugs were doing what they do best. They were fine sacrificing as many as they needed to get an injury.

Although in a way it was exactly what Vivi & the others needed at the moment - a chance to breathe without need to worry about another ambush from the innumerable army of Munzumira.


Those bugs also weren’t the only type of demon. A mighty war cry echoed from the demon realm as a familiar group of red-skinned barbarians charged through while bringing with them a level of wrath-filled vigour that orcs could only dream of. Their gear, just like the three that arrived prior, was overall simplistic in both design & craftsmanship yet they all had the intent to make the most of  them.

While the bugs brought numbers; these reincarnated oni brought a level of power that quickly helped the demons push their advantage. The devils were just the start as many different types of demons slowly came through - of all shapes and sizes to the point where the only thing that united them was the demonic qi flowing through their veins. Regardless they all fought in their own unique ways.

Despite all those who arrived from under the spider… There was one who just wandered in from the western gate with no weapon but two wooden practice swords that were pushed into a crimson gauze wrapped around his waist. Keeping his fairly baggy pants firmly in place.

His shirt too was rather loose fitting, with a beautiful floral embroidery around the edges that he flourished as he saw an approaching horde of blessed. In a flash of blood-red he came up towards the entities, the regal crimson cape hanging shoulders billowing, with his palms spread wide open. A palm strike from each hand was all that was needed to disable them with micro-cuts across their ligaments after he imparted his qi into them.

“Hmpf.” <Bloodleaf>

Just giving a single snort as he headed towards the highest concentration of Munzumira.

Of course that didn’t mean she wasn’t skulking in other places as well. It didn’t take particularly long for the man to notice one of the 5 foot dolls peeking in on him from a nearby rooftop - spying on him despite showing not an ounce of interest. Though it was hard to show anything with that many eyes.

The fox man didn’t care, his ten tails freely falling behind him as he brought one hand to comb through his long crimson hair. Meanwhile his other hand readjusted the dragon-skull that he wore upon his face. Him showing about as much interest in Munzumira as she was showing in him and she seemed to notice this as she decided to speak up first.

“Imagine the fallen hero coming back into the battlefield nor that we would meet like this… Seems rather boring to me.” <Munzumira>

“Who are you?” <Bloodleaf>

Not exactly the respect that the spirit deserved yet, unlike how one would imagine, she didn’t seem to care about such a thing. Merely tilting her head to the side as she stroked her chin. Seemingly in thought for a moment before she began to jump down to the ground at which point she spoke directly to the kitsune.

“A fragment of an old friend and comrade.” <Munzumira>

“Hm… Makes sense; we’re all broken.” <Bloodleaf>

Munzumira gave no verbal reaction but did raise her hand to begin summoning a magic circle, howbeit she wasn’t even able to finish conjuring, as he whipped her flat hand out. A crimson flash occurred and a moment later the doll-like spirit turned her head to look toward the ground where her arm lay. Seeing that there was no blood pouring out the wound - just black inky goop - he finally seemed a little interested.

“Seems you don’t have blood.” <Bloodleaf>

“It indeed seems that way but my blood is just dissimilar after aeons of refinement using my own impurities based cultivation; though the black blood is pretty useless for my descendents.” <Munzumira>

“May be the impurities then.” <Bloodleaf>

She didn’t comment on that and neither did he wait for her to; drawing one of the wooden swords from his sash to slash with it once.

That was all that was needed.

Meanwhile, back at the demonic breach, it seemed another demon god was getting impatient with the spider's nonsense as it suddenly appeared to be tugged back. The ease of which it occurred was even more frightening as it led to one wondering what the size and strength of the being that did it. Not that anyone was left guessing as a familiar voice soon came out.

Containing such pressure that many fell to their knees despite him still technically being in another realm.

“Use your humanoid form” <Leviathan>

“Oh yea~!” <Chokin-Bako>

Moments later the two familiar gods jumped through the crack at which point things got a little weirder as the spiders began to swarm around the demon goddess… To begin babying her. Especially those who were clearly far older in age. They began carefully grooming her beautiful, open cleavage & back, slit leg dress as if to get any lint from her dress while those with fingers began to comb through her hair.

Even more baffling was that the spider monarch seemed right at home as she fanned the bottom half of her face (with an ornate yet eerie black & red gemmed fan) thus leaving her crimson eyes visible. One of the spiders even pulled out a chair from somewhere. It also didn’t give the impression of a powerful empress being fawned on but was far more akin to a child being pampered.

Of course it was the oldest and strongest who looked kind of like a twilight years Chokin-Bako who put the nail in the proverbial coffin.

“It must be troubling to be in this dirty realm after so long.” <Demon Widow Monarch>

“Heh I’m fine with it as I already visited the oni village earlier Granny!” <Chokin-Bako>

“Ah but that is a place with few of those nasty deceitful humans who tortured you thanks to the unique climate as well as the brave powerful oni…” <Demon Widow Monarch>

“Nnnrgh… That is true however their flesh is so tasty.” <Chokin-Bako>

“I was always against bringing you here since it will only remind you of when you were a poor powerless little girl but I guess as long as you're comfortable…” <Demon Widow Monarch>

That old woman brought the demon goddess into her chest where she patted her head dotingly; her gaze was not as kind though. Silently sending eye signals to the various spiders who soon gave malicious blood thirsty smiles. At least that was the case until their matriarch spoke up again.

“Ooo~ this realm should be full of cute little piggies, right? RIGHT?!” <Chokin-Bako>

She was truly like an excitable child asking for a puppy at that moment - something that made all the surrounding demonic spiders pause for a moment. A glimmer of cunning appeared in her crimson insectoid eyes of that granny as her mandibles clacked mischievously. Her touch becoming more tender as if to preemptively placate Chokin-Bako.

“It is true but I’m afraid those nasty nasty humans still kill them by the thousands, mocking them to such an extent they use pig and boar as an insult, literally raising them to be slaughtered. Little has changed since your unfortunate fate occurred. Truly they are beings who learn little so you should focus your childish sins on extracting your pound of flesh from these silly mortals...” <Demon Widow Monarch>

The other newly arrived demon god just silently walked towards the group as Vivi sat down with her legs crossed and arms still hanging uselessly by her side.

All the demonic energies that were leaking out began to swirl around her like a pet that had finally saw it’s owner after a long time apart. Her previous injuries even began to rapidly heal at a rate which only fell behind the archangel of life themself. On top of that her body was progressively getting even stronger as impurities were forced out her body by purple flame weapons that came from the breach while violet ice froze those impurities to make them fall off her body.

Most of the group focused on Vivi’s miraculous improvement however Vibrant didn’t care about that. She instead turned towards Leviathan. Lowering her head ever so slightly in respect while making sure she still met with his closed eyes with her own… Closed eyes.

“Greetings sensei.” <Vibrant>

“Hm… I don’t deserve that kind of respect… In fact I think we should be more concerned with why these spiritual arts masters are suddenly using so little of their magic. There should be no problem with them just throwing more of those singularities which would leave us with little option but retreat from the world as only the Demon God Empress can stop them unless we find that Chaos brat.” <Leviathan>

His brow furrowed as did Vibrant’s.

If they wanted to, they could just repeat the phenomena from earlier that prevented even a head of Violet from approaching them, yet they didn’t. Instead using basic spells as well as ingenious movement to fight off an army of demons with no fear of death. It was almost as if they didn’t want to actually win the war but instead enjoy it… Just like…

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

“Chehehehihihi~ this is exactly what a war should be!” 

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