DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 105: The Offer


"A villain is someone hurt by the world and so they take revenge on it."

- V.E. Schwab, (Vicious (2013))


<{Wayne Enterprises HQ, Gotham}>

<(Omniscient POV)>

"Ahh, thanks for coming here and giving this place a chance Winslow. I am glad you still haven't given up hope despite all the setbacks you faced in your toy-making dream with all the relentless pressure from corrupted defense and weapon conglomerates, trying to coerce you into selling them your inventions, so that they can make weapons off of them." Victor Fries praised while shaking hands with Winslow Schlott who would also one day be known as the Toyman.

A month had passed since Bruce rescued Victor's wife from the brink of death due to her terminal illness. Her miraculous recovery had instilled an unwavering sense of gratitude within Victor, one that drove him to dedicate himself wholeheartedly to him and Wayne Enterprises. Despite Bruce not demanding any allegiance from him that day, Victor's commitment to repay the billionaire knew no bounds. He had resolved to serve Bruce in any capacity he could, even if it meant a lifetime of servitude within his company. After all, he was a man of his word.

Determined to prove his worth, Victor immersed himself in monumental projects, striving to realize them to their fullest potential. From revolutionary freezing weaponry poised to redefine defense and cold chain logistics, to innovative cold suits facilitating exploration in frigid environments, as well as cryogenic methods promising extended space travel and possible life extension, he spared no effort in trying to bolster the company's growth and securing its position as the world's leading technology company.

Yet, amidst all his tireless endeavors, Victor couldn't shake the feeling of not doing enough. Even working for eighty to a hundred hours a week seemed insufficient to repay his debt. It was then that he recalled Winslow Schlott, a figure from his past, someone he had even considered a friend of sorts. He had initially recommended the eccentric inventor to Bruce as a gesture of gratitude for past favors the toy maker had done for him, but, Victor soon realized the potential of harnessing Winslow's brilliance for Wayne Enterprises.

Not only could Winslow's innovative robotics, AI, and machine learning technologies revolutionize Bruce's video gaming empire by diversifying into physical games and toys, but Victor envisioned broader applications across the conglomerate's various ventures as well. If he could somehow persuade Winslow to collaborate and integrate his cutting-edge technology into Wayne Enterprises' diverse portfolio, triumph in the realm of technological innovation would be all but assured for the conglomerate.

"Victor, it's been quite some time. To be honest, my trust in billionaires and corporations has waned a long time ago. The only reason I reached out to Wayne Enterprises was because of your recommendation and the increasing offers from various defense companies eager to acquire my technology. They just fail to grasp my steadfast refusal to contribute to warfare and violence. I aim to bring joy to children through the innocence of games with my creations, not contribute to genocides and massacres."

"I have never entertained any attempts by defense companies to purchase my technologies, but recently, they have grown bolder, even resorting to threats against my wife and me. Most major toy companies have shied away from my creations, deeming them too advanced and potentially disruptive to their established product lines.

And the few companies that did express interest were forcibly suppressed by a particular large defense corporation bent on coercing me into selling them my designs. The past couple of months have been exceedingly challenging. Even the few stores where I used to once sell my handcrafted toys had stopped doing business with me." he confessed, his expression showing a sense of powerlessness. "Wayne Enterprises may just be my last hope to one day see children playing with the toys I've crafted."

"I'm sorry to hear about your concerns. However, Mr. Wayne, as he might have conveyed over the phone, is solely interested in collaborating with you on developing new types of technologically advanced toys and games, not weapons. Regrettably, he couldn't make it to today's meeting due to an unforeseen emergency. Nonetheless, he has entrusted me with full authority to steer our discussions," Victor assured with a congenial smile, adjusting his sleek, tinted eyeglasses as he slipped into his professional demeanor.

"We are ready to offer you the positions of Chief Design Officer and Vice President of Product Design within our newly established toys and games subsidiary. This includes an upfront payment of $100 million for your current designs, a 1% share of net profits from all your future toy designs, a substantial annual salary of $2 million, performance bonuses of up to $10 million, and an assurance of safeguarding your inventions and patents from any weapon-oriented endeavors," Victor magnanimously presented the same proposition Bruce had suggested, ensuring Winslow wouldn't decline them.

"Wow! Truthfully, this offer exceeds most of my wildest dreams," Schlott chuckled, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead as he asked wearily, "But is he truly hiring me out of the goodness of his heart? Isn't there supposed to be a catch or something? Forgive me, but, over the years, I've learned that when things appear too good to be true, they usually are."

"Don't misunderstand, Winslow. Mr. Wayne isn't playing the role of a philanthropist by hiring you. No, he recognizes your talent as an inventor and toymaker. He sees genuine value in what you bring to the table and is willing to invest in it. It's not just your toys that interest him; it's the mind behind them. He wants you on his team because he believes you're one of the few capable of changing the world. He envisions you disrupting the toy industry and bringing true joy to children with your innovations... So, the real question is, do you share that vision too, Winslow Schlott?" Victor delivered the grand speech he had meticulously crafted to sway Winslow into joining Wayne Enterprises, and as expected, it seemed to resonate with the toy maker up to some extent.

"Oh, really? I actually share the exact same vision. While I had already sensed Mr. Wayne's interest in me and my work during our initial phone conversation, I never imagined he was this keen on having me join his company... You know what, I don't care. This decision shouldn't even warrant much thought from me, given that I'm already on the brink of attaining almost everything I wanted in my life," Winslow declared with resolve, his expression unwavering as he concluded. "I accept the position. Rest assured, I will exert my utmost effort to fulfill my responsibilities, ensuring that every child in the world possesses an extraordinary toy to enrich their childhood."

"Excellent... So, congratulations, Mr. Winslow. Consider yourself hired," Fries congratulated warmly, extending his hand in friendship. "We just need to finalize some minor paperwork, and then we'll transfer the upfront money for your designs as promised, along with your joining bonus. Mr. Wayne's team has already completed the necessary due diligence, so expect the funds in your account by tomorrow," Victor explained. "Now, onto the most important question of the evening... where should we celebrate this momentous occasion tonight?" he asked a playful chuckle in his voice.

"Celebrate? You mean, like, go to a party?" Winslow's voice carried a hint of uncertainty. "Nobody's ever really invited me to a party... This will actually be my first time... Can I bring my wife, Maya, too?"

"Absolutely. I'll call my wife, Nora, as well. We can all celebrate together. I mean, I did promise you back when we first met that you'd get to meet my wife after she's healed. I think it's time I made good on that promise. I'm sure she'd enjoy Maya's company immensely," Victor affirmed, nudging a pen toward Winslow to sign the documents. "Wayne Enterprises is poised to change the world for the better, Winslow, and now, we're both part of it."

"Yeah, we're going to change the world... Here's to the future," Winslow murmured in a happy tone as he signed the papers, sporting the biggest smile he'd ever worn.

Finally, his big break had arrived, and he was determined to make the most of it. To heck with all the dark thoughts that had been haunting him lately; now, he could pursue his lifelong dream. Making toys for children and spreading the same joy among kids that he himself had once experienced when playing with quality toys.


<{Roof of the GCPD Headquarters, Gotham}>

<(Omniscient POV)>

Alone, Jim Gordon stood at the precipice of the GCPD HQ rooftop, his gaze drawn to the sprawling beauty of Gotham City below. A cigarette hung between his fingers, wisps of smoke curling into the night air as he absorbed the sight before him. His expression betrayed a mixture of awe and sorrow with the weight of the city's relentless crime pressing heavily upon him.

"Such a breathtaking city... It's almost impossible to believe that it tops the charts for the highest crime rate in the country," he muttered, a tinge of frustration lacing his words as he recalled the damning report from the mayor earlier that day.

After getting the news from the mayor's office, hope had flickered briefly in Gordon's heart, a fleeting expectation that perhaps the mayor would make genuine efforts to stem the tide of crime. Yet, Gotham's corruption ran deep and the mayor's directives served only to perpetuate the city's descent into darkness faster. Instead of addressing the root causes, Gordon was instructed to obscure the true extent of crime by 'ignoring' petty crimes and masking assaults as accidents in official reports to artificially deflate the statistics.

"It seems you and I are in agreement; Gotham is indeed as dangerous as it is gorgeous. But again, all beautiful things always are." A deep voice resonated behind Gordon, bringing him out of his deep thoughts. He hadn't expected someone else to be here. The roof was supposed to be off-limits to most of the staff because of how a depressed cop had tried to kill himself by jumping off the roof a few years ago. In fact, Gordon was the only one who even came here anymore.

Startled, Jim hurriedly turned to face the unexpected presence, finding himself face-to-face with the tall and leaning figure of the new Dark Kight of Gotham.

"Batman?" Gordon asked in mild surprise, a frown on his tired face.

"I did promise our paths would cross again, didn't I? It's time we had a conversation, Commissioner," Batman asserted, his dark gloomy presence and inhuman appearance a stark reminder of the city's relentless struggle against its own shadows.


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