Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 85: Defeat of The {Sword Saint}

\_Origin Of Sin - Primordial Age_/


The world is wrong.

Ever since I was born, beside two others that claimed themselves the same as me as we shared both souls, I knew with certainty that something was immensely wrong.

When born it was actually blindingly obvious; all around me I could see opulent waste with no direction or purpose other than to please a bunch of cowardly lizards. Despite being so close to all that luxury I was unable to take any of it for myself. If that isn’t wrong then I simply don’t understand the meaning of the word “wrong”.

Even what I did get had to be shared as we were one but we were three yet I wanted more than them and I knew for a fact I deserved more than them. To me it is an obvious fact that I deserve everything; after all I am myself therefore I deserve everything in the world. Big sister always stated how important it was that we never forget who we are, no matter how hard times become, which I find a little silly.

Who could forget me?

Similarly - it should all belong to me yet it didn’t - not only that but the very woman who birthed me looked at me with horror as if blaming me for something however I don’t remember doing anything. Then there were the lizards who always went on about how evil & that I was a little crotch demon which should never have been born in the first place.

When I asked what a demon was, I didn’t find it particularly bad, apparently they are people whose mere presence brings a corruption of mortals with no shame. If a demon truly exists - why would they ever need to feel shame? Instead I believe they would challenge the entire world to become demons alongside them and then constantly party in a festival of blood!

Would there be anything as grand as that?

Fortunately my thoughts were proven to be completely justified as in only six hundred and sixty six days my glorious father came to rescue us from the inadequacy of those lizards. Still, just like before, I was shown up by my other two halves making me sink into the background like some side character despite me being me. Even worse than that was the fact that father decided our name by looking into my eyes then looking at the violet haired ‘sister’.

I was being named after someone else who wasn’t me… But she was me? Yet how could she be me if I was me and she is herself! Why must I share everything with her, who only has a strong body, when I am naturally just better due to being me!

For some unfathomable reason I also couldn’t match up to my other two ‘parts’ when it came to combat as one third had a near-indestructible & unstoppable body that few were able to leave a mark on. My other sister ended up creating a series of endless sword techniques that each was able to mar the gates of the unified {Heavenly Realm}. Through their efforts they both achieved a [Dharma Treasure] unique to themselves with me being unable to even conjure up anything of my own.

Ever since I was born I’ve constantly found myself faced with the incorrect reality so I decided to consult the wisest people I knew as they planned for the downfall of the dragons.

Father suggested I use my own fist to obtain whatever I felt I deserved.

Brother talked about making my own place in the world where I could create what I felt was justified.

The cat suggested I just selfishly take whatever I wanted; no mention of “deserve” or “justified” but instead the cold hard fact that I was selfish for thinking this way.

That was exactly what I needed, I was born a demon so would naturally continue being a demon, therefore there was no need to pretend not to be selfish like those hypocritical lizards. As such I decided to start with taking that violet coloured hair I was so jealous of then began to take the swordsmanship my other part was proud of.

I did it because I am me.




The light of a new day once more shined upon {The Immortal Dong Empire}; even then the world didn’t forget the blemishes that the precursory day had wrought.

A massive tree of gold & silver had spread its roots to fortify the foundations upon which the empire had been built back in {The Age of Antiquity}. Those roots, however, had also allowed the branches to spread far and wide. To bring the entire empire within its umbra. Leaves using their perches upon high to to rain down justice on those who would dare go against the rules foretold in the immemorial.

Although that all could be said to be a bit of an exaggeration as the {Dong Empire} was a very large & powerful entity within the {Mortal Realm}. Fittingly, this meant they possessed a great wealth of land which meant there was no way a tree grown in under a day could cover their entirety…

Instead it just covered the landmast most central to the empire's function; the core of the empire.

Within the center of this grand empire - upon the {Immortal Palace} - a certain girl stood upon the head of a shivering dragon that belonged to a certain older sister. The dragon showed no anger though also less fear and more worry for what the golden haired oni was going to do while up there. There was nothing they could do though as a bubble, slowly inflating & deflating with their steady breaths, seemed to indicate that the sword-winged immortal was somehow sleeping on her feet.

Because of that, the dragon was terrified of dropping the oni from the place she perched even if she didn’t exactly ask the poor thing for its permission. In all likelihood, she wouldn’t even be scratched even if she was to fall off the palace entirely, yet the same couldn’t be said for the dragon who would receive the retribution from her falling.

This was also the same reason why the usually lazy dragons hadn’t slept a single wink; every single one of them were staring toward the girl for the tiniest hint she was to fall.

They had no idea what they would do if she were yet at the very least they would try to stop it in the nicest manor possible as to prevent the chaos that would ensue if they didn’t. Thankfully they were saved by a flash of azura lightning impacting the roof of the palace - leaving a blue dressed Sohn-Tochter standing there atop of a large smoldering patch. She did have a nice cloak over her shoulders with some kind of black fur that gave her the vibe of a strong woman.

Rather fitting. Sure enough, the goddess of the tribulations didn’t care about the molten spirit stones under her rather tame blue heels, simply walking toward their poor mount who strangely seemed to have formed tears in their eyes over the stress. A weird notion, especially when one considers the dragon to typically be classified as a lizard, however Sohn-Tochter didn’t seem to care about that.

In a flash of blue light she flickered in front of the sleeping Vibrant; index finger gently tapping the oni right between the horns. Another spark of lightning came into existence - between the finger and oni - causing the bubble to pop while the sword saint flared up those blade-wings of theirs.

“Hm? Oh. Yes, I came down to the {Mortal Realm}, didn’t I?” <Vibrant>

“Mmm you did; you also did not remove that blastard tree.” <Sohn-Tochter>

The two of them speak to one another in a very curt manner, making their relationship to all the dragons despite their differing appearances.

That didn’t mean that the younger sister would easily accept the nagging of her elder. Vibrant shaking her head - head held high - as she once again began to speak in an aged and wise manner like some ancient sword cultivator.

“Plant a seed for a man and he gains a large flower to admire for a few years; plant the same seed for an insect and they gain a new source of protection & worship for generations of their people. Give those mortals enough time and you shall see that the tree will no longer be something to fear but for people to depict in art all around the world as a wondrous protector of justic-” <Vibrant>

“So you plan to erase Vivi’s influence here?” <Sohn-Tochter>

“If you-” <Vibrant>

“Stop with the made up proverbs, remove the tree and stop bullying my mount.” <Sohn-Tochter>

Although the oni clearly had more to say, that menacing glare from Sohn-Tochter weighed down on the swordswomen, all she could do was lower her head submissively and weather the storm. She did indeed jump down from the dragon nevertheless they secretly hoped to distract the {Sovereign of Storms} from the tree since she thought it improved the boring empire.

“Is there something going on today, senior sister?” <Vibrant>

“You are going to take care of Vivi’s little followers, as well as her little wives & concubines, while attending some pre-parties in her place to help the oni expand their influence.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“But sis~ter-!” <Vibrant>

“I know you tricked Vivi into switching places with you due to boredom; you should be happy that I’m giving you things to do in her place.” <Sohn-Tochter>

It seemed like a lost cause for anyone else however you don’t become the {Sword Saint} just because you’re good at swinging a sword but due to knowing how to use the sword.

“How can I replace Vivi when I’m not the current heir of this generation?” <Vibrant>

“You look like her, you are as strong as her and we both know you are lightyears better at dealing with those mortal customs than she would ever care to be.” <Sohn-Tochter>

Her pride… Couldn’t refute.

“Yes sister…” <Vibrant>

Weird chapter I know but hopefully it brings some things to light... Like what our little demoness truly is.

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