Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 70: Asura’s Purgatory


Big day today and a big chapter to go along with it.


Anyways, enjoy~♥


After she uttered a single word Violet did nothing more no matter how many blows rained down onto her body.

Secretary wasn’t happy that they were being looked down upon yet at the same time refused to take the disrespect sitting down. As such the bird made full use of their long legs to send a barrage of kicks across her body quickly reducing the clothes on her body. Not only did these blows rip up her clothes; even her flesh was cut.

In response to that Violet… Still did absolutely nothing except brace herself so she wouldn’t be knocked backwards by the  deluge of fiery blades slicing her up. This action did little to actually prevent her from taking the blows. Instead she ended up taking far more hits from Secretary after bracing herself due to turning into a stationary target.

They began with a back kick into Violet’s face yet the oni young leader just stood there without even stepping back anymore. Seeing the dismissive reaction the Faux God switched into a round house with their other foot by stomping down with their lifted left. The blow did connect with Violet yet again however she still did nothing.

This only infuriated the elegant bird who at most could make Violet turn her cheek while causing fairly light gashes on her body. Of course, with Violet’s [Absolute Body Physique], these wounds quickly healed with the flames seemingly having no effect on overcoming the oni’s outrageous regeneration. Biting their plump bottom yellow lip they decided they wouldn’t stop till they managed to get at least a groan from the girl!

Jumping back they grinned with the same elegance yet a clear darkness was behind their eyes as they carefully watched Violet; they were clearly more annoyed at seeing no movement.

“It should be expected that this low level performance would not be able to delight one as reputable as yourself so allow for me to go even further!” <Secretary>

Hearing that Violet finally gave Secretary some reaction however it was best described as a glance at something noisey. Merely glancing towards the powerful being once before returning her gaze to the clouds above without care for the actual words spoken. Seeing that Secretary was even more sure they needed to impress her!

Erupting from the ground with a yellow explosion they launched into another front flipping axe-kick that created a rotating yellow chakram in the sky. As if with a mind of its own - the flaming weapon flew towards Violet in an attempt to slice her into two. Yet compared to her own flames could these faux flames do much?

Violet remained ever still as the blade came to slice her in half, an explosion of yellow engulfed her entire body, yet she still didn’t budge. Blood did softly trickle down her yet by the time the flames subsided it seemed as if she had already healed from whatever wound was caused. There wasn't even a large amount of blood on top of that.

Secretary wasn’t done yet though as they quickly dove up to deliver their knee into Violet’s chin causing her head to be knocked upwards before she unleashed their other leg. Sending their shin to slam into the side of the girl's head making her head shoot to the side once again with blood trickling down from her impacted ear.

Some blood even came out from between her lips nevertheless she didn’t make any moves only making Secretary’s attacks pour down even quicker. The combos the kick specialist was pulling off became more complex and involved more steps. Still Violet just took the kicks while relying on their bodies recovery and sturdiness.

Those watching from the side obviously noticed the strangeness in their master or sister in the case of Sohn-Tochter.

“Why… Is Violet Ojou-sama not attacking back?” <Ashue>

“I’m not sure, usually she may take a blow or two from everyone just to drill a sense of futility into them, however she’s not the type to let herself be a punching bag. I would have at least expected her to try to maybe catch the blows or play some game yet… She’s just standing there doing nothing… Do you know anything, Sohn-Tochter-sama?” <Slate>

Even if they didn’t interact much till now, all of Violet’s servants were well aware that the two sisters were very close. As fellow Violet fangirls, they even knew that Sohn-Tochter would do just about anything for their ojou-sama, though clearly was far more strict than they certainly were with Violet. They understood that was merely an older sister worrying over their little sister even if Sohn-Tochter didn’t show it.

Turning to look at Sohn-Tochter showed her looking the exact same as alway-

No, in fact, she had a furrowed brow showing a clear confusion on exactly what her little sister was up to. If the older sister who watched over Violet for aeons couldn’t understand what was happening how could they? Ashue as usual had her own thoughts even if they weren’t particularly bright thoughts.

“Maybe that weird aura thingy that was making those mortals funky is influencing her mind making her passive?” <Ashue>

“Nobody would think you mute if you didn’t speak…” <Slate>

“Oh?” <Ashue>

The tortoise tilted her head to the side - clearly not understanding the meaning behind what her fellow said - making Slate hold her face between her hands once more. On the other hand sweat began to rain down Qin’s back as she looked between her two bosses who seemed perfectly comfortable. Looking into the distance she saw even the crazy people were sweating with the weaker even developing a blush across their bodies.

“Does anyone else find it hotter all of a sudden?” <Qin>

“No, what are yo-” <Slate>

“Yea it’s pretty hot - if I had sweat glands I’m sure they would be working overtime!” <Ashue>

Hearing that made Slate tilt her head while looking towards the other shadow guards in {Orchid} only to find many of them to be the same. Strangely the oni seemed to be the only ones completely fine and looking into the barrier towards the fight revealed this to be even more true that she would have assumed. In fact those vibrant yellow flames seemed to be flickering far more as if something was constantly shooting through.

Just as she was about to ask what Sohn-Tochter thought she saw the woman appeared unnaturally pale with a look of realisation hidden behind her usual frozen face.

“Everyone who is not from oni descent should leave right at this moment.” <Sohn-Tochter>

Everyone who heard her were obviously very confused however she ignored them as she walked up to the arena herself. Unlike with the fight with Photon she seemed urgent to stop it as she made a signal with her hand causing the barrier to form into a giant azura bolt, charged with heaven's thunder, to crash down between the fighting pair. Looking towards Violet the girl finally turned her gaze down yet what looked back at the older sister obviously wasn’t Violet.

Her eyes glowed with an eerie green while her lips hitched up into a savage grin that fully displayed her caines. The look she gave Sohn-Tocther wasn’t the annoyed look Violet may give her but instead like a beast who just had their meal snatched away from them. Even more frightening was the wave of heat that left the barrier.

Instantly those weaklings found their skin bubbled up with unbearable itchiness while others had half their facial muscles completely relaxed before fainting. Some clenched their chests as they could only resist for a second before collapsing. Shouts about going blind or losing other senses all played out.

One thing linked all of them together; it was all Violent’s fault.

“Why did y-*Cough*-what…?” <Secretary>

The avatar of the faux god began to complain towards Sohn-Tochter but was cut off when they ended up coughing up blood. Not only their blood came up as bits of flesh could also be found in the flem which made them obviously quite confused. Letting down their guard also made them fall to their knees while an unbearable headache (for a mortal) overcame them making the being more curious than pained.

“This is unusual; I’ve never had an avatar suffer like this before!” <Secretary>

“You foolish child; have you got any idea what you’ve done by just breaching the first layer of her skin over and over again?” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Well from my knowledge Violet’s defence is-” <Secretary>

“In terms of strength her skin's surface is the weakest with each layer getting more and more dense to the point she releases a deadly dose of radiation from just a gash. What you have just done is sealed your fate - you have already completed all the preparations she needed in order to use her divine realm without resistance.

Well done you fool!” <Sohn-Tochter>

Sohn-Tochters reaction was obviously quite surprising for those all around as she didn’t have the usual unchanging tone. Instead she actually raised her voice near the end showing how serious the situation actually was yet whatever she was saying obviously went over everyone else's head.

She turned towards the purple haired girl whose hair no longer appeared as wavy as “Violet’s” but seemed wild as well as untamed.

“Would yo-” <Sohn-Tochter>

That was all she managed to get out before Violent erupted out with a savage laugh with her hands each making a ‘claw’ which she charged towards her older sister. Her mouth wide open as she tried to literally take a bite out of Sohn-Tochter. Of course, not even Violet could keep up with the queen of thunder so she easily kept side stepping the beast's attempt to grapple her.


Violent screamed out causing everyone to be greatly surprised except for the one who had known her for the longest.

“It is already too late… Soon purgatory will develop while the {Absolute Asura} will descend with all three of her heads… I’m too old for this.” <Sohn-Tochter>

The older woman let out a long sigh while continuing to dance around the beast who fought in an even more wild manner than Violet. Seeing this Secretary was obviously quite confused and wanted to get involved - yet any attempts to use their qi just resulted in it becoming unstable instead of actually leaving their body. Quite the contrary to harming either of those two it actually made the Secretary receive the backlash from the out of control qi!

“This is a rather usual circumstance…” <Secretary>


“It’s the radiation from Violent; a power from one of the three personalities of ‘Violet’.  This is the personality which usually takes control whenever she turns into the form recognised as {True Wrath}. I cannot believe you actually charged into a fight with one of the strongest beings without even bothering to look into the basics of her power. Honestly I believe the dragons were less arrogant than you faux gods are at times…” <Sohn-Tochter>

That was a huge insult from the biggest dragon-slayer among the topplers.

<| High Concentration Radiation Recorded; Initialising Protocol.{World Roaming Boss.nope} |>
<| Contacting Entity.{The Infinite Mother} |>

“It has begun…” <Sohn-Tochter>

Mere seconds after the world voice echoed through the arena when a suppressive green ‘mana’ which contained the invisible energy. It didn’t stop there as space itself became stable while a tsunami of green chains erupted from all around to make a gigantic dome - separating the area around the arena. Exactly what all three personalities were waiting for to successfully murder the spirit who showed up in front of them.

“[Divine Realm; Asura’s Purgatory]...” <Violet>

“[Divine Realm; Asura’s Purgatory].” <Vibrant>

Somehow the three voices perfectly melded together despite one being… A bit more audible than the other two. In a moment a wave of purple, green & gold fell over the entirety of the separated place to drag them into their divine realm to be caught, tried and punished.



The dome of chains faded away as the sealed space was allowed to return to the {Mortal Realm} from which it originated. All of the radiation had been purged, allowing the people inside to preserve their lives. However, the appearance was far different than when it was originally sealed in the first place yet the cause would never be known.

Signs of battle were clear with areas still alight with purple flames, claw marks across the ground while a thin slice practically separated the entire space in half. Scattered all around were the people who were trapped in - only three remained standing which included unsurprisingly Sohn-Tochter as well as Violet yet there was also another (dressed like a mixture between a saint & wizard) who clearly wasn’t there before. Within Violet’s hand she held the slender neck of a far less elegant looking {Secretary in Yellow}.

Their entire body was battered with their entire right arm just being gone with such a clean cut it seemed almost impossible - that very same arm was about a couple metres away.

“Weak… {Orchid} needs more training…” <Violet>

With that she mercilessly threw the unconscious Faux God’s avatar aside.

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