Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 3: The perverted chuckle-sisters (Hard-Rain and Sneeze)


Seems Violet will enjoy having big ol' tiddies in her new life. Something for her to look forward to!

Slight warning for some extreme kinks in this story but I feel like with how big I've constantly described male Oni as it should've been fully expected. Either way, you've been warned. Don't think I'll be putting up many other warnings as it'll get boring real fast!

Anyway, enjoy~


Violet stood in a room of clear Oni design.

Overall it could be said to be bland with a closet filled with clothes and a futon as well as a mirror.

The room was large (for a mortal bedroom) with large planks of lumber making up the base of the floor - sturdy crimson planks tightly pushed against one another. However, a series of thick matts placed over said base to make up the main floor. The matts and rooms perfectly matched in shape so the matts could fill the room with no gaps between. It ensured that Violet’s little feet were nice and comfortable - though everyone's feet were without footwear so it was also her servants who got to feel comfortable.

Of course, being in this manor meant it was filled with various Talismans made through the Calligraphy of the Oni.

These matts were contrasting the darker colours used by the Oni by being pure white with a nice golden fabric trim. It was clear the floor and room in general were. The Tatami were uniform in size with the only difference being when male Oni possibly use the room (12 feet by 6 or half when that room is only for women).

Of course, as the still immature Ojou-Sama’s room, it was only for girls at the moment. This also led it so the room was large only for other races. Nonetheless, the soft sweet smell from the fresh matts and being more than large enough for her made Violet feel this room was quite nice.

She was currently standing in front of a mirror with her arms out straight. Two servants with simple black yukatas with golden trim were standing on either side smoothing out her clothing and ensuring it fit her to a ‘t’. Looking within the mirror she was studying her crimson ‘nubs’ that weren’t very sharp at current and were purely red - only when a Oni was maturing would their horns grow out and gain that unique ‘fade from being pure flesh to pure horn’ look that separated them from other horned races who seemed to just have horns and flesh as different pieces.

Of course, it was just a look and even the flesh coloured parts of the horn were just as strong as the tip. They did become sharper as the Oni aged though so that was an actual change - an interesting note is that even the male Oni have the horns fade from flesh to crimson it’s just that most of them are crimson anyway. In cases of special affinities like that ‘Medium Grey’ it begins with their actual skin tone just like with the female!

It didn’t take long for her to begin moving around to try to get a better look at her horns - at first only a slight tilting of her head but it led into more and more extreme movements.

Soon she was stroking and nipping her horns to see if there was any sign of them growing.

The two women behind her just turned away with their hands covering their mouths. As ‘hardened longterm members’ of those under the matriarch they couldn’t help but find this girl they helped raise absolutely adorable no matter what she did.

Only one of them was actually an Oni while the other was a tortoise-beast in human form.

The Oni was obviously physically a nightmare to deal with for any race and she wasn’t a new girl. In fact, this Oni was the very same that helped Violet first see light in this new life - Slate - but now was… Well she was still a young Oni but she had since gone through a lot of training as Violet grew up. Specifically to serve this young Ojou-Sama of hers.

Violet was obviously very close to this young Oni who was always by her side.


This has led to the Oni being quite frustrated but she found her way around it with a helping hand from the mature tortoise. The tortoise also gained a helping hand in return of course. Violet being happy that her servants were so close but also not trying to gain power over one another!

She had since grown out her hair only to fashion it in a loose and low ponytail with a  simple golden bobble tying it up about ¾’s of the way down. Her chest wasn’t anything major but she did have those mature hips of an Oni - these hips doing good work to hold a large Zanbato (Horse-slaying sword in traditional Japanese style).

Every time she looked upon that traditional blade she felt a pang in her heart. How many dragons and gods did she fell with her own? It was lonely when she was cursed after the first war to no longer be able to hold the blade her precious father made for her by those damn Primordials after one of them slew her father and many other Oni - her reaction was obvious (to her at least) and is what made the Oni what they were today!

Assuming they were now safe in the {Heavenly Realm} was their greatest mistake as they had awoken a {True Demon} followed by an army of wrathful [Hannya].

At first she couldn’t help but cry as it had been so long since she saw this type of blade - the doting Oni had the obvious reaction and snapped the training sword in heart. This only made Violet thrash around while crying harder. In the end the tortoise and oni combo had to pamper her for a whole day and night before she calmed down.

As for the tortoise, she could be said to be the perfect partner to the Oni.

These were a race that descended from the {Spirit-Turtle} who was in turn a race who held great merits in the arts of ‘Arrays’ and all knowledge of arrays could be said to be held in their ancestral pagoda. Even Violet wasn’t sure if she could break into their home with a single punch!

It may take 2, 3, 4 or maybe five!

They were a peaceful race with a long life span and even for a Spirit-Beast they had a massive amount of qi. It could even be said they were the only group that could be content with the defense of {The Unmovable Border - Photon Stratos}. If there was a demerit it was safe to say it was their attack power.

Even so, nobody really attacks these turtles in return as to not face embarrassment.

Despite her ancestors though this turtle found herself proudly serving the Oni who were the most disliked by the grumpy turtles. Though, considering they also had the famed {Water Dragons} (though which specific type depends on the tortoise) as their ancestors that could explain it.

Ahsue - the tortoise - had a very strong bloodline of both turtle and dragon which led to her having a powerful gift for arrays, spirit cultivation and great at body cultivation!

She was far slower than her Oni partner but they perfectly covered each other's weaknesses. It was obvious that their purpose was to protect Violet since they weren’t weak either - both about as strong as each other and Ahsue was in fact strong enough to be considered as a sect master of those really big sects.

Thinking about this she couldn’t help but look at the tall, mature and wise beauty… Her bloodlines clearly helped with that large bosom & hips. Long and voluptuous jade hair falling across her back and shoulder - noticing her young Ojou-Sama looking at her she turned back to look at her in the mirror with a warm smile that suited her. It made Violet look forward to when she was big.

Too bad Ahsue she wasn’t half as wise as she appeared - her skill was real though and good at her job but ask her to cook and she’ll find a way to burn down a Oni’s manor. Ask her to tie some rope and she’ll end up choking herself out. There was also the time Violet went swimming in a stream during a picnic with her Mommy and Ahsue managed to almost drown…

A pure bloodline descendant of two legendary water Spirit-Beasts almost drowned...

She was good at maths though!

They were also the two that mostly shadowed her day and night - at least Violet assumed they were the ‘leaders’ of those who did when they finally got away from her. It made sense as both were powerful in their own right. Not as powerful as her own demonic vassals but who could claim to have servants as strong as hers?

It was hard to say who had the strongest servants between herself (the {True Demon}), the {True God} and the {True Spirit}. But, in terms of numbers she was unbeaten.

Especially since she had that whole subsection, ‘Insectoid Demons’, under Chokin-Bako that rapidly expanded their numbers. It was no doubt that if she wanted she could easily destroy this puny little mortal realm as well as all others - in fact this being the primordial {Mortal Realm} it would be a far easier feat to destroy the more desolate ones!

Though, unlike many the truly strong {Demon Lords} and the {Demon Gods} above them held the bigger picture. Even the dumber ones like Chokin-Bako understood this.

In truth, those all the {Mortal Realm} fear or worship have no desire to completely destroy the realm. No, rather they would be deeply angered if someone did manage to destroy the {Mortal Realm} else it could’ve long been destroyed. Killing all other races like the lowly ranked demons often wished was, with no uncertain terms, counterproductive… It was far more efficient to farm them for their suffering and desires. You can’t reclaim sin to convert into the demonic if nobody is sinning.

To manipulate them on the other hand?

Now that was easy and efficient. Push forward a few mortals down the demonic & evil path, make a few deals, make some small cracks in the {Dimensional Wall} for the little demons to break through and they then gain far more than a pure takeover. People who have no future have no desire and with no desire comes no sins.

As for the one who headed this operation…

Violet simply smiled brightly at her two servants while turning around. She liked the two of them and knew they were very ‘loyal’ to herself. The two of them had the usual [Hannya Tattoo]  - even Slate who previously didn’t now had a nifty one. But both their tattoos could be considered ‘unique’.

It was located on their backs and appeared to be her own self with her [Hannya Mask] getting violated by a particularly ‘Violent’ [Hannya Form]. It’s one claw sliding down her side while the other gripped her neck - even with the mask on the Slate stand-in obviously wasn’t unwilling with her butt pressed against the aggressive figure. The aggressiveness didn’t fully match Violet’s [Violent Hannya Form] but if the violet on her [Hannya Form] continued to spread it seemed like it would be very accurate…

Ahsue was even less subtle as there was a giant Oni-cocked variant (this one only with a mask and not fully transformed) that looked pretty much like Violet but grew up.

This cock was deep inside Ahsue’s womb as Violet tightly gripped her neck and ass while the tattoo version of Ahsue had her stomach inflated like a condom with semen gushing into her but instead of horror a clear look of happy ecstasy was on her face. Many other girls, a Slate haired Oni included with her face under the left foot of the [Hannya Mask], were also located on the back tattoo with similarly inflated bellies. Although the figures were in their undergarment it was obvious to even the purest mind what was happening. Many would find it quite distasteful if it wasn’t so well done leading to one wondering how much the pair had paid for these tattoos.Either way the pair were hardly subtle with their wishes for their mistress.

In fact, Ahsue had hers ‘updated’ after Violet gifted her mommy with a particular Oni technique that was linked to said tattoo. Before it was more ‘purely yuri’ like Slates. Violet would be an idiot if she couldn’t realize the two wanted her to grow up and take them as her own - rather they seemed to prefer she would be a bit forceful in the process by the looks of it.

She didn’t mind though. She planned to do it regardless since she liked them and wasn’t one to take no as an answer!

A demon is still a demon after all.

Luckily the two seemed aware of that or more likely her Mommy made it clear to them as it took a few years to get another servant after Slate. There was even a period of time where Slate vanished after she was born - likely considering things but she came back with an obsession and a sword in hand so Violet only liked the pair more after considering this.

Running up to the two she would grab their hands and make a happy little giggle with a bright smile - a smile they returned. The trio walked out towards the door. A crimson frame built with many square holes with white paper placed over making the door light but keeping its purpose.

The passages in the mansion were actually made from wood, the same base as Violet’s room. Since this manor was used for not just Violet and her mommy but also any possible ‘business’ her mommy may have to see to certain parts were Oni sized and some were ‘mortal sized.

In order to no waste space one ‘Oni sized’ area would often have two floors of ‘mortal sized’ to compensate - leading to it being where most of those with the [Hannya Tattoos] also living here which also meant they already recognised Violet. Of course, most of these [Hannya Tattoo] people likely worked within the ‘Mortal World’ outside the {Forest of Mortality}.

Violet’s room was on the second level with her two loyal servants ‘sleeping’ nextdoor whenever they got too ‘lonely’ - often doing so in turns but sometimes ‘sleeping’ together.

“The matriarch wants to see you Ojou-sama, I hear she had a big surprise for you.” <Ahsue>

“She even wants to talk about what you can do for the next 8 years or so!” <Slate>

The door opened in front of them without anyone physically touching it allowing them to easily slip into their sandals - even Violet didn’t put up a fight and wore them peacefully. Seemingly pacified from the day's previous events.

Opening it was an easy feat for Ahsue’s [Spirit Sense] considering her cultivation makes her essentially unbeatable by a cultivator of the same existence rank. Simply what cultivating three techniques at once will do!

Three because Violet knows how to spoil from her older sisters ‘expert techniques’ and gifted her a soul-cultivation manual produced recently from her own Seerer.

Considering it was the same seerer who guided her soul away from where Cheshire planned to put it - overcoming Jeeves control over the cycle of reincarnation - it was hard to say if there could be anyone better to seek for such. She even had it specifically made for Ahsue that makes use of her own feelings for Violet to enhance her soul. Based on how quickly her soul has been expanded it shows her life’s entire meaning was found by serving her..

Although Slate as an Oni couldn’t cultivate she seemed just as obsessed. She actively needed to be forced by the elders in order to do something else other than watch Violet. It’s not she was ordered to always watch her, it’s that she always wanted to view Violet.

The two of them were supposed to be working in rotation with a team that followed her while she went to school. They have since refused to stop following her and it was questionable whether they did it for Violet’s safety.

Violet thought this was good though.

They would indeed come in very useful - in the future especially so. Plus, they had great potential and that wasn’t just her own bias. She even had some plans to discuss with her mommy involving her and them.

The trio would make their way down the stairs that ran parallel to the ‘second floor’ of the mortal sized only area. It was open though with no wall between the areas which meant one could clearly see the larger area’s from the mortal ones.

This led to a uniquely beautiful manor despite the varying size.

Suddenly Ahsue’s voice came from her side, bringing her back from her wandering mind. Some considered it rude but these two simply just watched her with adoration far past obsession even in absolute silence.

“So find any cute Oni in your class you’re inter-” <Ashue>

“Of course she hasn’t - how could Ojou-Sama be interested in some pathetic children who haven’t even killed a bunny yet! Male Oni only attract us females muscle and size but those brats have neither so how could they be attractive to our miss? Even if they challenged her in the future she likely wouldn’t bother with their co-!” <Slate>

“Don’t dirty Ojou-Sama’s ears with such terms Slate - she’s still only 10 though I suppose it’s my bias since most cultures aren’t as obvious about the whole ‘fighting for attention’ like Oni are… Plus it could be one of those 3 girls unless Ojou-Sama only likes…” <Ashue>

Both Ashue and Slate stopped suddenly, their grip tightening on Violet’s as she was jerked backwards slightly from the sudden stop. Slightly annoyed at the pair but she forgave them on account of their puppy-like faces appearing cute.

“Break both you when older - anyone else dead.” <Violet>

It was as if time stopped and even some of the others in the building stopped - in fact since Oni had high physical capabilities and cultivators had their own enhancement techniques her voice may as well have echoed throughout the halls.

Her voice was soft and beautiful - like a small bell that had been rung. Despite only being hit once the melodic sound continued to sooth.

Of course, the words weren’t exactly what one would expect from such a beautiful voice.

Even if they weren’t fully ‘correct’ nobody complained and the two girls happily puffed out their chest. Suddenly turning silent as well despite their soft but fun bantering before - instead their cheeks would become a bit rosy. Violet also thought they began to walk funnily - their thighs grinding against each other.

But, as a child she couldn’t do anything about it so would just let her mind wander once again as they made their way to her Mommy’s office.

This time she thought about what Ashue originally asked about.

Though, considering she was too young to really develop lust and simply only had the related feelings she could only shake her head at Ashue’s question. It won’t be long now though. She could expect after a few years to have a lot more fighting as she doubted she could get out of many fights against Oni.

It wasn’t because she was disliked though.

Oni liked the strong and this included in bed - to prove one's worth to their partner they engage in combat. Usually the male loses and the female Oni fucks him in till she’s emptied the entire contents of his balls - whether he likes it or not.

There is the option of the woman not bothering if she considers him ‘too pathetic’ and not worth the effort of sleeping with though sometimes the man wins. This often leads to a shorter session as it’s easier to please a male Oni than female due to their crazy endurance.

Sometimes female Oni also fight each other but they could even challenge a male in order to bully him. Either just because she enjoys dominating someone weaker or she ‘dislikes’ them.

The second will always end up with them emptying the male’s balls whenever she has the chance so he can’t reproduce but it’s questionable if the male Oni considers this a particular problem…

Wasn’t Violet’s problem either way as she didn’t really hate any male Oni and would rather just kill them if she did. She has the power and connections after all - simply ordering her loyal ‘servants/guards’ should be enough to solve any such issues.

As for her challenging others for their body… It could be possible.

Either way, she was sure with her background and rumours (that were mostly true) she’d receive a lot of challenges as soon as she was ‘available’. She didn’t mind but she already planned to treat those beside her already better than those random girls and guys.

“O-Ojou-Sama we’re here!” <Slate>

The blushing and loud Slate said to bring Violet out of her thoughts. Violet simply nodded and looked towards Ahsue who was about to knock on the door before Ebony’s voice came out from the other side.

“It’s fine Sneeze, you can open the door then you and Slate can wait outside.” <Ebony>

Ashue would pause with soft tears in her eyes, though obviously very used to this joke over her name from the matriarch as she showed no surprise. But she would do as she was told. Letting go off Violet’s face as did Slate (though both reluctantly) they walked to either side of the slowly opening doors.

Violet could hear her softly mumble.

“My name doesn’t sound like a sneeze...” <Ashue>

Over and over and over resulting in a slightly concerned look from her partner in crime.

Violet wouldn’t worry and would just walk into the room as the doors slid back to being closed after she entered. Behind an ebony wooden desk would be Ebony herself. The wood wasn’t regular wood and was the type of object you’d expect to see in the office of the emperor of some {Great Empire} or of the sect master of a {Great Sect}.

Though the desk was shorter than those due to it being for someone who knelt. It was customary to kneel on the floor or cushion among the Oni - partly because of their powerful bodies it was hard for them to ache and helped keep their focus.

Regardless of the sitting posture with the desk, it possessed both rich qi and a beautiful nature.

Violet thought it suited her mommy better than those old cultivators.

Ebony motioned for Violet to come around the desk as she spun on her equally beautiful pillow; but Violet soon dropped her head onto Ebony’s plentiful thighs preferring those pillows. Burying her face and sniffing the beautiful jade white pillows while ignoring the light ‘warning pat’ on her head.

“You sure love to be pampered don’t you? Either way, I’m happy to see you like the chuckle-sisters. I’m sure you know of their loyalty so it’s good they’re being rewarded for their obsession… Rather I may be partly to blame for such since I suggested you may grow to be possessive over them.” <Ebony>

Smiling warmly at her daughter who was very clear with what she wanted. Some may be annoyed that Violet was being so needy but Ebony didn’t mind - other than sometimes being a bit spoiled she was a very understanding girl. Never getting in the way when she brought home her own ‘prey’ and not complaining about the noise or ‘weird smell’ like the other children she had.

“Ah~ I wish I had more to teach you but in terms of life you’ve experienced far more than me haven’t you…” <Ebony>

Frowning softly while gently rubbing that beautiful Violet hair - the elders and herself already guessed that Violet wasn’t ‘normal’. More so than just her ‘brain being wired a bit differently’ No, she was ware of things she shouldn’t and wasn’t exactly hiding. Although she initially had respect for their ‘great ancestor’ now she treated her nothing more than her cute little but very naughty girl.

A girl who didn’t care for what she didn’t care for but would do everything for their family.

It’s why Ebony never really hid what exactly their family was. She also understood more about the Oni of the past by meeting and raising this little daughters of her. There is a reason why her ancestors were known as the original race of war gods. Although men are as simple as they seem, women understand a basic but important concept.

Appear strong when you are weak and more importantly… Appear weak when you are strong.

Their little ‘family’ that had long spread all the way through the lands of the east perfectly represented this. They didn’t do anything big like building up a glorious monolith like the {Imperial Phoenix Supreme Divine Heavenly Dynasty} which bathes in the light for all to see and worship. They also didn’t hide away from the world, becoming an unknown and feared threat like those {Water Dragons}.

It also answers an important question, what happens to a warrior when the war ends?

They become a large family.

“Seems the world always comes in threes doesn’t it Violet?” <Ebony>

“Balanced.” <Violet>

She wasn’t wrong and said all she needed to in as few words as she needed. Regardless, Oni weren’t some great philosophers and they weren’t heaven born beasts meant to rule. Neither did they want to rule but they also weren’t pacifists content with living as is.

“Do you understand what we are?” <Ebony>

To this Violet pulled her face up from her mommy’s thighs to look at her in the eyes, tilting her head. This simply got Ebony to chuckle. Her question was too vague for Violet to answer but she didn’t continue on with asking such questions.

“So, why did you kill those people earlier? I doubt that little bit of fire could hurt you with your dress on.” <Ebony>

Although Oni were physically tough having no qi they had no defence against it, with Talisman Calligraphy it wasn’t as troublesome. Something that Ebony had on every inch of Violet so that fire - even if it was from a strong opponent - wouldn’t be able to kill her little girl.

It was different while the women were in their [Hannya Form] as they were able to produce a unique energy that could destroy qi thus helping counter attacks. They had even developed a [Hannya Mask] which allowed the women to more easily control their power from damaging their surroundings at the cost of some added strength.

This form was the main reason why Ebony accepted Violet wasting her time in school like that… Well other than experiencing school but having a normal school life would have to wait anyway after she ‘conquered’ her peers. Kind of hard to be treated as a regular child after such.

That’s another matter though.

In response to Ebony Violet just swung her feet back while reburying her face - even rubbing her face against those plump thighs of her Mommy. Seeing her feet Ebony could now understand that the heat from the fire had destroyed her nail paint causing the mother to laugh.

“We can paint them again later. For now I got you a little gift you can use when you’re older.” <Ebony>

Reaching down she pulled out a large, crimson straw hat that had little metal ‘nubs’ on the inside. Their purpose was simply to have an Oni’s horns rest inside of them - also helping the hat stay upon the Oni’s head - while the dark veil  with a golden trim fell down to hide the appearance of the Oni. This particular one had violet flower heads ‘falling down’ to display a beautiful image of raining flowers.

“These are used by the important women of our Hannya Family - although that means it’s mostly for Oni. Either way these hats can also be said to represent your position in the family - mine has Ebony Roots and is for the current Matriarch but yours makes you the Ojou-Sama. Remember if you're lost outside or just need help only trust the people with a [Hannya Tattoo] in the style of our people and only the ones with this symbol can contact me so be suspicious if they order you around without showing it to you.” <Ebony>

Violet would lift her head up, kneeling properly on the floor as she took the hat which was clearly too big for her tiny head right now. Her eyes also wandered to the top of her left pinky that had ‘忠実’ written upon it.

“If they not only lack this but part of their left pinky cut off be suspicious as it means they’ve done something bad, okay? If they have more parts of their digits removed it means they’ve done more bad - it doesn’t mean they’re totally evil as they may have been threatened by an enemy but the more they lack the more untrustworthy they are okay?” <Ebony>

Violet would just nod her head along while holding the hat against her body in a bear hug. Making a grunt of acknowledgement before tilting her head for her mommy to continue.

“So, I was wondering if you ever considered taking up Calligraphy - I know what you’re thinking but it’s got nothing to do with understanding the language. In fact, unlike what those pompous Talisman Calligraphers say to outsiders it is an art that can be considered the opposite of the ‘arrays’ of the outside world.

It’s an art that works on simplifying the world around and infusing the intent into the meaning provided by what is written. Obviously it requires a steady hand and clear understanding but I believe as your mother for ten years these are things you possess in spades. I recommend you also take up more artistic pursuits and… I say you also chose a weapon.” <Ebony>

Violet shivered slightly with a groan at taking in all that information, lowering her head while tightening her hold on the hat. She was momentarily surprised by just how sturdy the hat was despite it’s simple appearance.

Either way, it did indeed give her something to think about.

Ebony wasn’t finished yet.

“I know you have your thoughts and I also know all the legends about a swordswoman so skilled in her arts that even the {Sword God Emperor} couldn’t help but swear loyalty. I also know she was cursed to never be able to wield a sword again and lead us [Hannya] on a warpath through Tartarus to punish the gods for slaying our fathers…”

Slowly she reached out and began to softly massage Violet’s hair, not worrying about messing up her hair. Looking at this cute girl of hers pouting sadly she couldn’t help but feel worried for her. But this was something she needed to say.

“If you want to, I could help teach you what I know about the spiked club that is popular among us Oni of the current generation. A club is better to beat up a dragon with after all, ehehehe~!” <Ebony>

“Mmm!” <Violet>

The thought of smashing some dragon skulls with a club instantly made her feel better and she gave a little nod.

Seeing Violet cheering up she too smiled.

“Does that mean you’ll paint mommy some pretty paintings?” <Ebony>

“Uuuhmmm!” <Violet>

She didn’t seem sure at first but soon Violet nodded in agreement to her mommy’s wishes. She wouldn’t force her to do anything but had her best interest in mind after all. Plus, it’s not like she had to be good at it!

“Now before you ask for something, give mommy a kiss!” <Ebony>

With nothing to do but accept the offer, Violet threw the hat aside and jumped into her awaiting mommy’s arms. Pressing her lips lightly on her mothers but then tried to sneakily lick her mommy’s lips only for her mommy to grip her by her horns. Softly forcing her head from one side to another.

“You naughty little girl, this old Oni is used to your tricks. That tongue isn’t allowed to leave your mouth till you’re at least 18 young Oni!” <Ebony>

To this Violet giggled and stuck out her tongue at her mommy.

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