Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 67: A Set Stage


No one did react to the picture of my new mc... Disappointing.

Anyways, enjoy~♥


What happened after prince Du gave the order could only be considered a massacre.

The first person who stepped up to the stage to face the monster called Violet was a woman who had lived on the battlefield since she was ten. She was poor and born on the border of two opposing nobles of the empire - this meant from young she never saw her fathers face. He was a conscripted soldier who apparently was as strong as a 3-Star mercenary to fight where he either died or her mother was just another girl on the road.

To the woman her mother was always a fool who eventually went mad with the idea that she had been tricked into sleeping with an uncaring man. To not become like her mother she trained hard on the same battlefield yet not as a ‘brave soldier’ but a shameless mercenary. After a while she set her sights on bigger fights being able to actually become a 3-Star mercenary herself.

None of that mattered the moment she stood upon the stage with Violet; the instant the fight started the oni pointed with her right finger with a raised thumb. Making a gun with her finger that she pointed towards the mercenary woman. Qi made her finger glow a vivid purple which should just be expected considering everything she does ends up violet in colour.

“[Demon Gun].” <Violet>

With that a purple beam came out from her finger to pierce through the woman's dantain causing her cultivation to collapse. Essentially she had been crippled the moment she stepped upon the stage causing a chill to fill the entire area, the oni not even looking at the woman who collapsed to the ground with blood & qi pouring  out from her abdomen. The reason for this was quite simple…

This was just the beginning.

For the overwhelming demon empress this was no tournament but instead a slaughterhouse for the sole purpose of experimenting with her qi usage. She quickly ran out of ideas after the finger gun so the next few rounds ended up being her just throwing powerful punches, oppressive large palms or whip-like kicks. Of course, she fueled her qi into each in order to blent her [True Demon Martial Arts] with her violent qi in order to create new qi techniques.

As should be expected essentially nobody could actually ‘exchange moves’ with Violet while on some of the ‘less focused’ attacks very little was left. It took very little time for the ring to become painted in the blood & carcusses of the dead - even those supposed to actually clean up the stage were scared. What would they do if the girl mistook them for challenging her?

In contrast to the people involved in the ‘tournament’ the crowd were giving roaring applause to the bloodbath, for Violet that term was quite literal. Violet quite enjoyed the atmosphere so also got quite excited and even waved towards the crowd as if she was showboating. Seeing their little miss so happy obviously also brought smiles to the face of her advisors & shadow guard who had been with her all of her (second) life.

They knew how bored she had been lately so were quite pleased.

“As expected of Matriarch Ebony and Sohn-Tochter-sama; they truly know what Ojou-sama needs in order to improve her mood.” <Slate>

“Indeed nothing is greater than getting stronger and killing some mortals!” <Ashue>

Hearing a reasonable judgement from Ashue made Slate raise an eyebrow while gazing at her from the corner of her eye. However even a broken clock is right twice a day so Slate just shook her head while biting her bottom lip as her hips quivered - in contrast Ashue just stood proudly like nothing was wrong. Many enamoured eyes fell onto the two girls and especially the wet patches upon their crotches from their stimulating talk earlier which they got too ‘into’.

A group of guys began to walk up to them with an air of confidence around them, their cultivation bases were also far more refined than those on the stage. Their aura was strengthened by the fact they each had expensive purple robes with the emblem of {Imperial Phoenix Academy} upon them. Obviously being students of the Dong Branch based on the colour of their robes since no one would dare pretend to be if they weren’t.

They appeared to be the usual young master types with a handsome one, a frivolous one, a cold one and a fat one who likely had an obsession with gold. As advisors of Violet they of course noticed the squad of horny youths walking up to them - their intentions were clear as day to both of them yet they made no efforts to stop them. More accurately they didn’t need to act since all four of their heads suddenly flew into the head followed by a geyser of blood from the neck where their heads once were.

Those bodies still stepped forward as if not even realising they were headless before falling like puppets without their strings.

Behind the four corpses was a single ‘girl’ dressed up in a western fashion making them clearly stand out from those all around; through what was more noticeably was the pain. Merely gazing upon their beautiful form made many of those previously watching the advisors fall to their knees in worship as they drooled on themselves. The stronger of those begged for punishment while those who were weaker took it upon themselves to deliver it to themselves.

Some of the men or women slammed their heads repeatedly off the ground till their brains leaked out from their cracked skulls as punishment for desiring to dominate the bird. Others jammed their fingers into their eye sockets to tear them out for daring to use them for ogling at those long sexy legs within golden pantyhose without permission. Furthermore there were some who bit off their fingers for wanting to grab that shapely butt with their black puffy shorts with a grey leather belt with golden buckle.

Meanwhile those who fully worshipped Violet just felt a little headache at most due to long being used to dealing with irrational strength they couldn’t fathom. The figure who wore a yellow bird themed domino mask didn’t seem to react to that - rather they looked down on the four heads with displeasure. A flick of their hand resulted in an opulent feathered hand-fan appearing which they used to hide the frown on those plump yellow lips that seemed perfect for naughty escapades yet managed to appear gracefully.

“I truly hate when a performance is ruined by the uncultured swine in the audience who know nothing about respecting the art piece. A true disgrace if one ponders on the underlying themes held within this performance - it uses the setting of a torment to explore the helplessness those who were once genius face when meeting the next generation. Whether they choose to accept them or fight to their last it matters naught as they vanish all the same.” <Not Not a Faux God>

While the pair (as well as the hidden {Orchid} members) wanted to ask if the strange girl(?) had visited their narcotics section. They decided not to get involved. Thankfully the figure had no more than a passing interest for them either as their soulless black eyes turned to the stage, a yellow flame of passion hidden behind that mask.

Cultivators who managed to resist ‘punishing’ themselves finally seemed to lose control of themselves as a group pathetically squirmed across the ground. Like starved dogs they began to submerge those once yellow, now with splashes of crimson, in their kisses as well as tongues as if they were delicious. Not all of them did that yet that group was definitely the cleanest.

After their shoes were clean enough some began to lick the feet that sat within yet that didn’t end very well to say the least. Before their tongues could even dirty the being a yellow flame sparked - travelling up their bodies any part that got a little too close to the entity. In response they just looked down uncaringly.

“Hmpf as if mere beggars could satisfy this femboy - a group of ugly women and men with genitalia that couldn’t even be used as a toothpick let alone satisfy my rear. Maybe young master Ɔ̶͇̿ɥ̷̲̗̍̚ɐ̸̧̫͝ǫ̷̰̃ş̴̥̉ ̴͙̀ſ̸̳̄͝ͅ ̴̥͗̚Ⅎ̶̧̔̕ɐ̸̜͊̌n̸̗̉s̸̗̄̚ʇ̷̜͋ could find gratification due to his generosity however this {Ancient One} would hardly be so easy to delight. Maybe if your soul survives reincarnation you’ll gain wisdom in order to perfect your performance since I won’t be acting.” <Not Not a Faux God>

Even if they weren’t actively paying attention they did manage to overhear the name of the beings ‘young master’ which made even Slate clutch their head in pain. With that being the case it wasn’t surprising that those in the surroundings had their eardrums burst; trails of blood coming from their eyes, nose & ass. The last one was a personal choice from the owner of the name.

It wasn’t just those driven mad but even those not paying attention on the stands above found themselves falling down to the ground.

Of course that was of no interest to the being as their plump yellow lips perked up slightly as they gazed toward the stage. There was clearly only the figure of Violet reflected in those narrowed black eyes - the fire within those eyes making those that consumed the mortals seem like mere embers. Soon they decided to approach the stage.

Upon the stage Violet crossed her hands behind her back while a late-teen boy shivered while holding his one handed sword with both hands. Nobody mocked him for it as they were sure that if he didn’t use the strength of both his hands he would drop it - the blood on the stage was already thick enough that it completely soaked the soles of his shoes. That only made the lack of blood flowing to his trembling flesh more clear.

[True Demon God Palm]

Like that a large astral projection of {True Wrath} open claw appeared above as if it was about to fall down to crush everything it cast its shadow upon. The only problem was even in its weakest state, that gigantic palm would annihilate the area of a regular sized city, in other words it would be able to wipe out a large portion of the empire capital which would work against Violet. Although she growled a little she still didn’t release the attack which made the teen excited since he would be able to actually reach her.

It was true that even a god makes mistakes so it only makes sense eventually the girl would make a mistake after throwing out high level qi techniques on after another. With that he tightly gripped his jian while charging forward with a heroic yell - soon he froze up once more. A strong pressure washed over him as he could only look up as the pinkie ‘claw’ lowered down to crush the teen where he stood.

The sheer pressure from the attack was enough to hold him in place making it highly unfair yet he could only cry.

Before he could be obliterated from existence together with the stage the beautifully legged entity leapt into the air to do a mixture of a backflip & axe kick. Yellow flames exploded out from the beings right leg, a blade of flame fired to challenge the demon finger, managing to push back the half hearted attack. Just when the teen thought he was safe the yellow axe kick swung around to cut him in half as well causing him to become another of the many corpses on the stage.

Without care for that the graceful figure stood up with elegance to face Violet without a hint of fear within them. In contrast the face of Violet quickly grew impatient with the creature - her glare was practically smouldering. A soft grinding of teeth could be heard from the oni while the bird simply smiled behind their fan while many in the audience fell into the same state as her earlier victims.

In response to the mass chaos the sky began to fill with white clouds that roared with heavenly thunder as indigo sparks constantly flashed showing the mass bedlam wasn’t appreciated.

“No need to rush Empress Violet - it is not time for the finale so the stage must remain so the show can go on hahahoho!” <Not Not a Faux God>

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