Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 106: Don’t Need a Memory to Fight

Patreon friends would be nice since Demoness' supporters fell behind LHO by a factor of eight

Vivi tilted her head to one side, reddish-purple ichor drizzled down her cheek from the wound across her eye & brow, crimson wisps coming from her powerful but volatile ancestry.

Although she obviously had seen better days - by far being the most wounded if one didn’t count the scar covered cat - she showed no actual displeasure at the lighthearted Cheshire. In fact it appeared quite the opposite of what one would assume. A familiar savage smile slowly tugged up her lips as she turned to the side to spit out a wad of crimson smoke from her bloodline beginning to get chaotic.

When was the last time she had been wounded like this?

Even back during the great wars the entity called “Violet” faced little in the way of injuries due to being such an absolute figure. When all of the heads were together they were far stronger. As such, it only made sense that the three of them would unite against the enemies that wanted to rob their precious family.

After going through those wars she began to settle down in a realm of her own. Forming a reality where blood being shed was essentially a currency; there were a minority of demons who had never entered into a fight to the death. Although if one  included “duels” against craftsmen then that number essentially fell down to only those who were born.

Being the master of such a place led to Vivi obviously shedding a lot of blood yet it was very rarely any blood from her. Even when she did manage to get injured it was so minor that she didn’t even get a chance to feel it before those wounds were healed. As an oni got stronger so did their regeneration - even if it’s nothing near that of a phoenix - so there was little that could bother Vivi at her peak

Unfortunately for the sado-masochistic demon that meant she was unable to shed her own blood during the weakest time of her life. The only time she got to fully embrace the underfoot was by antagonising her own ‘sisters’ yet Vibrant was hardly the aggressive type. Thus it only made sense her target would be the only person she knew inside & out. Along with having many bones (born from jealousy as well as envy) to pick with… Violent.

Remembering that inviolable figure made her fangs gnash together, maroon threads diffusing from between her teeth, a fact that got the fighting to slowly slow down as focus turned to her. Vibrant also ‘saw’ this - if not with her eyes - causing her to frown. She knew that look on Vivi’s face well and was also the single person alive who could claim to know all about their relationship.

“Even now their stubbornness makes them butt heads *sigh*.” <Vibrant>

“Do you not share that same level of stubbornness?” <Leviathan>

“Water is worth far more in the desert than the oasis…” <Vibrant>

Powering through their grievous injury; it was the angel that replied with a croaking voice as their hands glowed golden while cradling their windpipe.

“Just because you say something that sounds wise doesn’t mean it’s wise.” <Archangel of Life>

There was a saying that was popular throughout history to those Topplers & Archons…

“If Violet/Vivi & Violent can agree the world has no choice except to bend the knee however there is no need to brood since it’ll never happen.”

Both of them enjoyed the company of every other member of the Indigo family, containing that loyalty that led them to rather die than allow harm to a sibling, yet that fell flat between the two. The amount of times they attempted to kill one another couldn’t even be comprehended. This is while Violent had been sealed away in her own part of the demon realm since the end of the second great war.

Despite the tense air; the little gerbil (who ruled over demonic rebirth) worked hard on forcing Vivi’s wounds to heal as he balanced upon her remaining shoulder. Not even caring about her own limb having fallen to the ground as she turned her gaze up towards that cat after a long time contemplating. Her grin got wider as she finally found an opponent who could actually deliver meaningful damage that she couldn’t just shrug off.

Opening her mouth to finally speak only to suddenly have her instincts demand she jump back; something they all did as a crimson explosion stuck in the centre of the roof. The only one actually caught unaware appeared to be Chaos who was sent flying through the sky like a rocket. When the debris cleared up a familiar crimson haired kitsune stood with two wooden swords resting on both his shoulders.

“Hm… Who are you fuckers?” <Bloodleaf>

Narrowing his eyes that hid behind that skeletal mask of his. Slowly those blood red irises’ combed through the crowd of negatively aligned gods as if deciding who to attack - clearly not coming to an answer as he used one of his weapons to itch his back. Those ten tails of his beginning to fan out.

“Doesn’t matter I guess; I’ll just keep attacking till I remember.” <Bloodleaf>

He didn’t even give anyone time to react as he flew across the rooftop towards the little black cat while another Munzumira came out the shadows to grab the screaming sword. Promptly she passed it through a newly opened rift for the awaiting Cheshire who grabbed it’s handle as she tilted her head backwards to barely avoid the glowing red practice sword that came with the intention to behead her. Returning the favour as she swung towards the fox only to have him step to the side and attempt to skewer her with his other sword.

For the first time since she arrived it seemed like Cheshire was on the backfoot; she attempted to use that realm ranked sword to cut down the kitsune yet he was always prepared. Refusing to meet her sword head on, despite constantly charging forward, as he redirected her attack using his wooden swords with surprising grace. Perfectly melding offence and defence together in a way that it appeared as if Cheshire was on the defence against a flurry of unyielding attacks.

Like a bloodthirsty beast finally let off its leash - unleashing its hunger in the form of a rabid whirl of claws and fangs. 

This one demon god alone had already accomplished more than all of them alone as it didn’t take too long for many cuts to appear across Cheshire’s body. Although it could be argued that Chaos’ one attack was more effective since his attack had actual meaning. The bloody blade emperor's attacks just focused on causing as much injury as purpose without much thought about anything other than drawing blood.

Even if his practice swords were obviously blunt; he fulfilled his bloody desires a little as there were little nicks in her flesh. Not a lot nor were they deep but she certainly did not look as proper. She didn’t mind as she let out a maddening laughter during every blow that they traded.

Vivi just took this as a chance to recover as much as possible - letting go of her club in order to hold her arm against her open wound. That little hamster puffing his cheeks as he waved his stave around using his little claws. Sickly green energy soon wrapped Vivi in a cocoon of undeath; only her remaining eye visible through the veil.

On the other hand, Vibrant silently watched on as the two fought with swords, her mouth quickly losing any form of emotion as she floated there silently. Meanwhile that archangel was just sitting on the side of the fight to recover like Vivi. That meant there were really only two left (other than the fox) to keep up the fight.

Chokin-Bako was more than content to just watch howbeit Leviathan felt the exact opposite as he charged in with his massive odachi.

Regrettably the kitsune couldn’t remember his old friend as he finally stepped away from Cheshire to deliver a flying crescent sword beam toward the dragon. Luckily it was not the titans first rodeo so he managed to quickly bring his sword in a powerful swing to blow through it with his own attack - one that promptly headed toward the pair that was already there. Bloodleaf raised an eyebrow but was hardly intimidated by the attack.

Swiftly swinging one blade to send another sword beam to actually divert Leviathan’s upwards using its own curvature; forcing Leviathan to use his actual sword to defend himself. He utilised his other sword to attack Cheshire with a second crimson sword beam yet she wasn’t as stubborn as the old man. More than happy to just use this as a chance to create a distance between both of them.

Having a new target the fox didn’t care either as he began to fully attack Leviathan though it was clear that the dragon wasn’t as suited to defending himself against the storm of attacks. His defences were far higher, however, it was clear to anyone that he couldn’t keep up with the merciless strikes of Bloodleaf even if struggled to draw blood  from the divine lizard. No matter what manoeuvre the old man tried; the fox always hit him with enough accuracy to prevent him from doing anything more than look like he was flinching.

“I can’t let you bully the old grandpa like that~!” <Chokin-Bako>

“Hmpf.” <Leviathan>

That dragon frowned at the rudeness of the spider yet could hardly complain when her threads came in to sweep at the kitsune. He merely cut through them though, at least, that gave the titan the chance to take some distance in order to avoid being stun-locked again. Seeing that the fox clicked his tongue.

“Always have to make it difficult… I think?” <Bloodleaf>

Scratching the back of his head while still holding his sword.

Both sides prepared for another bout nevertheless it appeared like it wasn’t to be.

“Can I show you the toy I found chehehehihihi~?” <Cheshire>

Her uncanny laugh bringing everyone's attention towards her as a rift from her shadows a pole-arm weapon slowly rose; specifically a bec-de-corbin that appeared simplistic if ancient.

“Thats-!” <Vibrant>

“A CALL TO ARMS~!” <Cheshire>

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