D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 88 – Mischief

Chapter 88 - Mischief


<POV: Jorah>

Waaah. So happy~~! Big Sisters Carene and Celesta are really the best~!

I can't remember how long it had been since I went out with my family. Neither my other sisters nor my mother ever showed any interest in fulfilling this little wish of this pitiful and lonely me...

They all said that I was too old to be pampered anymore. They said to go wherever I want by myself.

Hmph! Going out by yourself is no fun! I hate it!

And, I didn't have any close friends to come along with too...

But now, ever since Big Sister Carene arrived, every day has been so much fun! Even Big Sis Celesta has started to smile a lot more. Everyone is so happy nowadays, and I believe it all had to do with Big Sister Carene's arrival.

Even today, when three of us have come out as a family, my mood feels great all the time! It's way better than that bad murky feeling I got before. No longer do I need to feel jealous of other kids hanging out with their family.

Fufufu. I am sure that things will get even better from now onwards. As long as Big Sister Carene is around, every day is bound to be super fun!

Aaaaah. I look forward to the day when I will be able to help out in their wedding ceremony. I want Big Sister Carene to quickly become my Elder Sister-in-law too!

Hmm? What's that? This strange feeling...

Is someone staring at us..? I mean, both Big Sisters of mine are absolute beauties, so that's just bound to happen. But... why do I feel so uncomfortable this time?

Hmmmm. Ah! There... I think I know her. It's... it's the Tenant! But, why is she here?? Although she seems to be talking to some ladies around her and hence it's not very noticeable, but... I can tell. She surely has been staring at us sneakily for a while now!

Hmph! It's not like me to just keep on guessing stuff. Let's just ask her directly!

And as I predicted, those ladies around her soon went to their own ways. So they really didn't come with her. Now I've got this suspicious lady in my radar.

I tried to appear as innocent and naive as possible before I tapped her arms and asked her,

"Um, Sister Karime?? Ah! Is it really you? Why are you here alone? Are you looking for my Big Sisters?"

The Tenant looked too shocked to see me behind her, so much so that her teeth began to chatter. After a few seconds of being in a state like that, she screamed loudly as she spoke to me,

"Ahh!! J-J-Jorah?! No, I am fine. I'm not looking for anyone, I swear! I just... came out to get some fresh air, t-that's all..."

Hoho... fresh air, eh? So, you couldn't find fresh air anywhere else but here? I mean, I know that air pollution is a real menace, but it isn't that polluted around our home that she would need to come all the way here...

No, I must keep asking her about it. There is no way that I would let her off the hook so easily!

"Hmm? But, why did you come all the way here for that? There are other places nearer to our home."

The Tenant bit her lips tightly in response as she lowered her head to cook up an excuse while trying to avoid being exposed to her own facial expressions.

Hmph! See? Totally suspicious! I am sure of it now... she must be here to ruin my Big Sis' date! Such evil heart... such evil intentions... I will never let you succeed!

Possibly having thought of some excuse, the Tenant raised her head and looked at me while smiling awkwardly as she spoke,

"Ummm... I just wanted to see what new things this place had. The others... weren't that exciting..."

Hehe... weren't as exciting, huh? So, disturbing and ruining my Big Sister's date is what you find more fun to do, huh? Is that what you find fun in now? You... creep! Pervert! Maniac!!

I tried my best to hold down the anger within me as I tilted my head on one side and asked with a puzzled face,

"Really? Then, which Zones have you visited so far, Sister Karime? Which animals did you see till now today?"

And just like that, silence reigned supreme again. This time though, she reacted sooner than before as she spoke while stuttering continuously,

"Uh, I-I just got here a while ago, so..."

Just got here, huh? Nah, I don't think so. This creep must have been following us all the way from our home! Does she not have anything to do in her spare time?

What about her friends? Her family? Her lover? Her hobbies??

Is being here, stalking us so shamelessly her only reason to live now?!

I began to lose control as the sourness in my voice began to leak out while I continued to ask her,

"Didn't your friends come along with you? I noticed you looking at us for a while now."

Hah! Take that! You thought I didn't notice? I had already seen you before. You have been caught in the act, missy! Let's see how you get out of this one!

A shameless-looking smile came upon her face as she scratched her cheek while she replied back,

"N-No! That's just a coincidence. Oh, sorry, Jorah. I have to go meet up with my friends. See you later..!!"

"Ah... she ran away..."

Before I could try to corner her anymore, she escaped with the speed of a running leopard.

Damn. I missed out on such a good chance... No, she is a shameless stalker, a maniac, a crazy pervert!!

She won't back down from just this. She would certainly be back soon to find a chance to sow discord in my Big Sister's love life.

No, I must stay vigilant. Yeah, there would be many chances to catch her. But, still... she is...

Too suspicious! I am sure this lady is up to no good! What if she has something even more devious planned? I must never trust a pervert. Yeah, since she is up to no good, I must be on guard all the time. She has also been treating Big Sister Carene weirdly many times in the past.

I must keep a keener eye on her from now on. No matter who it is... I won't let anyone come between the happiness of my Big Sisters! Hmmmph~~!!


<POV: Carene>

Getting those girls off my mind, I walked over to the bench where Celesta and Jorah were sitting. Since it was still early in the morning, the temperature hadn't climbed all that much, remaining in the zone of comfort. Thankfully that at least prevented us from being worried about sweating a lot.

Almost mesmerized by the two young beauties, I decided to secretly click a pic from the sides while I remained unnoticed.

Good. A heartwarming picture like this can surely raise my mood whenever I feel down.

Not wanting to miss out on the fun, I quickly approached the two and spoke to them,

"Sorry, Jorah, Celesta. It just... took too long to get rid of all that."

Celesta's eyes quickly found me as she smiled serenely and replied to me,

"No worries. We caught a nice break too, right? Jorah?"

Unlike Celesta though, Jorah looked a bit tense as she sat there playing with her skirt while her eyes kept moving around restlessly.

I couldn't help but be very shocked at that since it was as if the mood of both sisters had gone a total 180 degrees from when I left them.

The previously pouting Celesta had a refreshed look on her face, meanwhile, the previously jolly Jorah had turned to look all tense and nervous. It looked as if something was bothering her, that she kept to herself without wanting to let us in on about it.

"Hmm? Ah, yeah. We rested well, Big Sister Carene..."

Even her belated reply and gloomy tone were very unlike how I had been seeing her usually.

Celesta also seemed to have noticed the difference, as she turned to look at Jorah worriedly and asked her,

"Jorah, what have you been staring at? You have been absentminded for a while now, haven't you?"

Jorah's shoulders jumped for a bit before she smiled carefreely at Celesta and replied back,

"Ah, just watching out for some annoying flies. Nothing serious, Big Sis."

She is definitely hiding something. Her reaction looked really unnatural, no matter how much she smiled to cover it.

Celesta looked to be more curious about Jorah's thoughts as she asked again,

"Is that so? Then, should we get going again?"

Jorah shook her head once heavily before she smiled again towards us.

"No~~! I am too tired from walking around already~~. My legs... they feel like they are filled with lead instead!"

Ah? Her tone went back to normal again. What was that just earlier? Was there really something worrisome going on? Or, have I been thinking too much about it?

As I wanted to respect her privacy, I decided to let her be for the time being, however, I couldn't help but voice out my concern as I spoke to her,

"Eh? That's bad. Should we return home early then?"

Jorah's face turned pale all of a sudden as she jumped up from her seat, grabbed my arm and shouted loudly,

"N-No! Big Sister Carene, look there! There!! They are renting bicycles to ride there too! We didn't take them before to enjoy the tour as much as possible. But, it's too much for that already... Why don't we continue our tour while riding upon them for the rest of our visit? Wouldn't it be good if we get some for us?"

I see... she was really looking forward to this trip so much. It's because of that she is willing to hide her own struggles from us.

Well, if a junior of mine is willing to be so courageous, then I must respect her opinion and try to go along with her wishes as much as possible. After all, today's main mission is to make our Jorah a super happy girl.

Still, since her legs were hurting so much earlier, it's better not to let her drive a bike on her own.

"But, your legs are hurting, right? Then you should sit with either Celesta or me."

Hearing me say that, Jorah smiled brightly as she hugged my arm even closer to herself.

Ah, what to do about this young girl? No matter how upright and responsible of a person she is, I just can't help but be worried about her.

Maybe... that's what means for one to have a little sister. i can't say for certain though, being an only child and all.

Unbeknownst of my thoughts, Jorah exclaimed loudly to me,

"Okaaaay~~!! I would ride with Big Sister Carene! Ehehehe... good... this is what I..."

Wait. Did she just say something..? Or, did I somehow mishear her again?

Before I could ask her about it, Celesta turned to stare at Jorah as she asked,

"Hmm? What was it, Jorah? Did you say something?"

As even my curiously began to rise after even Celesta asked Jorah about it, the younger girl quickly shook her head in denial, after which she began to drag me towards the Bike rental shop as she spoke further,

"No! Ehehehe, let's get going already, Big Sis. We don't want all of them to be rented out before we get there, right~? I want to see all the animals today! Go! Go!! Lightspeed!"

As I looked towards Celesta for her opinion, she just shrugged her shoulders in defeat, as she turned to ask me,

"This child... Carene, what should we do?"

Hmmm... since even Celesta is asking for my opinion, should I just honestly tell her my suspicions regarding Jorah's state?

Nah, that would be too much. I don't think doing that would do any good to either Jorah or us. For now, I think it would be better to just agree to her demands.

"We came here for Jorah today, so let's go along with her wishes for the day. She would be much happier that way, I think."

Celesta nodded in understanding as she began to follow us from behind, while Jorah kept on dragging me forward as she cheered loudly,

"Yay~~! Big Sister Carene knows me the best! Let's gooo~~!!"

What a weird feeling this is! It feels a little troublesome, but somehow enjoyable at the same time.

Let's hope it's not my mind playing tricks on me again...


A/N: Thanks for being here everyone!

I am hoping for... n-no, don't wish to jinx it again...

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