Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 108: The One To Finally Break Elizabeth

Stepping through the rift led to the little demoness’ party stepping onto a very fluffy red carpet that appeared to be completely stainless; a sweet strawberry scent wafting up from below.

Of course, there was still the gamblers hall in front of them, the merry sounds of bell dings & musical stingers trying to hide the explosive exclamation of those who either won or lost. Overall the aura emitted from the building was feverish. Those who were fated to be losers appeared to be small in number or were promptly silenced as to not ruin the jubilant aura. Somehow that massive monument of chance manages to be both intimidating (based on its gran scale) as well as inviting.

A small line stood at the end of the carpet - evidently queuing up to enter the place with no one daring to act out despite the wait time. An unusual sight considering many of those within the line possessed divinity of varying ranks. Additionally there were no arguments despite the various entities clearly belonging to varying pantheons that didn’t get along.

From those belonging to one of the factions of Mother to mighty spirit queens. There was no end to the diversity on display to the ‘trio’ of challengers, a sight that made everyone but Elizabeth raise a brow, the dragoness merely just nodded her head as if it were natural. Not very surprising considering her family history in addition to her access to all known knowledge. If Akaibu was the demon goddess of endless knowledge then her older sister had too much information; since it was from peoples mind it meant a lot of the information she had documented was actually horribly wrong.

Vibrant didn’t pay much more attention to the que as she turned her gaze toward the wide empty landscape that appeared to continue on forever. No end was in sight, just the endless crack filled ground that seemed lifeless, with the occasional oscillation in the air. A faint sign of something else being present.

“Now, it seems to make sense that she’ll be located somewhere within that casino, how do we go about getting inside without-” <Vibrant>

Sensing a large shadow passing over her; she turned her head back towards what was moving to ‘see’ the 6’9 Elizabeth walking down the crimson path. Even Vivi & Bloodleaf were curious about what the dragoness was about to do. None of them would have guessed that she stomped down on the ground causing pearl ice to erupt from the ground, looking as if a titanic eastern dragon was swimming across the surface of the ocean, giving those waiting to enter little chance to react.

“[Pearl Ice Dragon Treads Water]~♡” <Elizabeth>

Some of them were too slow to do anything yet there were a few on the higher end of strength that managed to at least attempt to act. Those who were knowledgeable took one look at the ice and decided to take their chances in the desert - diving aside without a second consideration - yet the more confident opponents launched a counter. Believing that together they could stop the approaching monster.

They were wrong.

Even those who attempted to use fire found even their flames freezing as the gigantic dragon opened its mouth to let out a powerful roar. The next moment it’s jaw clamped down to envelop all those unlucky sods into a frozen tomb. Vibrant;s clicked her tongue as that the goddess had no desire to be plan ahead.

“The one that rushes into battle is the one who hurries into their grave!” <Vibrant>

“Eh~ but whatever we can plan mama will have already accounted for; so why waste time waiting around when I’m slowly losing more strength as time goes on~? You guys may as well rush on ahead so they don’t have any more time to prepare while I’ll use my limited time most efficiently by clearing up the backend! More time we wait the the more damage the devils will do to something other than this big pearl ice dragons frosted donut~♡” <Elizabeth>

Wiggling her hips suggestively while licking those plump lips of hers.

A sight that surprisingly got the golden haired oni to look away with a blush appearing on the top corner of those little ears - something the demon goddess of wet dreams wouldn’t miss. Unzipping her jacket just a little more so there was a nice jiggle for the heavenly sword's enjoyment. Utilising her height to its fullest; leaning over so her tits were basically being shoved into Vibrants face.

“You do seem to like girls with a bit of muscle so how about I let you touch mine from the inside my little oni aunt; nobody needs to know~♡” <Elizabeth>

Vivi didn’t care to help her other third as she had long fallen to her daughter-in-law's wiles while the fox showed absolutely no interest in the dragoness’ teasing. It took a lot of libido to outfuck the demon lord of lust, born from Vivi’s own loins, so it was not a very surprising scene to the two demons. There were also few alive that could refuse an offer from the beautiful ice dragoness with Vibrant only displeased with the fact she lost all control!

Not that she could be blamed, it wasn’t just Lizzy’s talent which was unparalleled, as the dragoness had her other hand begin to glide toward that god shattering bulge only to twitch as if she was caught.

“Hais~ seems like I’ll need to help you repopulate the {Heavenly Realm} another time…” <Elizabeth>

Sadly Elizabeth didn’t get to push anymore buttons to get that fat futa sword to grow as her ice dragons advance was finally halted due to the appearance of a rift-based barrier. Making the pearly dragon vanish into the abyss with plenty of tendrils being more than willing to show it the way. Sitting at the end of the crimson carpet, just off to the side of the grand double doors, was a grinning Munzumira in her usual cosmic themed dress.

The proud self proclaimed bimbo (despite not showing even a hint of a blush when caught eating a fat slab of oni meat by Mother a little while ago) sheepishly pulled her hand away. Actually going as far as to zip her hoodie up as far as it would go - which wasn’t very far with how large her chest was - as she refused to meet Munzumira’s eyes as a blush formed. Although not for fear of being gifted visions.

“While we certainly do not mind that you have gifted me with so many beautiful grandchildren, we also do not care to see you getting frisky with my daughter or heat about it, I hope you understand. As a parent we certainly know all about her escapades nor do we care about her openness. As long as you - our precious little ice cube - are happy...” <Munzumira>

Her smile not slipping despite the embarrassment Elizabeth felt quickly amplified while Vibrant obviously snorted audibly at the accusation.

“It was your daughter who was all over me; you see-” <Vibrant>
“-coverting a jade is a larger crime than stealing it; one look at your waist shows exactly what you were thinking of doing to our daughter on my doorstep.” <Munzumira>

Being beaten so readily at her own game… What could Vibrant do but pout.

“As for you… We’ll be having an enlightening conversation all about what you meant with your ‘frosted donut’ getting destroyed by those ruffians; I don't want you catching anything from those devils. I am quite concerned with you being such a size queen if you’d describe your body in that fashion-” <Munzumira>

“While this is cute and all… I have better things to do so can we move this along.” <Bloodleaf>

Finally someone put Elizabeth out of her misery since it was clear Vivi was enjoying it too much to help her subordinate out. Bloodleaf pointed his sword forward and just like that the barrier was cut open allowing them entry into the casino. Just as he was about to move his other practice sword to challenge Munzumira he was stopped by Elizabeth who looked a little shaky but pretended to have her usual confidence.

“I’ll take her on~♡” <Elizabeth>

“Are you sure?” <Vibrant>

“No innuendos when fighting though…” <Vivi>

Hearing the cutting remark from Vivi did far more damage than her Wrath from during their spar; stumbling forward only to have her quickly rise to the challenge once again. A smirk on her face as she placed her hands upon her hips. Gaze finally was able to meet her mama who just sat there with a Cheshire grin.

“This is something I need to do so all of you go ahead… I’ll catch up soon~♡” <Elizabeth>

Vibrant was suspicious of the two yet had no choice to follow the two remaining idiots that she was now stuck with. A realisation that brought everything but confidence. Both the demon’s didn’t care as they ran past Munzumira, who didn’t even glance toward them, to enter through the already open doors. The sword saint soon followed as she appeared to float across the ground with her majestic footwork.

That left just mother & daughter to look at eachother; a shocking scene of black goo oozing from Munzimra’s pours only to reveal the scarred Cheshire in her place. Smiling like usual - if with more vigour than when earlier - as she rose from her seat. A black aura began to irradiate from her limbs to create those familiar impure claws.

“How about you show me how strong you have become one last time~!” <Cheshire>

Elizabeth throwned as she began to walk towards the little black cat.

“Don’t say that… Where is your real body anyway?” <Elizabeth>

“How do you know this is not my real body nyehehe~?” <Cheshire>

“Because I know you~!” <Elizabeth>

Seemingly vanishing from their place as an intense fight between the most talented daughter and her weakest parent began. Strangely Lizzy was unable to reach Cheshire’s bursts of speeds however her constantly changing stances allowed for her to easily counter the cat. An icy armour even formed across her flesh anytime those abyssal claws tried to rend flesh; efficiently avoiding the anti-regeneration attack.

Rather, for the first time, Cheshire was actually on the backseat as she was unable to get a hold of that volatile drunk martial art nor the powerful blows that countered. Although she was able to avoid any blows with her vast experience; her burst of speeds allowed her to circle around and launch attacks from all around her larger-bodied daughter. Still (with a tactical use of defence & skill) Elizabeth managed to avoid most of her mama’s attacks before following up with a powerful blow.

However it probably seemed more like a cat jumping around a stumbling drunk to the one watching.

“Ah~ you really have made us proud with how well you’ve utilised what little we could provide; you have become so strong~!” <Cheshire>

“Well I’m the daughter of the two people who made the origin martial arts so it only makes sense that I would be a tough opponent - if anyone was giving access to both they could do the same~♡” <Elizabeth>

“Don’t undersell your achievements, not even that little dragon could merge both together~!” <Cheshire>

So the two found themselves at a stand still; until…

“I guess I should go all out before these chains suck up all my juice~♡” <Elizabeth>

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