Dead Star Dockyards

189 The Last King

The very first thing Bishop Kayes had done before he resumed his journey to the palace was to make sure this little girl did not die before they returned to the ship. With her permission he moved his hand underneath her shirt, resting it just below her sternum. Slowly, gently, he injected some split into her body.

Under most circumstances, this would present a danger. Split synchronized to one person did not readily take to the split of another person's body. A lack of control lead to physical harm if her body didn't outright die, he would need to have proper control over his split to push her body in the right direction. However Bishop Kayes was exactly that, a Bishop. To imply that he could not control his split would be an offence to the training and reputation of his rank. That didn't mean he could be careless though, if anything he would need to take extra care to ensure her safety.

Her body was thirsty, deprived of sufficient quantities of split from conception, so he had to supply it incredibly slowly so that she didn't have an adverse reaction. 

"Are you feeling okay?"

"My tummy feels weird." She rubbed her eyes as she spoke, a reaction to the relief her body was feeling.

"That's good. Tell me if anything hurts, okay?"


"Good girl."

Kayes wrapped his other arm around the little girl, estimating that she would probably fall asleep soon. He had been monitoring the shade of her skin, noticing that a good portion of it was returning to normal from the dull pale shade of white it had been only minutes ago. Finally, her ears flicked and she started falling towards Bishop Kayes.

". . . sleepy."

"It okay. I will carry you."

"M-mm." Her eyes closed as she buried her head in his chest, the tension leaving her body. Convinced she was safe, if only for the moment, Kayes collected her in his arms and gestured with his head to Cayzi that they should get moving. Cayzi hefted the little 'bag' fashioned out of a blanket over his shoulder. It contained some of the girl's toys and clothing, but most importantly it carried some of her parents' belongings.

Her mother's necklace and her father's knife - item's Kayes guessed were the most expensive items in the house.

"Will she really be okay sir?" Cayzi did not struggle under the bag's weight. It wasn't particularly heavy in comparison to some of the other objects he had been asked to carry in the past. 

"I will not let harm come of her while she is in my care. That is the promise I have made." Kayes looked down at the girl's sleeping face, finding solace in the fact her breaths were stronger now. She would live, Kayes was certain of that much.

"But . . ." Cayzi looked conflicted about the question he wanted to ask. "But . . ."

"You can speak your mind, Cayzi. I will not take offence."

". . . won't the Archbishops get mad at you? Our ship only has space and food for 25 more people, don't we need to prioritize the important people?"

"I am fully aware of the Archbishops orders, and I have no intention to disobey them. She may sleep with me, and I shall share my rations with her. I can survive such a small amount of discomfort." Cayzi could not raise an issue with that, so they continued their trek towards the palace in silence. The sun was beginning to go down in the sky, and there was still a long way to go.

- - - - -

Despite the fact this was the royal palace, the front gates did not exude that level of grandeur expected of such a feature. They weren't decrepit, someone seemed to have the dedication to maintain them in the face of encroaching death, they just weren't extravagant. Humble, simple, basic. They weren't any taller than needed, and they were only made wide enough for two carriages to pass through side by side.

Bishop Kayes did not believe that those doors would open for him and Cayzi, even if they were here to save them. It was far too much effort for only two people, effort that the Nekh did not have available to them. It was incredibly rude to ask a dying man to open a door for you, the request increasing in impoliteness proportional to the door's size.

Instead there should be an envoy or garrison door somewhere nearby, a door for individuals who wished to remain discrete to enter. A door that was under constant watch. It didn't take long to find, a man standing next to a metal plated door with lance in hand. He didn't look healthy, but he did at least appear to have energy. His ears were at alert and his lance tilted to a more combat ready position.

"Good evening."

"State your name, nation, and reason." Kayes didn't much enjoy having his greetings blown away without so much as a nod of recognition, but he supposed that these people hardly had the energy for such interactions.

"I am Bishop Kayes of the Holifanian Theocracy. This is my student, Cayzi. I know not the name of the child in my arms, but I have sworn to bring her to safety as thanks to a man now deceased. I am here on behalf of the Holifanian Theocracy and the Terrans at the behest of Lady Titanyana Strapper to begin the planning and organization of the evacuation."

For the most part this Nekh guardsman remained inert, his only movement being in response to the mention of his princess' name. 

". . . How do you know that name?"

"I'm sorry?"

"The princess! How did you learn her name!" The tip of the lance leveled at Kayes' face, however he remained calm. If anything, he was confused as to why this was the part he was questioning.

"I was told by my superiors that that was her name. She is currently attending the Sanctum's military academy as a member of our faction's army group. Is the name I was told incorrect?"

The guard was silent, however his stern demeanor was changing. It started with a slight wobbling of his lance, followed shortly afterwards by him dropping it entirely as he fell to his knees. His mouth slowly curled into a wry smile as tears began to roll down his face.

"The princess is alive." It was almost a whisper, but Kayes could hear it well enough. "The princess is alive!"

- - - - -

To call this a grand hall would be a disservice to the vast amounts of wealth and effort that went into the entrances of royal palaces across the galaxy, but Kayes would not knock these people for calling it as such. For a planet suffering this much, 'rich' was very much a relative term. A roof over their head and food in their bellies was probably the most people could ask for, so the palace not being extravagant could be a good sign. It could mean that they spent the tax money to aid the people.

Of course it could always be the case that there wasn't anything to tax in the first place and this was the best they could do, but given the guard's reaction to learning that Titanyana was still alive he could only assume that the people were treated benevolently.

"Cayzi, head level." The boy followed Kayes orders, turning his head down to look straight ahead rather than gaze at the ceiling. It wasn't his first time in the palace of royalty, but it was still a royal palace. There were things here that he would rarely see anywhere else. He seemed to be particularly curious about the paintings on the ceiling this time around.

Footsteps from behind announced the end of their time spent idle.

"Is it true?" The voice belonged to a woman with a head of black hair, but her ears were cloaked in red. Kayes did not find this to be a visually appealing combination, but he had seen enough of the Nekh to know this was not her decision. "Is Titanyana still alive?"

Kayes nodded his head. 

"Oh thank the heavens! We thought we had lost her." The woman almost dropped to her knees in relief. "At least she will be safe."

Kayes let the woman have a moment to gather herself. Given how she addressed the princess by her first name, she must be somewhat close.

"Thank you, thank you. We can die in peace now that we know the princess is safe."

"Die?" Kayes was taken aback by how enthusiastic she seemed about death.

"Mm. You are here to see the lord, correct? He is in the throne room, follow me." The tapping of her shoes on the floor seemed stable and full of energy, but it could not conceal her limp from Kayes' eyes. Just as everyone else, this woman was suffering.

- - - - -

It would be incredibly difficult to miss the door to the throne room. Amidst an environment of wood and stone, it alone was decorated with gold and gems. Even in poverty, it seemed that the place a King ruled from needed to maintain a level of dignity. Even with that in mind, it was very clear that there were missing elements. Gems and small strips of gold had been removed, probably in a bid to fund the welfare efforts. 

"Would you like me to take the child off of your hands?" The woman stopped before the door and faced Kayes, hands clasped together in front of her hips.

"I am sorry, but I made a promise to keep her safe. She will stay in my sight until we are back on the ship."

The lady frowned, her ears twitching as she turned her head to the door and stared at it for a second or two. Then she returned her focus to the girl in Kayes arms, and back to the door, and back to the girl, and back to the door. Sighing, she turned her head towards the girl one more time and tilted her head left and right a few times.

"Very well. Just make sure that she does not wake while you are inside."

Kayes bowed in thanks to the woman as she carefully opened the door, beckoning the three of them in. She did not follow behind them, evidence that she was not of sufficient status. She pulled the door shut slowly, not even making a sound as it sealed shut. 

Taking that as their cue to remain silent as well, Kayes and Cayzi treaded lightly as they walked towards the end of the room. There, a man stood with his back turned to them in front of the throne. His silhouette appeared large and strong, however Kayes knew it concealed the truth. This man was suffering worse than those around him. Not only did he bear the pain of a body leaking split, he felt the pain of his people, slowly descending into nothingness.

Once they were a sufficient distance away, Kayes stopped. Cayzi stood a few paces behind, his place was not at Kayes' side. The silence continued for a long time, one party occupied with their thoughts, one party waiting to be addressed.

"Is she safe?" When finally he spoke, Kayes found himself surprised by the voice's depth - his lungs shaking from vibrations.

"Princess Titanyana is safe, yes." His answer was met with a surprising lack of a response, only further silence. Perhaps he was thinking of what to say to express his relief? It seemed that everybody thought she was dead.

"Has she found a mate?" Kayes found himself blinking in disbelief. Was that the question he wanted to ask?

"Uh, I am sorry to say that I do not know. I have not had the pleasure of meeting her personally, I am but a messenger." It was the best response he could muster given the situation, which was the truth. Aside from a few important details, he was in the dark.

"I see. Please see to it that she finds one at some point. The blood of the Nekh shall not die so long as there lives a Strapper to protect it."

"I will . . . I will do what I can."

". . . thank you. That girl may not deal with people as well as she should, she will do what is needed when it comes time." Kayes remained silent in response, he needn't speak. "I suppose it is finally my time to die then, isn't it?"

"Why is it that you people seem so willing to accept death, Sir King?" Kayes would not accept this defeatist attitude from someone he had set out to save. "Don't you know how hard Princess Strapper has worked to rescue you?"

"You misunderstand. When I speak of accepting my death, I do not refer to my people." Slowly, the man turned around, revealing a sight best reserved for nightmares.

Empty eye sockets. A pale white skull exposed to the elements through the missing patch of flesh from his forehead. Two holes in the center of his face where his nose would otherwise be, complemented by a complete and total lack of lips and cheeks. The only undamaged part of his face was his chin.

"I do not have long to live." The jaw did not move while he spoke.

"I apologize if I had offended you."

". . . it means nothing to me now. Nothing does anymore." He turned back to 'look' out the window, a decision borne of consideration for social image. "Not since the King died."

"Are you not the king?"

"If you wish to treat me as such it would not be inappropriate, however the man Titanyana calls father walks among us no longer." He stepped aside, revealing the ring that sat atop a pillow on the throne. "I am nothing but his brother, a regent chosen to bear the shame of a dead kingdom. She should be spared the dishonor."

Kayes found himself reciting the last rites in his mind once more. He didn't like to be the one to bear bad news, but it didn't sound like Titanyana was aware of her father's death.

"You do know I am here to assist in the evacuation, don't you?"

"I had guessed as much. There would be no other reason for your presence here. Are we to be taken as slaves?"

"No. The Terrans wish to accept you as citizens."

"Citizens . . . Citizens? Perhaps with that my people may be convinced to follow. You do not need my word to mobilize the clans. Go to their cities and they shall decide on their own. A mention of Titanyana may sway them to move, should you be so desperate."

"You won't issue an edict?"

"The Nekh have no need of edicts. If they truly do not wish to leave their home my orders will do nothing to change their minds."

Kayes looked at the man's back with apprehension. This was the future of his people he was talking about, and he wouldn't even send word? No, perhaps it might be better to say that it wouldn't help. Surely after such a long time spent suffering the people who lived here had already made up their minds. If they wanted to die on the dirt they considered their homeland, they would do so at peace with their decision.

"Then may I be provided with a map or other such means of identifying where these clans are?"

"It's not like anyone plans on invading. Go ahead and take them all."

". . . our ship has enough space to take 25 people with us."

"Ask those serving in the castle. It is to be their reward for having remained with me for so long. There should only be five or so left in my employ, do allow them to bring their families with them. If you still have space after that, feel free to select a random family off of the street."

"Of course."

"Is that all?"

"If you will not issue an edict, there is nothing more that can be done. I will tell the ships to bring excess food with them to help sustain your people. I don't think there would be a better use of the space."

"Mm. Do so. PETUNIA!!!"

The door opened in an instant, and the lady who had served as their escort was bowed at the entrance. She was in a dogeza position, forehead to the ground with her palms flat to the ground below her ears. The ears almost completely concealed them, only the fingers poking out from underneath. 

"Yes my lord?"

"Bring this man the items he requests and inform the remaining staff that they may join him on a voyage to safety and a new life. They may bring their families, but the total number of people should not exceed 25."

"Yes my lord."

"Petunia, you are to go with him."

"But my lord-"

"Titanyana still lives, and I cannot permit myself to fall knowing that she does not have a loyal retainer at her side. Just as you protected her in her youth, you must now ensure she flourishes into a proper Strapper."

"I cannot leave you like this-"

"PETUNIA!!!" He raised his voice to the point of physical pain. "I have resolved myself to die tonight, alone, in vigil over the grave of my brother. Please, respect my final wish, both as a Strapper and a warrior. Please."

"B-but, but my lord. . ." Petunia began to cry. ". . . my love . . ."

"Go, my dearest flower. I do not wish to hurt you any longer."


it hurts

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