DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 143: Taking Out Some Trash (1)


"Are You Not Entertained? Are You Not Entertained? Is This Not Why You Are Here?"

- Maximus (Gladiator)


<(Omniscient POV)> 

"Hey guys, can you hear that sound? What is that? Sounds like a jet... and it's getting closer." One of the guys who had just thrown a grenade toward the house they were attacking muttered to the person beside him. "Wait, don't tell me that the military has deployed their jets against us!" He panicked, looking around in alarm to try and search for a place to hide in case his fear came true and military jets decided to rain hell on them.

"The fuck are you talking about, coward? Do you, stupid motherfucker really think that the military has a budget big enough to send jets to eliminate a small group like ours and that too within just a few moments of our attack? God, I can't deal with these stupid temp workers." The person who seemed to be the leader and was giving the orders earlier spewed out in anger. There was a clear irritation in his voice as he yelled with contempt at his subordinates. "Look above, do you see any jet approaching us? The sky is as clear as your empty brain. Now hurry the fuck up and bring me those women, so that all of us can go home." He shouted out. 

The moment he was done shouting, several of the terrorists who were standing close to him and listening in to his words agreed with his words and subconsciously looked up on their own. However, contrary to what they just heard and what they were expecting themselves, a projectile rapidly flying in their direction was clearly visible in the sky. They didn't know what it was since it seemed too small to be a jet but what they did know was that it was flying faster than anything else they had ever seen, as evident by the clear white trail left in its path.

"What is that?" The leader murmured to himself but unfortunately for him by the time he would be able to come to a conclusion about what it truly was, it would be too late.

Swoosh Swoosh Two smaller projectiles were suddenly released by the bigger flying silhouette and before anybody could even realize what was going to happen next, the two smaller projectiles came flying at the speed of sound, striking two of their jeeps in the back which contained their extra explosives stored as backup in case of an emergency, exploding in a violent explosion that directly wiped out more than half a dozen of their men with a resounding Kaboom.

The explosion forced all the terrorists to stop firing at the estate and instead crouch down to save themselves from the effects of the explosion.

"What is that? Shoot that down. It must be some kind of cutting-edge drone technology that the military has decided to use against us." The leader once again yelled with pure malice in his voice as he tried to take a peek at the object flying towards them again. But quite astonishingly, it was no longer there. Instead, there was the sudden sound of a resounding thud behind him like something heavy landing on a concrete floor that made almost every single hair in his body stand up with some unknown fear.

"I don't usually do this during the daytime, but I suppose desperate times call for desperate measures," said a rough voice, almost demonic in tone, emanating from the figure behind him. The terrorist leader was extremely startled. He quickly spun around in alarm only to find a tall, imposing figure clad in dark, monstrous, bat-like metal armor. 

"Abomination! It's a monster. The military sent a monster to hunt us down. Kill it, NOW." He yelled in terror like an idiot, trying his best to get away from the figure in front of him but only faltering in his steps and falling down on the ground due to his panic. 

Zzzap Zzzap Two trails of scarlet-red energy left from the glowing palms of Batman's right hand hitting the only two terrorists with rocket launchers in their hands, immediately knocking them out with a nasty burn on their skin despite the bulletproof armor they were wearing on their bodies. 

Rat-tat-tat Several of the men suddenly got their senses back the moment they witnessed the death of two of their comrades and began to fire their rifles at the Dark Knight in response. However, no matter how much they fired, not a single bullet seemed to be able to pierce through his armor. 

These men mostly used to live in the poor and undeveloped parts of Europe and Asia before they were recruited into the organization and had never bothered to concern themselves with supers or metahumans. They only have had training to kill ordinary human civilians or normal human soldiers of which Batman was neither. These terrorists had absolutely no idea whom they were opposing.

Batman still hadn't become world famous yet and was mostly regarded as an urban legend by the normal people in Gotham. Even the news channels that talked about the Dark Knight could never give definitive proof of his existence except for a few testaments by some witnesses claiming to have seen him protect the city. Thus, it was unimaginable for these individuals to have ever conceived the true nature of what they were confronting, even in their most extravagant dreams.

Bruce, after taking out the jeeps with the most explosives, and the people with the rocket launchers focused his attention back on the leader. He might not be feeling even the least bit of threat from these terrorists but that didn't mean he forgot his years of training as a ninja. Defeating the enemy forces in the most efficient manner possible was what he was trained to do, and what better way to weaken a group than to eliminate its leader?

"Whistling birds" Bruce muttered before a small section of his armor near the shoulder opened up as the nanobots parted and twelve small micro-missiles, the size of small bullets flew through the air striking six of the terrorists with a whistling sound, immediately killing them with small explosions near their vital organs.

"Sorcery!" The leader tried to flee before taking out his handgun and shooting Bruce in the head, but the young billionaire didn't even flinch under his helmet before taking a few steps toward the man, grabbing the barrel of the gun and crushing it as easily as crushing a twig.

He then slapped the man with the back of his hand, dislocating his jaw with one single hit and resulting in the man losing consciousness due to the extreme pain that followed.

Most of the men around them had already opened fire on Bruce by this point to try and save their leader as well as themselves from the monster. One of them who was holding a flame thrower had even started using literal fire on him, trying to burn him into a crisp before Bruce could try anything else. However, Bruce just remained standing there without even a single twitch in his expression while using the nanobots around the back of his armor to slowly form four extra appendages that began to look a lot like tentacles with pincers at their ends that could rotate 360 degrees. 

'I am almost ashamed for ripping Dr. Octopus' look despite being Batman Batman... almost, heh. A bat isn't supposed to have tentacles, but I always wanted to try this.' He thought in his mind as one of his tentacles circled around the man shooting fire at him before crushing both his gun and his arms.

But he didn't just stop at that, his mechanical tentacles continued to manhandle the terrorists standing close to him while he used his repulsors to fire at the ones trying to escape or those who were trying their luck attacking him from the distance. Bruce wasn't in the mood to show any pity to anyone no matter who they were, and although he wasn't straight-out killing these terrorists, he was still determined to give them extreme amounts of pain and terrible scars so that they would never forget this encounter with him.

"Fucking hell. Run!" As the majority of the terrorists succumbed to Bruce's powers, a choice few who had already realized that they had no way of winning against him decided to do their best to escape. In their minds, being able to escape from him with some valuable information about the existence of a monster like him was much better for both them and their organization than dying here for no reason at all. 

However, the Dark Knight had no intent to let anyone escape. After he was done taking care of all the criminals near him with the help of his tentacles and repulsors, he turned his attention to the people trying to board a heavily armored jeep parked right outside the estate, one of the only few vehicles that still wasn't destroyed in the carnage caused by him.

Raising his right arm, the nanobots on his wrist transformed into a single anti-tank missile aimed at the direction of the car. "Target locked" Cortana's voice informed Bruce before he fired the missile. The high-speed projectile flew toward the jeep and attached itself to it like a metal claw. Then a small beeping sound was heard before it became more and more intense, finally exploding the vehicle into countless pieces of red-hot metal and burnt flesh with a KABOOM sound, killing everyone inside the vehicle without exception.

"Well, seems I am done here. Cortana, scan the surroundings to see if I missed any terrorists or if any got inside the house." Bruce asked while staring at the half-destroyed home. 

"Positive sir. Although the six-armed guards are still alive, one of them seems to be holding your aunt and her daughters at gunpoint, likely a mole or a traitor in the group. He seems to be the last active threat here." She informed me after switching the HUD's camera to X-ray vision. "That reminds me, you still haven't tested the wall-piercing ammunition rounds in the field before. Don't you think this is a good time for it, sir?"

"Excellent suggestion, Cortana. That's why you are my favorite AI ever..." I grinned inside my mask while ignoring her mutterings about her being the only AI I knew. "I just hope that my aunt and cousins aren't too scared of blood, and this doesn't traumatize them." I hoped aloud.

"Oh, it definitely will," Cortana responded with a flat voice.



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