D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 85 – Happy Times (2)

Chapter 85 - Happy Times (2)


As the Bus began to move towards our destination, Jorah's talk with Celesta began to get too interesting for me to miss out on.

"Hey, hey, Big Sis? I was wondering when you and Sister Carene are planning to get married. Is it going to happen soon??"

Wait, what?! M-m-marraige? With Celesta..? Me?

But, how could that be?! We aren't even in a proper relationship yet. And to think that our Jorah is already getting into the talks about marriage...

Seeing how inquisitive Jorah was with Celesta, Celesta looked really troubled as she coughed heavily in surprise before she spoke to Jorah,

"*Cough!* *Cough!*... J-Jorah, why are asking about that now? Weren't we talking about your school days just before?"

Right, right. Just how did the topic of discussion switch over from the fun trivia regarding her school life to suddenly towards Celesta's and my relationship?

This is just too absurd already!

Seeing the trace of blame within Celesta's eyes, Jorah's excitement deflated a bit as she tried to express her reasons.

"But~~... it's too boring to talk about school all the time. Um, Bis Sis? What is it like to be in love? Does everything around you start to look pleasurable? Does your heart race every time you see Sister Carene? Do you two hug each other all the time behind my back??"

W-What?! What sort of romance movies has this child been watching? And, we don't cuddle with each other all the time! In fact... we haven't hugged each other at all...

And to think that she finds talking about her school life to be boring... just how grown up do you wish to act like Jorah? Enjoy being a kid for a change, since this time of your life will never come back once you grow up for real.

Celesta was truly speechless at Jorah's sudden counter-attack, so much so that her mouth was left wide open. Soon though, she burst out as she exclaimed,

"W-Who told you that?! That's all rubbish you know! I-I don't... feel anything like that."

Ah... so, I was right, huh. Celesta, she doesn't feel that way about me after all.

Huuu... my chest tightened up for no reason at all suddenly, making breathing a bit difficult for me. I do admit that it was shocking to hear Celesta deny any feelings for me in the open, but I guess she doesn't want any lies between herself and Jorah.

She doesn't feel anything for me...

Jorah looked really surprised by Celesta's words as well, as she looked at her elder sister with suspicious eyes and enquired,

"Eh?? But, you love Sister Carene, right? That's why she is your girlfriend, right~?"

There is no use asking that, Jorah. Your Big Sister, she... doesn't like me for real. Her telling you this much is already revealing a lot, so don't think that she would explain it all out in the open again...

Celesta clearly looked uncomfortable talking about the issue, as her eyes darted away from Jorah as she responded,

"Uuu... this and... that are two different things..."

I guess it's too difficult for Celesta to explain our fake relationship to Jorah while trying not to lie to her at the same time. I don't blame her though, since I know that she is doing her best to faking it all just for my sake.

Jorah didn't look satisfied with Celesta's response, but Celesta tried to divert the topic by asking Jorah instead,

"By the way, why are you suddenly asking these kinds of things? Did you read something strange somewhere?"

That's a nice question. How could Jorah be so interested in romantic stuff? Ah, she is already at the age where girls start to experiment with others in relationship aspects.

It was now Joraah's turn to be unsettled, as she waved her arms in defense and replied back immediately,

"That's... a friend in school was talking about her college boyfriend, about how they were lovey-dovey all the time. S-She even kissed him! That's what she said, so..."

See? I knew that it would be the ca-

WHAT?!! A College Boyfriend at her age?!! A girl in her class... a friend...

Isn't that just a lolicon targeting school girls? Oh God, no... how is something like that romantic in any way?!

Even when talking about those things, Jorah's face looked as red as a ripe apple. Her embarrassment was visible enough to us, so much so that she couldn't even continue speaking about it.

Celesta, however, calmed down instantly as she responded in a composed manner,

"Don't believe such lies, alright? That friend of yours is probably faking it to gain attention."

Oh, r-right. Why didn't I think of that..? Phew, so that was a false alarm. Me and my stupid tendency to imagine too much.

But, it couldn't be that Jorah is interested in taboo relationships, right?

Jorah too seemed to be doubting the authenticity of the claims, as she looked at Celesta with a curious look and asked,

"Then, what does love feel like? Would you tell me please, Big Sis?"

What does love feels like..? Well, I don't think I know about that myself. Although I do feel longing for Celesta many times if that is the feeling described as love... I don't know about it.

"U-Umm... it's kind of difficult to explain in words. You would know what it is when you find someone to love."

See? Even Celesta doesn't have any direct answer to that. No, wait. What if she did? Wouldn't that mean that Celesta has already found someone to fall in love with?!

NOO!! I-It can't be! Ah... she couldn't reply to the question, so... it means that she isn't in love with anyone.

Phew... calm down, me. Happy thoughts... positive thoughts...

Jorah looked clearly dissatisfied with Celesta's response as she grumbled to herself and spoke to herself,

"That sucks. Hah... I feel so envious of you and Sister Carene who can be together all the time at home and at College. Isn't this what they call... a live-in relationship?"

L-L-L-Live-in relationship?!! B-But that one surely involves a lot if...

Celesta's body trembled in a weird way as she hurriedly moved to answer,

"NO! I-I mean, that's not what it is..."

A lot of R-rated thoughts ran through my mind, so much so that I could hardly keep up with their conversation at all.

"Hmmm... then, is it Cohabitation??"

C-Cohabitation?! Isn't that just another term for a Live-in relationship?

But, in a way... Celesta and I are living together under one roof... just that nothing really happens between us.

Celesta's patience seemed to be running thin, as she heavily glared at Jorah and spoke,

"Jorah! Stop searching for strange stuff on the internet. Jeez, I wonder when you became this mischievous?"

Yeah, she hadn't been a girl this naughty when I met her the first time. Don't tell me... am I the one responsible for her changing like this..?

Jorah reverted back to her mischievous self, as she playfully laughed and answered Celesta,

"Ehehehe, I can be like this, since I am still a kid, right? Isn't that what you said earlier, Big Sis?"

Aaaaah. She got you there Celesta. A perfect checkmate, huh? Now, how would Celesta answer that?

Celesta clearly looked pissed, as she mockingly glared at Jorah as she spoke to her,

"Oh ho... so this stinky lass is trying to take revenge on me, huh? Now see what I would do about this!"

Yup, Jorah just flipped Celesta's anger switch all over again. This ain't going to be anything good for our poor Jorah.

Jorah did her best to escape from Celesta's punishing hands, but in the confines of their seats, it was pure impossible to be able to escape from the divine punishment.

"Nooo! Sister Carene, Big Sis is... aaahh..."

I feel for you, Jorah. But, like I said before, just don't tease Celesta to this state, alright?

But, then again... it's not like Jorah would ever learn to behave, since she is prone to act mischievous at times.

Although they sounded as if they were arguing, I could tell that Jorah was really enjoying the interactions with Celesta, as if making up for the lost time between them.

Seeing how heartwarmingly cute the interactions between the two sisters were, the feeling of being healed by the sight of those two, along with the overwhelming delight within my heart... the happiness I felt threatened to burst out of my chest.

Since the two were one of the few people who treated me so kindly ever since my arrival at the house, I was more than jubilant to follow their arrangements for the day.


Time continued to pass us by with the warm interactions between the sisters, as we eventually arrived at our destination for the day.

Stepping down from the bus, the three of us almost lost ourselves in the sea of people having similar plans to ours.

Jorah looked all around her in a troubled manner, as she meekly enquired,

"Big Sis... is it going to be crowded today?"

Celesta looked pretty calm and composed in contrast, as she led us toward the Entrance gate and spoke to us,

"It can't be helped. We chose a non-working day to go out, so this was bound to happen."

I guess Jorah wanted to spend some alone time with Celesta and me. I can understand her intentions though, since I too wanted to avoid large crowds on our day out.

"There! Big Sister Celesta, that's the shortest queue here! Let's go there!"

As I turned to look in the direction pointed out by Jorah, it really turned out to be the case. It was strange how a single queue amongst the others was so short.

"But, why is that one not as crowded as the others?"

Celesta seemed a bit suspicious of the queue as she pondered on what to do. Thinking of it as to be an opportunity of being helpful, I spoke to Celesta and Jorah.

"Let me go and see what's it about."

Without letting Celesta object to my proposal, I sprinted over to the inquiry desk and asked around about it. Seeing that it was just a price difference issue, I decided to buy our three people's share of tickets with my own leftover money... which left me with a few coins in the end.

I must withdraw some cash from my bank account soon...

Done with the little errand, I ran back to the two ladies waiting for me. Jorah curiously peeked at the tickets within my palms as she asked,

"Hm? You got the tickets already, Big Sister Carene?"

"Ah, it wasn't a big deal at all. Just a premium category queue with some minor perks, but I didn't want us three to waste our time standing here, so..."

I kind of felt that I should have consulted them before acting. Maybe I had been too excited to begin the adventure and in my haste didn't want to wait in those extremely long queues.

Thankfully, Celesta didn't seem that upset with my action, as she calmly spoke,

"No, you did good, Carene. Jorah, let's enter quickly and start the tour already."

Jorah jumped lightly in happiness, as she hugged Celesta tightly, after which she looked at me once as she spoke,

"Yay~! Big Sister Celesta, remember to click some good pics of mine?"

Hehehehe, that's what I plan to do all day today, Jorah. You don't know how I have already started to amass my own personal collection since morning. Well, clicking some shareable pics would be good too.

I didn't have to worry about clicking any bad pics at all since these two beauties looked amazing in every shot that I clicked.

"Ok, you can count on your big sister to do a good job for you."

Without waiting any longer, we three walked through the smaller gate and were given a lot of stuff that came as perks with the premium price. But, since we were just out to enjoy ourselves, I casually put those things into my bag and forgot about them entirely.

After observing the map of the zoo for a minute, Jorah quickly decided on the route for our trip. Seeing how large and maze-like the entire setup of the zoo was, I quickly realized that we could not go through even ten percent of the entire place today if we walked on foot the entire way.


A/N: Join Kitty at her Playground!


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