Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 20: War cry of the starved


Good news (for me not you guys) is that all three of my stories got approved on Creative Novels. 

You may be wondering what that means for you? Absolutely nothing fufufufu~! Well I will need some time to actually put up the stories on that site so there is that. I don’t think it will affect you guys or patreon but we’ll have to see. 

Anyways, enjoy~♥

Ebony just silently took in the atmosphere of those around her.

While all her elders and high-ranking members were confused at the sudden appearance of the three topplers and Violet’s little click who seemed oblivious to the atmosphere. As soon as food was put in front of the three they focused on nothing else but at the same time it was so adorable watching Violet eat her food with that big silly smile on her cute plump cheeks. Ebony could hardly rip the food away from her adorable daughter just because some annoying guests came. While she was angry at her at first, remaining angry at her daughter was very difficult for the mother.

As for the three on her other side? Well it appeared that Mother who everyone feared as a fearsome pirate who ruled the {Ocean Clans} if not the {True God} on the entire {Mortal Realm} was a very loyal daughter. This made things far easier for Ebony even if the god & demon god were currently at ends with one another.

Truly it was wise to rely on one's elders/ancestors when you found yourself lost - if these two came here without the sage wisdom of Leviathan (who is here thanks to her daughter) no doubt they would have to deal with that fight. She had no doubt that her {Asura Yakuza} would survive but {The Oni Village} wouldn’t fair as well. She wasn’t worried about the physical village but more the personality of the Oni; rather she had no thoughts of hiding in the village.

Oni never ran from a fight and neither did she.

If these two fought she would be one of the first to pick up her weapon to fight them off from the village!

Rather than running she had been itching to fight something with how things were going. To start off a war by fighting two toppler level threats with her greatest warriors behind her back? Was there a finer life to live! But there was one incy wincy teeny tiny problem which she had to keep in mind as a leader… Most of the Oni who weren’t executive level or above would no doubt be wiped out.

Executives/elders were at least comparable to those guild masters of the great sects who were the strongest only behind their ancestors who were an existence ranking above - nearing demi-god status as they ascend to become true immortals. This point was called a kijin for the Oni. Even at such a legendary rank they could only be worthy of standing on the same battlefield without instantly dying due to a casual fight between the two even if Violet went all out herself to guard them.

With these thoughts she came to one conclusion; use this as an excuse to spoil the girl as her mommy?

All this was her fault anyway? Well then why not make it an advantage and push Mother directly into talks about her own business in the East which could only be called ‘pirating’ hence why she was known as more of a pirate the merciful god on this side of the world. As an organized crime group it would certainly be handy to get the things the strongest pirate wished to get off her overflowing hands!

As such, she was fully justified in her reward plus it wasn’t like she was rewarding Violet directly so it was perfect!

Noticing a certain gaze on her she lifted her head from gazing at Violet to instead look towards said gaze where she found Wine who was looking at her with a shit eating grin. If she could slap that grin from the old hags face she would do so. Unluckily that old broad had managed to hide behind Violet and her two assistants!

Growling softly at the old Oni she soon put it behind her to instead continue on with celebratory speech about the war; you may ask why they were celebrating after being attacked? To that the answer was simple.

Onis love war and being so far away from everyone else it’s been awhile since they’ve all been on a propper battlefield as a proper group!

With that, Ebony cleared her throat to get all of their attention.

“As all of you know we have some great news - we are at war!” <Ebony>

After she said that, the Oni in the room all calmly reacted in enjoyment in the appropriate fashion.




“So what exactly happened…” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

The ‘young’ blonde haired sect master was currently sitting in a large white tent at a large qi-rich white jade desk. It had been decided that they would centralise the alliance between the larger sects since too many ‘supreme commanders’ would confuse people. On the other hand the other sect masters could hardly let him command them (even if {Alloy Body Great Sect} had no sect master yet) as it would lower their prestige; because of this he who had the most experience when dealing with demons had been chosen to take command of those sent to deal with their threats…

It couldn’t be going more poorly but at the same time he had never expected their first batch of disciples to be able to attack the actual village's centre. Yet he expected to at least receive some information from his own disciples. But sadly that wasn’t the case…

“W-we have lost contact with all teams that entered for more than 2 hours despite previous reports of them capturing and killing a few Oni…” <Spirit Elder Realm Elder>

“Even from my own sect?”  <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

“I-indeed…” <Elder>

Zhengyi took a very long and deep breath while he slowly leaned back into his soft minotaur leather chair. His right hand came out to softly tap the desk while his left held his forehead as he tried to think through how this was possible. Although he certainly didn’t send any elders yet there were quite a few core disciples who had a lot of resources put into them. Each one of them was basically a future high-elder or branch leader that could destroy an empire by themselves.

A loss of a single one was worth far more than the resources alone as the time of his high-elders or possibly himself was involved in training them… In truth he put a lot of resources into this scouting in order to ensure success but they had just gone down the drain. This loss would definitely affect the ancestors opinion of him with his grand-elder no doubt gain more influence with the high-elders as some of them lost their disciples in a fight they didn’t need to take part in.

“It doesn't even matter to them that they were the ones who agreed with the plan in the first place.” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

His fingers clenched as he slammed his fist onto the desk causing the nearby elder to jump back with fear. He was only a little stronger than those disciples but who could tell if their youthful vigour could overpower him? Yet they had suddenly vanished before they could send a simple report through their communication jades on what was happening. How could Zhengyi not be angry at this; the elder was almost surprised the sect master was so calm!

“Right… They must hav- no they should have no idea we were coming? No, perhaps they were informed by that Feng bastard! They must’ve set up ambushes to attack us on the routes we sent or disciples. Heh, let’s see what those demon bastards do when we open up this forest to the rest of the world. Pass the or-” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

“WHOOOO~!” <Oni Elders>

“What?! That was a warcry, we’re under attack!” <Elder>

“Calm down, what can a few demons do - give the order to form up on me!” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Elder>

With that he stood up from his desk with a grimace - ready to avenge his own losses as he spread out his spirit sense… Only to discover nothing.

“Where are they…” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Elder>



In the middle of a place filled with curses and torment a single boy stood studying the four keys he had managed to obtain with a grin on his face while standing over a treasury of holy relics that a certain Evil Dragon had collected from all the fools trying to murder her over the years.

At this point he wasn’t quite sure what kept the Evil Dragon away from her den but he certainly wouldn’t complain… Yet the longer he took to collect all the keys the wor-

“WHOOOO~!” <Oni Elders>

“What the fuck…” <Boy>



“Mmm~ give it to me another big fat cumshot ya fat dick’d bunny~” <Fuka>

A certain bunny was leaning over a bent over red haired girl with average proportions - though the girl was rather muscular showing her training. Of course she wasn’t just leaning over but rather pounding her bunny maker in and out the red head’s poor ass. A wet slapping and rain of nut sludge made it clear this wasn’t their first time.

Someone in even worse condition than Fuka’s asshole was the cute little red haired hobgoblin who lay on their back beside Fuka. They were facing the bunny’s direction but their face was hard to see under the heavy baby batter that had leaked out from their gaping mouth; literally overflowing from mouth & nose. They weren’t even conscious and red hand imprints on their neck showed that the bunny at least had some fun. Meanwhile a mid-pregnancy wood elf had a similar situation to Fuka except she had long lost consciousness with their well used holes both leaking bunny butter.

The bunny pulled out one more time to prepare for a-

“WHOOOO~!” <Oni Elders>

“What th- Urgh~! Lyada wrong hole! Wrong hol- Ah~! <Fuka>

“Mmm~ second baby momma made.” <Lyada>

Lyada never loses focus on her goals.



Meanwhile, at the same moment but in the centre of {The Oni Village}, the Oni had all their sake bowls raised after giving out a harty exclamation. Mother frowned slightly while clearing her ear with her pinkie but she wouldn’t say anything. She was the one who crashed an Oni war party and… Some things just never change. This reaction was one of them.

“To congratulate this fact I’ve decided to gift both Ashue & Slate a plate of bones from a Core Formation Realm cultivator - in hopes that they will take those nutrients but not in order to nourish themselves. Neither to simply ‘serve’ my daughter better. Rather I allow them these bones in order to help them better nourish the next generation of the {Little Hannya Family} in their very wombs within the next few decades!

I grant this boon thanks to my very own daughter not only for providing us a priceless Realm Ranked treasure but for doing something far better; providing us with this war! This is proof that our yakuza- no our race has found their place in this world at last - we have found it from our youth!” <Ebony>

This was met with another round of rousing cheers but it wasn’t as extreme as before. It wasn’t that they disapproved since most of the people in this room were old grannies who doted on Violet thus her ‘wives’ anyway. Rather they just weren’t as interested in ‘rewards’ or ‘reasons’ as the fact they finally had a full blown war of their very own after so long!

Rising from her seat, after drinking the rest of her bowl, Ebony motioned for some servants to come up with some plates. These servants did just that. Revealing to the crowd and the two girls in question that the two plates were indeed covered with fresh bones with blood still clearly visible on them. Clearly these bones had ‘just been picked’.

“Do you two accept my offer?” <Ebony>

“Yea, I will give you plenty of grandbabies, Matriarch. Though it was always my intention to do so… It would make me feel uncomfortable if Ojou-sama thought I only did this for some bones instead of because I just belonged to her…” <Ashue>

Ashue stood right up while giving her reply with a big grin on her face before quickly getting conflicted over whether to accept. Clearly thinking more into this than anyone else did but also not coming up with anything clever. Mother & Leviathan shook their heads softly while sighing at the mental disappointment to their creations' bloodlines while Slate stood up before stomping on Ashue’s foot.

“Owie! Why did you d-” <Ashue>

“We BOTH accept the job, Matriarch!” <Slate>

With that another happy cheer played out as everyone quickly got back to eating and drinking.

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