Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 120: War On The Streets

Outside of the pocket realm - things got a little weird - as the fighting between demon & spirit kind had reached a fever pitch.

It had long spread to every inch of the city with many newer arriving demons needing to put down the more eager arrivals due to them being berserk. However, after that chaos subsided, a clear difference in combat experience began to become more obvious as time went on. Not to mention… There were more sinners than there were dead children leading to a numerical advantage even should all spirits join.

That was not the case, though.

Not all spirits had gone through the arduous process of gaining strength and, even among that minority who seeked strength, few of them actually did so for a love of violence. Spirits were naturally very curious entities (unsurprising considering their origin as well as their creator) with some of them seeking to follow their curiosity as far as they could. Leading to the capital city of the spirits being what it is.

Having a powerful race dedicated to expanding their minds was good but in contrast 70% of demons lived for nothing except fighting. There was also more diversity among the forms of combat within the realm of demons - leading to those demons having far more well rounded styles of fighting. In contrast spirits as well as fae mostly just threw their powerful magics & elemental abilities without much training.

Leading to the hordes of demons easily overpowering spirits of the same level in addition to being able to fight above their weight class. That was not to say the spirits were weak. Clusters of elemental spirits managed to team up as their collective experience did allow them to team up  to hold on against the individually strong.

Although (yet again) not all demon races were individualistic as many relied on ambushes, necromancy, hive tactics, mind control, long ranged bombardment, parasitic abilities and so on.

They truly were a machine made for war - only requiring the oil extracted from bloodshed to run.

“Do you still think your preparations were enough?” <Leviathan>

The old man spoke as he held his blade confidently within both of his hands; his eyes closed just like his daughter but he didn’t even bother putting up any sort of facade. Not bothering to turn to the girl who he spoke to nor look as he slashed his blade behind himself. A powerful wave of aura, bearing all the frightful pressing power of the calm ocean, cleaved through what could only be called a miniature sun.

Munzimira (or rather one of the many) reacted by calmly just letting the attack pass through her body as she easily reformed like a monster made from ink. Her childish appearance betrayed by the countless monstrous eyes & limbs that escaped her body in the brief time she was wounded. Her other selves were also busy at work in supporting her minions while fighting the mighty Archdemon Gods.

There was one who stood above the others in her cruelty, however.

“We are certainly prepared for some losses-” <Munzumira>

“But you weren’t prepared for the nightmare of spirits to be so viscous? A rather foolish notion for someone like you… Makes me wonder what your game is.” <Leviathan>

“We admit there were some mistakes in letting our eyes off that one chehehe~.” <Munzumira>

However they were obviously struggling to get around the battlefield as carefully placed webs got in their way while capturing any spirits that attempted to regroup. Allowing the monstrous Chokin-Bako to welcome the poor little flies into her parlour of poison. Although the mighty god empress of spirits wasn't captured they also had to deal with the constant ambushes that the spider unleashed - being a demonic born from the sins of children… She could be said to be the reason the spirits even existed.

A true nightmare for the non-euclidean entities as there was no demo who understood spirits better as she herself could have become one if she was a little more fortunate.

Yet being stuck with their sins instead certainly left her more than eager to chew them up.

All around the battlefield terrified shrieks as well as the unnerving scattering of long nibble appendages scurrying around the place. What was most terrifying was that no one had actually managed to find the monarch of insects but her handiwork was obvious to see.

Countless cocoons containing captured casualties.

Occasionally, through the tall buildings, a blackened carapace with a pink hue could be witnessed as space itself seemed to collapse in on itself in trying to understand the exact shape of the spider. Yet even the brief momentary peaks were enough to fill one with fear. Nevertheless it was not as if she was completely relying on her traps to get her meals even if she always showed off her sadistic & tricky personality to its fullest.

“At least the insect hoards don’t take to flame particularly well~.” <Munzumira>

Within the battlefield a group of giants made of flame found themselves to be quite lucky as they had happened upon a colony of spider demons. Their powerful flaming hands pluc the creepy-crawlies from the rooftops & walls while occasionally letting out fans of flames from their mouths. Boastful laughs reverberated as the spiders truly met their match as anything they tried were countered by the heat of the group of flame spirits. Those arachnids (as well as many of their insect minions) relied on venom or poison however such things just evaporated upon the surface of the giants.

Nothing needed to be said about their webs.

“You think bullying my kewt wittle children is funny…” <Chokin-Bako>

Those laughs soon came to an end as a massive scythe-like blade pierced through the back of one of the giants dropping its prey who scuttled away. Its comrades obviously turned their heads towards the wailing spirit but they were far too slow to prevent it from being dragged back into a shadowy alleyway that was no way larger enough to fit whatever that limb was attached to. That was the least of their concerns as the giant's body got dragged into an eerily dark corner of that very alley.

That edge almost seemed to open up into the grasp of tower-like palps to draw them straight into a chelicerae that engulfed the screaming entity. Soon its pained screams got overshadowed by the sounds of crunching as the monster retreated back until the corner appeared to return to normal.

“I think this is more fun~♥” <Chokin-Bako>

They didn’t even have a chance to notice the swarm of demons retreat as webs exploded out of the small edges between the bricks of the housing. In seconds the light emitted by those spirits completely vanished from the world to be replaced by their muffled screams. Although those screams did little to prevent them from being dragged into the shadows where the sounds of crunching came.

“...” <Leviathan>

The dragon just wordlessly cut down another attack from Munzumira as she pouted.

“I retract my previous statement.” <Munzumira>

“The demons have fought against each other for nearly as long as this era has lasted - with that they know each other well enough to know what to work together despite having been enemies for most of it. This is what it means to exist in Murim. Compared to that… How were your spirit’s going to win?” <Leviathan>

“Who said we ever planned to win~?” <Munzimira>

Meanwhile things were calmer beside the {Immortal Palace} as the ragtag group from the oni village continued to stand in the doorway as a little princess anxiously looked out. Beside them was actually the vocal duke Duke along with his possy of cohorts. Although now they had no issue revealing their crimson eyes or long fangs as they mercilessly looked upon the figure sitting in the courtyard.

“Y’know… If you keep lookin’ at me like that, I'll begin to feel cha don’t actually like me~.” <Cheshire>

The little black cat herself calmly sat upon a nicely cushioned chair; all dressed up with her mask & gloves in order to ensure she didn’t get sick.

“What are you doing here cat!” <Duke>

“Maybe she’s sightseeing~?” <Ashue>

“Isn’t she supposed to be fighting ojou-sama though…?” <Qin>

Others also wanted to raise their voice but Slate knew better than causing trouble where there didn’t need to be some… At least as far as this spirit was concerned. It wasn’t as if they could beat her so it would be completely stupid to actually pick a fight with her - although her passive stance did cause some of her fellows to be upset.

Cheshire just turned her crimson eyes towards the obvious duke before returning her gaze toward that shivering little tiger with amusement clear in her eyes. Her little body hunched over her cane as she rested her hands upon the top. Those crimson eyes of hers  piercing the little girl in front of her.

“I am doing the same thing as cha… Protecting a little cutie chehehe~.” <Cheshire>

They were all obviously confused at the answer the supposed “enemy leader” had given them yet the knights of Sohn-Tochter did not seem as confused. Their eyes narrowing behind their skull-like helms as if warning her carefully about what she would say next. Unfortunately… She wasn’t exactly one to give into peer pressure.

“Ever wonder why the little demoness has so much interest in cha~?” <Cheshire>

“Because our great god empress ob-!” <Duke>

“Blood~!” <Cheshire>

Confusingly… That was apparently enough to silence the eccentric old man as the feline lounged back into her chair with only one hand holding her cane. The other languidingly fell atop the arm rest as she looked down at those who clearly knew they were no match for her as well as the knights who seemed to grow more cautious. Clearly no longer knowing what she was getting at.

“The Vivi cha know… Is a lie nehehehehihihi~~!” <Cheshire>

Obviously everyone looked confused… Or at least those who saw her in this life grew confused as the others looked almost sorrowful; even duke Duke & his gang did. Something that only made the rest even more befuddled with the most vocal of which ended up being the always honest Ashue.

“Eh~ isn’t that silly?” <Ashue>

How Slate wanted to kill her could be saved for another time.

“Chehehe~ technically it’s not her choice to put up that facade; she took the blood of someone she shouldn’t have. Resulting in her brain getting all muddled - although it has managed to keep her demonic qi in production for all these years. Yet even now she can’t help resist the allure of blood with that little kitten possessing a race bloodline… A bloodline she hadn’t been able to taste~!” <Cheshire>

“Eh~ but isn’t her demonic qi infinite~!” <Ashue>

“She ain’t no Ali- Mother; blood has always been what fuels her rampage~!” <Cheshire>

Her cane lifted up to point towards Kitty the six hundred and sixty sith princess of the dong empire.

“Your statement doesn’t make sense - with how long she’s been around as well as the power she holds as the demon god empress - how could there be a bloodline she knows but hasn’t taken? That’s even if she drinks blood like you say… Something we haven’t seen… Much of…” <Slate>

The oni obviously became a little more trusting towards the idea of her leader being a fan of drinking blood yet she also couldn’t understand the obvious fallacy. At least by now the knights seemed less tense… A fact she also noticed and couldn’t help narrow her eyes towards those girls. Wondering what the supposed god hunters were afraid of being spread.

“That would be the case… If she was in the mortal realm; unfortunately the white kittens were all killed by Dealmaker when they attempted to take that danger noodle down when she was gone!” <Cheshire>

That cat falling back in her chair, one hand firmly placed upon her face, as she couldn’t help cackling as a look of realisation overcame the members of Orchid. As the members were all associated with the royal family of the oni - they were all aware of what happened during the era of war. All three heads went into the {Heavenly Realm} to take the fight to the gods; Vivi would have never expected that her future snacks would get themselves killed while she was fighting against her mortal enemy!

This also caused the leading trio to turn their heads towards the little tiger yet she just cutely tilted her head to the side without any fear nor terror at this realisation.

“S-so?” <Kitty>

“Oh~ not scared of being eaten up~?” <Cheshire>

“Well… I mean, n-nothing really changed from anyone else I know except she treats me very well so I don’t really mind giving up some blood nya…” <Kitty>

“Exactly little princess; our glorious ancestor is merely a bit fuddled but back in my day there was no one who would think of crossing her. Her charisma knew no bounds and she had potential to overcome any challenge that came up - so what if the demonic realm was kept functional by spilling a little blood now and again. Demons as well as other races have plenty of the stuff!” <Duke>

“Ah~ well that’s good since I didn't want to save you from her~!” <Cheshire>

Once again everyone was shocked.

“Darn cat throwing this old man left and right!” <Duke>

“I’m older than cha, shut cha yap, cha damn whipper snapper!” <Cheshire>

Both of them wagging their canes towards one another in an intense battle of the centuries.

“Then… Who are you guarding against?” <Slate>

“Cheh~ is it not obvious~? It’s-” <Cheshire>

“We request that you kindly stop there, matriarch of the Stratos, on request of the matriarch of the Indigo who has entreated that matters of the Indigo stay with the Indigo to deal with.” <God Hunter>

It was impossible to tell which God-Hunter it was… Since they all spoke in unison as if they had practiced such a speech hundreds of times over.

“Tch~ I think the entirety of life in the mortal realm hardly constitutes a private matter; although some of you girls are smart so you should know what the Queen getting involved means! Now that I’m out the picture there is no doubt that wolves will begin to act. She knows fine well what he is, she ain’t dumb, but now-” <Cheshire>

Those knights were raising their weapons throughout the entire process as if readying to strike down the cat at the very moment she tried to reveal too much. Obviously they had no intentions to take down a rival family as they were not war mongers like a certain little demoness… But they also were completely loyal to the Indigo - even above their loyalty to the Vermillion Bird.

They never got to act as another individual acted first.

“There is no need for barbarity in these times of mayhem!”

Their voice had an obvious distortion as well as a static that followed every word - almost as if they were speaking through a radio. What was stranger was their height being shorter than Cheshire with an outfit that could only be called a cross between a monk & a gentleman… Finished off with the face of a puppet which followed their speech in the same way a bad puppeteer may. Within their hands they even dragged a hand heft axe that seemed very much oversized for even Ashue.

Stranger still was that white spines with green engravings sprouted out their spine’s vertebrae as well as two little horns atop their forehead. Signs that many recognised as belonging to a female imp… But they neither sounded female nor like an imp; imps quite literally being the dumbest “sentient” demon there was out there. Their only unique factor being their strength was similar to the male oni who had increased strength depending on their height (this imp being four foot two) with the females often being taller leading to a matriarchal tribal structure.

“There is someone who wants to make a deal with Violet so sent me in order to capture the pretty young dame yet I plan to fail this task as I see no benefit in it… Have you fillies heard the name… Navy?”

That was all those knightess needed to hear to summon the power of the storms but were stopped by a sudden groan. Turning to see Cheshire, as well as all the Munzimura in the city, suddenly reached out to grasp their chests in pain. Turning to look towards their own shadows.

Their eyes wide open as they uttered at once.

“““Prime is dead…””” <Chesire + Munzimira’s>

So they said as they began to melt into their shadows as even that eldritch river seemed to dissolve.

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