Dead Star Dockyards

192 General Concern

"And you are certain it was Len?"

"Like I said, it was his brother who actually did the damage to Rishtahn. Len just stopped him from hitting his sister in law." Hlapven and General Arrelois were seated in what appeared to be a war room, going over the events of that night and what the Crown Prince wanted Arrelois to do. "His name is Donovan Strauss, and he is Len's half brother."

"Yes, yes, I remember the last request of my savior. Who do you think I am?" They had been 'practicing' the proper method of addressing Len and Donovan's relationship since their conversation began. "I'm just curious about Len. You're saying he finally stood up to someone?"

"He was protecting Diana, but yes. It would appear that he stood up to the Prime Minister's son."

"Really?" A smile slowly grew across Arrelois' face as he visibly clenched the table. "Did he really?"

Hlapven raised an eyebrow. Was this one of Arrelois' peculiarities? "Yes."

Arrelois suddenly punch in the air as he grunted, the smug look of victory plaster all over his face. Hlapven was taken aback by this sudden outburst, not understanding why he felt this to be an appropriate reaction to the situation. There was a serious possibility of Len being executed if this ploy didn't succeed, so celebration was hardly the correct reaction for someone who was said to dote on Len.

"I knew sending him there was the right decision! Little Len's finally growing up!" Arrelois laughed, lost in his own little celebratory mood. "Oohohooo, so good to hear that he's finally standing up for himself! Do tell, how has he been?"

"Excuse me?"

"Len, I haven't heard from him for three months, maybe four. How is he doing?" Complete nonchalance over the trouble his son was in.

"You do realize the severity of what's going on, don't you?"

"I know. I'm not too worried about it. Anyways, out with it! How is my boy?" Hlapven's concerns brushed aside, he was left to stare at the general dumbly. How was he supposed to continue?


"Yes! What are you? Deaf? Did your father not teach you how to respond to questions?"

Hlapven felt as if he had been slapped across the face. It wasn't so much that he was insulted as it was that he had been completely disregarded. "Okay?" Arrelois rubbed his hands together like he was preparing for a meal.

"I only had the pleasure of being with him for a short period of time, only the very end of the party I mentioned, a time which he did not seem to be particularly enthusiastic given . . . the events that took place." Hlapven paused, not entirely sure what he should say next. "My apologies, but is there something in particular you want to hear about him? I can't say I know very much about him, I'm not in the military academy."

"That's fine, that's fine, I won't pester you about what you don't know. Let's see . . . how about we start with that squad of his. It isn't part of our resident army is it?"

"No. My understanding is that the army he has joined belongs to the Holifanian Theocracy." Arrelois' jaw dropped, his eyes still smiling. "The squad to which he belongs is something of a special case though. Lord Strauss is not a part of the Theocracy, and it would appear that he is unable to join competitions higher than the squad level."

"Still, that's great! It means he'll be winning!" Arrelois smile turned to an expression of comprehension only a moment later. "How did he even get there in the first place? The Holifanians are pretty strict about who they recruit, even amongst their own ranks."

Hlapven could only shrug and shake his head in response. How and why were mysteries to him, he only knew that it was the case.

"Hmm. Disappointing. I suppose we'll just have to chalk that up to the generosity and care of his brother. won't we?"

"I think that would be for the best."

"Mm, mhm." Arrelois closed his eyes and nodded, internalizing that part of their narrative. "What about the rest of the people in his squad? Do they get along well?"

"I would say so. Two of them seem to have taken up a role akin to older brothers or uncles to him, though I must admit my knowledge of their relationship is incredibly surface level. I only spoke to them in passing. There is of course Donovan, who appears to be an incredibly competent individual. I do have some concerns about his attitude and outlook, but judging someone's ability to command a unit is beyond me." Hlapven inhaled slowly as he came to the subject of Titanyana. "As for the last person. . ."

"Only five in the squad?"

"Uh, yes? I suppose that is the case."

"Hmph, odd. You really only form a five man band when your squad consists of incredibly elite individuals who work best on their own or with limited interference from allies. I suppose this falls under those 'special circumstances' you spoke of." Arrelois appeared to be someone who thought out loud quite a bit. "Ah, sorry for interrupting. Bad habit."

"It's fine, I never would have recognized that as odd." Arrelois gave a combined shrug and head tilt that suggested he wanted to say, 'well, now you know' "As for the last person . . . She is a woman, lady, by the name of Titanyana Strapper. She is the crown princess of a single system kingdom called Nekh, and received a title from the Arboreal Maiden herself during the most recent tournament, 'Tempest'."

Hlapven got all of the important information out at once, just to be sure he wouldn't be interrupted again. He didn't know much about her status or her people, but the title would be a guaranteed source of surprise and questions.

"WHAT!?!?!" As expected, he didn't even attempt to keep his voice down. Hlapven, more specifically his ears, regretted his insufficient preparation. A persistent ringing made his eyes twitch. "She finally gave one out?"

"Y-yes. Supposedly her first performance at a tournament captivated the audience to such a degree that the matter was brought to her attention. There was some other drama that happened that I believe may have had an affect on the Arboreal Maiden's final decision, but I can confirm that she did indeed receive the title." Hlapven looked at the dumbstruck general, deciding to put one more word in before he collected himself in. "It felt like it was the only thing people talked about for weeks."

"I can imagine! Even I didn't get one, and I practically dominated the solo tournaments."

"She, um, she didn't end up winning that tournament." He hated to burst his bubble like that, but Hlapven didn't want to give Arrelois the impression that he had understated her achievement.

"Hwa?! How did she get a title then?" Now it was Arrelois' turn to feel insulted. "If she wasn't the best, then why was she given a title?"

"I think that's a question only she can answer." It was all Hlapven could say to that subject. Nobody really understood the rules or conditions behind the Arboreal Maiden's conferral of titles, however most were certain that they existed given her status and reputation.

If only they knew how wrong they were.

"Seriously? Ugh, woulda been nice to have one. Coulda lorded it over Scuptin until the day I died. I can't imagine what the look on that old fucker's face would have been during those peace deals. . . I guess I should just be happy he didn't get one either."

"Indeed. I can imagine that would be a blow to morale."

The two of them pondered the hypothetical in silence for a few minutes. The importance of a title could not possibly be overstated in the realm of politics and diplomacy, it was simply impossible to come up with a situation where a title would ever prove detrimental. Even if the title had no connection to the current situation people would have to give you a certain amount of deference, you had been recognized by the Great Csillacra.

"So Len's doing good then?"

"Uh, yeah. He seemed to be healthy."

"Phew, great news." Arrelois reclined in his chair at the news he had already been told. "Let's talk about that Strauss kid. Do you think he's trustworthy?"

Once again, Hlapven wasn't sure how to respond to the general's questions. Was Donovan trustworthy? Diana almost certainly was, and she wholeheartedly believed Donovan to be trustworthy, but could Hlapven trust Donovan to hold and agreement with him the same he would with Diana? Probably not, but then again, could Donovan trust anyone as much as he trusted Diana?

"I would like to think so."

"That's a weak response."

"Well, what do you want me to say? I've had numerous interactions with his wife to be, but I cannot say that I've worked with him much. I've only talked with him a few times."

"Aye, fine, whatever." General Arrelois sighed, sliding down into his chair even further. "Do you want to stay for dinner?"


"Do you want to eat dinner here? It doesn't seem like you have anything more for me, so I thought I'd ask if you wanted dinner. You do plan on leaving right after this, right?"

"I suppose I could join you. Would that be alright?"

"Yeah, it's fine. It get's kinda boring with just four of us. Besides, I will need you there to help explain Len's situation. Do you have a preference for what you want to eat?"

"You're going to tell them?! Even after I told you it needed to be a secret?"

General Arrelois raised and eyebrow and looked straight into Hlapven's eyes. "Adopted though he may be, they are still his family. They know him just as well as I do. They need to be in on this."

Hlapven frowned, realizing his mistake as an awkward atmosphere set in.

"What do you want for dinner?"

". . . poultry?"

- - - - -

The food was much better than Hlapven had been expecting. He didn't really believe that the food would be 'bad' by the standards of the nobility, not with a domain this prosperous, but he never would have expected it to be so pleasing to his senses. Sight, smell, taste, texture, everything about the bird being served was cooked to his preferences, which was impressive. 

"My compliments to the chef." Hlapven managed to get his praises out between his (final) few bites of food. "Seriously. I have no idea how they managed to cook it so well on such short notice."

The girl, a young woman with hot pink hair, paused with her fork almost to her mouth. "Short notice?"

"Dad." Arrewiz shot an ugly glare in the direction of his father, while the woman sitting across the table from him gave him an empty smile.

". . . sorry."

"What is there to be sorry about? The food is delicious!"

"Hlapven, I'm going to guess that my father asked you a question somewhere along the lines of 'if you're staying for dinner, what would you like to eat'?"

"He did."

"Am I correct in assuming that you answered with 'bird' or 'poultry'?"

"That is correct, yes."

Both Arrewiz and the girl let out and exasperated sigh while their mother gripped her knife in a threatening manner. Arrelois dropped his head closer to his plate, desperate to avoid eye contact.

"Do you want to explain or should I?"

"I think it's your turn."

"Ugh, fine." The girl, Arreviro, set her fork down onto her plate as she prepared to speak. "What my father unsuccessfully tried to do was prank you. It is an awful habit of his. We keep our dinner on a tight schedule here, so if you had guessed something like 'steaks' or 'fish' he would have flicked you on the forehead and said 'WORNG'." For only a moment, the girl's face morphed into something hideous, a mockery of her father's mannerisms.

"Viro, keep it ladylike. You'll be looking for a husband soon, and whatever you just did to your face will do you no favors."

"Yeah yeah, whatever mom. Anyways, it turns out that somebody guessed right for once, and now he has to suffer in silence for it."

"My guess is he'll be suffering in loudness later tonight, right mom?"

"That's right dear. I've been thinking of new ways to punish him for acting like a fool, and I think there's finally something that might get him to stop."

"Little sibling?" Arreviro wore a pleading gaze. "You know I've always wanted one!"

"Viro, not at the table please." Arrewiz stopped her sister from going further. "Besides, we have Len."

"Look Wizzy, I love Len like a brother, but he is not my brother. If possible I'd want a little sister, but I will settle for a niece, which reminds me. When are you going to get it on with your lover, brother?"

"Unlike you, we plan to get started on a family once she returns from the academy."

Their mother clapped her hands, hostility in her smile as she tiled her head sideways towards Hlapven.  "Now now children, we have a guest."

""Sorry."" The table descended into silence after Wiz and Viro were told off, all parties a little bit too embarrassed to speak further. At least everybody besides Arrelois was.

"So, uh, speaking of marriage. What do you think about Arreviro, Hlapven?"

Hlapven recoiled in shock, looking to the other three people at the table for support. Arreviro and her mother rolled their eyes, sighing, while Arrewiz locked eyes with Hlapven and shook his head.

"While she is very attractive, I am afraid my father already has plans set up for me. I will have to decline."

"Eh, pity."

Half a million words. Before any of you say anything 'WORNG' was the spelling I was going for.

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