Dead Star Dockyards

204 Malice Implicit

The Arboreal Maiden stared at the screen of her tablet in mild disbelief. It was a submission from Donovan, a sort of query with regards to the Absconded Treaty they had agreed to follow. Personally she felt that the limitations and restrictions were pretty clear, especially since they had gone so far as to put them in a document in Arc's memory. 

When she received the notification, she believed it to be nothing more than a formality. The Arboreal Maiden was convinced that he was acting in good faith, showing her what he was expecting to use in the future under the pretense of checking for violations. She should have known better. What he had presented to her bordered on a crime against humanity.

By the letter of the agreements they had set out, this vehicle didn't technically violate any rules. It could kill a lot of people very quickly, but it wasn't necessarily a weapon of mass destruction. A standard field army that went against even one of these machines would suffer a grueling defeat, but it wasn't like they would have a chance in the first place. This thing would just get the job done faster.

Did Donovan really need this thing? Surely basic infantry operated machine guns would be sufficient, wouldn't they? Was there a need to go overboard like this? 

It wasn't like the Arboreal Maiden couldn't understand the need for a rapidly firing 20mm gun of sorts, airborne and anti-aircraft vehicles could put them to good use in an appropriate situation, but an infantry fighting vehicle? Was just shy of 3000 rounds per minute focused on peasants standing in neat little lines necessary? She couldn't see a justification. There existed every possibility that there were threats he was concerned about and just didn't voice here, but that wasn't under scrutiny here. The question was whether or not this violated the terms of the Absconded Treaty, and the answer was no.

She didn't like it, she felt guilty about giving it the go ahead, and yet she couldn't bring herself to put a stop to it, not without giving herself a multitude of headaches in the future. Restricting this weapon would place limits on what Donovan could do with one of the last few primary armaments available to him, rapid fire weaponry. She would have to define limits on caliber, fire rate, muzzle velocity, capacity and the like. Considering the fact that artillery was still an option available to him, holding him back in this particular field was tantamount to an exercise in futility.

The Arboreal Maiden felt sorry that she couldn't give the peasantry more of a chance against him. They had done nothing to deserve this, they lacked the ability to refuse impressment. She only prayed that this weapon would never be turned on civilians.


Her attention was brought to the top right corner of the screen, to another notification.

'Donovan has been arrested as the suspect of an attempted murder. I was not able to make out much, but from the way he carried himself I am confident that the individual who assaulted Len and Diana is the purported victim.'

The Arboreal Maiden rolled her eyes.

Murder and attempting murder were heinous crimes on the Great Csillacra, crimes punishable by death. 'Death' was probably the aim of this Rishtahn character. Having been humiliated at the party of his future lord and 'gravely wounded' by Donovan, this was likely his attempt at saving face. She hated that the justice system of the Sanctum could be manipulated by foreign nobles like this, she had made it something of a focus for the Librarian. At the moment, she was busy deepening her knowledge of English and reading up on Terran law. Nothing could be done to fix this problem, at least not for now.

'I will handle it if the situation escalates. Until the Librarian gets there I would suggest he keep himself from doing anything stupid.'

She had faith that Don could handle himself. He was an adult, he had experience dealing with the hassles of legalese and courtroom manners from his time in the military academy and could be expected to act in a mature manner. 

"Squeak!" A Skwiven dropped from the ceiling, landing right next to a snoozing Mercedes. 

"If you are here to report about Donovan's arrest, then I am afraid I have already received word." She watched in real time as it lost most of its enthusiasm. The Skwiven liked to take turns reporting to her, so it wasn't a surprise that it was hurt after finding out that the Arboreal Maiden already knew what it was going to tell her. "I thank you for your effort regardless. If at all possible, could you please inform the Librarian, Captain, and Scholar of this development? I would assume that the Librarian is already aware as well, but I wish to make sure that she responds to this reasonably quickly."

The Skwiven perked right back up at this. It may have not been able to accomplish its primary task, but orders and thanks had been bestowed upon it regardless. 

"Ah, yes, before you go. I would like to ask you to inform me if Donovan's case progresses to the point of conviction. I trust that the Librarian will be able to handle such a scenario, however it would present an opportunity for me to enact more immediate change. I have a feeling that Donovan is going to be a frequent visitor to the courtrooms."

The Skwiven had yet to leave. Its wide eyes stared unblinkingly back at her, whiskers and ears quivering for some reason.

"He'll be fine. I fear he may be a bit too eccentric and confrontational for the world that surrounds him, so his ideas are liable to pull him into trouble when he implements them during competitions. I can't imagine those arrogant fools will sit idly by while he flips the board everybody has been playing on for millions of years. If they don't assault him outright, then they will probably accuse him of causing them harm in the courts. I just want to make life easier for him going forward, nothing more, nothing less."

The Skwiven did not appear to be convinced immediately, waiting a few seconds before puffing its tail and silently scampering away. The Arboreal Maiden gave a wry smile as she watched it go. Donovan probably didn't know it yet, but they were already more loyal to him than they would ever be to her. They would still follow her instructions, they owed her a great deal, though for the most part it was because they did not believe Donovan to be mature enough to rule over them just yet. Even then, if there was something he did not want her to know they would never tell her, nothing she could do would change that.

Her eyes drifted to Mercedes, who was now awake and scanning the room. Her alert ears and gentle sniffing made her quite endearing, something that only made the Arboreal Maiden feel that much more disappointed. Mercedes was even more loyal to Donovan than the Skwiven. Was this ability to ensnare loyal subjects perhaps the Great Csillacra's doing?

She shook her head. It wasn't the doing of the Great Csillacra, it was the result of her own input. A race to lead all others needed to be capable of drawing in loyal followers, and she had made it her goal to design a race that was easy to follow. Occasionally she felt the urge to just watch what they were doing, just so that she could look at them. Her eyes drifted to one corner of the room.

"I do not recall giving you permission to enter the Inner Sanctum . . . well, whatever. It isn't like you are liable to do anything stupid."

- - - - -

"How long am I going to be sitting here and waiting for?"

"I do not know."

"Then go find out."

"I am afraid that I cannot leave my post."

"Alright, then have somebody else find out. I'm not picky." Donovan found himself sitting in a dimly lit room while he waited for his court session to start. It appeared that the trial would be taking place today, though from what he could tell Rishtahn was not here yet. "What time is it?"


"No shit. What time specifically?"

"Are we going to have a problem?"

"I don't know, are we? I'm more interested in the answers to my questions." Donovan didn't need that information. His watch had not been confiscated, so all it would take was a quick glance at his wrist to get a better handle on time than the guard could ever. "You are aware that until such a time as I am convicted I am not a criminal, correct?"

"That may be so, but we cannot allow a potential murder to roam the streets."

"Then put me under house arrest. I won't mind. It isn't like I have plans to leave."

"We cannot guarantee that."

"No, no you can't."

"If you know that, then why are you deliberately being annoying?"

"Because you've locked me in a room with fuck all to do. I mean, I suppose I could drop my pants and masturbate or something like that, but I think we would both be pretty uncomfortable."

"You would then be charged for indecent exposure."

"Hence why I'm not doing it, moron. Now are you going to tell somebody to get that mongoloid of a nobleman to hurry up?"

". . . mongoloid?"

"A colorful way of calling him a retard."

"Oh." The guard frowned, clearly finding Donovan's behavior somewhat crude. To some degree that was the point, making it clear to the guard that he would not be shown a proper level of respect if Donovan not perceive himself as being given that respect in turn. Did it border on verbal harassment? That really depended on definition, but Donovan never once made a move to threaten the guard directly. He might toss an insult, calling him an idiot for failing to comprehend Donovan's intents, but for the most part it was directed at Rishtahn, the idiot responsible for putting him in this situation.

He wasn't showing it, but Donovan was actually quite impressed by the Enforcer's control over his emotions. Donovan felt certain that most of the military police he was familiar with would have at least tried something to shut him up at this point. Probably not physical force or duct tape, likely just a raised voice or threat of a beating. Clearly Donovan wasn't going to break him before it came time for his trial, not with crude behavior at least. Perhaps it was time to change his approach.

Feigning a yawn while leaning back in his chair, Donovan thought about something to talk with the guard over. Not argue, not ask, talk. No more stick now, only carrot.

"You got a girlfriend?"


"Do you have a girlfriend. Wife maybe?"

"I have a wife, yes."

"Lucky guy. Do you have any kids?"

"We are expecting the baby to be born some time next month."

"Oh? Congrats, I guess. Does that mean you will be forced to take leave?"

"At some point."

"It's a good policy. I think I'll have to implement something similar, though maybe only conscripting those above 30 would keep it simpler."

"It is generally considered bad manners to discuss matters of conquest while in the Sanctum."

"Who said anything about conquest? That's just military management." The guard looked at him like he wasn't buying it. "Well, whatever the case I wish you the best. I'm personally waiting until we graduate for a child."

"You have a wife?"

"By the customs of our nation, not yet. There hasn't been a wedding. We are effectively a married couple though." Donovan sighed again. "You know she's partially why I'm here."

"She asked you to murder someone?"

"No. Remember the oaf that I mentioned before, Rishtahn? Well, he assaulted her and my brother at a party we hosted, so I neutralized the threat." His neutral expression turned to a scowl. "I really should have finished the job."

"You would murder someone in the Great Csillacra's embrace?!"

"Murder? Who said anything about murder? Lives taken in defense of self and others do not qualify as murder in the eyes of the Great Csillacra. I have confirmed this information quite recently from a source I very much trust."

"Still, you would go that far?"

Donovan stared coldly into the eyes of the guard, thinking carefully about his next words. It shouldn't have been a surprise, but this person did not share the same view that Donovan held.

"Do you know how little is actually required to kill someone?"


"If I were to stab you in the chest with a knife, deep enough to get past your ribcage, how long do you think it would take for you to die?"

"I mean, instantly if you hit the heart right?"

"Assume I don't hit your heart."

"Eeeh, fifteen minutes?"

"That's in the range I was expecting you to say. Fifteen minutes for a single stab to the chest, less if I just stab you again. What if I were to punch you in the face? How many punches do you think it would take to kill you?"

"Is that a threat?"

"Answer the question."

"Um, twenty, maybe?"

"One. All it takes is a little bit of bad luck and a sufficiently powerful blow to the head can kill someone. Hell, I've heard of slaps and unfortunate trips resulting in fatalities. Rattle the brain just right and you end up with a dead man on your hands. So tell me, armed with that knowledge, what would you do if someone was threatening to slap your wife?"

Donovan looked directly into the guard's eyes when he said this. He was trying to be vaguely threatening, trying to get the guard to imagine a threat.

"I-I would stop him!"


"I would . . . restrain . . . him."

"That's it? You're just going to restrain him?"


"What if you fail to do that?"


"What if you can't restrain the guy trying to kill your wife? What if he is too strong for you to stop? What would you do then?"

"U-uh, I-I don't know." Donovan looked the guard up and down. Very clearly unsettled, he had begun to shiver a bit under Donovan's gaze. 

"I'll tell you what I'd do." Their eyes locked. "I would make it impossible for that man to threaten my wife again."

The guard gulped, his grip tightening around the lance in his hand. Malice, pure and unrestrained, oozed from Donovan in this moment. On some level the guard understood that he was not the target of this bloodlust, but stuck in the sights of an enraged predator he could not help but fear for his life, a fear that persisted even after Donovan sighed.

"Well, so long as you understand then I think we'll get along. Think I could get some water while I wait?"

The guard took a few more heavy breaths before responding. "Water . . . yes, I can get you some water. Excuse me for a second." The guard turned and opened the door, something he had refused to do up until this point.

Had Donovan broken him enough to do something he shouldn't be, or was this within the scope of a door guard's duties? Don didn't know enough to say for sure, but it was probably a combination of the two. Now that the guard felt agitated, he was willing to take the out Donovan had provided him.

"Don't worry, I won't run."

I feel like the hypothetical Donovan brought up is something like an Infohazard (information which can cause harm if learned) to certain types of people, particularly those who are convinced that they could never kill someone. The real infohazard is the question of action or inaction, both of which will result in someone's death and therefore making you directly responsible for one regardless, though I don't exactly remember how it goes. Regardless, it is a pretty good intimidation tactic against someone who has yet to make up their mind, even more so against someone who is emotionally vulnerable (pregnant wife on his mind).

That in mind, I think Donovan is shaping up to be the perfect little sociopath with regards to the lives of 'those not important to him'. Perhaps possessive or violently protective is a better way of describing it. If you haven't figured it out yet, his philosophy regarding Diana's safety and well-being is pretty simple - if you harm or threaten to harm her in any way, I will do my level best to ensure a swift death for you.

Other than that, I have finished the first line-up of Terran vehicles!!! All of them are in the glossary, but I'll give you a run-down here.

Fargo - General Purpose Truck, Basically a pickup-truck that isn't gay (can't lift or lower the suspension)

The Hearse - Infantry fighting vehicle -  Peasant Muncher 9000

Hyena - Squad Vehicle -  I move real fast and make it hard to sleep

Mehmed II - Mobile Artillery - I fired a shot at those grid coordinates before you finished calling in the strike.

Suleiman - Siege/Assault Cannon - Fortification? What fortification? All I see is rubble and smoke.

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