Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 83: What’s the story in {The Mortal Realm}

I'm sorry you waited a week for this

At the moment, Navy Indigo, while walking toward his destination-

“Genesis♪ {The Mortal Realm}♪

What's the story in {The Mortal Realm},
wouldn't you like to know?
What's the story in {The Mortal Realm},
where would you like to go?Will there be treats with Elizabeth and Elizabeth 2?
Is that where we should go?

{The Mortal Realm}♪

Or up to the castle inventing with Cheshire?
She's ever so clever and ever so much fresher♪

What's the story in {The Mortal Realm}?
Wouldn't you like to know?

Choosing our colours and dabbing with paint
with Mother we should go.

{The Mortal Realm}!

Or moving and jumping with Violent?
Would that be the story in {The Mortal Realm}?

What's the story in {The Mortal Realm}?
Where would you like to go?

Shall we have fun as we reincarnate with the snake?
Is that where we should go?

{The Mortal Realm}!

Or taking it easy with Smiley?
Wouldn't you like to know?

What's the story in {The Mortal Realm}?
Wouldn't you like to know?
What's the story in {The Mortal Realm}?
Where would you like to go?

{The Mortal Realm}♪

{The Mortal Realm}♪

Here is Navy to tell us that story
but how does is all begin?

Rainy, sunny, windy, or cloudy?
Playing outside or in Mother’s detection?
Is today to stay at home to play?
Going to hell or heaven?

What's the story in {The Mortal Realm}?
Wouldn't you like to know?
What's the story in {The Mortal Realm}?
Tell us where we will go♪
What's the story in {The Mortal Realm}?
Wouldn't you like to know?
What's the story in {The Mortal Realm}?

Tell us where we will go♪” <Navy>

-he was enjoying himself in a rather usual way.

In truth it wasn’t as if he was just wandering around at random as he had a destination and he also wasn’t just singing while doing nothing else. He was actually constantly switching between remaining in stealth to escape from mother’s detection - just like in the song - but would release it until she found him again at which point he would re-stealth once more.

This wasn’t due to him being worried about becoming tired from the constant usage of the ability, though, instead he was clearly treating it more like a game as a big grin was constantly plastered across his face.

Mother would like nothing more than to permanently remove him from the equation yet the most she’d ever been able to do was seal him away for one lifetime. Even then it was rare that she would actively follow him when he did reveal himself; unfortunately her tits weren’t bigger than her brains so she knew to be afraid of death.

This made his lives rather boring - when he wasn’t doing the whole “bwahaha I’ll destroy the world” shtick in order to gain attention - so he had to take advantage of the little things. On these journeys there were always some foolish people who would try to capture the good looking little boy however the after, the nth bandit acting all cocky, murder lost its appeal.

So, if one thinks of it from his perspective, maybe it wasn’t so weird to randomly break into song to break the boredom or a millennium of the same old stuff?


Wh- wait a second, that looks interesting~!” <Navy>

Just when he was about to break into another ‘creative masterpiece’, his eye spied a little prize out in the distance which made his bicoloured brows lift up. Said ‘prize’ was a cloud of smoke that brought with it the scent of fresh ash & blood; a smell that was promptly joined by wails of despair which showed whatever was doing the attacking was doing so rather onesidely.

A light of glee danced across his eyes as he spat into his palms with a *ptui* before rubbing those hands together - using his nails to comb through his bicoloured hair soon afterward. Out from a rift a steel blade began to poke out which he promptly used as a mirror to make sure his face paint was correctly applied in addition to there being nothing between his teeth.

Sure enough, he was as charming as always, so soon moved a hand to grab the bastard sword out from the rift despite clearly being too big even for a kid his height. He showed no difficulty in bringing it up to rest upon his shoulder nevertheless - showing once more that there was more than meets the eye.

Upon finishing his preparation he appeared to drift out into the peripheral, not leaving sight but fading into the backdrop as if he was supposed to be there, becoming just like another tree inside the forest.

There was a reason why the title {Heavenly Demon} was one feared throughout the realm on a level above the {True Hero} who was often underestimated due to his nature of defence. Having one hand resting behind his lumbar, he seemed to meander across the floor at an amazing pace which made his prior walking speed seem like an absolute joke.

Jumping out from the brush welcomed him with the sight that he was very familiar with. A bunch of female oni’s of advanced age butchering cultivators who never would have expected their actions of invading the {Forest of Mortality} would result in them being raided. One could tell it with how many of them were crying out injustice as they desperately tried to keep their barrier up - the outer wall having already been felled with the oni playing with dice to decide who will attack the next one while ‘rounding up’ the survivors.

“You monsters!” <Cultivator>
“They’ve already killed most of the outer disciples!” <Cultivator>
“The heavens will get justice for us!” <Cultivator>

“Fuckin’ doubt that one~!” <Navy>

How could he resist quipping at that?

That comment did get the surrounding oni to jump in surprise as he suddenly appeared from out of nowhere howbeit that they also didn’t rush to attack. These weren’t any old group of oldbats but the very same ones that followed Violet in their little escapade through the {Heavenly Realm}. Obviously they would know who he was and had even fought with each other back in the good old days where everything was far simpler.

As such the oni didn’t even bother asking what he was doing (they were used to that as well) at most offering him a reminiscent smirk. With dexterity that came with experience they literally butchered & bled the humans that they had killed or captured - they needed food & drink if they were to continue their continued conquest of the overambitious mortal sects.

On top of that, since their goal wasn’t occupation but punishment, they were slowly burning down any infrastructure that once existed.

Considering he did worse things it was hardly surprising that they weren’t afraid of him judging their over the top brutality of those far weaker than them. Sure enough, Navy really didn’t care, as he instead travelled toward the sound of gambling where he found a certain red haired oni.

“Listen, if you can’t figure out who’s going, I’ll just do it myself to get it over with!” <Ruby>

“No, this is our job!” <Asura Kijin>

“We know you want to see Ojou-sama again but this is too low even for you!” <Asura Kijin>

“I’m still your boss, you old farts!” <Ruby>


Both those in the final round of gambling & Ruby spat on the ground to show their distaste with each other with the two older kijin turning their attention back to another. The last figure was squatting in front of them while shaking a cup containing a dice that they soon slammed onto the ground.

“High or low; last call before boss kills me!” <Dealer Kijin>

“It’s high~!” <Navy>

““SON OF A BITCH!”” <<Gambling Kijin>>

“A human actually~.” <Navy>

Even with the three angry oni gods staring at him, he didn’t even flinch, although if he was to flinch it would have been long ago considering there wasn’t an oni without divinity in this battalion.

Ruby meanwhile let out a boastful laugh as she took a swig from a large bottle that she no doubt swiped from one of the prior sects they invaded before they burned it all down. Her other hand rested on the butt of her sword as she narrowed her eyes towards the sect which caused the barrier, utilising all of the cultivation of those inside, to begin to visibly distort.

“Hm~ I don’t think that’s a good idea; you're clearly underestimating this~.” <Navy>

Along with that a rift began to open as a large barrel - made from some volcanic stone and adorned in a calcified dragon skull - slid out. A bright light began to charge up inside with a *VWOOO* making the entire world seemingly dim all at once. In response to this a (now confused) Ruby just turned to look at him with a tilted head yet he just chuckled.

“No you… Your assassins~!” <Navy>

With that the [Orbital Death Lazer] fired to be above the sect causing space to seemingly ripple; a gigantic and patchwork blonde bodied vulture rolled midair to avoid. Navy didn’t stop there as he threw his sword toward Ruby who simply tilted her head in the last sentence causing a figure cloaked in turquoise moonlight to leap backward just before they shoved a curved knife into the kijin’s neck.

“I have no interest in killing more than I need to, Rogue…” <Figure in Moonlight>


Although it seemed the figure in moonlight wanted to end things peacefully, speaking up despite fading back into sparkles, that didn’t seem to apply to the bird. After rolling out the way of the attack they showed no more desire to remain hidden as they suddenly grew even larger - despite previously being the size of a carriage - before they even cloaked the city sized inner sect in their shadow.

It wasn’t merely a size change as their black feathered wings began to be replaced with abyssal tendrils that reached through the cracks in the sect to drag unprepared victims into itself. Those poor schmucks vanished into its shadowy wings with their only remnant being a squirting of blood that died those shadows to seemingly empower them. Their now metallic blade-like claws came to perch upon the barrier causing it to ironically strength yet it seemed to keep the cracks in the barrier.

“How’d the pussy manage to get a {Faux God} in without your stupid parent noticing?” <Ruby>

Ruby, seemingly not caring that she nearly got stabbed, turned to the sparkling figure who seemed to tremble at anger.

“She is not stupid; Mother sees all and all is part of her great plan!” <Figure in Moonlight>

“Yea, yea, bet it includes sending you to your death as well {Virtue of Kindness}~.” <Navy>

Hearing that made the figure in moonlight fade back into non-existence with there seemingly being no trace of her presence - at least to the average joe. As if mocking the girl, Navy slowly had his head move around to reveal the fact he was obviously tracking her despite her attempts to remain. Although turning back to the Vulture who was manically laughing he couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

“Why is it always girls… If it was a guy at least it would be hot.” <Navy>

“Time certainly changes a lot about a man…” <Ruby>

With that, she and the oni drew their weapons while a bident appeared beside Navy which he grabbed to replace the sword he threw, they charged toward the sect once more.


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