Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 123: The Wolf Pounces

| Viva La Vida but it's EPIC || Coldplay Cover by Reinaeiry


\_ PoV Cheshire Prime _/


The result wasn’t… Ideal. But, at the very least, I could be sure that my child would have a chance at a future while I continued to fight to give them the freedom they deserved. With that in mind - while looking toward the unfortunate frost covered egg - I decided there was one last gift that I could give to my wonderful progeny in the brief time that I was given with them.

“Now why are you moping back here~♪”

That familiar sing-song voice hardly surprised me; he was someone who quite enjoyed jumping out to shock people. It was best to assume that he was always lurking around in the edges of your perception as there was nearly no way to see past him. Although that was quite obvious considering what he really is.

A bastard.

There were few who understood just how scary he was - even if I had tried to at least make Alice a little bit aware that he was not to be underestimated - sadly I was all but ignored. If there was anyone who actually listened to me it was Vivi yet I could hardly rely on her to keep him under control considering they were more likely to be mingling. Underestimated villains apparently got along with one another.

I knew very well what his plans were so I would need to create some measures to ensure the continued survival of my people. Though that was easier said than done with how extremely far reaching his goals truly were… In fact there would be nothing that would be unaffected if he was given the chance to succeed in what he wanted.

Turning my head revealed that the bastard was dressed up in his usual attire while his long half-half hair fell down his back in a similar fashion as his loose fitting robes. A faint smirk glittered across his lips as his bi-coloured eyes turned toward the egg that I had a hand resting upon. His smile grew just that bit more.

“Now what are we doing here… Perhamps some sharing between mother and child~?”

I simply snorted.

“Inheritance is hardly a unique concept considering the cardinal beasts have been doing that since their invention… Something you should know well chehehe~.” <Cheshire>

While I could understand the worries that my other selves were being quite vocal about; there was an unspoken cease fire between the two of us. As long as he didn’t endanger my people I wouldn’t get in the way of his plotting. There is no way he would risk having my cat-tel hounding his arse just because he wanted to bully a child for shits and giggles.

“So I assume you didn’t just want to visit your unhatched child - what are you plotting~?” <Cheshire>

He just raised his hands while chuckling.

“I guess you got me~♪”

Moving forward before turning on his heel so that his back rested on the precious egg. As tempted as I was to make his head pop like an egg for doing that… It was literally an impossible task, even for me, so I had no choice but to just keep my desires to myself for now.

“While you are no doubt happy with the result. I am sure you have your suspicions about my problematic little sister’s support as well as what she is up to with that little experiment? Well I don’t plan to keep you suspicious since there is no real need to hide it from you; plus it would likely lead to you digging which would get messy for us~♪”

“Oh~?” <Cheshire>

I suppose he wasn’t wrong with that assumption - I could hardly risk the health of my not so little kitten!

“It was her suggestion but would the primordial gods think if we were to make our own gods~?”

That was the droplet that broke the dam; in hindsight it should have been obvious that neither of these siblings particularly cared about something like “order”. Though maybe Vivi would be interested in the potential to increase to Indigo birthrate - their cursed blood wasn’t exactly conducive to creating progeny - but it was impossible to guess her thought process. What both of them were definitely interested in was quite clear to me.


Both their M.O’s were fulfilled by a massive war between heaven & mortal realms - it only made sense that this pair would come together. To think they were already this far ahead of the other primordials… No, if I’m being completely honest, it actually made perfect sense considering who the two were.

This brother & sister were probably the best schemers I had ever met.

“Vivi plans to spruce up tarteress into her own realm and that will result in a huge upset in the cycle of reincarnation that I’d like to bring to your attention… Feel free to take this information as you will~♪”

He’s giving the demon child access to all souls among the countless realms… How nice.

Although at least I could be sure that there was little more going on in Vivi’s head; her methods tended to be overly complex yet the result often simple. Gaining more power. There was little she cared about other than expanding her own “strength” even if what strength meant to her was different for others. One look and you can understand she actually doesn’t just believe in the bigger fist wins - for example - even if she doesn’t take the time to understand “science” she respects those that do.

That girl respects effort which certainly gives her at least one redeeming factor.

Having access to all the souls across all realms could mean only one thing. She wants access to people and, although I can’t be sure about the details, I reckon that it may have something to do with relieving the pain of this older brother of hers. Something that is convenient for her on account of her unique energies having an intrinsic link to the sins which burden her sibling.

Plus this is just after we discovered that new realms can come into existence (that manifestation of imagination created by my child being a clear representation of that). Honestly this bastard really wasn’t lying when he told me he’d give me the details I needed. Quite obviously she wants her own realm.

A realm built in her image… I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about something like that.

Albeit, there was something even more important.

“Even if not in a four dimension-”

“I don’t need you to explain this to me again… You are certainly right that I’m at least wise enough to figure out something simple like this chehehe~.” <Cheshire>

That new dream realm (logically speaking) should function in a way which reflects the bond between body, soul and mind. This logic, naturally, would actually put this new realm on a level “above” the heavenly realm which is where the soul is governed. The soul is just the binding element & blueprint for the mind & body, afterall.

This egg that felt so far away seconds ago… Suddenly felt in reach. Perhaps if I use VIvi’s new realm as a jumping off point I can jumpstart my own realm into creation despite not being a primordial god - I’ll need to dive into plenty of  calculations to do the feasibility but my other selves are already on it. It may be a little messy from our beginning calculations.

There is no doubt that this is due to a lack of form; no matter how wise I am I cannot replace the “concept” that gives vision to a realm structure. Without it… Well it probably won’t be as dire as the dreamscape but it’d likely be something akin to what the void does to fill in space except in reverse. Constantly changing in an attempt to form something with no concept of what that something is.

“... Your blueprint.” <Cheshire>

I turned to look towards that wolf in sheep's clothing - his back was against the egg while the back of his head rested atop his knuckles while his psalm rested on my precious egg. Narrowing my eyes at this prick thinking he was being subtle… Though I’m sure whatever he plans for them to inherit will at least increase their chances of survival so I’ll let it go.


“You at least were a major component in creating both the heavenly & mortal realm while I know those parasites wouldn’t have acted unless they knew it was the final product. They would never work hard enough to develop new mortal realms yet there are countless. That leads me to believe there is a blueprint for what a mortal realm is, one they don’t know about if they haven’t made our existence impossible, so give it to me~!” <Cheshire>

For a moment he seemed slightly bewildered before switching to that same annoying amusement one would have when seeing a pet do something oddly clever. He was lucky that perfect nose was quite unbreakable. I knew that from experience; I’m not sure if I can even win against him…

“Now why would I do something like that~?”

Time for the part that’ll be either hard or easy - although negotiations are always easier when they approach you.

“Don’t act like you didn’t approach me with something more in mind… You’d relish the chance to fight my brother which is certainly a higher possibility if you never told me about all this. As it stands now I realise the severity of this so could just order the brat to stand down which means you lose the chance to duel your dearly beloved~.” <Cheshire>

“Your right, he is the only one who gets me, opposites do attract~♥”

I could only shake my head at this love drunk clown.

“What do you even want in him…” <Cheshire>

“A hero~!”

With the excitement behind his exclamation I can tell he’d have thrown his hands out and no doubt done a little jig if whatever he planned to pass along wasn’t so intensive. I planned to grant all my knowledge on martial arts so it made me wonder if this bastard planned to do the same… A child with mine and his martial arts will be a being who will no doubt surpass any others with just their body alone.

This is a weirdly nice thought.

At least he seems to care about family… At least a little.

“All he wants to be is the hero of justice who swoops in to save the big bad and I certainly do not mind making that possible~. He’ll become the one thing those cunts up high could never dream of. A hero without equal who will be strong enough to challenge me at the last step - an unstoppable ending versus an unyielding desire to continue - our battle shall be legendary JEHEHEHEHE~!”

And people call me a crazy cat… Although I suppose he ain’t a cat?

“Enough dancing around the main point, though, what are you doing getting me indebted~?” <Cheshire>

“... We need a fall gal~♪”

“Oh~?” <Cheshire>

“Now that those primordial bastards have a reason to pay attention - they want nothing but to retain all their power so no way they aren’t antsy. Despite that they’ll end up being skittish about acting without one last push… We need someone to give them their… “Cazues Belly” is it~?”

“Casus belli but I get you… You want me to challenge the gods themselves so that they mess up and open the gates just enough for your precious little sister to slink her way through the backdoor. Knowing her she’ll probably have some spectacular curse to send them straight in tartarus, since nobody would expect her to break into the most secure prison, then she’ll easily be able to catch them off guard by clawing her way out I assume?” <Cheshire>

A wolf-like grin crossed his lips.

“Ah~ it’s so nice working with competent people like you two~♪”

“Just promise me the same you likely have for her; leave me and my kids alone in our realms when you burn the rest of existence to ash, chehehe~.” <Cheshire>

“You’ll be out the cycle anyway so I never had the intention anyway - if anything you two being about massively helps lift a weight off my shoulders jehehehe~.”

The mortal & heavenly realm had long crushed any chance for reconciliation so there was no part of me that cared if they were brought to ruin. Maybe I was indeed a crazy cat but that hardly mattered in front of securing the longevity of my progeny. The subtle warmth beneath the cold outer shell of this egg… That was all I needed to justify the horrible things that I’d be causing.

No doubt the blame would fall on my feet, perhaps him as well, yet the one who planned all this will get out scott free. But I didn’t care. Let their hate target me; it wouldn’t matter since they’ve done everything in their power to make me hate them all in return.

Their arrogance shall lead to their downfall.

As for what their downfall will lead to… I can only hope for a better future.

Perhaps with this new realm I’ll be able to free you from the bindings placed upon you for the mere sin of existing in a world where people don’t want you… At least… At least I’ll be able to ease the loneliness they have thrust upon you…

For you I’ll destroy everything I made so… So just be safe…

My precious child.



\_ PoV 3rd _/



The last memory of her parent’s slipped from Elizabeth’s grasp as her empty eyes just silently looked towards the little body that was just standing with a content smile on her lips.

She had accomplished her greatest wish, even if she didn’t get to live to see it, she was sure that her precious first born child would finally have the freedom to go wherever they wanted. They would be able to explore love unimpeded. They would be able to grow into the person she always hoped they would…

Elizabeth managed to grow into herself despite the odds.

“She… She did it all for me…” <Elizabeth>

Just silently looking at the little body that should have looked weak but somehow looked so sturdy that it could hold up existence itself.

“Oh no, so sad, anyway~!” <Mother>

It was quite apparent to anyone that the kind smile and soft voice was not conveying the right meaning yet Mother herself showed no actual remorse nor tried to comfort her daughter. Instead she turned toward Vivi who should have still been trapped in that little cage she made. Quite the fitting place of a monster like her to wait for her attention.

“If the child isn’t enough… Maybe the sis-!” <Mother>


That goddess didn’t even get a chance to react upon seeing the wrathful maw of the demoness swallow a ball of coalescing green & purple.The following beam easily shredded through the barrier to consume the goddess in question as she could only shift her weight to avoid a direct attack. When the power finally subsided the goddess was missing half of her torso with a look of shock over her face.

“Ara… You thought you had me there, didn’t you~?” <”Mother”>

One that quickly shifted to a gaze of childish contempt & mockery; the kind of expression you’d expect to see on a school kid who is playing keep away with your toy rather than “The Infinite Mother”.

Although her expression did somewhat fit the situation as, although certainly slower, her body quickly patched itself together even if the influence of that strange green energy did cause it to be unsightly. Her flesh & muscle literally knitted itself together for all to see. On top of that - for the first time since anyone could likely remember - jade & magenta energy beautifully dance across her restricted body parts to form vibrant scales that soon vanished after they gave one last powerful flash.

Finally proving - once and for all - that she certainly wasn’t as scaleless as one assumed.

In fact her scales were still regenerating despite the “final flash” only they were now doing so on a higher plane of existence than sight allowed. They just regenerated at a far slower pace than her physical body ever did - even she couldn’t regenerate everything truly instantly. Those scales were also the reason why she always appeared unharmed no matter what attack struck her…

“Truly beautiful aren’t they~? My scales are what I’ve grown to call “potential scales” due to the infinite potential for growth that they adopted since my birth. Sadly only he and the cat managed to see them for what they truly were as the rest of you were just too stupid to realise; likely thinking I just had some barrier around my body that just adapted to damage… Rather than truly being what many mocked me for not truly having.” <Mother>

Happily bragging about her scales as she truly let her dragon self begin to show in full.

“You see it was partly thanks to these scales, along with my regeneration, that I survived the assassination attempt that claimed the previous Mother’s life. Both grow stronger the more that is thrown against them to the point where there is little in the realms that I can even be damaged by. Surely you comprehend just how outclassed you are without your curses~?” <Mother>

Shaking her head as she calmly walked toward Vivi while flexing her newly formed arm with that same kind smile upon her face.

“Maybe even those wouldn’t make it past my scales~?” <Mother>

“Shame this will~♪” <Navy>

Mother stopped walking as a bastard sword punctured through her newly regenerated arm at the perfect angle to piece her heart and lungs. The true god was unable to resist coughing up blood as she turned her head to look down at the one responsible. Somehow a fully grown Navy stood in his usual attire if one didn’t care that one of the swords were removed from his person in favour of being in Mother.

“Damn~ even after so long you still make them same rookie mistakes~!” <Navy>

“You bastard…” <Mother>

Reaching out with her other hand with the intention of plucking his arrogant little head from his shoulders.

“Sorry but I’m happily taken so I’ll have to refuse~!” <Navy>

Stepping aside without minding that he let go of his sword; in fact he just added insult to injury by flicking his arm to have another sword appear in his hand. One he promptly shoved in her side with a smirk that could cause even the calm Sohn-Tochter to have a twitch in her expression. Although the goddess' face was certainly the incarnation of hatred… It only got worse.

“So you really are still so pathetic that you can only rely on backstabbing after all this time, and people call me the rogue~!” <Navy>

While saying that he turned his gaze toward the two people remaining in this pseudo realm as a wolf-like grin appeared on his face.

<Now everything is in place~.>

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