DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 146: Sorting Out Slade’s Issues


"What you can't accomplish alone, becomes doable when you are with someone else."

- Taichi Yaegashi, (Kokoro Connect)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)> 

"I really hope nobody tries anything stupid against Alfred, at least for their own sake," I muttered audibly after Alfred left with a USB drive, I gave him that contained data that I had extracted from the mind of the terrorist leader as well as various other pieces of evidence I had collected against the militant group linking it to various other illegal activities all over the globe. 

In just a short amount of time, I had already found almost everything about them with the help of the memories I stole from the leader's brain. It turns out that the extremist organization that attacked my uncle's family was called The Many Arms of Death which was actually just a front for a shady company named Kali Corporation which sold weapons. And like most other companies in common stupid comic-book plots, the company staged attacks on important diplomats worldwide, particularly in Europe and North America, to encourage nations to upgrade their defense and military capabilities by buying weapons from them.

For the wider public, The Many Arms of Death reasoned that they staged attacks to "bring about change" in the governmental structures of corrupted nations through their violent activities but the truth was that they were just doing this for money and to help Kali Corporation meet their fucking annual sales target each year. 

Of course, whoever devised this stupid plan was a massive idiot since there were hundreds of holes in their logic and their strategy didn't even make sense from a business standpoint. I mean why would countries buy weapons from a small private company with subpar weaponry designs to upgrade their defenses when they could buy the most cutting-edge technologies from multinational corporations with immense global connections? In fact, after some digging, I found out that a lot of their terroristic activities in the last few years seemed to have increased our own weaponry and defense sales instead of theirs and they still didn't seem to have realized that fact. Kali Corporation was truly a company run by a group of evil idiots. 

Hearing my concern, Slade seemed to think about it for a few seconds before replying, "I admit politicians are no doubt ruthless and vile but even the most skilled and experienced of them knows not to anger or antagonize a billionaire who owns and controls one of the biggest corporations in the world. It is common knowledge that even Berkshire Hathaway falls short of the number of businesses Wayne Enterprises has been dominating. So don't worry, they won't be going against their word once Alfred gives them the information, especially since their reputation is the one being affected the most because of the attacks by those terrorists.

As for Kali Corporation, they probably will try to bribe a few people to get out of the mess once they realize that they are caught but ultimately, the result won't change with how much evidence you have on them. The worst they can do is use their militant arm to spread more chaos, but I am one hundred percent sure that your "Colony" or should I say, Wayne Security can immediately take care of them in that case. After all, I trained them myself and know for a fact that with their dedication towards you combined with their new physical enhancements, they can absolutely decimate any terrorist organization they encounter." Slade reassured. 

"You are right. They are plenty enough to protect Alfred. I even gave upgrades to their equipment and weapons. Also, Alfred is plenty capable himself as well. With his skills, the lawgiver gun, his peak human body, and his nanotech-based Tuxedo, it will take a lot for anybody to hurt him. Anyway, it's not like I will play by the rules too. I will be sending a copy of all the pieces of evidence I have collected on The Many Arms of Death and Kali Corporation to my uncle as well. With how bloodthirsty he is for revenge; he will make sure to completely eliminate them using his connections in NATO and the US military. I mean he isn't exactly one of the most respected Captains in the army and an important military advisor to the States because of how kind and forgiving he is." I chuckled while remembering reading about the absurd number of brutal missions he had completed over the years throughout his stellar career.

"See, I told you hacking into the Pentagon and checking their data on your family will be useful one day." 

"The only reason you advised me to do that was because you wanted me to delete everything the government had on you and your family," I replied with a deadpan.

"That too." He chuckled, "By the way, as I was saying, I need your help on something as well... You aren't too busy, are you? I heard that the crime rate has been increasing in Gotham for the last few days with new gangs rising out of nowhere while the old ones are coming out of hiding. I even heard rumors about... some unique criminals like a mercenary having guns for hands or bank robbers dressing up as human insects with high-intensity flame throwers." Slade commented before taking a look at the giant screen on the wall where different footage of robberies and other crimes were playing in a loop. 

"Yeah, but there is nothing too serious. It just seems that a lot of criminals have begun to study hard nowadays with how they have been able to develop unique gadgets to commit crimes. Even those who aren't that smart seem to possess their own unique quirks while most of the normal criminals prefer working for these special "villains". However, it's nothing I can't take care of with a few nights of hard work. You don't have to worry about that, tell me what you need." I asked, knowing that his asking me for help was a big deal for him since he was the type of person who didn't like asking people for anything... well, anything except for money that is.

Slade was the type of guy who preferred silently suffering alone rather than trying to reach out to anyone else for help. His sense of humor was there to cover up how broken he was from the inside. It was a defense mechanism that he subconsciously came up with to make people like him even though he would never admit it himself. 

"Do you remember you once told me that the experimental serum that transformed me into a superhuman might have changed me more than I realize? Like it could have affected my brain as well? Turns out, you were right. It did affect me mentally and I think it still does. For the last few months, I have been having... severe mood changes. At first, the effects were minimal, and I thought I could handle it on my own with training and meditation. But lately, I feel like I am losing control, drowning in all the bad negative emotions inside me. I have been having constant arguments with my wife, Adeline, while neglecting my children... Last week, I even hit her for the first time in my life, simply because she didn't want me to hand a gun to our babies. Honestly, I don't even remember why I tried giving a weapon to my little kids anymore but all I know is that I am a danger to my family right now. So, I finally decided to ask for your help since I don't know anyone else smarter than you." He somehow blurted out, his voice almost breaking at the end due to his regret.

"I am sorry to hear that, Slade. But fret not, I have the solution to your problem right here." I said as I opened one of the top shelves in the corner and took out a small jet injector labeled 'Deathstroke-0CM1' before tossing it to Slade. "That will perfect the enhancement serum formula running through your veins so that it doesn't affect your brain anymore or cause any further personality issues. However, you still have mild PTSD and anxiety issues due to your long period of intense service in the army. So, I will have to recommend at least half an hour of counseling in the AmuSphere every week for the next three months. Cortana will help you with that and make sure that you are as good as new by the time you are done... Oh, and also, get a healthier diet than you currently have. Even your miraculous healing abilities will fall short if you keep eating an XXL-sized cheeseburger with extra cheese on top of it every day." I advised before getting back to cleaning my armor since I was going to need it real soon.

"... That's it? This serum and a few hours of counseling are all I need to cure myself of ALL my mental health problems?" he asked, his voice full of disbelief.

"And a good diet, yes. But the final results would heavily depend on how much effort you are putting into this." I shrugged casually.

"So, you had the cure for the imperfect serum ALL THIS TIME? But you didn't even think of telling me until now? Also, to make this, you would have needed my DNA, right? Where did you get that? Don't tell me you stole it from me. Is that why there is a small bald patch on my head?" He asked full of righteous anger.

"Yes, I did have your cure all this time but tell me, would you have appreciated it if I just handed it over to you? Would you have even taken it? I have been giving hints about your condition for a long time. But every time, you simply chose to ignore me. That's why I never told you about the serum because I knew that when you truly need it, you would ask for my help and that would be the best time for me to hand it over. And no, I didn't steal your hair. However, I would appreciate it if you never asked me where I got your DNA sample from since I don't want to remember that phase of my life. But don't worry, I won't be making clones of you or stuff. As for your bald patch, that's either your imagination or because you are getting old." I said, trying my best to hide the fact that I had to steal the tissues he used to masturbate in to get hold of his DNA samples.

"You are sick." He grumbled like a wronged kid as he began to walk away which only made me chuckle.

"Oh, and by the way...," I interrupted, making him look back at me in annoyance "You are fucking welcome." 


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