Dead Star Dockyards

081 Pots and Pans

A shrill buzzing on his bedside table woke Donovan from his slumber. In his embrace lay the woman of his dreams, gently curled up with her face near his chest. He could easily imagine her appeasing one of her innocent little fantasies, like listening to the heartbeat of her lover. In the time before they fell asleep last night, she informed him of the existence of her romantic bucket list, though she would not tell him what items it contained. Apparently he had been checking them off since the day he woke up.

It was then that the events of the previous night came crashing down on him. He was naked, Diana too, and the sheets had been pulled out from under the mattress. For a moment, he panicked, thinking that he might have violated Diana against her will, but the sight of a plastic bag on the floor was what eased his mind. If Donovan hadn't brought any condoms with him, Diana must have supplied them.

Actually, now that he had a second to think about it, that was really gross. He was going to have to clean that up before any of the staff came to tidy the room. 

Ignoring that for now, Donovan turned back to Diana and hugged her. He might have had stuff to do today, but this felt like a higher priority. She was soft, her skin smooth to the touch. He wanted to kiss her, squeeze her tighter, anything to show affection, but she was asleep. She needed to rest, probably, he wasn't quite sure about what women could handle physically.

Actually, he should probably get on that. He was planning a harsh physical regimen that forbade the use of split. If there was a point Titanyana shouldn't be pushed past, it was his duty as a superior to know. There existed the very real possibility that her reproductive system could be harmed if placed under extreme stress, and it wouldn't do to damage a woman's future like that.

It would probably be a good idea to have Diana bring that up given the implications.

"...mmmngh." Diana was stirring from her slumber, causing Donovan a bit of anxiety. "...kisses..."

Diana moved her head from his chest to his bicep, turning her face up. Obliging her selfish request, Donovan planted a kiss on her forehead, the first time he could remember be the one to kiss her. "Morning sunshine."

"...hmmm." Following his kiss she moved herself closer to his body, wrapping her arms and a leg around him. "Warm."

Donovan just let it happen, he didn't want to be forceful and ruin something good. He simply returned her embrace and began scratching her back, an action which caused her to squeeze even tighter to him. 

"I wuv you." 

"I love you too."

"Mmm." With some groggy effort, she managed to get on top of him. "Massage."

"Yes ma'am." Donovan got to work kneading her back muscles, relieving her tension and stress as best he could. Eventually, Donovan realized that he couldn't wait much longer if he was going to get his work for the day done. Hugging her gently and depositing her to his side, he made to get out of bed.



Diana just flung an arm in the general direction of her bedside table, vague, but he got the point.

"I'll look at it before I get to work."


Diana had already pulled a pillow down to hug. It was Donovan's, so it was still warm. In the time it had taken her to do that, Donovan was already halfway dressed in his exercise clothing. A few more seconds, and he was almost ready to head out the door.

"Kisses." Another demand from the bed, one he was all too happy to oblige. On his way back from retrieving the envelope with his name on it, he bent down and gave her a noticeably more intimate kiss on the lips.



"Then I'll be heading out. I'd cover your ears for a bit, as I plan to get pretty loud."


Don then exited the room, making sure to close the door as quietly as possible.

By ARC's measurement of the Great Csillacra's day-night cycle, it was around midnight. Not even three hours had passed since he had gone to sleep, a good four since he finished dinner. With that in mind, he opened his letter and made towards the kitchen.

- - - - -

- To Donovan, my greatest success, my greatest mistake - 

If you are reading this, then I am dead. Such should be obvious given your current situation, but I still feel the need to bring this to light if I am to find peace with what I have done to you. By this time you should be aware in some capacity of the details and objectives of project Eternum, and if that name is news to you then I suggest you ask either Diana or ARC about it before reading further.

More than anything, I am sorry.

I am sorry for the circumstances surrounding your existence. I am sorry for the unknown danger you had to experience as you matured. I am sorry for green-lighting that nightmare of a childhood I am certain you still reject. I am sorry for planning to manipulate you into being a failure of a person. I am sorry for not having the backbone to stand up for you and make things right.

These were things beyond your control, but still very much within my ability to change. My actions denied you what every child rightfully deserves, a loving family, a safe upbringing, the right to remain pure of heart until you can form your own opinions, and the protection of the state in ensuring your stable growth. I failed you, I failed myself, and I failed my oath to do no harm.

Indeed, Donovan, I am not some sort of famous physicist, but a liar. A good liar, but a liar nonetheless, and I feel I have lied to you at every important point in your life. Sometimes I have told you the truth, but only when it was inconsequential to the mission you now find yourself a part of. You have been manipulated from day one into becoming a machine, one programmed to perform a certain task.

Once the Captain made contact with me, your purpose shifted from one of extensive procreation to one of extreme violence. You are better at 'war' than you have been led to believe, many of your barely passing grades being an excuse to incentivize harder work on your part. Should you find yourself with the means, you have the potential to be an incredibly destructive force in the new universe you find yourself in. I understand that they are not quite as technologically developed as we are, but that does not mean you can grow complacent. Remain vigilant for threats until you can be certain that you are safe, and look for ways to increase the power at your disposal.

While it may be selfish of me, especially after all I have done to you, I want to make one last request of you. Please, Donovan, protect my granddaughter, and make her happy. In return, I grant her to you. I know it is no longer my place to decide something like that, but as her grandfather and guardian I am the only one who can grant you her hand in marriage.

I wish the two of you a long and happy life, and I hope that you will be blessed with many children, not only to continue the human race.

Farewell - Draco Helmsguard

P . S . - Alongside this letter I have left a pair of small boxes. Inside the red one is an engagement ring, the same I proposed to Diana's grandmother with. Inside the green is a pair of wedding rings I used a good amount of my fortune to have made. The bands use a variety metals taken from the Earth's core, and the polished rocks are stones from the moon. The small gems to either side of the big one were the gems on two generations of wedding rings. Please propose to her at a time you see fit, I know it will make her happy beyond words.

- - - - -

"Good morning ladies, I hope you will accept my apology for waking you up this early." Donovan had just entered the kitchen, taking note of the very sleepy kitchen staff. Titanyana was an exception of course, she always was, but she was not the focus this time around. "I hope you all took my advice and got some rest?"

A general murmur of positive affirmation came from the group of women. It was nice to have people who listened without asking too many questions.

"Good, good. I'm sure you all will be happy to know that I won't require much work of you until later in the day. I am depriving my troops of breakfast and lunch in a bid to push them to the edge, so you will probably have your work cut out for you come dinner time."

"Oh don't worry about that girls, I'm sure I can handle it." The elderly lady of the group stepped forward. Evidently she was going to act as the representative of the gaggle of girls. "I've fed twenty men three meals a day for ten years all by myself, I can handle feeding a few hungry hunks. Consider it an apology for not being here yesterday." Her position established, she then addressed Donovan. "My name is Gretts, young man, though you may feel free to call me Granny or Granny Gretts if you feel so inclined. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, Lady Gretts."

"Oh hush with that formality garbage. I'm a working woman, not some dignified lass confined to a castle." She was incredibly flippant with her dismissal, as if she didn't even consider their difference in status. "I'd much prefer you get to the point. I can't imagine you'd call us here at this unholy hour for no reason, would you?"

Her brazenness and total disregard for pleasantries was quite refreshing to Donovan, who had been stifled by formal interaction for far too long. It was relieving, to the point where he couldn't help but laugh. "No, no I wouldn't. I need your help with something, help waking up my subordinates. I'm going to need you to make some noise."

"Noise?" Curious murmurs could be heard from the crowd behind her. "Surely you aren't just referring to screaming and yelling are you?"

"Of course not. I was wondering if you and your girls would be able to bang some pots and pans together in order to scare them. That wouldn't damage them would they?"

"Scare them?" A devious smile spread across her face. "I'm not overly attached to the cookware we have here, and I seem to be under the impression that it has been poorly maintained in this Barracks' abandonment." She slowly turned her head over her shoulder, assuming a more playful tone. "Isn't that right ladies?"

They caught on to her meaning immediately, collectively nodding whilst giggling furiously.

"Oh it's just horrendous!" "So many cracks!" "Even some of the handles are broken." "I can't believe they let these utensils degrade this far."

A plethora of excuses and remarks on the poor quality escaped their mouths, eliciting further giggles and snickers.

"I think we can bare to part with our current equipment, good sir Strauss. I believe I should be able to pilfer some funds from the Merchant in order to get replacements for the oh so horribly maintained equipment in the kitchen."

"Wonderful!" Donovan himself was feeling the urge to join in their elation, but he had to maintain his image. "Now, we only have to wait for one more person to arrive. I'll reveal to you your task in the mean time."

"Oh I'm looking forward to this, boy. I think we are going to get along just fine."

I have finally gotten around to modeling the Domino, which can now be found in the glossary and on the subreddit. As a bonus, I have also modelled a Heavy Fighter, the Broadhead, as well. Much the same, it can be found in the glossary and on the subreddit.

I apologize that the entire 'article' isn't on display in the Scribble Hub glossary, for some reason I can't post beyond a certain length with photos and I can't seem to figure out what that limit is.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.