Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 87: The Meaning Of Blood

“Well, let us start with what you know, so what do you know about the three families?” <Vibrant>

Vibrant asked Slate, Kitty & Qin if she had the mind to actually pay attention to what was happening inside of the carriage. Those wolves proved their worth as they ran through the palace complex, quickly coming toward the front gate that demarcated the property of the {Immortal Royal Dong Family} from the busy streets, ignoring anyone who came across their path. This meant that many unfortunate people found themselves on the underside of those powerful beastly paws; there was even a rather familiar face.

Having been taught a lesson only a day prior… Well the prince wasn’t exactly too excited to get in the way of the carriage that seemed very much connected to the fearsome golden oni. His once confident face turned to one of sheer fear as he dove into the mud to get out the way. Not even yelling as the carriage sent a wave of mud to wash over him.

Those that weren’t as lucky, such as those fancy dressed maids, soon found themselves face down in those muddy puddles.

Obviously the sentry guards at the front door noticed all of this ongoing chaos - not being too pleased that that unknown transport bringing disaster to their ruling family. As such they raised their spears while their guard captain whipped out his sword in challenge before raising his aura as well as face.

“Halt insurgents and get out of your carriage!” <Sentry Captain>

A wave of powerful aura exploded out of him - revealing his cultivation to impressively be within the mid core foundation formation realm - with his sword pointed toward them fearlessly. This pressure being directly pushed down upon the dog-kin who was fittingly commanding the powerful wolves. Showing that he was blindingly confident in his own cultivation.

As for Qin’s response? Quite simply, she didn’t, instead she just tilted her head to the side before cracking her reins once more which resulted in those feral hounds howling. Their own cultivation fueled & beast enhanced intimidation pouring out to counteract that of the guards captain (ensuring that Kitty wasn’t caught up in the battle of nerves).

That confident expression on the sentry captain's face soon fell to one of absolute dismay then fear; a change that his own men were unable to even make.

Already having passed & collapsed.

“I won’t fall here!” <Sentry Captain>

Unfortunately they realised how outmatched they were far too late, thus decided to instead face those wolves with all his might, holding his sword in both hands. Lifting his sword up toward the sky before bringing it down with all the weight of the stars above… Or so he would likely claim, however, what happened was that his sword energy was just pawed away by the beast as the for-front.


“Did anyone feel that?” <Slate>

“Hm? The tree doesn’t know every bug that dies from falling off its branches; instead it digs its roots deeper in the soil to ensure the same fate doesn’t betide to itself. Now, enough procrastinating, what do you know about the three strongest families across the three realms and beyond?” <Vibrant>

Their own closed eyes turned from the window to ‘look’ toward the curious Slate who looked down at the ground - as if she had any possible way to see what had actually been run over. Assuming it was just some random bump in the world, she turned to meet the close eye’d gaze of Vibrant, to instead ponder on what she actually knew.

“I am afraid I don’t know much about mythology - not to mention that the oni aren’t exactly the best when it comes to information brokering - I do know that Violet Ojou-sama is an Indigo. There are also those pesky mafia who always go on about their leader who was a Stratos… I know nothing about this ‘Venus’ so that’s all I can say.” <Slate>

“S-same nya…” <Kitty>

Hearing that made Vibrant nod sagely in silence for a moment.

“In a way, it could be said that almost every major power is related to at least one of these families, if not more with the most powerful youngins having all three running through their veins. With each family having their own unique features. There are a lot of these features that seem to be good methods to differentiate those belonging to each family…” <Vibrant>

Vibrant crossed her legs as she put on pause teaching them; back ramrod straight as she turned her head in a manner that suggested she was studying their reaction to her words. Both of those inside the carriage had their full attention upon vibrant.

“I will start off by explaining the most obvious trait; what you will see if you cut down a member from each of the three families. Each has their own unique blood that is referred to as the [Divine Blood], the [Cursed Blood] and finally the [Black Blood]. The divine blood is probably the simplest as it just glows gold while enhancing the efficiency of regeneration in addition to being a great catalyst to merging with one's dao thus obtaining the immortal body which is key to ascending to godhood. A fact that has greatly helped the Venus in achieving unbridled support from the majority of {Mortal Realm}s gods.” <Vibrant>

“So… Why did it lead to support instead of having those strong mortals hunting down the Venus, in order to farm their blood, like what they’ve tried to do with the oni?” <Slate>

“Pff you think the average oni can be compared to a Venus? Although the Venus technically have the lowest number, they make up for that by having a level of regeneration that simply cannot be comprehended, even if one had it displayed in front of them. This isn’t even mentioning the fact that their actual matriarch is Mother who is a master of politics… Those politics ironically lead to them being the most divided out of the families.” <Vibrant>

“W-wait as in nya {True God} nya?!” <Kitty>

“The one who is staying at our villag-” <Slate>

“Nya {True God} is staying at {The Forest of Mortality} and the sects are still attacking nya?!” <Kitty>

Kitty showed the appropriate reaction; the hair all across her body standing up on end as she quivered in a mixture of confusion, shock and a little bit in fear. What if that immortal omnipotent omniscient goddess decided they were all far too much work than was worth it, so decided to wipe them all out? She strongly doubted that her imperial father nor the three other {Immortal Emperor}s could resist the power of the {Pillar of the Scholar} - even if they all somehow worked together.

In contrast Vibrant began frowning at how the girl was acting so fearful over that scaless lizard despite her being sat right there; still she somehow managed to resist doing anything rude due to being an escort.

“Of course, in terms of raw fighting ability & especially in terms of raw damage output, nothing can beat the mighty Indigo and our {Cursed Blood}! If I had a sword in my hand, with a level of ease that would leave you mistified, I would be able to show you what true strength is. We are the youngest of the three families yet our blood gives us an innate talent in relation to karma based abilities as well as just sturdy bodies. It does come with the slight caveat that, if we are unable to handle our power, our blood may or may not cause us to burn from the inside out.” <Vibrant>

“... Wait, so the Indigo family is so strong that you can just randomly explode?” <Slate>

“Yes.” <Vibrant>

“So… Is it the same for your older sister?” <Slate>

“Are you actually stupid; why would the [Cursed Blood] effect the elder sister when she is a phoenix whose blood may as well be the primordial essence of fire in the first place? Even before she claimed the power over tribulation she was the greatest prodigy in the {Imperial Phoenix Family}, despite being half human at that time, sheerly due to the fact she had the [Cursed Blood] in the body of a phoenix. Back then she was called the {Blue Flame Princess}~!” <Vibrant>

From there it quickly devolved, from a lesson about all three families, to expanding on how great Sohn-Tochter was. Vibrant made sure to fill them in on the epic of her sister with an unusually childish smile on her - even bouncing from side to side in a move which was strangely similar to Vivi. Even those swords upon her back somehow seemed to glimmer brighter.

This did also lead to that gigantic tree shaking from side to side as well - causing the entire empire to shake like it were atop a jenga tower - but Vibrant didn’t seem to care about that.

“...and so, with her legendary Triam in hand, she charged the feathered freak with a cool face of pure calm on her face. With her mighty wings of blue fire propelling her forward she punctured right through it’s heart which resulted in the blood spurting out & bathing her in its essence. She didn’t worry about this - with her comrades still not recovered - she pushed forward. Retching the spear upwards to slice right through that smug Azura coated face and reducing the apparent heir to naught but cinders!” <Vibrant>

“Wah so cool nya~!” <Kitty>

“Indeed!” <Vibrant>

It was then that Qin finally spoke up.

“I think we’re here!” <Qin>

“So much for learning about the Stratos as well…” <Slate

So she sighed - seemingly not minding too much however as when would she interact with such figures?

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