Lucifer shifted his focus to the newcomer, a figure hovering a short distance away. Encased in a high-tech suit of armor, the man intrigued him.

Raising an eyebrow, Lucifer regarded the newcomer with curiosity, his wings subtly adjusting. "Well, isn't this a delightful surprise? Another interesting character dropping in."

The faceplate of the armored suit opened to reveal Tony Stark's wry smile. "You have no idea," he quipped. "Thor, you're making new friends, I see."

Thor, transitioning from amazement to a more serious demeanor, nodded. "Indeed, Tony. This is Lucifer, and he's got a lot more going on than meets the eye."

"Lucifer," Tony mused, "that's a name you don't hear every day. But I guess this whole situation is anything but ordinary. What brings you to the party?"

Lucifer shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, you know, just a guy minding his business and stumbling on an alien scuffle, Just a typical Thursday night, I would say."

Before their conversation could continue, another figure descended with a flash of red, white, and blue, surveying the scene and taking in the assembled characters.

"Tony, Thor, we've got to regroup and figure out what we're dealing with here, Something fishy is at play," Captain America urged.

Lucifer smiled, turning to Thor. "What are you guys, some kind of vigilantes? 'Cause I totally like the idea."

Captain America, still scanning the scene, was now introduced to Lucifer by Tony Stark. "Cap, meet Lucifer. A bit of a wildcard, but I have a feeling he can be an asset in this situation."

Lucifer extended a hand towards Steve Rogers, a charming yet mischievous smile playing on his lips. "A pleasure, Captain. I assure you, I'm not as diabolical as my name suggests. Well, not all the time."

Steve Rogers gave a firm handshake, sizing up Lucifer. Iron Man's suit hummed to life as he made a quick assessment of the situation. "We've got to find a way to get the Tesseract and deal with Loki. And," he looked at Lucifer with newfound curiosity, "understand our new friend here a little better."

As they discussed their strategy, another figure, Natasha Romanoff, seemingly appeared behind Lucifer, having moved from her vantage point to join the group.

"Nat, good to see you," Steve greeted her.

"Likewise," Natasha replied, her eyes briefly glancing at Lucifer's imposing wings. "I caught some of your conversation, It's clear we're outmatched here, We need a plan, and we need it fast."

Lucifer's enigmatic smile returned. "Sounds like it's a party then, doesn't it? Count me in, especially if it involves throwing a few punches."

, Natasha, however, shook her head, her red hair swirling around her."I never said anything about you, You could be one of them for all we know."

Lucifer grinned mischievously. "Aah, it's hard to win your trust, I see."

Natasha remained resolute. "It's not about trust. You already had the scepter, but you gave it back to Loki."

The mischievous smile on Lucifer's face disappeared as he noticed the rest of the group following Natasha's logic, realizing that they knew little about him beyond his words. "Well, that brat promised he would use it to save me, so I gave it to him. It's not like I could..."

"Bullshit," Natasha interjected. "You did not need saving. I saw you pull that spear from your heart."

Lucifer cut in as they continued to interject. "Yes, I did, darling. That does not mean I enjoyed it so much."

The tension in the group was palpable, with Natasha seemingly holding a personal grudge against Lucifer. Fortunately, Iron Man stepped in to mediate.

"You're right, Nat. We don't know much about Lucifer, but what we do know is that we need all the help we can get to stop a full-scale alien invasion or whatever it is that Loki is planning."

Natasha still seemed hesitant. "But this guy clearly is tipsy. How can we expect him to make logical decisions?"

Lucifer, while hiding his unfurled wings, retorted, "Oh, sweetheart, in case you haven't noticed, this guy is the freaking devil your Sunday school teacher warned you about. It takes more than your pesky whiskey to make me illogical."

Thor chimed in, stepping into the argument. "From what you told us, I think we can all agree that Lucifer can handle himself. What say you, Cap?"

Captain America considered the situation, glancing at Lucifer with a thoughtful expression.

"We've dealt with unexpected allies before, and if what Lucifer says is true, he could be a valuable asset. Besides, we're running out of time, and we need all the help we can get."

Tony Stark, still looking at Lucifer with curiosity, added, "I have to admit, this is one heck of a plot twist. But if he's willing to fight against the invaders, I'm willing to give him a shot."

Natasha crossed her arms, still somewhat skeptical, but she conceded, "All right, but he better not stab us in the back."

Lucifer inclined his head with a small, satisfied smile. "I promise not to stab anyone in the back. I prefer a more direct approach, anyway."

With the group's consensus reached, Steve Rogers took charge. "Good. Now, we need to focus on a plan. We know Loki has the scepter, working with the alien invaders, who took the cube from Agent Barton. Our priority is to stop him and retrieve the Tesseract as well as the scepter. Any suggestions?"

Lucifer stepped forward, raising an important point. "Something is not adding up though. You say that Loki is working with them, but that would mean that there are two groups, since Loki was being attacked by two other aliens."

Tony Stark chimed in, "Well, that makes it more complicated."

Natasha interjected her keen investigative skills at work. "You were close enough during their confrontation," she said, now looking directly at Lucifer. "Could you have eavesdropped any of their conversations?"

Lucifer's sharp memory quickly recalled a tiny but potentially vital detail. His eyes lit up with realization. "Now that you mention it, I recall the female warrior telling Loki that he should have stuck with Thanos."

All eyes turned to Thor, the one most likely to know this mysterious figure. Thor shook his head, his expression puzzled. "Never heard of him. Must be one of Loki's secret contacts."

Captain America took charge, his voice firm. "In that case, we need to capture Loki alive. There's clearly more at play here, and we need to uncover the truth."

Lucifer, eyes closed, seemed lost in thought. As the group exchanged glances, he suddenly opened his eyes, an air of revelation about him. "I have a lead," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Since I've been in contact with the scepter, I can use my cosmic sense to pinpoint its location." He paused for effect. "It's in a street near a private airfield, but Loki isn't there. I sense his presence in Manhattan."

Thor, his curiosity piqued, inquired, "You never mentioned this ability before."

Lucifer's response was nonchalant. "You never asked."

Tony Stark couldn't resist a quip. "So, we've got ourselves a human GPS now. My suit can take a break."

As the group discussed their next steps, the rumble of a motorcycle filled the air, and all heads turned to see the new arrival. It was Tony Stark who broke the silence with his signature charm. "How nice of you to join us, Doc. You're just in time to meet the devil himself"

chapter 10,11,12,13 are  on the patreon page below

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