Hearing the change in Lucifer's voice, Gamora tore her eyes from the screen. "Wait, I will go with you." There was cold determination in her voice, but it was met with an equally resolute response from Lucifer.

"Absolutely not. You might as well hand that Soul Stone to your mad dad. both of you will stay here. I shall take care of things," Lucifer countered as he reached into his suit pocket and fetched a small stack of hundred-dollar bills.

Despite the fact that he could easily use a card, carrying cash was an old-fashioned ritual he never seemed to let go of. "Maze, you get a hotel and keep an eye on her till I find you," he instructed as he handed her the money.

The look on Maze's face was one of confusion. She turned and stared at the action on the screen above them. "Hell no! I am not missing that to babysit a grown-ass woman," Mazikeen countered, pointing at the screen behind her as she eyed Gamora up and down. The two women faced each other coldly, their momentary truce seemingly forgotten. Lucifer took a deep sigh of frustration, and the look on his face transformed into one of stern seriousness.

"That was hardly a request, Mazikeen." Seeing the transformation, Maze, who had looked more than ready to press her point, dropped her outstretched hand in frustration.

"Damn it!" she exclaimed, reaching out and taking the money from Lucifer.

"Whether you help me or not, I am getting there one way or the other," Gamora declared as she turned and began to move in the opposite direction people were running from. Lucifer, however, easily reached the alien woman and blocked her path.

"Step away. That is my sister's life we are talking about. I am not sitting around and doing nothing!" Gamora insisted. Lucifer was about to counter her but then shut his mouth and stared at her in momentary compassion. This was a situation he did not have to deal with often. His style was more action and less talk... or at least talk after action. But here was a woman willing to risk her own life for her sister's sake. Merely throwing facts at her would not assuage the situation, but sweet-talking was also not his defacto trait. No, that often was the role that the detective played. He, on the other hand, loved to play the rogue cop.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to give Detective Decker's style a try. "I understand your pain, Gamora, but you said it yourself—the only reason your father has not wiped out half of the population here is because he hasn't found you yet." He paused to see whether it was working. Something on Gamora's face gave him the motivation to continue. "In case you haven't noticed, your mad father is winning this war. Handing yourself over will be equal to killing billions of people. Can you live with that?"

from the wierd look maze was giving him lucifer realised that he was way out of character,he was beginning to sound like the pesky human parents

There was a momentary look of confusion on Gamora's face, and Lucifer chose to press his advantage. "Listen... let me do what I can. I promise that saving your sister will be my priority." He knew that it would probably not be at the top of his list, but he would certainly strive to save her. For a fraction of a minute, Gamora appeared to have resigned. Then suddenly, the stubborn look was back. Pushing past Lucifer, she went on. "I can take care of myself."

Lucifer stood for a while, feeling the weight of failure. He had always known that the detective's style was crap, at least as far as he was concerned. He silently vowed never to try it again.

 There was one language both humans and, clearly, even aliens understood: fear and force.

"Where the hell is she even going?" Maze, who had been in this dimension less than half an hour, sighed as she drew to Lucifer's side. A look passed between them, and a silent message was conveyed. In a second, Lucifer had closed the distance and, in a smooth move, tapped on Gamora's neck almost in a casual flick. The next thing, she was falling to the ground unconscious. Lucifer eased her fall just as Maze took her from him.

"I will take it from here," she said with a hint of regret still in her voice for the fight she was about to miss. But this was what she existed to do: carry her master's will. Just as fast, Lucifer had disappeared, leaving a gust of wind behind.


The moment Lucifer broke into the New York skyline, he immediately realized that the chaos depicted on the screens in Los Angels was nothing compared to the real situation.

 Buildings lay in shambles as all manner of projectiles flew across the city. Countless bodies of humans, as well as strange alien creatures, were strewn almost everywhere he turned. However, even amid the chaos, his arrival did not go unnoticed. He was still in flight, searching for a good place to land, but trouble did not appear to have the patience.

A cry went up, and a good number of Chitauri from beneath him directed their fire towards him. He easily maneuvered away from any harm. He had not even had time to respond when two familiar figures came flying towards him.

"You've got to be kidding me," he muttered. Of course, he knew them—the only two Avengers who had mastered the sky.

 Iron Man was zooming towards him, but the son of Odin, the self-proclaimed God of Thunder, beat him to it, or rather his stubbornly insistent hammer did.

Lucifer had no time to play dodge games this time. He was conscious of the fleeting time he had.

 His awareness spread all around him and beyond; he could sense the towering creature approaching behind him.

Mjolnir was about to make deadly contact with his body when his arm rose in a lightning reflex and caught the weapon by its head. He did not pause to see its owner's reaction, but he could have sworn that Thor had skidded to an abrupt stop mid-air as Iron Man swerved and changed direction almost simultaneously. Still using the momentum, he directed the hammer towards the towering figure with red burning eyes.


He did not wait to see whether the weapon made contact. His eyes were fixed on the massive spaceship levitating just a short distance above him. This was nothing like the one that had attacked them the first time when he had captured Gamora. No, this was way bigger.

As he blitzed towards it, the last words he heard from Thor were, "How the hell is he worthy?"

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