DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 110: The Calm Before the Storm


"Sometimes Life Is Too Uncertain To Have Regrets."

- Goku, (Dragon Ball Z)


<{Somewhere above the Mediterranean Sea}> 

<(Bruce Wayne POV)> 

"The aircraft's autopilot has been engaged successfully, sir," Cortana's voice echoed through the plane's speakers. "Current weather conditions are favorable, with clear skies and no atmospheric disturbances, ensuring smooth flying conditions. You may now rest easy until we reach the borders of Europe. I've initiated active monitoring for any criminal activity in Gotham during your absence. I'll compile a detailed report for your review later, while I'll take care of any minor tasks."

"Thank you, Cortana. I don't know what I would do without you. You are a blessing in a not-so-well-hidden disguise," I commended, prompting a blush in her holographic form. "Oh, and I have already decided on the initial android body that you will be using to test out how comfortable you are in a physical body and what changes you might desire in your body. I will start working on it after we return home.

Maybe, I should finish the solid/hard light project that I had been previously working on too. That would not only vastly increase your physical usefulness as my trusted digital assistant but also might be able to help in providing better training facilities as well." I pondered, ultimately deciding that completing both projects was of paramount importance to maximize Cortana's efficiency. After all, even I sometimes feel weird with so many of her robotic tentacles continuously working diligently in the Bat cave. 

"Thank you, my dear master. You are too kind." The AI assistant tried to make an anime-like cute face while showing a huge smile on her face.

"No need for that. However, you should stop acting like an anime girl. Remember, I am the one who is going to decide what your new body is going to look like." I mock-threatened. 

Maybe I should give her a body similar to the Twins from Atomic Heart... although that might be too much since that would just cause me to have a constant boner whenever I am around her. I don't know if I am a weirdo or a pervert of a special kind, but something in their body structure looked extremely hot to me even though they lacked actual faces... Maybe, I'll make them later when I establish the Justice League. They could be very good maids for the members of the League... or perhaps caretakers of the Legue headquarters. I wonder if the rest of the members would also sport constant boners because of them...

"Eh? That's not fair master. You are blackmailing me." Cortana complained with a pout as she narrowed her eyes at me like she could guess what was currently going through my mind.

"It's called cunning." I joked. "Anyway, what about the project I commissioned? Did the bank approve the loan for it?... Or should I say, did my bank approve the loan for it?" I chuckled.

"Yes, the loan request has been approved, but are you certain about pursuing a $5 billion loan for a hospital project? Given that we're not primarily a core medical company, it seems excessive, especially considering that the budgets for past Wayne family hospital projects have typically capped at $200 million. Of course, there's impressive potential for profit upon completion, but investing in industries like semiconductor technology or defense could yield higher returns," Cortana offered her candid feedback, struggling to grasp my rationale for such a significant investment.

"It's not merely a business venture, Cortana. It's a tribute to my father. The Wayne Memorial Central Healthcare Center was his vision—a dream to establish one of the world's premier medical facilities in Gotham. Profit is important, but it's not the driving force behind this project," I explained, clarifying my intentions.

Indeed, it was true. According to Alfred and my new godmother, Leslie Thompkins whom I have only recently met, my father conceived the idea of the hospital during his college years. Influenced by Miss Thompkins, his closest companion at the time, who aspired to become a doctor and aid communities worldwide, he envisioned a vast medical center in Gotham dedicated to treating and researching a myriad of diseases. 

Before Miss Thompkins departed Gotham to pursue further studies and research, they made a pact: once she became a proficient doctor, my father would finance their shared dream hospital. From providing free treatment to orphans to establishing a medical school and conducting advanced research on various medical conditions, it aimed to be a comprehensive medical solution for the city—a noble and ambitious vision that resonated deeply with me. After all, making that dream come true was the least I could do as Bruce Wayne.

This medical center was meant to be realized long ago, but Miss Thompkins's burgeoning career, my father's political endeavors, and opposition from Gotham's corrupt city government presented formidable obstacles. They had planned to commence the project after my father's anticipated election victory, but tragically, his life was cut short before that could happen. So, it was now up to me to fulfill his dream. 

According to what Alfred told me, my parents had formally acknowledged that Miss. Thompkins was my godmother just like they had named Alfred as my Godfather. She had even attended a few of my birthdays when I... the previous Bruce Wayne was younger. In fact, I even remembered her face from some of Og Bruce's memories. She wanted to be there for me after my parents died that night, but she couldn't find the courage to face me. She felt like it was her fault that the Wayne couple died because she had left Gotham. She felt like she had abandoned them. 

Initially skeptical, my doubts dissipated upon meeting her. I understood that she was telling the truth. She carried massive guilt within her, guilt that made it almost impossible for her to come in front of me without succumbing to tears. Despite attempts to reach out including even coming to Gotham once to meet Alfred and me, she never dared to make it past the mansion gates until recently when she finally found the resolve to get over her grief and guilt. Her newfound determination led her to pursue her and my father's shared aspiration: aiding the citizens of Gotham.

The decision to construct the hospital was of course mine alone. I knew that she was in no way responsible for the events surrounding my parents, and I harbored no resentment toward her for her lack of communication, despite her self-imposed guilt. Upon her arrival at our estate, there was a palpable romantic tension between Alfred and her, reminiscent of two former lovers reuniting after a long separation. They probably had quite some history between them. Regardless, I resolved to fulfill my late father's dream hospital project and appointed Miss Thompson as its Medical Director. 

Hmm, now that I think about it, maybe I should give Alfred a seat in the board too. He would be able to spend some time with Leslie that way despite their busy schedules. 

Truthfully, I could have just built the hospital without taking a loan. The profits that Wayne Solutions has been making from different enterprises had accumulated to be quite a lot, but I needed that liquidity for something else. The 2008 stock market crash and mortgage crisis were coming soon, and I knew that I could make hundreds of billions of dollars if I used that money smartly. Money would permanently stop being a concern for me after that. 

"It's rather ironic. On one side, I'm overseeing the construction of Gotham's largest medical center, while on the other hand, I am simultaneously delving into research on crafting superior addictive 'abuse' drugs," I mused with a wry smile. 

Yes, you heard correctly. I've been actively formulating various types of drugs intended to replace the current array of abusive substances saturating the market. These alternatives would deliver comparable recreational effects—elevating mood, inducing euphoria, and creating happy hallucinations—yet without the detrimental health consequences typically associated with drug abuse. 

While modestly addicting, much like caffeine, these drugs would be considerably more affordable than the normal ones, comprising blends of essential vitamins, minerals, and immunity-enhancing compounds, available in an assortment of flavors. In fact, I've already devised several prototypes: Vitapure Pot, ProteiNirvana, ImmunoEuphoria, NutriBliss, and HealthHigh, each having different effects aimed to replace different types of drugs.

It is a known fact that quite a substantial portion of Gotham's populace is entangled in drug trafficking, distribution, and consumption. Realistically, I cannot entirely curb the illicit drug trade within the city, despite my diligent patrols and surveillance efforts using drones. However, with my own range of wholesome, addictive and healthy drug alternatives, I could ensure that individuals derive tangible health benefits alongside their recreational indulgence from the use of their favorite drugs. Perhaps, this innovative approach could even address nutritional deficiencies among certain demographics, offering a novel solution to widespread food insecurity—where essential nutrients could be ingested through smoking pot, thereby fulfilling bodily requirements. 

"Bruce Wayne, the world's most infamous and biggest drug lord..., it does have quite a ring to it." I excitedly remarked with a happy self-assured nod.

"What are you suddenly on about?... Wait, you are once again thinking about your idea of ending world hunger through your new drugs, aren't you?" Cortana guessed with a deadpan after noticing an evil smile on my face. 

"Have some respect Cortana, you are in the presence of the biggest future drug lord," I responded with a chuckle.


The sudden crack of lightning followed by an explosion jolted me out of my comfort. I glanced out of the window, only to see the plane shaking perilously amidst the tumultuous skies. 

"Hey Cortana, weren't you supposed to alert me about any adverse weather conditions?" I queried, noting her holographic nod with a sense of urgency. "Then why the hell didn't you say anything when we were barreling straight into a tornado?" 

"I-I... There wasn't supposed to be bad weather in this part of the ocean. It's like... that tornado materialized out of nowhere. But this doesn't make any sense. Even now, several of my sensors are malfunctioning. Maybe the storm has electromagnetic properties in it, and it somehow messed with my and the plane's systems despite their advanced technological sophistication. It's either that or..." Cortana trailed off, hesitating to voice the alternative. 

"Or this storm possesses supernatural properties." I finished for her. 


Immediately another lightning strike, followed by a deafening boom, sent shockwaves through the aircraft. The wings of the craft erupted into flames, rendering the plane uncontrollable as it hurtled toward the swirling vortex, plummeting in a relentless descent.

"My holiday just got fucking ruined, didn't it?" 


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