Dead Star Dockyards

068 Table for Eleven

"I really wish you had some nicer clothes."

"We've gone over this Diana, this is all I've got."

"I know, but I can't help myself. It's just so bland!"

The two of them were seated in an isolated alcove, away from the tables filled with fancily dressed men and women. They were, of course, waiting to be called to their own private dining room, making small talk to pass the time. Unfortunately, the fact that they had been practically glued together since they met meant that there wasn't much to talk about that could be considered new.

Time and again, Diana found herself dreading Donovan's lack of apparel options. Hopefully this wouldn't last long, the Captain having recently taken them to a tailor to be fitted for the academy uniforms and some additional formal wear.

"When do you think Titanyana is going to get here?"

"I don't know. She said she would be here this morning, but I can't help but feel she may have gotten lost." 

"Could she have been turned away at the door?"

"Unlikely, probably. My description of her was accurate right? She won't be mistaken for someone uninvited will she?"

"That was what I was thinking too, but I can't really see how. She looks fairly unique after all, not to mention that she's, you know, shorter than the average?"

As time passed, the clinking and ringing of various cups being brought together grew louder. Whether this was the effect of that being the only thing they could focus on, or because more force was being applied as those in attendance imbibed more of the intoxicating substances wasn't important. The only thing that they cared about was that it was becoming annoying.

"When are we going to be called up anyway? It's almost been an hour."

Just as Donovan uttered the words, a slender lady with bright red hair and an olive skin tone politely stepped in front of the alcove to grab their attention, not that the glossy blue qipao didn't do that already.

"The prestigious Montaug has sent me to guide you to tonight's dining room, and to apologize for the delay. It would appear the more guests had accepted his invitation than he had originally anticipated, so changes needed to be made to the venue. As part of the staff of this establishment, I also wish to represent the apologies of my fellow staff." The lady entered a deep bow, her shoulders reaching the same elevation as her knees.

It was slightly unnerving in a way, her back remaining extremely straight despite the angle. Clearly a difference in anatomy was to blame for this.

"I politely ask that you follow me."

Without so much as a chance to respond, she turned and began to walk away. They took the hint and followed her.

One flight, two flights, three flights, by the fourth flight of stairs, Diana was convinced that there was some sort of conspiratorial vendetta against her and her high heels. Fortunately, this establishment only had five floors, so her pain would soon come to an end. From the top, they were directed down a long hallway with a largish door at the end. Truth be told, their sense of scale for what constituted a 'big' doorway was still in the process of recalibrating to the new architectural standards, but this seemed a cut above the rest.

Despite the thickness of the door and the airtightness that the adjacent wall portrayed, the two of them could still smell a delicious meal waiting for them on the other side.

"Remember, don't do anything impulsive. I don't suspect you will, but I really really REALLY don't want to screw this one up, capisce?" Diana took this chance to readjust her appearance, some golden hairs had managed to escape from the simple style she deemed most suitable for her current outfit.

"I get it. I get it."

As Donovan moved towards the door to knock, it creaked open of its own volition. A gust of air laden with the rich scents they had been teased with only moment prior.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, the guests of the night!" A man Donovan did not recognize stood up, an intricately colored glass chalice filled containing a dark red liquid raised in his hand.

Following his lead, the rest of those sitting around the circular table rose to their feet and gave a small bow, all except one. Her chestnut hair was left free to flow over the backrest of her noticeably more intricate chair. 

"Please, take your seats." He gestured to a pair of vacant seats on the opposite side of the table to him, right next to the Arboreal Maiden. Titanyana, also taking a bow following some rule of courtesy, was on the other flank.

- - - - -

The meal was eaten in silence, something that made Donovan incredibly uncomfortable despite the heavenly symphony that was taking place in his mouth. He had been getting used to banter and the proper way of exchanging information during their meals aboard the Oberlux, so the reality that business would most often take place before or after a meal was only now making its way into his consciousness. However, while it was true that he had been mislead about the manner in which dinner table discussions would play out, he had actually gained something quite useful from it.

His table manners were considered adequate for a meal in the presence of the Arboreal Maiden. Adequate in this case meaning they were on point for every other setting, he wasn't receiving any of the condescending glares Diana had immediately become worried about once she realized the Arboreal Maiden would be dining with them.

Speaking of Diana, while she was keeping a calm and composed demeanor externally, her inner thoughts and emotions were cyclonic in nature. She was cursing Montaug, the man who had stood to toast their arrival, for putting her in yet another situation she was completely unprepared for. She had to respond somehow, to show she wasn't somebody who could be toyed with, but as the thoughts kept forming she found herself unable to formulate a plan that would be certain to work with no drawbacks.

Ploys, plots, and petty tricks all swirled in her head uncontrolled, the only things keeping her from tipping over the edge into a mental breakdown were Donovan's words about retreating and the fact that this food was just so damn good. As if to vindicate herself and retain the thought she had at least some degree of authoritative standing left, she forgave the man who she perceived had wronged her on account of the food's quality.

A silly excuse to keep her focus on more important matters.

She had to analyze the other people at the table to see what the power dynamic was like. The Arboreal Maiden obviously sat atop it, with Montaug and an elderly lady on the Maiden's other side likely being just below her. Titanyana was on the bottom, probably, though she had no way of knowing where everybody else lined up.

This included their status in the room.

At best they stood as equals to Montaug, though it was far more likely they were a rung or two lower owing to their vulnerable situation. Not the greatest place to be when the table is dominated by parties with unknown affiliations and stances. Two could be inferred to be something like Montaug's aides on account of their uniforms, but the three other individuals at the table made her a bit nervous.

Two of them wore glasses, the other an eyepatch, and all seemed to be somewhere in their fifties. They could be anybody, even the representatives of independent nations.

- - - - -

While Donovan grew bored and Diana panicked, Montaug casually examined his surroundings. It was not his intention to bring so much stress to Diana, indeed he had organized this little outing in large part due to good will, but he could sense that she was in distress all the same.

'I'll have to work that out of her.' 

It was a habit of his to monologue to himself in his head about certain future actions he would have to take, a little bit of internalized dialogue to help him better process what did and didn't need to be done.

'The boy one the other hand... well, he won't win any points for style or manners he won't lose any either. He's got an excellent poker face too, I can't quite read what it is he's feeling.'

Montaug felt Donovan to be quite the physical specimen, what with the way he carried himself. He gave the impression of total control over his body, the perfect soldier. He couldn't determine much about his physical characteristics given the make of his uniform, but he was willing to bet that Donovan fell into the category of 'fit but not bulky'.

'Sharp eyes too. It feels like he could burn a hole through me if he tried hard enough.'

His attention discreetly turned to the most influential personage in the room.

'I wonder what color her eyes are. My predecessor claimed that they're purple, but there are a lot of shades of purple. Besides, even he couldn't say when the last time she took off that blindfold in public was, probably seven or eight generations ago at this point?'

There wasn't much to comment about her on aside from her physical appearance or what she might know. To a man like him, she was the greatest danger. Not only was reading her effectively impossible, she possessed the means, will, and authority to completely disregard any sort of political plot he might stir up around her. More than that, there was a incredibly good chance he would end up victim to her machinations before he had a chance to cash out on such deception.

- - - - -

The Arboreal Maiden took her time to enjoy the meal before her. She didn't often get the chance to eat meals outside of her quarters, so the change in ambiance made the meal that much more delicious. The fact that she was in the company of others made it all that much more delightful. Compared to how she normally was, she was practically giggling like a schoolgirl.

The only evidence of this that could be witnessed externally was a slight tightening of her cheeks like the beginnings of a grin.

She could see the analysis and plotting happening around the table, something that didn't please her, but she wouldn't do anything to stop it. It wasn't her place to do so, so instead of letting such devious behavior sully her mood she focused her attention on the only person she had yet to meet.

She swore she had seen a similar hair color pattern before, despite being blindfolded, and the emerald green eyes were very unique as far as she could remember. She was positive she would find the girl's appearance cute if she could actually see her with her eyes instead of the all but omniscient view she had now, but she wouldn't be tempted by something so petty. Besides, she could see the tension in her body, and recognized it to be fear.

There was little doubt in the Arboreal Maiden's mind that she was afraid of the people in the room given the way her tail twitched whenever someone looked her direction.

- - - - -

Titanyana was fucking terrified.

Forget the rest of the people in the room, Montaug included, the very fact that she was dining with the Arboreal Maiden was enough to make her keel over and die. How many people in history had ever had the chance to dine with the mouthpiece of the Great Csillacra? Not many. And yet here she was, feasting with the person most considered the incarnation of divinity.

Then there was the person to the Arboreal Maiden's side. She couldn't be certain, but she was fairly confident in her guess that she was the Librarian given the nature of her interactions with Montaug. Most didn't pay much attention to the Librarian's station, but the fact she was one of only three people directly below the Arboreal Maiden in terms of authority was a good measure of her abilities.

Then there was the Montaug. Her people might not participate in trade very often, preferring to keep to themselves in accordance with their defensive strategy, but even they knew about the absolute powerhouse that was the Holifanian Theocracy. In fact, if it weren't for their isolationist tendencies they would have been the first party her people would have reached out to for help.

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